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Lecture 1

A Human Phenomenon
What is art?
? Assists us in rituals
? Reflects customs related to food, shelter, and
  human reproduction
? Communicates thoughts, emotions, ideas
? Visualizes deities
? Educates us about the surrounding world
?Art glorifies the power of the state

   Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 175 CE
?Art commemorates the dead

Maya Lin, Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington DC, 1982
?Art celebrates war

     Trajan¨s Arch, Rome, 114 CE
Art is also used to protest war

Nina Berman, photograph from the series Purple Hearts
Art entertains

Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Gates, Central Park, 1979-2005
Can you think of any other functions of

What function does art take in your life?
Olow of Ise, Veranda Post, pre-1938
Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 175 CE
Jeff Koons, Puppy, 2000, Rockefeller Center, NY
Art has content, which is the mass of ideas
           associated with the work.

The content can be expressed through the:
? Imagery
? Location or surroundings where it is displayed
? Symbols
? Customs, beliefs or values in the culture in
  which it was made
? Text associated with the work or writings
  about the work
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d¨Avignon, 1907
Ceremonial mask known as Mboom or Bwoom, 19th-20th c., Zaire
Left: Shaiping, Lotuses on a Summer Day, 1684
Right: Georgia O¨Keeffe, Black Iris, 1926
Shahzia Sikander, Hood¨s Red Riding, 1997
Categories of Visual Arts
? Fine Art
? Pop Culture
? Kitsch
Fine Art

   Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 175 CE
Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic, 1875
Paul Cezanne, Mt. St. Victoire, 1885-1887
Pop Culture
When you hear the words ^pop culture, ̄
 what do you think of?
Pop Culture
When you hear the words ^pop culture, ̄ what
  do you think of?
? Television
? Movies
? Magazines
? Comic books
? Advertising
? Tattoos
? Websites
Andy Warhol, Marilyn, 1968
Art, writing, etc. of a pretentious but
  shallow kind calculated to have popular

          Thomas Kinkade, Nature¨s Paradise
Jeff Koons, Michael Jackson with Bubbles, 1988
Fine art derived from craft

Miriam Schapiro, Anatomy of a Kimono, 1976
Style Vocabulary

   Mary Cassatt, Mother and Child, 1899

  Michelangelo Buonnaroti, David, 1501-1504
Expressive or Expressionistic

      Edvard Munch, The Scream, 1893
Expressive or Expressionistic

Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night, 1889

Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius, Rome, 175 CE
Non-objective or Non-representational

Frank Stella, Empress of India, 1965
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d¨Avignon, 1907
Vincent van Gogh
Impasto--a thick application of paint
Assignment 1 Questions
? How do you encounter art on a daily
? When looking at art, are you drawn to it
  by its aesthetics or by its meaning?
? Do you judge some art to be more
  valuable than other types of art?
  Explain your response.

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