An initial work on coming out with specialized postgraduate programme focusing on software testing and quality, both for full-time and part-time studies. Presented at Malaysian Software Engineering Conference 2014 (MySEC14) in Langkawi, Malaysia.
The document summarizes a presentation given by librarians Sarah Bosler and Lanette Granger at Citrus College. It discusses the library's goals of collaboration, information competency, green processes, and collection development. It provides an overview of the library's print and ebook collections, databases, and technologies to watch like electronic books, augmented reality and gesture-based learning. It also discusses services like reference, instruction, interlibrary loans and reserves. Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with librarians on collection development and recommending resources to students.
The document discusses the drawbacks of categorizing feminist thought and activism into "waves". While the wave model provides a convenient shorthand, it oversimplifies the issues by focusing only on Western experiences, implying linear progress between waves, and questions who belongs to each wave as many issues span generations. The waves also described are: first wave from the mid-1800s to 1920 focused on suffrage; second wave from the 1960s to 1980s on reproductive rights and pay equity; and third wave from the 1990s to present on sexuality and pop culture.
Keyideas Infotech is a software development company which also works as mobile application development company. We offer our services at very affordable prices to our clients until they are not satisfied with our work. We believe in customer satisfaction.
Welcome to San Francisco!
We are excited to be bringing you the second Lucene Revolution event, following quickly on the
success of our 2010 conference in Boston last year. In addition to all the great feedback we received
after Boston, many people asked about bringing the conference to the West Coast – and here we
are. It’s great to host the community here in our home state of California.
There’s now no question: the revolution is in full swing, and Lucene and Solr are shaping the future
of search. The diverse range of search technology and applications is without a doubt one of its
greatest strengths. For the extended community and ecosystem of open source search, Lucene
Revolution is an unmatched opportunity to learn, network, share experiences, see how others have
changed the world of search.
The document provides information about library services at Citrus College Library. It lists the full-time librarian staff and then summarizes the various services and resources available including public computers, printing, reserve textbooks, the children's collection, reference desk assistance, circulating books, searching the library catalog, ebooks, audiovisual materials, study areas, and library instruction sessions. Hours of operation are also provided for winter/spring 2013.
This document outlines 3 generations of human rights and discusses positive and negative rights. The first generation are civil and political rights. The second are economic, social and cultural rights. The third are a mixed group of additional rights. Positive rights are obligations of a state to protect and fulfill rights, while negative rights are freedoms from interference by the state. International organizations that support and enforce human rights include the International Criminal Court, United Nations, and non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
Clipping Famastil 2010/02 - Publicações On LineAgência DUE
A empresa brasileira FamaStil Taurus produz peças de aço para a indústria automobilÃstica. Ela está investindo em novas tecnologias para melhorar a qualidade e reduzir custos. A FamaStil Taurus espera que esses investimentos levem a ganhos de produtividade e mercado.
This document discusses the branding elements used across a music artist's main products and ancillary texts. Key elements of the branding included using a black hoodie costume, dark and neutral colors, locations like alleys and nightclubs that fit the social realism genre, and visual effects like solarization and black and white to create mystery and establish the narrative. The branding remained consistent throughout the music video, magazine ad, album cover, and back cover to effectively portray the artist's identity and genre.
Both In-house and Outsource mobile app development process have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, it is better to do some research before hiring mobile app developers.
The united nations & transnational feminist organizationsSarah Rainey
The document discusses the history and evolution of international feminism and women's rights issues from 1880 to present. It traces the origins of activism among elite colonial men and women and the rise of anti-colonial nationalism. It then outlines major UN conferences on women's issues from 1945-1985 and the growing diversity of perspectives represented. Key issues addressed have expanded from initial focuses on suffrage, peace and education to include poverty, violence, work, war and human rights. Landmark agreements like CEDAW aimed to promote women's rights, as discussions shifted power from Western to global Southern voices beginning in 1985.
Steeds meer mensen lijden onder stress in de wereld van vandaag. Stress kan onze gezondheid en welzijn schaden. Kan door massage stress op zowel fysiek als mentaal niveau verminderd worden?
The document summarizes a presentation given by librarians Sarah Bosler and Lanette Granger at Citrus College. It discusses the library's goals of collaboration, information competency, green processes, and collection development. It provides an overview of the library's print and ebook collections, databases, and technologies to watch like electronic books, augmented reality and gesture-based learning. It also discusses services like reference, instruction, interlibrary loans and reserves. Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with librarians on collection development and recommending resources to students.
The document discusses the drawbacks of categorizing feminist thought and activism into "waves". While the wave model provides a convenient shorthand, it oversimplifies the issues by focusing only on Western experiences, implying linear progress between waves, and questions who belongs to each wave as many issues span generations. The waves also described are: first wave from the mid-1800s to 1920 focused on suffrage; second wave from the 1960s to 1980s on reproductive rights and pay equity; and third wave from the 1990s to present on sexuality and pop culture.
Keyideas Infotech is a software development company which also works as mobile application development company. We offer our services at very affordable prices to our clients until they are not satisfied with our work. We believe in customer satisfaction.
Welcome to San Francisco!
We are excited to be bringing you the second Lucene Revolution event, following quickly on the
success of our 2010 conference in Boston last year. In addition to all the great feedback we received
after Boston, many people asked about bringing the conference to the West Coast – and here we
are. It’s great to host the community here in our home state of California.
There’s now no question: the revolution is in full swing, and Lucene and Solr are shaping the future
of search. The diverse range of search technology and applications is without a doubt one of its
greatest strengths. For the extended community and ecosystem of open source search, Lucene
Revolution is an unmatched opportunity to learn, network, share experiences, see how others have
changed the world of search.
The document provides information about library services at Citrus College Library. It lists the full-time librarian staff and then summarizes the various services and resources available including public computers, printing, reserve textbooks, the children's collection, reference desk assistance, circulating books, searching the library catalog, ebooks, audiovisual materials, study areas, and library instruction sessions. Hours of operation are also provided for winter/spring 2013.
This document outlines 3 generations of human rights and discusses positive and negative rights. The first generation are civil and political rights. The second are economic, social and cultural rights. The third are a mixed group of additional rights. Positive rights are obligations of a state to protect and fulfill rights, while negative rights are freedoms from interference by the state. International organizations that support and enforce human rights include the International Criminal Court, United Nations, and non-governmental organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.
Clipping Famastil 2010/02 - Publicações On LineAgência DUE
A empresa brasileira FamaStil Taurus produz peças de aço para a indústria automobilÃstica. Ela está investindo em novas tecnologias para melhorar a qualidade e reduzir custos. A FamaStil Taurus espera que esses investimentos levem a ganhos de produtividade e mercado.
This document discusses the branding elements used across a music artist's main products and ancillary texts. Key elements of the branding included using a black hoodie costume, dark and neutral colors, locations like alleys and nightclubs that fit the social realism genre, and visual effects like solarization and black and white to create mystery and establish the narrative. The branding remained consistent throughout the music video, magazine ad, album cover, and back cover to effectively portray the artist's identity and genre.
Both In-house and Outsource mobile app development process have their own advantages and disadvantages. So, it is better to do some research before hiring mobile app developers.
The united nations & transnational feminist organizationsSarah Rainey
The document discusses the history and evolution of international feminism and women's rights issues from 1880 to present. It traces the origins of activism among elite colonial men and women and the rise of anti-colonial nationalism. It then outlines major UN conferences on women's issues from 1945-1985 and the growing diversity of perspectives represented. Key issues addressed have expanded from initial focuses on suffrage, peace and education to include poverty, violence, work, war and human rights. Landmark agreements like CEDAW aimed to promote women's rights, as discussions shifted power from Western to global Southern voices beginning in 1985.
Steeds meer mensen lijden onder stress in de wereld van vandaag. Stress kan onze gezondheid en welzijn schaden. Kan door massage stress op zowel fysiek als mentaal niveau verminderd worden?
presentatie Business Yoga als instrument voor de duurzame inzetbaarheid van het personeel, zoals ik deze heb gepresenteerd op de NVP vitaliteitsmarkt tijdens het symposium over duurzame inzetbaarheid in Zwolle.
Herstel project Langdurige COVID - InformatieFocus To B.V.
De insteek van deze training is het oplossen van Langdurige COVID klachten die het dagelijkse leven behoorlijk in de weg staan, zoals vermoeidheid, kortademigheid, weinig energie, verminderde concentratie, vergeetachtigheid, stijve/pijnlijke spieren en gewrichten, een futloos gevoel.
De hartcoherentie training is bestemd voor zorgverleners van alle niveaus en functies. Deze training werkt preventief, maar is ook geschikt als u hoge werkdruk ervaart. Gezondheid verbetert en vaak kan verzuim worden voorkomen. Leidinggevenden kunnen hun persoonlijk leiderschap versterken door hartcoherentie.
Naarmate we ouder worden, is het normaal dat spanningen, pijnen en pijn worden gevoeld, maar osteopathie is een van de vele hulpmiddelen die u kunt gebruiken om terug te vechten en uw lichaam opnieuw op te eisen. Osteopathie is effectief voor mensen in alle levensfasen, van kleutertijd tot zwangerschap en senioren, en biedt zachte, holistische zorg voor uw lichaam.
U kunt profiteren van de voordelen van osteopathie. Bezoek ook onze website voor meer informatie.
2. IntroductIe
In tijden van drukte (op het werk, in het gezin of elders) kunnen
veel mensen wel wat rust gebruiken. even een moment van stil-
staan (om vooruit te kunnen), ontspanning ervaren om daarna met
nieuwe energie weer verder te gaan en te kunnen.
Maar hoe doe je dat? die momenten nemen en hoe kom je aan die
Stoelmassage is een effectieve
drukpuntmassage (triggerpoint)
van hoofd, rug, nek, schouders,
heupen, armen en handen.
door stress en/of bijvoorbeeld
een slechte werkhouding
ontstaan er allerlei blokkades
die kunnen leiden tot
lichamelijke klachten zoals stijve en pijnlijke spieren. Stoelmas-
sage neemt deze blokkades weg en werkt daarnaast preventief en
ontspannend. Het vermindert o.a. stress en vermoeidheid en kan
de werksfeer en prestaties verbeteren. daarnaast bevordert het de
energie doorstroming en versoepelt het de spieren en gewrichten.
Stoelmassage is niet bedoeld ter behandeling van medische klach-
ten maar vermindert en voorkomt klachten zoals rSI en sympto-
men van stress.
de massage wordt gegeven op een speciale, ergonomische stoel
die wordt meegebracht door de masseur. de stoel wordt, het liefst,
in een rustige afgesloten ruimte geplaatst. tijdens de massage oe-
fent de masseur druk uit met de ellebogen, handen, handpalmen
en vingers op hoofd, nek, rug, schouders, armen en handen waar-
3. door blokkades worden opgeheven en zwakke plekken worden
Het lichaam komt op die manier weer goed in balans .
deze reguliere stoelmassage door duurt ca. 15 minuten.
de stoelmassage op de werkplek is geschikt voor:
- medewerkers die constant in dezelfde houding werken
- medewerkers die veel repeterende handelingen uitvoeren
- medewerkers die onder een zeer hoge werkdruk werken
doordat een stoelmassage een opbouwend effect heeft zal na 1
massage al een verandering te merken zijn. afhankelijk van de
fysieke staat van de medewerker zal 1 keer per 2 weken of eens per
maand een stoelmassage nodig zijn voor een optimaal resultaat.
effecten van stoelmassage op de werkplek:
* betere houding achter bureau
* meer energie en een ontspannen gevoel
* vermindert stress en vermoeidheid
* maakt uw bedrijf aantrekkelijk voor uw medewerkers
Zo kunt u uiteindelijk kunt u meer uit uw medewerkers halen waar-
door uw productiviteit aanzienlijk zal stijgen.
De fiscus betaalt mee,
de kosten zijn opvoerbaar
als kostenpost en dus
(zie de rode pdf-knop op
de website
4. In Het kort
• maximale ontspanning in een korte tijd
• laagdrempelig doordat de massage door de kleding
heen gegeven wordt
• werkt preventief tegen stress, rSI, hoofdpijn, vermoeid-
heid en concentratieproblemen
• verbeterd creativiteit dus productiviteit
• verbeterd werkklimaat
Voor meer informatie, afspraak, een vrijblijvende demonstratie van
de stoelmassage kunt u contact opnemen met:
Ivo Paas
rompertpark 78
5233 rP ‘s-Hertogenbosch
tel. 06-13993774