Verimatrix - Multi-network Solutions in the Real World - NexTV Latam 2012Verimatrix
Verimatrix provides content security solutions for multi-network deployments across IPTV, satellite, cable and OTT services on devices such as set-top boxes, PCs, connected TVs and mobile devices. The document discusses Verimatrix's VCAS 3 architecture which provides a unified subscriber management system and security for linear channels, video-on-demand and multi-screen services on multiple networks. Examples are given of deployments by operators such as Etisalat to secure their IPTV and OTT platforms.
Capitalizing on OTT Breakfast Forum-Olivier Carmona, AwoXVerimatrix
The document discusses strategies for delivering over-the-top (OTT) television experiences beyond traditional set-top boxes and managed IPTV networks. It describes companies using OTT apps on connected TVs and partnering with TV manufacturers to reach new customers outside of traditional networks. It also discusses using standards like DLNA to distribute premium content across devices and the role of companies like AwoX in providing middleware and solutions to enable these connected TV experiences.
This technical note discusses a method for determining the optimum cut-off grades for mining multiple metal deposits. It defines the objective function to maximize profit from mining, milling, and refining multiple metals. The objective function is converted to a single variable function using equivalent grade factors. Optimization techniques can then be used to find the optimum equivalent cut-off grade and corresponding optimum cut-off grades for each metal. The method allows the cut-off grades for multiple metals to be optimized simultaneously.
The document provides an overview of key artists and works from the Early Renaissance period in Florence, including Fra Angelico, Fra Filippo Lippi, Domenico Veneziano, Andrea del Castagno, and Piero della Francesca. It describes their innovations in techniques like linear perspective and the treatment of forms, figures, and landscapes. Key works discussed include Fra Angelico's Annunciation fresco and Madonna and Child Enthroned altarpiece, demonstrating developments in spatial composition and illusionistic painting.
1) Consumer motivation refers to the drives, urges, wishes, or desires that lead to goal-directed behavior and begins with the recognition of a need.
2) There are several theories of motivation including Maslow's hierarchy of needs and McClelland's learned needs theory.
3) Motivation can be influenced through classical and operant conditioning using rewards, punishments, and vicarious learning from models.
Mobile Barcode Trend Report from ScanLife: Holiday Shopping Edition 2013Scanlife
This document is a mobile barcode trend report from ScanLife that analyzes barcode scanning trends during the 2013 holiday shopping season. The report found that barcode scanning increased 33% from the previous year and 82% from 2011, with males ages 35-44 being the most active users. Popular cities for scanning included Houston, New York, San Antonio, Chicago and Orlando. The most popular codes came from companies like Activision, Microsoft, Tanger Outlets and Kohl's. The report provides insights to help companies develop engaging marketing campaigns.
William Gibson's Neuromancer depicts a dark future where physical reality has blurred with virtual reality due to advanced technology. In this world, multinational corporations have replaced governments and exert vast power. The protagonist Case is a computer hacker who is hired by an artificial intelligence named Wintermute to complete a secret mission. Wintermute needs human help to merge with its brother system Neuromancer. The book establishes cyberpunk themes of corporate dominance, lawlessness, and a troubled future where humans augment themselves with technology and the line between man and machine is blurred.
The next wave of productivity final exec keynote jenniferjohn weston
The document discusses Microsoft's unified business platform which combines unified communications, business intelligence, enterprise content management, collaboration, and enterprise search. It highlights how the platform can optimize productivity by reducing complexity, leveraging the cloud, and streamlining communication. It also discusses how the platform can help innovate through virtually anywhere access, finding people and information, and creating connections. Finally, it covers how the platform can help businesses grow through smarter decision making, driving order from chaos, and simplifying data interaction.
The Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, TN/VA aims to educate people about the cultural heritage of the region. As the museum has not yet opened, the marketing team must promote the brand and create buzz in the community. With a $10,000 budget, their target market is families with grade school children in the Tri-Cities area. Their slogan "listen, learn, and experience" conveys the fun, educational experience. Their advertising mix includes radio ads, print ads in The Loafer newspaper, and direct mail postcards with coupons. Any remaining funds will be used to hold music events promoting the museum brand.
Domestic violence deprives women of their basic human rights to life, dignity, and liberty. It undermines society through increased violence, greater demands on healthcare, and family disintegration. Victims suffer insecurity, health issues, and developmental problems for children. Laws have been enacted to provide compensation, support, and access to justice for victims as domestic violence is recognized as both a social and developmental issue. Improved education and stricter law enforcement are needed to address the root causes and support survivors.
Euro Fir Web Services Specifications Version 1 0jancisk
This document specifies version 1.0 of the EuroFIR Web Services. It defines the request-response message exchange patterns and rules for querying food composition databases via Web Services. Key aspects covered include the Food Data Query Language (FDQL) for formulating queries, transporting response data in Food Data Transport Packages, and handling authentication and errors. The goal is to standardize how food composition data can be exchanged between EuroFIR partners and user applications.
What Every Digital TV Executive Needs to Know About Adaptive Rate Streaming...Verimatrix
Adaptive rate streaming is being recognized as a disruptive technology for digital TV operators, and once they understand the basic principles of adaptive rate streaming, the next step is to make strategic decisions on how to best integrate the video delivery protocol with their existing network infrastructure. As a key player in the ecosystem that supports the growing momentum of the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) standard, the Verimatrix presentation will help illuminate the decision-making process, covering selection criteria and technical tradeoffs that are useful when deploying this technology. It will also cover the game-changing business issues from the perspective of different types of operators and vendors, as well as what might lie ahead for adaptive rate streaming technology.
Multi-network Solutions in the Real World, CABSAT: Adriana Whiteley, FarncombeVerimatrix
Multi-network, multi-screen video services are now becoming must have features on the roadmap of competitive video service operators across the MENA region. With a wealth of multi-lingual content, the region is also a potential flagship for regional or global distribution strategies that expand the base of the regions operators.
The technology and business trade-offs in these strategies, and ultimately the implementation decisions made can provide valuable insight for others currently considering or already planning their multi-network roll-outs.
What does it take to put together a truly innovative and comprehensive solution to extend the reach of your traditional pay TV services?
Hear from experts in their field on the evolving marketplace for video delivery and key technical considerations for launching multi-network and multi-screen services.
The Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, TN/VA aims to educate people about the cultural heritage of the region. As the museum has not yet opened, the marketing team must promote the brand and create buzz in the community. With a $10,000 budget, their target market is families with grade school children in the Tri-Cities area. Their slogan is "listen, learn, and experience" and advertising will include radio ads, half-page newspaper ads, and direct mail postcards with buy-one-get-one coupons, all featuring a consistent clean theme. Advertising will begin two months before the grand opening.
The document discusses the concept of "brandraising" which links organizational strategy and branding with daily communications for non-profits. It explains that brandraising involves determining an organization's positioning, personality, vision, mission and values through research. This forms the foundation to develop clear and consistent branding, materials and messaging to communicate what the organization wants to convey. The document provides examples for how an Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Congregation Bnai Jeshurun developed their brandraising strategies.
The document proposes creating an Innovation Team comprising IT and business members to identify problems, select topics for research, and measure innovation. The Team would facilitate a process where ad hoc research groups study selected topics, with results reported quarterly. An initial list of technical subjects is provided as potential sources of innovation.
1) Consumer motivation refers to the drives, urges, wishes, or desires that lead to goal-directed behavior and begins with the recognition of a need.
2) There are several theories of motivation including Maslow's hierarchy of needs and McClelland's learned needs theory.
3) Motivation can be influenced through classical and operant conditioning using rewards, punishments, and vicarious learning from models.
Mobile Barcode Trend Report from ScanLife: Holiday Shopping Edition 2013Scanlife
This document is a mobile barcode trend report from ScanLife that analyzes barcode scanning trends during the 2013 holiday shopping season. The report found that barcode scanning increased 33% from the previous year and 82% from 2011, with males ages 35-44 being the most active users. Popular cities for scanning included Houston, New York, San Antonio, Chicago and Orlando. The most popular codes came from companies like Activision, Microsoft, Tanger Outlets and Kohl's. The report provides insights to help companies develop engaging marketing campaigns.
William Gibson's Neuromancer depicts a dark future where physical reality has blurred with virtual reality due to advanced technology. In this world, multinational corporations have replaced governments and exert vast power. The protagonist Case is a computer hacker who is hired by an artificial intelligence named Wintermute to complete a secret mission. Wintermute needs human help to merge with its brother system Neuromancer. The book establishes cyberpunk themes of corporate dominance, lawlessness, and a troubled future where humans augment themselves with technology and the line between man and machine is blurred.
The next wave of productivity final exec keynote jenniferjohn weston
The document discusses Microsoft's unified business platform which combines unified communications, business intelligence, enterprise content management, collaboration, and enterprise search. It highlights how the platform can optimize productivity by reducing complexity, leveraging the cloud, and streamlining communication. It also discusses how the platform can help innovate through virtually anywhere access, finding people and information, and creating connections. Finally, it covers how the platform can help businesses grow through smarter decision making, driving order from chaos, and simplifying data interaction.
The Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, TN/VA aims to educate people about the cultural heritage of the region. As the museum has not yet opened, the marketing team must promote the brand and create buzz in the community. With a $10,000 budget, their target market is families with grade school children in the Tri-Cities area. Their slogan "listen, learn, and experience" conveys the fun, educational experience. Their advertising mix includes radio ads, print ads in The Loafer newspaper, and direct mail postcards with coupons. Any remaining funds will be used to hold music events promoting the museum brand.
Domestic violence deprives women of their basic human rights to life, dignity, and liberty. It undermines society through increased violence, greater demands on healthcare, and family disintegration. Victims suffer insecurity, health issues, and developmental problems for children. Laws have been enacted to provide compensation, support, and access to justice for victims as domestic violence is recognized as both a social and developmental issue. Improved education and stricter law enforcement are needed to address the root causes and support survivors.
Euro Fir Web Services Specifications Version 1 0jancisk
This document specifies version 1.0 of the EuroFIR Web Services. It defines the request-response message exchange patterns and rules for querying food composition databases via Web Services. Key aspects covered include the Food Data Query Language (FDQL) for formulating queries, transporting response data in Food Data Transport Packages, and handling authentication and errors. The goal is to standardize how food composition data can be exchanged between EuroFIR partners and user applications.
What Every Digital TV Executive Needs to Know About Adaptive Rate Streaming...Verimatrix
Adaptive rate streaming is being recognized as a disruptive technology for digital TV operators, and once they understand the basic principles of adaptive rate streaming, the next step is to make strategic decisions on how to best integrate the video delivery protocol with their existing network infrastructure. As a key player in the ecosystem that supports the growing momentum of the HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) standard, the Verimatrix presentation will help illuminate the decision-making process, covering selection criteria and technical tradeoffs that are useful when deploying this technology. It will also cover the game-changing business issues from the perspective of different types of operators and vendors, as well as what might lie ahead for adaptive rate streaming technology.
Multi-network Solutions in the Real World, CABSAT: Adriana Whiteley, FarncombeVerimatrix
Multi-network, multi-screen video services are now becoming must have features on the roadmap of competitive video service operators across the MENA region. With a wealth of multi-lingual content, the region is also a potential flagship for regional or global distribution strategies that expand the base of the regions operators.
The technology and business trade-offs in these strategies, and ultimately the implementation decisions made can provide valuable insight for others currently considering or already planning their multi-network roll-outs.
What does it take to put together a truly innovative and comprehensive solution to extend the reach of your traditional pay TV services?
Hear from experts in their field on the evolving marketplace for video delivery and key technical considerations for launching multi-network and multi-screen services.
The Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, TN/VA aims to educate people about the cultural heritage of the region. As the museum has not yet opened, the marketing team must promote the brand and create buzz in the community. With a $10,000 budget, their target market is families with grade school children in the Tri-Cities area. Their slogan is "listen, learn, and experience" and advertising will include radio ads, half-page newspaper ads, and direct mail postcards with buy-one-get-one coupons, all featuring a consistent clean theme. Advertising will begin two months before the grand opening.
The document discusses the concept of "brandraising" which links organizational strategy and branding with daily communications for non-profits. It explains that brandraising involves determining an organization's positioning, personality, vision, mission and values through research. This forms the foundation to develop clear and consistent branding, materials and messaging to communicate what the organization wants to convey. The document provides examples for how an Institute for Jewish Spirituality and Congregation Bnai Jeshurun developed their brandraising strategies.
The document proposes creating an Innovation Team comprising IT and business members to identify problems, select topics for research, and measure innovation. The Team would facilitate a process where ad hoc research groups study selected topics, with results reported quarterly. An initial list of technical subjects is provided as potential sources of innovation.
1. TUGASAN 1 ULASAN BUKUBUKU : Doing Teacher Research : From Inquiry to UnderstandPENULIS : Donald Freeman
2. THE TEACHER - RESEARCH CYCLELingkaranbulatanmembawamaksudberlakunyasatuproses yang berlakusecaraberulang-ulang. Kajianbolehbermuladimana-mana point (antara 1-6), Pertanyaan (inquiry)Mengkajikenapasesuatuituberlaku @ tidakberlakudenganlebihmendalamberkenaandenganpelajar, guru, P&P dansebagainya.2) Soalan / Teka-teki - Merupakansatucarauntukmewujudkansatupertanyaantentangkajiandanberkaitandenganelemen (1). Soalanbolehdipelbagaikanmengikutkesesuaianataubentukkajiankeranapengkaji yang merekasoalantersebut.-Manakalateka-teki pula (puzzle), adalahsesuatuisu yang tidakadakepastianatausesuatuisu yang masihbelumadapenyelesaiannyalagi.
3. THE TEACHER - RESEARCH CYCLE3) Pengumpulan DataSatuprosesmengumpulmaklumatsecarasistematikdanmestiberkaitandenganelemen (2).Apakahbentuk data yang responkepadasoalan? Data merupakangabunganantaramaklumat + dimanamaklumatdiperolehi. 油Sebagaicontoh: Kerjasekolahtersebutsangatsusah. Maklumat = sangatsusahSumbermaklumat= pelajar, guru, aktiviti, isikandungandan setting. Pelajardanguru = sumbermaklumatdalaman (pendapat, perasaan, kepercayaandll)manakalaaktiviti, isikandungandan setting = maklumatluaran. 油Bagaimanauntukmengumpul data?Data adalahmaklumatdarisumberdancarauntukmengumpul data terdapatdalampelbagaicara.油Guru Data - pengalaman, pendapat, persepsi, percaya Cara jurnal, laporan
4. THE TEACHER - RESEARCH CYCLEPelajar Data - pengalaman, pendapat, persepsi, percaya Cara jurnal, kajiselidik, temuduga, perbincangan, responAktiviti Data tindakan, percakapan, interaksisosial, hasilkerja Cara rakaman audio dan video, nota, buku log, dokumen油Setting Data imej visual kelas, diagram, fakta, sejarah Cara nota, rakaman video, dokumen油4) Dari siapa data dikumpul? (SampelKajian)- Pesertadipilihdalamsatukumpulan yang besar (5 kelas 150 orang) dankemudianbuatsatukumpulankecil (30 orang) yang dipilihsecararawaksupayaadildandijadikansampelkajian. - Data yang sedikittetapiberkualitilebihbaikdari data yang banyaktetapitidakberkualiti yang pentingmestilahtepat.油
5. THE TEACHER - RESEARCH CYCLE5) Di mana data dikumpul? (Setting Kajian) Di dalam@ diluarkelas. 油6) Biladanberapa lama data dikumpul?- Data dikumpulbergantungkepadakeadaanpengkajimaksudnyasemasakelapanganpengkajisupayapengkajitidakterganggudenganaktiviti-aktiviti lain. - Berapalama dikumpul pula bergantungkepadadisiplinpengkajidimanapengkajiperlumerancangtempohmasa yang ditetapkanuntukmengumpul data danpastikanrancangantersebutdilaksanakanikutjadual.油7) Apayang perludibuatdengan data? - Pengkajiperlumelihatdanmenilaisecararawak(first-cut analysis) sebagaipersediaanuntuk:prosesseterusnyaiaituanalisisdata