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Evaluating Art
Encountering the object

         What do you see?
    Does it matter who made it?
Encountering the object

Henry Moore (1898-1986)   Artist unknown
Reclining Woman, 1927     The Sleeping Lady, ca. 3600 -
Cast concrete             2500 B.C.
British                   彫al Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta
Four theories of art
 Art portrays reality as we see it
 Art shows feelings and communicates thoughts
 Art is significant form
 Art is critical of accepted power structures

Ron Mueck       George Segal
Bed, 2005       Blue Girl on Black Bed, 1976

   The goal of art is to accurately describe reality
   Plato (428  348 BC) originated the theory
   Art is an imitation of reality
   Emphasis on craft and beauty

Which one of these is more like reality?

                                Artist anonymous
Alison Saar                     Power Figure (Nkisi N'Kondi:
Untitled (from the Crossroads   Mangaaka), mid to late 19th
installation), 1989             century

 Art communicates subjective, personal, and
  cultural ideas
 Fidelity toreality doesnt reflect complexity of
 Art is a special way of knowing the world
 Emphasis on feelings and individual experience

    What is being expressed?
How does the object communicate?

Loretta Pettway              Barnett Newman
Lazy Gal  Bars, ca. 1965    Concord, 1949

 Art for arts sake
 Art is important because it can find essence of
 Emphasis on abstraction, composition, and an
  objects internal relationships
 Art about essences
Are these objects communicating the same thing?

                                    Sean Scully
                                   Raphael, 2004
  Willie Ma Willie Abrams
Roman Stripes variation, c. 1975

David Hammons                 Mickalene Thomas
African-American Flag, 1990   Mama Bush: (Your love keeps lifting me)
                              higher and higher, 2009

 Art meant to question, challenge and provoke
 Emphasis on social experience and not
 Interest in creating new relationships in society
 Art is pluralistic; it tells a truth, not the truth
What questions are being asked in these?

David Hammons                 Mickalene Thomas
African-American Flag, 1990   Mama Bush: (Your love keeps lifting me)
                              higher and higher, 2009
 What is your philosophy of art?
 Is there a best way to approach artwork?
 Do theories help to look at artwork?

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Evaluating art

  • 2. Encountering the object What do you see? Does it matter who made it?
  • 3. Encountering the object Henry Moore (1898-1986) Artist unknown Reclining Woman, 1927 The Sleeping Lady, ca. 3600 - Cast concrete 2500 B.C. British 彫al Saflieni Hypogeum, Malta
  • 4. Four theories of art Realism Art portrays reality as we see it Expressionism Art shows feelings and communicates thoughts Formalism Art is significant form Post-modernism Art is critical of accepted power structures
  • 5. Realism Ron Mueck George Segal Bed, 2005 Blue Girl on Black Bed, 1976
  • 6. Realism The goal of art is to accurately describe reality Plato (428 348 BC) originated the theory Art is an imitation of reality Emphasis on craft and beauty
  • 7. Realism Which one of these is more like reality?
  • 8. Expressionism Artist anonymous Alison Saar Power Figure (Nkisi N'Kondi: Untitled (from the Crossroads Mangaaka), mid to late 19th installation), 1989 century
  • 9. Expressionism Art communicates subjective, personal, and cultural ideas Fidelity toreality doesnt reflect complexity of subjects Art is a special way of knowing the world Emphasis on feelings and individual experience
  • 10. Expressionism What is being expressed? How does the object communicate?
  • 11. Formalism Loretta Pettway Barnett Newman Lazy Gal Bars, ca. 1965 Concord, 1949
  • 12. Formalism Art for arts sake Art is important because it can find essence of form Emphasis on abstraction, composition, and an objects internal relationships Art about essences
  • 13. Are these objects communicating the same thing? Sean Scully Raphael, 2004 Willie Ma Willie Abrams Roman Stripes variation, c. 1975
  • 14. Post-modernism David Hammons Mickalene Thomas African-American Flag, 1990 Mama Bush: (Your love keeps lifting me) higher and higher, 2009
  • 15. Post-modernism Art meant to question, challenge and provoke Emphasis on social experience and not individual Interest in creating new relationships in society Art is pluralistic; it tells a truth, not the truth
  • 16. What questions are being asked in these? David Hammons Mickalene Thomas African-American Flag, 1990 Mama Bush: (Your love keeps lifting me) higher and higher, 2009
  • 17. What is your philosophy of art? Is there a best way to approach artwork? Do theories help to look at artwork?