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There is nothing
Portal of nonpolitical news
Transformation from Portal of the third sector into
Portal of nonpolitical news NGO.donetsk.ua
History: 2006 year
Portal for third sector
about third sector
Main rubrics:
-Program of donors
-Database of NGO
-Creative SPAM
History: 2007
Architecture of civil society
Main rubrics:
-Database of NGO
-Program of donors
+ Public journalistic
+ Work
History: 2009-2013
Portal of nonpolitical news
Social projects:
A series of journalistic investigations in the framework of the "Information
conditions of accountability of local authorities of Donetsk region
Competition citizen journalism "Civil evolution"
2010  2011
Expanding the capacity of the Portal thanks to establishing 3 editorial offices
in other 3 cities of Eastern Ukraine
The 5-6-min weekly
program Stability
and wellbeing
provide citizens with
the weekly local
information digest.
Two journalists-
bloggers select five
top news, covered in
the local media, and
provide their
Program Just
People, 7-minute
video interviews
with famous
people of Donetsk
Speakers: SCO
bloggers, local
leaders, young
Analytical video
are questioning
members of both
sides the same
problem or conflict
that everyone can
understand any
difficult topic. We
give information,
you - make

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