Evaluatie Barbahuis. De schat ligt klaar!Wilma Klaren
Presentatie van de opbrengsten van Barbahuis. Barbahuis is een aanpak van ontwikkelen van nieuwbouw en
transformatie van sociale huur appartementen op basis van drie klantwaarden: altijd thuis, betaalbaarheid en duurzaamheid.
De schat ligt klaar - presentatie evaluatie Barbahuis.
De opbrengst van een bijzonder innovatieprogramma. Een nieuwe aanpak van (her) ontwikkelen van sociale huur woningen met als kernwaarden klantgericht, betaalbaar en duurzaam
The document describes an ideal city through acrostics and descriptions provided by students. The city has lots of green spaces like trees, flowers and grass. It bans cars but encourages bicycles, public transport and animals. Playgrounds are abundant and people are happy. The sky is filled with rainbows, balloons and fireworks.
Here are 10 negative sentences using simple past tense about things I didn't do last week:
1. I didn't go to the movies last week.
2. I didn't visit any museums.
3. I didn't go shopping.
4. I didn't play any sports.
5. I didn't cook any meals.
6. I didn't do any chores around the house.
7. I didn't go out to eat at any restaurants.
8. I didn't take any vacations or trips.
9. I didn't read any books for fun.
10. I didn't binge watch any TV shows.
The document discusses classroom management strategies including organizing classroom materials through filing systems and flexibility with assignments. It also covers adopting the right teaching personality by finding a balance between being a friend and enforcing rules. Additionally, it recommends creating a strong environment at the start of the year, maintaining self-control when disciplining students, and documenting all interactions and student behavior.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for designing curriculum that provides multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression to give all students equal opportunities to learn. UDL encourages presenting content through various modalities by addressing recognition networks, strategic networks, and affective networks. Teachers can implement UDL through three principles - presenting information in different ways, allowing varied means of student expression, and stimulating interest and motivation. Resources for implementing UDL include leveled readers, podcasts, multimedia projects, and experiences that optimize choice, relevance, and collaboration to sustain student effort and persistence. UDL aligns with International Baccalaureate goals by allowing students to connect concepts in personalized ways and think globally.
Desarrollo Local Integrado y Sostenible-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
- Primero reported record quarterly results for Q2 2012, including production, profit margins, operating cash flow, and silver sales at spot prices.
- Production and financial guidance for 2012 was increased, with higher throughput, gold equivalent production, and lower cash costs expected.
- The company has a strong cash position of $126 million and significant operating cash flow, with conservative levels of debt.
- Expansion scenarios could increase production to over 200,000 gold equivalent ounces by 2015 through mill expansions.
This document contains charts and diagrams summarizing production and exploration activities for a mining company. It shows gold and silver production increasing steadily over time. Maps depict the location of current mining operations and plans for expanding exploration at the company's key property. The company intends to continue drilling for extensions of known veins to further develop the mineral resource at the property.
The document outlines a scene involving Maria Younes, Debbie Marques, and Milka Erko discussing various personal topics such as relationships, family problems, school, hobbies, jobs, and drugs. It then provides a shot list for filming a scene where Maria comes into a room and sits down with Milka, including different shot types like long shots, close-ups, and two shots to convey the conversation and emotions between the characters. Props and costumes are noted to remain simple with the characters in black and white clothes.
The document describes the key formal elements and conventions used in magazine layouts including:
1) Prominent titles, images of bands, and contents listings to grab attention and identify the subject matter.
2) Consistent color schemes, fonts, and placement of elements to provide a recognizable structure and guide readers through the pages.
3) A variety of shot types and sizes of band images together with articles about them to showcase the music and entertain readers.
The document summarizes a study on the effects of cypermethrin pesticide on rabbit biochemistry and liver/kidney histology. Rabbits received low, medium, or high doses of cypermethrin intraperitoneally over 71 days. Blood samples were analyzed for liver and kidney enzymes/proteins. Liver and kidney tissues were examined histologically. Results showed cypermethrin increased liver enzymes and urea/creatinine levels in blood in a dose-dependent manner, indicating liver and kidney damage. Histological examination found corresponding dose-dependent lesions in the liver (degeneration, bile duct hyperplasia) and kidneys (necrosis, cast deposition, increased urinary space), confirming cyper
IPC Media would be well-suited to distribute the media product because it produces over 60 iconic brands across print and digital formats, targeting men, mass market women and upmarket women. IPC's diverse portfolio would allow the magazine brand to flourish and help it reach its target audience around the country. The magazine would be sold in mainstream shops like Tesco's and magazine shops as well as record shops to reach a broad audience.
The document discusses the various technologies used to create a music magazine, including hardware like a PC, printer, digital camera, scanner, and software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Blogger, Microsoft Office, Windows Live Movie Maker, and Audacity. A PC and digital camera were used to take photos, Photoshop and InDesign were used for graphic design and layout, Blogger was used for blogging progress, and Movie Maker and Audacity were used to create promotional videos. Various roles were assumed like graphic designer, journalist, photographer, and editor.
The document describes an ideal city through acrostics and descriptions provided by students. The city has lots of green spaces like trees, flowers and grass. It bans cars but encourages bicycles, public transport and animals. Playgrounds are abundant and people are happy. The sky is filled with rainbows, balloons and fireworks.
Here are 10 negative sentences using simple past tense about things I didn't do last week:
1. I didn't go to the movies last week.
2. I didn't visit any museums.
3. I didn't go shopping.
4. I didn't play any sports.
5. I didn't cook any meals.
6. I didn't do any chores around the house.
7. I didn't go out to eat at any restaurants.
8. I didn't take any vacations or trips.
9. I didn't read any books for fun.
10. I didn't binge watch any TV shows.
The document discusses classroom management strategies including organizing classroom materials through filing systems and flexibility with assignments. It also covers adopting the right teaching personality by finding a balance between being a friend and enforcing rules. Additionally, it recommends creating a strong environment at the start of the year, maintaining self-control when disciplining students, and documenting all interactions and student behavior.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for designing curriculum that provides multiple means of engagement, representation, and action and expression to give all students equal opportunities to learn. UDL encourages presenting content through various modalities by addressing recognition networks, strategic networks, and affective networks. Teachers can implement UDL through three principles - presenting information in different ways, allowing varied means of student expression, and stimulating interest and motivation. Resources for implementing UDL include leveled readers, podcasts, multimedia projects, and experiences that optimize choice, relevance, and collaboration to sustain student effort and persistence. UDL aligns with International Baccalaureate goals by allowing students to connect concepts in personalized ways and think globally.
Desarrollo Local Integrado y Sostenible-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at http://www.powtoon.com/ -- Create animated videos and animated presentations for free. PowToon is a free tool that allows you to develop cool animated clips and animated presentations for your website, office meeting, sales pitch, nonprofit fundraiser, product launch, video resume, or anything else you could use an animated explainer video. PowToon's animation templates help you create animated presentations and animated explainer videos from scratch. Anyone can produce awesome animations quickly with PowToon, without the cost or hassle other professional animation services require.
- Primero reported record quarterly results for Q2 2012, including production, profit margins, operating cash flow, and silver sales at spot prices.
- Production and financial guidance for 2012 was increased, with higher throughput, gold equivalent production, and lower cash costs expected.
- The company has a strong cash position of $126 million and significant operating cash flow, with conservative levels of debt.
- Expansion scenarios could increase production to over 200,000 gold equivalent ounces by 2015 through mill expansions.
This document contains charts and diagrams summarizing production and exploration activities for a mining company. It shows gold and silver production increasing steadily over time. Maps depict the location of current mining operations and plans for expanding exploration at the company's key property. The company intends to continue drilling for extensions of known veins to further develop the mineral resource at the property.
The document outlines a scene involving Maria Younes, Debbie Marques, and Milka Erko discussing various personal topics such as relationships, family problems, school, hobbies, jobs, and drugs. It then provides a shot list for filming a scene where Maria comes into a room and sits down with Milka, including different shot types like long shots, close-ups, and two shots to convey the conversation and emotions between the characters. Props and costumes are noted to remain simple with the characters in black and white clothes.
The document describes the key formal elements and conventions used in magazine layouts including:
1) Prominent titles, images of bands, and contents listings to grab attention and identify the subject matter.
2) Consistent color schemes, fonts, and placement of elements to provide a recognizable structure and guide readers through the pages.
3) A variety of shot types and sizes of band images together with articles about them to showcase the music and entertain readers.
The document summarizes a study on the effects of cypermethrin pesticide on rabbit biochemistry and liver/kidney histology. Rabbits received low, medium, or high doses of cypermethrin intraperitoneally over 71 days. Blood samples were analyzed for liver and kidney enzymes/proteins. Liver and kidney tissues were examined histologically. Results showed cypermethrin increased liver enzymes and urea/creatinine levels in blood in a dose-dependent manner, indicating liver and kidney damage. Histological examination found corresponding dose-dependent lesions in the liver (degeneration, bile duct hyperplasia) and kidneys (necrosis, cast deposition, increased urinary space), confirming cyper
IPC Media would be well-suited to distribute the media product because it produces over 60 iconic brands across print and digital formats, targeting men, mass market women and upmarket women. IPC's diverse portfolio would allow the magazine brand to flourish and help it reach its target audience around the country. The magazine would be sold in mainstream shops like Tesco's and magazine shops as well as record shops to reach a broad audience.
The document discusses the various technologies used to create a music magazine, including hardware like a PC, printer, digital camera, scanner, and software like Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Blogger, Microsoft Office, Windows Live Movie Maker, and Audacity. A PC and digital camera were used to take photos, Photoshop and InDesign were used for graphic design and layout, Blogger was used for blogging progress, and Movie Maker and Audacity were used to create promotional videos. Various roles were assumed like graphic designer, journalist, photographer, and editor.
Artikel veranderen door de bril van de medewerker businesspreneurGertjan Verstoep
Wat je nodig hebt is eigenaarschap!
Eigenaarschap is iets zeer bijzonders. Lukt het je om eigenaarschap te cre?ren, dan is de verandering voor een groot deel al geslaagd. De uitkomst is dat alle betrokken partijen, die zich eigenaar zijn gaan voelen, hun verantwoordelijkheid willen nemen en bereid zijn om te investeren en durven risico te lopen. Van de leiding wordt gevraagd om continu het eigenaarschap scherp op het netvlies te houden en te bewaken.
Op 8 maart organiseerde Morphis in samenwerking met DataDirection een kennissessie met als thema: ''Hoe help jij jouw organisatie om (weer) verliefd te worden op de klant".
1. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Dennis C.Q. Havermans
Juni 2011
2. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
¡°Alleen wie het aandurft om te falen, krijgt de kans om te slagen¡±
John F. Kennedy
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 2
3. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Facts & Figures.
? 5e gemeente van Nederland
? 216.157 inwoners (1 april 2011)
? 88.84 km2 grondgebied
? Onderdeel van de SRE en
Brabant Stad
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 3
6. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Antwoord ? concept
binnen Eindoven
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 6
7. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Bedreigingen & kansen E-
? Change management
? Digitalisering van processen
? Behoefte en waardering
? Technologische ontwikkelingen
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 7
8. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Customer Value
Dennis C.Q. Havermans
klant 8
9. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 9
10. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Voorbeeld, Stadskantoor
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 10
11. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Voorbeeld, TD gebouw
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 11
12. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 12
13. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
¡°Bewustwording is een proces
in de mens dat verband houdt
met een verruiming van het
Fase Stap Omschrijving
4. Communiceer om draagvlak en Houdtduidelijk de de toekomst anderen van
Zorg ervooraanhoenieuwe werkwijzen en de
Maakanderen inzien waarom verandering zorg
vast dat zoveel mogelijk verschilt
3. Ontwikkel een visie en strategie voor de
betrokkenheid te cre?ren. Help en de strategie begrijpen totdat ze sterk
dat deze resultaten opleveren,en accepteren.
Maak een plan van aanpak
Bestendig de nieuwe situatie 8. Cre?er een nieuwe cultuur. het verleden enen waarom het belangrijk is de
noodzakelijk is hoe de toekomst kan worden
verandering. gevoel van urgentie.
1. Cre?er een genoeg zijn om de oude werkwijzen te
Neem zoveel mogelijk obstakels weg, zodat
5. Maak het anderen mogelijk om te gerealiseerd.zo snel mogelijk in te voeren. Dit
vervangen. de visie willen realiseren dit ook
degenen die
handelen. in het kader van bewustwording.
kunnen doen.
Zorg dat het gebeurt Cre?er zo snel mogelijk een aantal zichtbare,
6. Genereer korte termijn successen.
overtuigende successen.
Bereid de weg voor Voer de druk en sterke groep isna de eerste
Zorg dat er een het tempo op die de
7. Houdt het tempo hoog. verandering stuurt, die leiding kan geven,
successen. Blijf veranderingen doorvoeren
geloofwaardig is binnen het team, over
totdat de visie is gerealiseerd.
2. Verzamel een leidend team.
communicatieve vaardigheden beschikt, die
autoriteit heeft, kan analyseren en overtuigd
is van de noodzaak van de verandering.
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 13
14. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Urgentie cre?ren
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 14
15. Customer Value in relatie tot E-overheid
Dennis C.Q. Havermans 15