Un pastor perdi坦 una oveja que se escondi坦 en una caverna. Esa noche, el pastor vio a trav辿s de la cueva a tres toros de diferentes colores que empezaron a pelear - un toro negro, un toro blanco y un toro naranja. El toro blanco se rindi坦 y se fue a la laguna, mientras que el toro naranja se qued坦 en la villa de Pasco.
La escuela "El Arca de No辿" permanecer叩 abierta de 7:30 a 17:00 h de lunes a viernes seg炭n el horario de cada familia. Se pide puntualidad al recoger y dejar a los ni単os, quienes solo podr叩n ser recogidos por las personas autorizadas o con autorizaci坦n escrita. No se permiten visitas durante el horario escolar para no interrumpir las actividades. La escuela permanecer叩 cerrada los fines de semana, festivos locales y en agosto.
La Escuela de M炭sica Santa Cecilia y la Alcald鱈a Municipal de Liborina invitan a la poblaci坦n a un concierto de la Orquesta Filarm坦nica de Medell鱈n el s叩bado 16 de noviembre a las 7 pm en el Templo Parroquial, siendo un evento cultural sin precedentes y contando con la presencia de uno de sus egresados como parte de la orquesta.
This document summarizes the website for the 2010 film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. The film is the seventh and final installment in the Harry Potter film series, split into two full-length films. The website includes a story section, photo gallery, trailer, downloads like posters and wallpapers, links to previous Harry Potter film websites and merchandise shopping. It also has a newsletter sign-up and encourages fans to follow the film's Facebook and Twitter pages.
Este documento discute c坦mo los medios de comunicaci坦n han convertido la guerra en un espect叩culo teatral. Explica que la guerra moderna enfatiza las im叩genes y los s鱈mbolos, devaluando el espacio a favor del tiempo instant叩neo. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo las simulaciones crean una hiperrealidad de la guerra. Finalmente, se単ala que a pesar del poder destructivo de las armas modernas, la guerra ha perdido eficacia para lograr objetivos pol鱈ticos.
This document contains feedback on an app's user interface, including requests to add a logo, adjust text spacing, change labels from "MVP" to "Contact" and error messages to encourage users to post photos. It also notes some elements were deleted in another version of the app. The document aims to improve the app's design based on early user experiences.
The document discusses Daniel Kummer's Infodome project which uses nixie tubes to display internet-connected data like unread emails. It aims to take complexity out of IoT projects by offloading tasks to backend services. The project materials include an Arduino Yun, sensors and nixie tube modules. It also provides alternatives for simpler or more advanced IoT development kits and cloud services.
Instauran un servicio de alquiler de motos el辿ctricas en MurciaEl_Blog_De_La_Energia
Murcia ha inaugurado una flota de 150 motos el辿ctricas de alquiler, con el objetivo de emitir menos CO2 y promover el transporte el辿ctrico.
PSD Associates Case Study - "And now for something completely different . . ."Paul Davit
Enzon Pharmaceuticals underwent significant changes in strategy and structure between 2008-2010. An activist investor split the company into two, then one part was sold off. This left Enzon a smaller biotech focused on cancer research. The HR leader helped transfer assets, downsize staff, and restructure operations at one site. They worked to improve employee engagement and alignment through open communication channels and social activities to support the new strategic direction. As a result, employee morale increased while also reducing costs through space and system efficiencies.
Distributed Services - OSGi 4.2 and possible future enhancementsDavid Bosschaert
In the first part of this talk David Bosschaert will explain the Distributed OSGi specification, which is new in OSGi 4.2. The talk will outline the design principles and also show how to distribute OSGi services in practise by a short demo. In the second part of this talk Marc Schaaf will present some preliminary results regarding research on how asynchronous messaging could be integrated into OSGi. The talk will discuss some possible integration approaches and will outline the current approach taken in this research project. A short demo is included showing how developers could use it.
Analisi della presenza e della reputazione sui social media italiani dei calciatori della Nazionale di calcio azzurra.
Periodo di ascolto: i Mondiali di calcio 2014 (4-24 giugno)
Beer is made from malted barley, water, hops, yeast and sometimes other grains or sugars. The basic brewing process involves malting the grain to release enzymes, mashing to convert starches to sugars, boiling the wort with hops, fermenting with yeast, maturation and packaging. There are two main types of beer - ales which use top-fermenting yeast and are ready more quickly, and lagers which use bottom-fermenting yeast and take longer to produce. Beer should be served between 2-5 degrees Celsius in clean, appropriate glasses to best enjoy its flavors and aromas.
Una analisi delle best practice del settore automotive sui social media italiani, condotta su oltre 40 brand, 350 modelli e 11 tematiche legate al settore.
Scopri chi 竪 pi湛 popolare, le migliori strategie in termini di engagement, contenuti editoriali e le best practice in relazione al social caring.
The document discusses new executive services provided at SoekarnoHatta Airport starting in July 2003. The services are managed by Kosami and include departure handling, arrival handling, transit handling, and transportation for executives and businessmen. Departure handling involves greeting guests and completing all departure formalities, like check-in and passport control, in the airport's executive lounge. Arrival handling greets guests and completes arrival formalities, like passport control and baggage pickup, with no long queues, and escorts guests to their private transportation. The executive lounge provides buffet snacks, drinks, internet, fax, phone, and a sound system.
This document discusses Citigold, a banking offering from Citibank that provides world-class products and personalized services to meet customers' long-term and short-term financial needs. It highlights some of Citigold's key features like global research, rewards, and convenience. The document encourages customers to learn more about Citigold's range of banking, insurance, loans, and cards that are chosen to suit customers' individual goals and help them achieve their financial milestones. A Citigold representative is available to discuss the offerings in more detail.
La presentazione racconta i punti essenziali del Real Time Marketing, in particolare:
- che cos竪 il Real Time Marketing e le diverse attivit tra cui scegliere a seconda degli obiettivi
- gli elementi di un RTM di successo
- le best practice nazionali e internazionali da cui prendere spunto
- limportanza di processi e tecnologie e una demo live della piattaforma BlogmeterNow
際際滷s presentate da Vincenzo Cosenza e Claudia Toloni (Blogmeter), insieme a Nicola Rovetta, Creative Director di Golin e Giacomo Chieffi, Business Developement Manager di DMTC.
PSD Associates Case Study - "And now for something completely different . . ."Paul Davit
Enzon Pharmaceuticals underwent significant changes in strategy and structure between 2008-2010. An activist investor split the company into two, then one part was sold off. This left Enzon a smaller biotech focused on cancer research. The HR leader helped transfer assets, downsize staff, and restructure operations at one site. They worked to improve employee engagement and alignment through open communication channels and social activities to support the new strategic direction. As a result, employee morale increased while also reducing costs through space and system efficiencies.
Distributed Services - OSGi 4.2 and possible future enhancementsDavid Bosschaert
In the first part of this talk David Bosschaert will explain the Distributed OSGi specification, which is new in OSGi 4.2. The talk will outline the design principles and also show how to distribute OSGi services in practise by a short demo. In the second part of this talk Marc Schaaf will present some preliminary results regarding research on how asynchronous messaging could be integrated into OSGi. The talk will discuss some possible integration approaches and will outline the current approach taken in this research project. A short demo is included showing how developers could use it.
Analisi della presenza e della reputazione sui social media italiani dei calciatori della Nazionale di calcio azzurra.
Periodo di ascolto: i Mondiali di calcio 2014 (4-24 giugno)
Beer is made from malted barley, water, hops, yeast and sometimes other grains or sugars. The basic brewing process involves malting the grain to release enzymes, mashing to convert starches to sugars, boiling the wort with hops, fermenting with yeast, maturation and packaging. There are two main types of beer - ales which use top-fermenting yeast and are ready more quickly, and lagers which use bottom-fermenting yeast and take longer to produce. Beer should be served between 2-5 degrees Celsius in clean, appropriate glasses to best enjoy its flavors and aromas.
Una analisi delle best practice del settore automotive sui social media italiani, condotta su oltre 40 brand, 350 modelli e 11 tematiche legate al settore.
Scopri chi 竪 pi湛 popolare, le migliori strategie in termini di engagement, contenuti editoriali e le best practice in relazione al social caring.
The document discusses new executive services provided at SoekarnoHatta Airport starting in July 2003. The services are managed by Kosami and include departure handling, arrival handling, transit handling, and transportation for executives and businessmen. Departure handling involves greeting guests and completing all departure formalities, like check-in and passport control, in the airport's executive lounge. Arrival handling greets guests and completes arrival formalities, like passport control and baggage pickup, with no long queues, and escorts guests to their private transportation. The executive lounge provides buffet snacks, drinks, internet, fax, phone, and a sound system.
This document discusses Citigold, a banking offering from Citibank that provides world-class products and personalized services to meet customers' long-term and short-term financial needs. It highlights some of Citigold's key features like global research, rewards, and convenience. The document encourages customers to learn more about Citigold's range of banking, insurance, loans, and cards that are chosen to suit customers' individual goals and help them achieve their financial milestones. A Citigold representative is available to discuss the offerings in more detail.
La presentazione racconta i punti essenziali del Real Time Marketing, in particolare:
- che cos竪 il Real Time Marketing e le diverse attivit tra cui scegliere a seconda degli obiettivi
- gli elementi di un RTM di successo
- le best practice nazionali e internazionali da cui prendere spunto
- limportanza di processi e tecnologie e una demo live della piattaforma BlogmeterNow
際際滷s presentate da Vincenzo Cosenza e Claudia Toloni (Blogmeter), insieme a Nicola Rovetta, Creative Director di Golin e Giacomo Chieffi, Business Developement Manager di DMTC.
Instauran un servicio de alquiler de motos el辿ctricas en MurciaEl_Blog_De_La_Energia
1. Le giuste frequenze:
come sintonizzarsi con lelettorato
Condividere idee, contribuire al dibattito
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
2. difficile
fare centro
se non sai
dov竪 il bersaglio
dov竪 bersaglio
Termometro Politico
Un lancio perfetto non assicura il risultato
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
Noi siamo
una generazione
di annusatori
della societ
Ermete Realacci
Servono analisi statisticamente significative
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
Bisogna metter
a terra
Pier Luigi Bersani
Lascolto 竪 essenziale, ma con gli strumenti appropriati
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
5. La comunicazione deve sempre essere bi-direzionale
(rendi facile la vita allelettore che vuole saperne di pi湛)
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
(fai parlare il simile col simile)
Micro targeting
is trying to
your political DNA
Karl Rove
Con i grimaldelli giusti si aprono tutte le porte
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
9. Se non puoi
non puoi
Robert Kaplan
Misurare lefficacia della propria azione politica per renderne conto
竪 il primo passo per sintonizzarsi
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
10. Se i partiti non
pi湛 gli elettori,
questi elettori
Corrado Guzzanti
Mai dare per scontato il voto degli elettori
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
11. Non esistono
(e politici)
per tutte
le stagioni
omino Michelin
Quando si inizia a perdere aderenza 竪 difficile raggiungere qualsiasi traguardo
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
12. La cabala aiuta, ma potrebbe non bastare.
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010
13. Grazie!
Il lavoro continua su
Sintonizziamoci Soave (VR) 5 dicembre 2010