Smart antenna arrays use digital signal processing to transmit and receive signals in an adaptive, spatially sensitive manner. They have applications in cellular networks, radar, satellite systems, and electronic warfare for counteracting jamming. Key benefits include higher capacity, coverage, bit rates, link quality and spectral efficiency. Smart antennas contain radiating elements, a combining network, and a control unit to maximize gain towards desired signals and minimize it for interferers. Two main types are switched beam antennas, which switch between predefined beams, and dynamically phased arrays, which continuously track signals using direction of arrival algorithms. Smart antennas allow for space division multiple access by separating multiple users on the same channel based on angle. They provide improved interference rejection compared to conventional or
The horn antenna is a hollow, flared structure that is commonly used as a feed element for large satellite dishes and radio telescopes. It works by transmitting electromagnetic waves through its hollow interior in an expanding spherical wavefront pattern. The flare angle affects the beamwidth and phase characteristics. Common horn antenna types include E-plane, H-plane, pyramidal, and conical. Horn antennas provide advantages like simplicity, wide bandwidth, high gain, and ease of excitation. Their performance makes them well-suited for applications like satellite communication, radio astronomy, and antenna calibration.
The document discusses horn antennas, which consist of a flaring metal shape like a horn. Horn antennas were first constructed in 1897 and became widely used in the 1960s as feed horns for satellite dishes and radio telescopes. They work by converting electric power to radio waves and vice versa, providing a gradual impedance transition between a waveguide and free space to efficiently radiate waves. Common types include rectangular, sectoral, pyramidal, and conical horns. Horn antennas are used for applications like radar guns and satellite communications due to properties like high directivity, gain, and bandwidth.
A horn antenna or microwave horn is an antenna that consists of a flaring metal waveguide shaped like a horn to direct radio waves in a beam. Horns are widely used as antennas at UHF and microwave frequencies, above 300 MHz.
A smart antenna consists of an antenna array that can change its pattern in response to the signal environment to improve communication system performance. There are two main types: switched beam arrays, which use multiple fixed beams with one beam activated towards the desired signal; and adaptive arrays, which use algorithms to minimize interfering signals and maximize signal-to-interference ratio (SIR). The goals of a smart antenna system are to improve signal gain, interfere rejection, and power efficiency.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM uses a large number of narrow sub-carriers for multi-carrier transmission to overcome the effect of multi path fading problem. LTE uses OFDM for the downlink, from base station to terminal to transmit the data over many narrow band careers of 180 KHz each instead of spreading one signal over the complete 5MHz career bandwidth. OFDM meets the LTE requirement for spectrum flexibility and enables cost-efficient solutions for very wide carriers with high peak rates.
The primary advantage of OFDM over single-carrier schemes is its ability to cope with severe channel conditions. Channel equalization is simplified. The low symbol rate makes the use of a guard interval between symbols affordable, making it possible to eliminate inter symbol interference (ISI).
This document discusses various techniques used to improve mobile radio link performance including equalization, diversity, and channel coding. It describes equalization techniques that compensate for intersymbol interference caused by multipath. It explains different types of diversity including spatial, time, and frequency diversity that are used to mitigate fading. Specifically, it outlines four common spatial diversity techniques: selection diversity, maximal ratio combining, equal gain diversity, and scanning diversity. The document also discusses time diversity and RAKE receivers used in code division multiple access systems to exploit multipath for additional time diversity gain.
An antenna array consists of multiple spatially separated antenna elements that can be combined to improve performance over a single antenna. Antenna arrays allow for high gain, steerable beams, diversity reception, interference cancellation, and direction finding. The performance of an antenna array improves as more elements are added. Additionally, increasing the element spacing provides higher directivity, but the spacing must remain below half the wavelength to avoid grating lobes. Phased arrays use differences in phase between element signals to steer the beam electronically without mechanical movement. This allows for rapid scanning compared to mechanical antennas.
An optical fiber coupler is a device that splits light from one fiber into multiple fibers. There are different types of couplers classified by their shape, including Y, T, X, star, and tree couplers. Couplers work by transferring power between fibers through their cores or surfaces. Examples show how to calculate excess loss, insertion loss, crosstalk, and splitting ratios using the measured input and output powers. Optical couplers have applications in splitting and combining optical signals in fiber networks and communication systems.
Free Space Optics (FSO) communications, also called Free Space Photonics (FSP) or Optical Wireless, refers to the transmission of modulated visible or infrared (IR) beams through the atmosphere to obtain optical communications. Like fiber, Free Space Optics (FSO) uses lasers to transmit data, but instead of enclosing the data stream in a glass fiber, it is transmitted through the air. Free Space Optics (FSO) works on the same basic principle as Infrared television remote controls, wireless keyboards
Generalized frequency division multiplexing (gfdm)Ari Jayati
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) sebagai salah satu kandidat waveform untuk teknologi 5G. GFDM merupakan modulasi multi-carrier yang menggunakan pulse shaping untuk mengontrol radiasi out of band. Dokumen ini juga membandingkan GFDM dengan OFDM dan menjelaskan kelebihan serta tantangan penerapan GFDM.
This document provides an overview of microstrip patch antenna design principles. It begins with introducing common wireless frequencies and the importance of antenna design for consumer devices. It then discusses microstrip antenna basics and design methodology, including determining initial dimensions using transmission line models or cavities models and optimizing the design using electromagnetic solvers. Guidelines for microstrip antenna design are also presented, along with equations for calculating antenna footprint dimensions and equivalent circuit parameters. An example design for a GSM microstrip antenna is shown. The presenter's past and future PhD work on tunable antennas is briefly outlined before concluding with an invitation for questions.
Design & Study of Microstrip Patch Antenna.The project here provides a detailed study of how to design a probe-fed Square Micro-strip Patch Antenna using HFSS, v11.0 software and study the effect of antenna dimensions Length (L), and substrate parameters relative Dielectric constant (竜r), substrate thickness (t) on the Radiation parameters of Bandwidth and Beam-width.
The document discusses modulation, the electro-optic effect, electro-optic modulators (EOMs), the acousto-optic effect, and acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). Modulation varies properties of a waveform to transmit information. The electro-optic effect modifies material properties with electric fields. An EOM uses this effect to modulate light. The acousto-optic effect alters material properties with strain, and an AOM controls light using sound waves.
Radar 2009 a 17 transmitters and receiversForward2025
This document provides an overview of radar transmitter and receiver systems. It begins with an introduction and block diagram of radar transmitters and receivers. The bulk of the document then focuses on different types of high power tube amplifiers used in radar transmitters, including klystrons, traveling wave tubes, crossed field amplifiers, and magnetrons. It also briefly discusses solid state RF power amplifiers. The document concludes with an outline of topics to be covered, including receivers and waveform generators, other transmitter and receiver subsystems, and radar receiver-transmitter architectures.
This document provides an overview of fractal antennas. It discusses how fractal antennas can provide multiband operation and miniaturization by increasing the effective length of the antenna while keeping the total area small. Specific fractal geometries like the Koch curve, Sierpinski carpet, and Koch island are used to generate fractal antennas. Fractal loop, monopole, and dipole antennas as well as fractal antenna arrays are examined. In conclusion, fractal antenna theory allows for the development of small, low profile antennas with applications for miniaturization and multiband frequency operation.
The document discusses various transmission characteristics of optical fibers, including different types of losses that cause signal attenuation. It covers material absorption losses from intrinsic factors like Rayleigh scattering and extrinsic factors like metallic ion impurities. Other losses covered include scattering losses from inhomogeneities, bending losses when fibers are sharply bent, and dispersion where pulse spreading occurs over fiber lengths. The maximum bit rate for optical transmission is limited by dispersion effects.
2x2 Wi-Fi Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch ArraySteaf叩n Sherlock
This document describes the design and simulation of a circularly polarized microstrip antenna array by Steaf叩n Sherlock for his Bachelor of Engineering degree. It includes chapters on microstrip antennas, antenna parameters, the design of a single patch antenna and a 2x2 array, and results from simulating and measuring the array's performance. The antenna was designed to operate at 2.4GHz for Wi-Fi applications and incorporate circular polarization to overcome issues from device orientation. Simulation and measurement results showed the antenna array had high gain, directivity, and circular polarization as required.
1) The document presents research on modifying the design of a frequency selective surface (FSS) to achieve multi-frequency operation and size reduction.
2) The initial FSS design uses a square patch that resonates at 11.2 GHz. Modifications replace the square patch with an H-shaped patch, then add patches, achieving additional resonant frequencies down to 3.83 GHz and reducing the size.
3) The best design is the third modification, which introduces a hexagonal slot and obtains three resonant frequencies between 3.83-9.2 GHz while minimizing the size. This design demonstrates a compact, multi-frequency FSS.
The presentation is about Adaptive Beamforming for high data-rate applications. Analog beamforming, which is considered a cost effective solution for consumer devices are investigated. Two adaptive analog beamforming algorithms, i.e., a well-known perturbation-based and dmr-based which overcomes the drawbacks of perturbation-based algorithm are discussed in-detail and their performance comparisons are made with the help of computer simulations. Also variation of single-port structure is considered and it's benefits are exploited with the help of modified analog beamforming algorithms.
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is a fiber optic transmission technique that employs light wavelengths to transmit data parallel-by-bit or serial-by-character. It allows for increased fiber capacity and scalability. DWDM evolved from earlier WDM techniques and can transmit 64 or more channels through a single fiber using spacing between 25-50 GHz. Ongoing research focuses on reducing dispersion and developing tunable lasers. DWDM provides a robust, simple, and cost-effective solution for growing bandwidth demands.
A type of aerial, widely used with television and VHF radio receivers, consisting of two parallel dipoles connected together at their outer ends and fed at the center of one of them. The length is usually half the operating wavelength.
1) The document provides an introduction to microwave radio communication fundamentals and IP applications. It discusses topics such as microwave spectrum, terrestrial microwave links and applications, microwave range, how microwave radios communicate, and extenders range with repeaters.
2) It then covers Layer 2 radio technology, the importance of propagation analysis, antennas and feeder systems, and RF protection. Diagrams and examples are provided to illustrate key concepts.
3) The goal is to provide network engineers an understanding of microwave fundamentals needed to design carrier Ethernet and IP microwave networks that transport voice, data, and online media with requirements for quality of service and reliability.
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. Modern WDM systems can handle up to 160 signals and expand a basic 10 Gbit/s fiber system to a theoretical total capacity of over 1.6 Tbit/s. There are two main types: coarse WDM (CWDM) uses channel spacings of 20 nm while dense WDM (DWDM) uses narrower spacings of 0.4 nm, allowing DWDM to carry more channels. WDM reduces fiber plant requirements by allowing multiple connections over one fiber.
This document discusses various techniques used to improve mobile radio link performance including equalization, diversity, and channel coding. It describes equalization techniques that compensate for intersymbol interference caused by multipath. It explains different types of diversity including spatial, time, and frequency diversity that are used to mitigate fading. Specifically, it outlines four common spatial diversity techniques: selection diversity, maximal ratio combining, equal gain diversity, and scanning diversity. The document also discusses time diversity and RAKE receivers used in code division multiple access systems to exploit multipath for additional time diversity gain.
An antenna array consists of multiple spatially separated antenna elements that can be combined to improve performance over a single antenna. Antenna arrays allow for high gain, steerable beams, diversity reception, interference cancellation, and direction finding. The performance of an antenna array improves as more elements are added. Additionally, increasing the element spacing provides higher directivity, but the spacing must remain below half the wavelength to avoid grating lobes. Phased arrays use differences in phase between element signals to steer the beam electronically without mechanical movement. This allows for rapid scanning compared to mechanical antennas.
An optical fiber coupler is a device that splits light from one fiber into multiple fibers. There are different types of couplers classified by their shape, including Y, T, X, star, and tree couplers. Couplers work by transferring power between fibers through their cores or surfaces. Examples show how to calculate excess loss, insertion loss, crosstalk, and splitting ratios using the measured input and output powers. Optical couplers have applications in splitting and combining optical signals in fiber networks and communication systems.
Free Space Optics (FSO) communications, also called Free Space Photonics (FSP) or Optical Wireless, refers to the transmission of modulated visible or infrared (IR) beams through the atmosphere to obtain optical communications. Like fiber, Free Space Optics (FSO) uses lasers to transmit data, but instead of enclosing the data stream in a glass fiber, it is transmitted through the air. Free Space Optics (FSO) works on the same basic principle as Infrared television remote controls, wireless keyboards
Generalized frequency division multiplexing (gfdm)Ari Jayati
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Generalized Frequency Division Multiplexing (GFDM) sebagai salah satu kandidat waveform untuk teknologi 5G. GFDM merupakan modulasi multi-carrier yang menggunakan pulse shaping untuk mengontrol radiasi out of band. Dokumen ini juga membandingkan GFDM dengan OFDM dan menjelaskan kelebihan serta tantangan penerapan GFDM.
This document provides an overview of microstrip patch antenna design principles. It begins with introducing common wireless frequencies and the importance of antenna design for consumer devices. It then discusses microstrip antenna basics and design methodology, including determining initial dimensions using transmission line models or cavities models and optimizing the design using electromagnetic solvers. Guidelines for microstrip antenna design are also presented, along with equations for calculating antenna footprint dimensions and equivalent circuit parameters. An example design for a GSM microstrip antenna is shown. The presenter's past and future PhD work on tunable antennas is briefly outlined before concluding with an invitation for questions.
Design & Study of Microstrip Patch Antenna.The project here provides a detailed study of how to design a probe-fed Square Micro-strip Patch Antenna using HFSS, v11.0 software and study the effect of antenna dimensions Length (L), and substrate parameters relative Dielectric constant (竜r), substrate thickness (t) on the Radiation parameters of Bandwidth and Beam-width.
The document discusses modulation, the electro-optic effect, electro-optic modulators (EOMs), the acousto-optic effect, and acousto-optic modulators (AOMs). Modulation varies properties of a waveform to transmit information. The electro-optic effect modifies material properties with electric fields. An EOM uses this effect to modulate light. The acousto-optic effect alters material properties with strain, and an AOM controls light using sound waves.
Radar 2009 a 17 transmitters and receiversForward2025
This document provides an overview of radar transmitter and receiver systems. It begins with an introduction and block diagram of radar transmitters and receivers. The bulk of the document then focuses on different types of high power tube amplifiers used in radar transmitters, including klystrons, traveling wave tubes, crossed field amplifiers, and magnetrons. It also briefly discusses solid state RF power amplifiers. The document concludes with an outline of topics to be covered, including receivers and waveform generators, other transmitter and receiver subsystems, and radar receiver-transmitter architectures.
This document provides an overview of fractal antennas. It discusses how fractal antennas can provide multiband operation and miniaturization by increasing the effective length of the antenna while keeping the total area small. Specific fractal geometries like the Koch curve, Sierpinski carpet, and Koch island are used to generate fractal antennas. Fractal loop, monopole, and dipole antennas as well as fractal antenna arrays are examined. In conclusion, fractal antenna theory allows for the development of small, low profile antennas with applications for miniaturization and multiband frequency operation.
The document discusses various transmission characteristics of optical fibers, including different types of losses that cause signal attenuation. It covers material absorption losses from intrinsic factors like Rayleigh scattering and extrinsic factors like metallic ion impurities. Other losses covered include scattering losses from inhomogeneities, bending losses when fibers are sharply bent, and dispersion where pulse spreading occurs over fiber lengths. The maximum bit rate for optical transmission is limited by dispersion effects.
2x2 Wi-Fi Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch ArraySteaf叩n Sherlock
This document describes the design and simulation of a circularly polarized microstrip antenna array by Steaf叩n Sherlock for his Bachelor of Engineering degree. It includes chapters on microstrip antennas, antenna parameters, the design of a single patch antenna and a 2x2 array, and results from simulating and measuring the array's performance. The antenna was designed to operate at 2.4GHz for Wi-Fi applications and incorporate circular polarization to overcome issues from device orientation. Simulation and measurement results showed the antenna array had high gain, directivity, and circular polarization as required.
1) The document presents research on modifying the design of a frequency selective surface (FSS) to achieve multi-frequency operation and size reduction.
2) The initial FSS design uses a square patch that resonates at 11.2 GHz. Modifications replace the square patch with an H-shaped patch, then add patches, achieving additional resonant frequencies down to 3.83 GHz and reducing the size.
3) The best design is the third modification, which introduces a hexagonal slot and obtains three resonant frequencies between 3.83-9.2 GHz while minimizing the size. This design demonstrates a compact, multi-frequency FSS.
The presentation is about Adaptive Beamforming for high data-rate applications. Analog beamforming, which is considered a cost effective solution for consumer devices are investigated. Two adaptive analog beamforming algorithms, i.e., a well-known perturbation-based and dmr-based which overcomes the drawbacks of perturbation-based algorithm are discussed in-detail and their performance comparisons are made with the help of computer simulations. Also variation of single-port structure is considered and it's benefits are exploited with the help of modified analog beamforming algorithms.
Dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) is a fiber optic transmission technique that employs light wavelengths to transmit data parallel-by-bit or serial-by-character. It allows for increased fiber capacity and scalability. DWDM evolved from earlier WDM techniques and can transmit 64 or more channels through a single fiber using spacing between 25-50 GHz. Ongoing research focuses on reducing dispersion and developing tunable lasers. DWDM provides a robust, simple, and cost-effective solution for growing bandwidth demands.
A type of aerial, widely used with television and VHF radio receivers, consisting of two parallel dipoles connected together at their outer ends and fed at the center of one of them. The length is usually half the operating wavelength.
1) The document provides an introduction to microwave radio communication fundamentals and IP applications. It discusses topics such as microwave spectrum, terrestrial microwave links and applications, microwave range, how microwave radios communicate, and extenders range with repeaters.
2) It then covers Layer 2 radio technology, the importance of propagation analysis, antennas and feeder systems, and RF protection. Diagrams and examples are provided to illustrate key concepts.
3) The goal is to provide network engineers an understanding of microwave fundamentals needed to design carrier Ethernet and IP microwave networks that transport voice, data, and online media with requirements for quality of service and reliability.
Wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology that multiplexes multiple optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber by using different wavelengths of laser light. Modern WDM systems can handle up to 160 signals and expand a basic 10 Gbit/s fiber system to a theoretical total capacity of over 1.6 Tbit/s. There are two main types: coarse WDM (CWDM) uses channel spacings of 20 nm while dense WDM (DWDM) uses narrower spacings of 0.4 nm, allowing DWDM to carry more channels. WDM reduces fiber plant requirements by allowing multiple connections over one fiber.
Antena horn sektoral bidang H adalah antena celah berbasis saluran pandu gelombang persegi yang luasannya melebar ke arah bidang medan magnet horisontal, membentuk piramida. Dimensi antena seperti panjang saluran pandu dan lebar pelebaran mempengaruhi pola radiasi dan direktivitasnya. Antena ini digunakan untuk aplikasi seperti siaran TV, jaringan nirkabel, dan komunikasi pesawat ruang angkasa.
Bagian 6 membahas antena telekomunikasi. Antena memainkan peran penting dalam sistem telekomunikasi dengan mengkonversi sinyal listrik menjadi gelombang elektromagnetik dan sebaliknya. Ada beberapa jenis antena seperti antena Hertz dan Marconi yang digunakan tergantung frekuensi sinyalnya. Karakteristik penting antena adalah reciprocity, directivity, gain, dan polarization.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pemilihan jenis antenna untuk ham radio. Ia menjelaskan beberapa faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam memilih antenna seperti impedansi, kemampuan pancaran, polarisasi, dan karakteristik lainnya dari berbagai jenis antenna. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan prinsip dasar tentang antenna seperti bandwidth, arah pancaran, dan rasio depan-belakang.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang produksi audio dan studio, mencakup sinkronisasi sinyal video dan audio, teknologi digital dan analog, pemilihan microphone, penggunaan mixer audio, dan peran insinyur suara dalam produksi.
Antena adalah elemen penting dalam alat komunikasi yang berfungsi untuk mengubah sinyal listrik menjadi gelombang elektromagnetik dan sebaliknya. Jenis antena berbeda-beda tergantung pada fungsi, gain, dan polarisasi, seperti antena dipol yang memiliki polarisasi linear vertikal dan sering digunakan untuk sistem komunikasi dengan cakupan luas. Karakteristik antena seperti pola radiasi dan directivity penting untuk memilih antena yang sesu
Dokumen ini membahas penggunaan antena pada radio, televisi, dan radar. Antena berfungsi untuk mengubah sinyal listrik menjadi gelombang elektromagnetik dan sebaliknya. Karakteristik antena yang dijelaskan meliputi pola radiasi, directivity, gain, dan polarisasi. Dokumen ini juga menjelaskan penggunaan antena pada radio untuk mentransmisikan sinyal, pada televisi untuk siaran televisi, dan pada radar untuk deteksi objek men
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang antena array yang terdiri dari beberapa elemen antena yang diatur secara teratur untuk membentuk satu antena dengan keuntungan daya pancar yang lebih besar. Antena array didesain untuk menghasilkan pola radiasi tertentu dengan mempertimbangkan konfigurasi elemen, jarak antara elemen, amplitudo dan fase setiap elemen.
Info PELAKSANAAN + Link2 MATERI Training "Teknik Perhitungan dan Verifikasi T...Kanaidi ken
bagi Para Karyawan *PT. Tri Hasta Karya (Cilacap)* yang diselenbggarakan di *Hotel H! Senen - Jakarta*, 24-25 Februari 2025.
Narasumber/ Pemateri Training: Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP., CBCM
HP/Wa Kanaidi: 0812 2353 284,
e-mail :
Masukan untuk Peta Jalan Strategis Keangkasaan IndonesiaDadang Solihin
Tujuan penyusunan naskah masukan untuk peta jalan strategis keangkasaan Indonesia ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kedaulatan dan pemanfaatan wilayah angkasa Indonesia dalam rangka memperkuat Ketahanan Nasional dan Visi Indonesia Emas 2045.
3. Antena Celah (Aperture Antenna)
Antena horn
Horn atau elektromagnetik horn
alat transisi antara saluran transmisi dan ruang bebas
sehingga matching untuk gelombang terbimbing ke
gelombang bebas atau sebaliknya.
. . . . .horn merupakan waveguide yang diatur sehingga
gelombang-gelombang dalam bumbung (celah/horn)
menyebar menurut orde tertentu.
Dipakai sebagai alat untuk memberikan pengarahan
(directivity) gelombang elektromagnet dengan
bidang frekuensi
4. Jenis - jenis Antena Horn
A. Rectangular Type
B. Circular Type
5. Horn Rectangular Type
a. Sectoral Horn, meliputi :
- sectoral E-plane
E-plane sektoral di arah listrik atau E-lapangan di Waveguide.
- sectoral H-plane
H-plane sektoral di arah magnetik atau H-field di Waveguide.
6. Horn Rectangular Type
b. Pyramidal horn, meliputi :
- acute pyramidal
- wedge shaped pyramidal
- exponentially tepered pyramidal
7. Horn Circular Type
a. Conical horn, meliputi :
- conical horn biasa
- exponentially tepered conical horn
8. Horn Circular Type
b. Biconical horn :
- TEM mode biconical
- TG01 mode biconical
9. Directivity Horn
Dimana :
D = Directivity
Ae = aperture/celah efektif ( m2 )
Ap = aperture/celah fisik ( m2 ),
eap = efisiensi aperture ( Ae / Ap )
lamda = panjang gelombang ( m )