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Name: Trivedi Disha Hiteshbhai
Paper no: 8
Topic: circuit of culture
Year: 2015-2017
Submitted to: Smt. S.b.gardi
department of English
M. K. Bhavnagar University
The circuit of culture 
A sophisticated analysis of culture artefacts a close examination of five
basic element, which together constitute what Paul du gay et al have
called the circuit of culture(1997).
In order to illustrate the circuit of culture we need to use a concrete
example. Lets take a now ubiquitous technological device: the
These elements are:
1. Representation
2. Identity
3. Production
4. Consumption
5. regulation
What does the television represent, and how is it
The answers to these questions are basically means to
discuss the centrality of representation in a culture.
Television represents:
Most television ads work with these three aspects, with more
features and facilities
 They represent television as a source of knowledge and entertainment.
Particular channel which is deals with these two main aspects.
History TV 18
National geography
News channels
Star plus
Colours tv
Z cinema
Star gold, etc...
All most in all the television companies
advertisements youth and professional are given
more importance
The project and targeted identity of the
companies are youth and businessman.
It becomes trend to have smart TV.
It also becomes an object of showing richness.
Aamir Khan Productions - Aamir Khan
Annapurna Studios
Anurag Kashyap Films
Balaji Motion Pictures - Ekta Kapoor
Bhansali Productions
Bombay Talkies - Himanshu Rai, Devika Rani
Chilsag Entertainment Network- Sachin Gupta
Cultural study asks below questions:
how the recruitment done?
How much profit does company make ?
What are the policies are in place for ?
Does management mix with workers ?
Recruitment in television companies are done by company
interview and placement.
Most company have hire and fire policies.
Cultural studies today, in most academies across the world,
adopts certain key areas and methods to understand the modes
of meaning-production.
These are:
Language , discourse
Everyday life
Media studies
Reception/ audience studies
Cultural intermediaries
C.S asks some questions regarding consumption
Who are the buyer of the televisions ? People from
every class, from youth to aged..
It depends upon class, either smart (hd) TV or simple,
people buy television according to their income
It asks that why would you buy a particular TV?
E.g., Samsung Curved OLED TV (round screen)
As government of India banned on fashion TV, ostensibly
because it offends Indian cultural sentiments.
Censer board also banned on movies like:
Water (2005)
Firaaq (2009)
 The circuit of culture is perhaps the most thorough
examination of any cultural artifact. As we can see it covers a
range of issues and themes  from the question of media
representation to the construction of identities in a culture.
Now a days televisions and mobiles have passed through this
examination and it becomes part of culture. The circuit of
culture includes within it several smaller components and
modes of analysis.
 Primarily culture is connected with the production and
exchange of meanings between the members of society of

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  • 1. Name: Trivedi Disha Hiteshbhai Paper no: 8 Topic: circuit of culture Year: 2015-2017 M.A.Sem=2 Submitted to: Smt. S.b.gardi department of English M. K. Bhavnagar University
  • 2. The circuit of culture A sophisticated analysis of culture artefacts a close examination of five basic element, which together constitute what Paul du gay et al have called the circuit of culture(1997). In order to illustrate the circuit of culture we need to use a concrete example. Lets take a now ubiquitous technological device: the television. These elements are: 1. Representation 2. Identity 3. Production 4. Consumption 5. regulation
  • 3. Representation What does the television represent, and how is it represented? The answers to these questions are basically means to discuss the centrality of representation in a culture. Television represents: communication Information Entertainment Most television ads work with these three aspects, with more features and facilities
  • 4. They represent television as a source of knowledge and entertainment. Particular channel which is deals with these two main aspects. Knowledge: History TV 18 Discovery National geography News channels Entertainment: Star plus Colours tv Sony Z cinema Star gold, etc...
  • 5. Identity All most in all the television companies advertisements youth and professional are given more importance The project and targeted identity of the companies are youth and businessman. It becomes trend to have smart TV. It also becomes an object of showing richness.
  • 6. Production Aamir Khan Productions - Aamir Khan Annapurna Studios Anurag Kashyap Films Balaji Motion Pictures - Ekta Kapoor Bhansali Productions Bombay Talkies - Himanshu Rai, Devika Rani Chilsag Entertainment Network- Sachin Gupta Cultural study asks below questions: how the recruitment done? How much profit does company make ? What are the policies are in place for ? Does management mix with workers ?
  • 7. Recruitment in television companies are done by company interview and placement. Most company have hire and fire policies. Cultural studies today, in most academies across the world, adopts certain key areas and methods to understand the modes of meaning-production. These are: Language , discourse Identity Everyday life Ethnography Media studies Reception/ audience studies Cultural intermediaries
  • 8. Consumption C.S asks some questions regarding consumption Who are the buyer of the televisions ? People from every class, from youth to aged.. It depends upon class, either smart (hd) TV or simple, people buy television according to their income It asks that why would you buy a particular TV? E.g., Samsung Curved OLED TV (round screen)
  • 9. As government of India banned on fashion TV, ostensibly because it offends Indian cultural sentiments. Censer board also banned on movies like: Water (2005) Firaaq (2009) Regulation
  • 10. Conclusion The circuit of culture is perhaps the most thorough examination of any cultural artifact. As we can see it covers a range of issues and themes from the question of media representation to the construction of identities in a culture. Now a days televisions and mobiles have passed through this examination and it becomes part of culture. The circuit of culture includes within it several smaller components and modes of analysis. Primarily culture is connected with the production and exchange of meanings between the members of society of group.