Una soluzione GIS cloud based come supporto alle decisioni.
Come TeamDev lavora nel precision farming e primi risulatti della sperimentazione per SIG 2015
LandCity Revolution 2016 - Applicazione delle tecnologie di precision farming...giovanni biallo
Nella sessione "Tecnologie e soluzioni ICT per l'agricoltura, l'ambiente e i rifiuti" della Conferenza LandCity Revolution 2016, è stata presentata da Velia Sartorelli della TeamDev, la relazione "Applicazione delle tecnologie di precision farming in supporto alla gestione agricola".
This document discusses distributed systems and network structures. It covers topics such as distributed operating systems, network topologies, network types including local area networks and wide area networks, communication protocols, robustness through failure detection and reconfiguration, and design strategies for distributed systems including transparency, fault tolerance, and scalability.
The commoditization and fragmentation of the ia communityNick Finck
This session will be a open format discussion among IAs.
We, as information architects, stand at the crossroads of our profession as a whole. Down one road we see the looming fate of a fragmented industry struggling to stay alive among the politics and self importance need of the very individuals who give themselves the same title. At the end of this road is the fate of a entire profession defeating itself through the lack of clarity in its own message, a lack of value in its own offering, and through simply a lack of commitment by those within. Down the other road we see a unified community we active individuals helping others and a mutual respect for their fellow practitioners. We see a clear vision, a clear goal, and true value with a solid message. What path should we choose.
The document summarizes mass storage systems including disk structure, disk scheduling algorithms, disk management, RAID structure, and tertiary storage devices. It discusses how disks are logically addressed and mapped to physical sectors. It describes common disk scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, and C-SCAN and factors in selecting an algorithm. It also outlines disk formatting, partitioning, bad block handling, and swap space management in operating systems.
Is This Clickable? - Change how you look at the webccalnan
A straightforward usability and user experience presentation for content authors. Provides some useful tips for creating easy to use navigation, nice links and buttons, helpful page title and readable content.
Re-purposed slides from http://www.slideshare.net/hanspoldoja/scenariobased-design. Unfortunately some of the links are no longer working. For a (Flash-based) version with working hyperlinks see http://portal.sliderocket.com/CIEKD/Scenario-based-Contextual-Learning-Design
Bruce Perens: OS Landmark Case TestimonyBetsey Merkel
From Bruce Perens: Inside Open Source's Historic Victory — Datamation.com http://tinyurl.com/y8urk7o
Bruce Perens, creator of the Open Source Definition, the manifesto of Open Source and the criterion for Open Source software licensing, was an expert witness in the Jacobsen v. Katzer court case. An unusual glimpse into testimony authored by Bruce Perens that is traditionally silenced. A community grateful thank you to Open Source developer and physicist, Bob Jacobsen for his landmark win requesting obfuscation be replaced with attribution in this landmark case. You can read the story about the legal wrangling that produced a historic victory for Open Source at http://tinyurl.com/y8urk7o
Un’applicazione mobileserver per la mappatura d’informazioni a supporto delle...TeamDev
"Un’applicazione mobile/server per la mappatura d’informazioni a supporto delle scelte agronomiche" Intervento di Velia Sartoretti al Todi Appy Days 2014
Coretta Scott King was born in 1927 in Alabama and attended Antioch College. She was the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Coretta Scott King was a prominent human rights advocate and the first woman to preach at St. Paul's Cathedral in Britain. She passed away in 2006 in Mexico.
This document provides an overview of distributed file systems (DFS), including naming and transparency, remote file access, caching techniques, and example systems such as the Andrew file system. Some key points are:
- A DFS manages dispersed storage devices across a network to provide a shared file space for multiple users. It provides location transparency so file locations are hidden from clients.
- Caching is used to improve performance of remote file access by retaining frequently used data locally. Consistency must be maintained between cached and master copies.
- Systems can use stateful or stateless file service. Stateful requires maintaining client session data while stateless makes each request self-contained.
- The Andrew file system example illustrates
Michigan State University’s Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative: Develop...ethan.watrall
Michigan State University's Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative is developing a model for training and capacity building in digital cultural heritage. The initiative focuses on interdisciplinary scholarly collaboration, building capacity among students through graduate fellowships and fieldschools, and creating open and collaborative digital projects in archaeology and museum studies. It aims to address shortcomings in traditional methods training through hands-on experience with project design, development, management and promotion.
DCMI Keynote: Bridging the Semantic Gaps and InteroperabilityMike Bergman
M. Bergman's presentation, 'Bridging the Gaps: Adaptive Approaches to Data Interoperabiity,' was a keynote at the DCMI's DC 2010 International Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, on October 22, 2010.
In the presentation, Bergman points to the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative as a unique and key player in plugging the semantics "gap" within the semantic Web. Some specific activities and roles are suggested.
Newspaper circulation, revenue, and market value are all declining sharply according to statistics from 2008. Circulation is at its lowest level since 1946 and is down over 70% when adjusted for population growth. Newspaper revenue declined 9.4% in 2007 for the sharpest drop in 60 years, and online revenue only accounts for 7.5% of advertising. The market value of top newspaper companies has fallen over 50% since 2004, with some declining over 90% from their peak values.
The document discusses various concepts related to file systems including file structure, attributes, operations, access methods, directory structure, mounting, sharing and protection. It describes hierarchical tree-structured directories as the most common organization that allows for efficient searching, grouping of files and use of absolute or relative path names. File sharing across networks can be enabled through various protection schemes and network file systems like NFS.
My slides for the SAA 2012 Digital Data Interest Group Forum: CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR
CENTURY: How will People Manage the Information
The document provides an overview of routing protocols and IP addressing concepts. It discusses MAC addresses, IP addressing including classes and subnetting, IPX addressing, and routing fundamentals such as forwarding tables, convergence, metrics, and routing protocols. Specific protocols covered include RIP, with details on distance vector routing. The overall agenda is to introduce IP and IPX addressing, generic routing concepts, specific routing protocols, and static and default routes.
Communication & Collaboration in International Digital Humanities Projectsethan.watrall
HASTAC 2011 Roundtable.
ABSTRACT: As the digital humanities increase in popularity, so do their geographic reach. International digital collaborative projects, however, carry unique sets of constraints and characteristics that make them both challenging and rewarding. It is within this context that this panel, composed of scholars from (and affiliated with) Michigan State University's MATRIX: The Center for the Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online (matrix.msu.edu), will introduce several international digital projects and highlight the unique challenges inherent to international communication and collaboration. Above all, this panel is intended to be a dynamic and fruitful conversation between attendees and panel members.
The document discusses measuring the success of mobile apps through a funnel process of interest, investment, gratification, and value that can lead to customers paying for the app. It provides examples of both qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure at each stage, such as how often the app description is viewed to assess interest or the frequency of app use to evaluate value. The key message is that apps should measure whatever possible at each step and iterate based on the weakest point to help guide users through the funnel to ultimately become paying customers.
The commoditization and fragmentation of the ia communityNick Finck
This session will be a open format discussion among IAs.
We, as information architects, stand at the crossroads of our profession as a whole. Down one road we see the looming fate of a fragmented industry struggling to stay alive among the politics and self importance need of the very individuals who give themselves the same title. At the end of this road is the fate of a entire profession defeating itself through the lack of clarity in its own message, a lack of value in its own offering, and through simply a lack of commitment by those within. Down the other road we see a unified community we active individuals helping others and a mutual respect for their fellow practitioners. We see a clear vision, a clear goal, and true value with a solid message. What path should we choose.
The document summarizes mass storage systems including disk structure, disk scheduling algorithms, disk management, RAID structure, and tertiary storage devices. It discusses how disks are logically addressed and mapped to physical sectors. It describes common disk scheduling algorithms like FCFS, SSTF, SCAN, and C-SCAN and factors in selecting an algorithm. It also outlines disk formatting, partitioning, bad block handling, and swap space management in operating systems.
Is This Clickable? - Change how you look at the webccalnan
A straightforward usability and user experience presentation for content authors. Provides some useful tips for creating easy to use navigation, nice links and buttons, helpful page title and readable content.
Re-purposed slides from http://www.slideshare.net/hanspoldoja/scenariobased-design. Unfortunately some of the links are no longer working. For a (Flash-based) version with working hyperlinks see http://portal.sliderocket.com/CIEKD/Scenario-based-Contextual-Learning-Design
Bruce Perens: OS Landmark Case TestimonyBetsey Merkel
From Bruce Perens: Inside Open Source's Historic Victory — Datamation.com http://tinyurl.com/y8urk7o
Bruce Perens, creator of the Open Source Definition, the manifesto of Open Source and the criterion for Open Source software licensing, was an expert witness in the Jacobsen v. Katzer court case. An unusual glimpse into testimony authored by Bruce Perens that is traditionally silenced. A community grateful thank you to Open Source developer and physicist, Bob Jacobsen for his landmark win requesting obfuscation be replaced with attribution in this landmark case. You can read the story about the legal wrangling that produced a historic victory for Open Source at http://tinyurl.com/y8urk7o
Un’applicazione mobileserver per la mappatura d’informazioni a supporto delle...TeamDev
"Un’applicazione mobile/server per la mappatura d’informazioni a supporto delle scelte agronomiche" Intervento di Velia Sartoretti al Todi Appy Days 2014
Coretta Scott King was born in 1927 in Alabama and attended Antioch College. She was the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., who was assassinated in 1968 in Memphis, Tennessee. Coretta Scott King was a prominent human rights advocate and the first woman to preach at St. Paul's Cathedral in Britain. She passed away in 2006 in Mexico.
This document provides an overview of distributed file systems (DFS), including naming and transparency, remote file access, caching techniques, and example systems such as the Andrew file system. Some key points are:
- A DFS manages dispersed storage devices across a network to provide a shared file space for multiple users. It provides location transparency so file locations are hidden from clients.
- Caching is used to improve performance of remote file access by retaining frequently used data locally. Consistency must be maintained between cached and master copies.
- Systems can use stateful or stateless file service. Stateful requires maintaining client session data while stateless makes each request self-contained.
- The Andrew file system example illustrates
Michigan State University’s Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative: Develop...ethan.watrall
Michigan State University's Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative is developing a model for training and capacity building in digital cultural heritage. The initiative focuses on interdisciplinary scholarly collaboration, building capacity among students through graduate fellowships and fieldschools, and creating open and collaborative digital projects in archaeology and museum studies. It aims to address shortcomings in traditional methods training through hands-on experience with project design, development, management and promotion.
DCMI Keynote: Bridging the Semantic Gaps and InteroperabilityMike Bergman
M. Bergman's presentation, 'Bridging the Gaps: Adaptive Approaches to Data Interoperabiity,' was a keynote at the DCMI's DC 2010 International Conference in Pittsburgh, PA, on October 22, 2010.
In the presentation, Bergman points to the Dublin Core Metadata Initiative as a unique and key player in plugging the semantics "gap" within the semantic Web. Some specific activities and roles are suggested.
Newspaper circulation, revenue, and market value are all declining sharply according to statistics from 2008. Circulation is at its lowest level since 1946 and is down over 70% when adjusted for population growth. Newspaper revenue declined 9.4% in 2007 for the sharpest drop in 60 years, and online revenue only accounts for 7.5% of advertising. The market value of top newspaper companies has fallen over 50% since 2004, with some declining over 90% from their peak values.
The document discusses various concepts related to file systems including file structure, attributes, operations, access methods, directory structure, mounting, sharing and protection. It describes hierarchical tree-structured directories as the most common organization that allows for efficient searching, grouping of files and use of absolute or relative path names. File sharing across networks can be enabled through various protection schemes and network file systems like NFS.
My slides for the SAA 2012 Digital Data Interest Group Forum: CAPACITY-BUILDING FOR
CENTURY: How will People Manage the Information
The document provides an overview of routing protocols and IP addressing concepts. It discusses MAC addresses, IP addressing including classes and subnetting, IPX addressing, and routing fundamentals such as forwarding tables, convergence, metrics, and routing protocols. Specific protocols covered include RIP, with details on distance vector routing. The overall agenda is to introduce IP and IPX addressing, generic routing concepts, specific routing protocols, and static and default routes.
Communication & Collaboration in International Digital Humanities Projectsethan.watrall
HASTAC 2011 Roundtable.
ABSTRACT: As the digital humanities increase in popularity, so do their geographic reach. International digital collaborative projects, however, carry unique sets of constraints and characteristics that make them both challenging and rewarding. It is within this context that this panel, composed of scholars from (and affiliated with) Michigan State University's MATRIX: The Center for the Humane Arts, Letters, and Social Sciences Online (matrix.msu.edu), will introduce several international digital projects and highlight the unique challenges inherent to international communication and collaboration. Above all, this panel is intended to be a dynamic and fruitful conversation between attendees and panel members.
The document discusses measuring the success of mobile apps through a funnel process of interest, investment, gratification, and value that can lead to customers paying for the app. It provides examples of both qualitative and quantitative metrics to measure at each stage, such as how often the app description is viewed to assess interest or the frequency of app use to evaluate value. The key message is that apps should measure whatever possible at each step and iterate based on the weakest point to help guide users through the funnel to ultimately become paying customers.
LandCity Revolution 2016 - Cooperazione applicativa e applicazioni responsive...giovanni biallo
Nella sessione "Sistemi informativi, App e Web Application per smart city e smart land" della Conferenza LandCity Revolution 2016, Gianni Andreani della Geosystems ha presentato la relazione "Cooperazione applicativa e applicazioni responsive per il controllo del patrimonio a verde".
3DGIS è una software house italiana.
Costruita su un’esperienza pluriennale nella
progettazione ICT e nello sviluppo di sistemi informativi territoriali (GIS), combina le pro- fessionalità di ingegneri informatici, architetti ed esperti di comunicazione per migliorare la gestione del territorio.
Presentazione di GisHosting alla quarta conferenza OpenGeoData Italia (Roma 20 giugno 2016)
Sessione: Strumenti, software e servizi per l'elaborazione e la gestione dei dati
3DGIS carto | Visualizzazione ed interrogazione di database topografici3DGIS
3DGIS carto è la soluzione Web GIS per la fruizione e la gestione della cartografia, progettato e realizzato per agevolare le attività tipiche della gestione tecnica ed economica di tali dati.
3DGIS carto è stato progettato per essere il punto di accesso alla cartografia di un’organizzazione, capace di integrarsi con molteplici sistemi – anche non spazialmente abilitati.
Una presentazione del servizio GisHosting per la pubblicazione online di progetti QGIS con particolare riguardo alle operazioni di emergenza (Piani di Emergenza Comunali) http://www.gishosting.gter.it/home
Vogliamo innovare il modo in cui gli utenti lavorano con i sistemi informativi territoriali.
3DGIS è una startup GIS Italiana, fondata nel 2008 a Padova, costruita sull’esperienza di lungo termine nella progettazione e nello sviluppo dei sistemi informativi territoriali (SIT) e, più generalmente, nell’area ICT.
This document discusses new features introduced in .NET Framework 3.5, including features for C# 3.0 like collection initializers, anonymous types, automatic properties, extension methods, XML literals, lambda expressions, and relaxed delegates as well as features for VB 9. It was written by Andrea Cruciani and Paolo Possanzini and can be found on their blog at dotnetumbria.org.
3. Chi siamo…
• TeamDev è composta da professionisti con più di 10 anni di esperienza nel settore delle
scienze geografiche e nello sviluppo software sia in ambito nazionale sia in quello
• Il contributo di TeamDev è stato fondamentale per la realizzazione di Sistemi complessi per la
gestione dell’informazione geospaziale sia per gli aspetti procedurali e organizzativi sia per lo
sviluppo software, la consulenza IT e la modellazione geografica.
• Fare GIS per noi significa credere nella validità dell’approccio geografico per tutte le
problematiche per le quali l’ubicazione geografica riveste una caratteristica importante o
critica per la loro analisi
4. GIS
Permette di svolgere operazioni e
analisi con dati georiferiti e creare
Remote sensing
Permette di acquisire dati sulle
caratteristiche di suolo e
vegetazione attraverso un sensore
che raccoglie la radiazione
Macchinari che svolgono
operazioni colturali automatizzate
e differenziate nelle varie parti di
un appezzamento
Consente di stabilire la posizione
Utilizzo del GIS nel Precision
Strategia gestionale dell’agricoltura che
si avvale di moderne strumentazioni per
eseguire interventi agronomici tenendo
conto delle effettive esigenze colturali.
5. Da quando ci occupiamo di agricoltura…
ArcNews-Esri | Summer 2013 | Vol. 35, No. 2
Conferenza Italiana Utenti – Aprile 2013
6. Primo lab di agricoltura di precisione in una scuola
7. Formare per imparare…
TeamDev ha supportato i futuri tecnici dell’ITS,
insegnando a utilizzare APP GIS per raccogliere
in tempo reale i dati osservati in campo e
visualizzarli in mappe tematiche per facilitare il
processo decisionale per le scelte agronomiche.
8. La nostra soluzione software
Data source Cloud Mappe Piattaforma Prodotti InteroperabilitÃ
• Applicazione
• Archiviazione dati
• Map Service
• Feature Service
• Image Service
con report
ISO/TC 211
9. Con quale obiettivo…
Fornire un prodotto che possa essere :
• Un collante tra le diverse componenti
del PF
• In grado di amplificare le potenzialitÃ
delle diverse componenti del PF
• Un fusion center (servizi meteo, dati
satellitari, ecc.)
• Uno strumento collaborativo tra i
diversi soggetti che aderiscono a
piano di crowdsourcing
• Uno strumento facilitatore per gli
obblighi di legge
10. Un workflow per i dati da SAPR…
Mappe NIR
Mappe NDVI
11. Un esempio di sperimentazione
• Utilizzo del GIS per interventi
agronomici contro il Mal
dell’Esca della vite
12. Il progetto al quale stiamo lavorando
S.I.G. 2015
Sistema Informativo Geografico a supporto del precision farming
Piano di Sviluppo Rurale per l’Umbria 2007/2013
15. I primi risultati
Realizzazione mappe di vigoria della vegetazione (Indice NDVI – Normalized
Difference Vegetation Index)
Mappa di vigoria da SAPR Mappa di vigoria da satellite
16. Prodotti web ed app per coprire le esigenze degli agricoltori
Per gestire le operazioni
sugli appezzamenti
• Ottimizzare il lavoro
con informazioni
• Ridurre i costi
• Rispondere ai
requisiti per ottenere
incentivi Comunitari
Una piattaforma web
attraverso cui agricoltori
ed esperti possono
cooperare per mettere a
disposizione di tutti
nuove conoscenze o
segnalare la diffusione
di fitopatologie
I prossimi progetti che ci vedranno impegnati…
17. Shape the future
Il migliore modo di immaginare il futuro è creare il futuro