The document discusses integrating Google Apps for Education (GA4E), including Google Docs, Gmail, and Google Calendar, within the Sakai OAE platform. It proposes adding GA4E as a new top-level navigation option and embedding individual GA4E applications within OAE. Integration would extend OAE's existing collaboration features and require adjustments to its user interface framework. The document outlines several specific integration strategies and issues to address, such as authoring and viewing Google Docs, displaying calendar events and assignments, and enabling email communication between OAE and Gmail.
This document outlines a presentation about engaging users for software teams at UC Berkeley. It discusses why user engagement is important, challenges with user engagement, examples of user engagement activities, and how software teams can find and effectively engage with users.
The document summarizes the goals of Berkeley's Student Experience Project, which aims to holistically understand and enhance the student experience through workshops, focus groups, and user-centered design. The project seeks insights directly from students to validate design decisions and address functional student needs and challenges.
The document examines people's energy usage habits at home through interviews. It finds that most people use regular light bulbs and fluorescent lights rather than more efficient bulbs, and heat water through non-renewable energy instead of renewable options like solar. Interviews also revealed that people own many electrical appliances and consume more electricity than necessary. While gas/diesel usage is low, electricity bills are high due to lack of energy saving practices. The conclusion calls for greater awareness and conservation efforts to prevent environmental issues caused by wasteful energy usage.
Este documento n達o continha nenhum conte炭do. Consistia apenas no t鱈tulo "FOTOS HISTRICAS DE RUBINIA F叩bio Rodrigues Junior" seguido por uma s辿rie de caracteres de quebra de linha.
This document describes Launch48, an accelerator program that provides 6 startups with 10 weeks of access to mentors, advisors, investors and a vibrant community. Startups in the program gain guidance from amazing mentors and coaches, connections to active angel investors, and support to push their launch forward. Applications for the next cohort open on September 9th.
The survey interviewed 11 people ages 15 to 38 in Alcanar, Spain about their energy usage habits at home. It found that most people use normal light bulbs and fluorescent lights instead of energy efficient bulbs. All people heat water through non-renewable energy rather than solar. People have more electrical appliances than necessary and use more energy. Electricity bills are high while gas/diesel bills are lower. Though people say they save energy, their reported habits suggest otherwise. Increased awareness of energy usage could lead to reduced consumption.
The document discusses becoming a UX practitioner. It defines UX as involving performing user research, analyzing that research, and articulating the analysis into deliverables for developers. It notes that UX practitioners need a shared definition and language. The document outlines competencies for UX roles and how experience, education, and exposure can help someone achieve those competencies over time.
The document examines people's energy usage habits at home through interviews. It finds that most people use regular light bulbs and fluorescent lights rather than more efficient bulbs, rely on non-renewable energy like gas for hot water rather than renewable options like solar, and own more electrical appliances than necessary. While people report high electricity usage, their gas or diesel usage is lower. The conclusion calls for greater energy saving awareness and habits to prevent negative environmental impacts from excessive consumption.
Startups benefit greatly from using cloud computing infrastructure over traditional systems. The cloud provides rapid deployment and scalability with lower upfront costs. It allows startups to focus on their product instead of worrying about infrastructure. Animoto successfully scaled their system from 25,000 to 250,000 users in just 3 days by leveraging the elastic capabilities of the cloud. Other startups like EnTrip have also moved to the cloud to handle heavy processing loads and database searches needed to power their online travel applications. Cloud platforms and services help startups manage scalable, redundant infrastructure so they can grow quickly.
Undangan pernikahan untuk nikah pada 10 November 2012 dan resepsi pada 11 November 2012 di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Keluarga mempelai pria dan wanita mengundang kerabat dan saudara untuk hadir memberikan doa restu.
Christopher Parsonson worked for Polygelco from August to October 2015 assisting with data collection and analysis of competitors' products. He helped develop a strategy to organize large amounts of data and created a useful spreadsheet tool. His work gave the company insights to review and expand their product portfolio. The director was impressed with Christopher's skills and maturity in handling the project and would recommend him for future responsibilities.
The survey interviewed 11 people ages 15 to 38 in Alcanar, Spain about their energy usage habits at home. It found that most people use normal light bulbs and fluorescent lights instead of energy efficient bulbs. All people heat water through non-renewable energy rather than solar. People have more electrical appliances than necessary and use more energy. Electricity bills are high while gas/diesel bills are lower. Though people say they save energy, their reported habits suggest otherwise. Increased awareness of energy usage could lead to reduced consumption.
The document discusses becoming a UX practitioner. It defines UX as involving performing user research, analyzing that research, and articulating the analysis into deliverables for developers. It notes that UX practitioners need a shared definition and language. The document outlines competencies for UX roles and how experience, education, and exposure can help someone achieve those competencies over time.
The document examines people's energy usage habits at home through interviews. It finds that most people use regular light bulbs and fluorescent lights rather than more efficient bulbs, rely on non-renewable energy like gas for hot water rather than renewable options like solar, and own more electrical appliances than necessary. While people report high electricity usage, their gas or diesel usage is lower. The conclusion calls for greater energy saving awareness and habits to prevent negative environmental impacts from excessive consumption.
Startups benefit greatly from using cloud computing infrastructure over traditional systems. The cloud provides rapid deployment and scalability with lower upfront costs. It allows startups to focus on their product instead of worrying about infrastructure. Animoto successfully scaled their system from 25,000 to 250,000 users in just 3 days by leveraging the elastic capabilities of the cloud. Other startups like EnTrip have also moved to the cloud to handle heavy processing loads and database searches needed to power their online travel applications. Cloud platforms and services help startups manage scalable, redundant infrastructure so they can grow quickly.
Undangan pernikahan untuk nikah pada 10 November 2012 dan resepsi pada 11 November 2012 di Gresik, Jawa Timur. Keluarga mempelai pria dan wanita mengundang kerabat dan saudara untuk hadir memberikan doa restu.
Christopher Parsonson worked for Polygelco from August to October 2015 assisting with data collection and analysis of competitors' products. He helped develop a strategy to organize large amounts of data and created a useful spreadsheet tool. His work gave the company insights to review and expand their product portfolio. The director was impressed with Christopher's skills and maturity in handling the project and would recommend him for future responsibilities.
3. Website ontwikkeling Uitgangspunten en activiteiten bepalen a.d.h.v. wensen, voorwaarden en kenmerken. Sluiten kenmerken aan op uw webmarketingbeleid? Roadmap.
4. Zoekmachine optimalisatie Garantie voor succesvolle indexering? Eigen structuur en techniek website. Hoe is de tekst beschikbaar binnen de website?
5. Emailmarketing Potenti谷le gasten op de hoogte houden van het laatste nieuws & aanbiedingen. Subscribe-functie op website. Templates voor e-mail newsletter.
6. PR en online advertising Nieuws- en pers/mediapagina op website. Distributie van de nieuws- en persberichten naar relevante media. Opbouwen van een goed link netwerk.
7. Travel 2.0 concepten Web 2.0 toepassingen toegespitst op travel industry (Trip Advisor). Kansen en bedreigingen travel 2.0