Gimnazjum im. Wincentego Pola w Radawczyku Drugim, laureat konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013 za projekt "Sztuka czy narody polsko-litewski dialog midzykulturowy."
Making your clients understand your video concept is next to impossible if you don't have a good presentation. This how we approached AllDox with a video ad' idea.
Festival ict 2015 droni mauro alovisio v.3Mauro Alovisio
seminario Festival ICT 11 novembre 2015 : cCome fare a decollare la tecnologia ed il business dei droni Avv. Mauro Alovisio Avv. Giovanni Battista Gallus
Forces can be described as pushes or pulls, and are expressed in units of newtons. A force is being exerted whether or not an object moves as a result. Balanced forces occur when equal forces act on an object in opposite directions, resulting in no change in motion. Unbalanced forces occur when the net force is greater than zero, causing an object to accelerate. Forces can be depicted using diagrams with arrows to show direction and relative magnitude.
The document provides guidance on conducting effective annual reviews. It emphasizes that annual reviews are an opportunity for team leaders and members to reflect on the past year, identify lessons learned, and plan for future success. The review process should involve preparation by both parties, discussion of achievements and challenges, and agreement on goals, priorities, and capability development for the upcoming year. By taking the time for thoughtful reviews, team members will feel energized and confident in their ability to perform at a high level with their manager's support.
Domestic Resource Mobilization for micro and small enterprises in Boliviajlpereirao
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are very important in Bolivia, eight out of ten employments are created by this sector. Most of MSEs work in an informal economy, having strong impact in job quality, tax contribution and weak national services delivered to this companies. Aimed to public authorities and cooperation agencies, the proposal explore some financial mechanism and tools that can allow incorporate this sector to formal economy, improving productivity, work conditions and cluster integration. Bolivian Economic and Social Development Plan 2015-2020 is specific in looking for a strong MSE participation in the national effort aimed to diversify the productive matrix
This certificate recognizes Andrew Hambler for his outstanding participation in Study Visit no. 63 on how ICT techniques improve teaching and learning processes. The certificate was awarded to Andrew Hambler on October 5th, 2012 for being an outstanding professional participant in the study visit that examined how information and communication technologies can enhance education.
Sylwia Piekarczyk laureatka konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013
za udzia w projekcie The CLIL (Content Integrated Language Learning) approach in a bilingual environment
Wyr坦甜nienie w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 w kategorii instytucjonalnej / program Grundtvig. Olsztyskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne za projekt "Aurora Polaris"
Maryla Soluch wyr坦甜niona w konkursie EDUinspiracje / Grundtvig za udzia w projektach "Aurora Polaris" oraz "Unlocking the Universe" organizowanych przez Olsztyskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne
Forces can be described as pushes or pulls, and are expressed in units of newtons. A force is being exerted whether or not an object moves as a result. Balanced forces occur when equal forces act on an object in opposite directions, resulting in no change in motion. Unbalanced forces occur when the net force is greater than zero, causing an object to accelerate. Forces can be depicted using diagrams with arrows to show direction and relative magnitude.
The document provides guidance on conducting effective annual reviews. It emphasizes that annual reviews are an opportunity for team leaders and members to reflect on the past year, identify lessons learned, and plan for future success. The review process should involve preparation by both parties, discussion of achievements and challenges, and agreement on goals, priorities, and capability development for the upcoming year. By taking the time for thoughtful reviews, team members will feel energized and confident in their ability to perform at a high level with their manager's support.
Domestic Resource Mobilization for micro and small enterprises in Boliviajlpereirao
Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are very important in Bolivia, eight out of ten employments are created by this sector. Most of MSEs work in an informal economy, having strong impact in job quality, tax contribution and weak national services delivered to this companies. Aimed to public authorities and cooperation agencies, the proposal explore some financial mechanism and tools that can allow incorporate this sector to formal economy, improving productivity, work conditions and cluster integration. Bolivian Economic and Social Development Plan 2015-2020 is specific in looking for a strong MSE participation in the national effort aimed to diversify the productive matrix
This certificate recognizes Andrew Hambler for his outstanding participation in Study Visit no. 63 on how ICT techniques improve teaching and learning processes. The certificate was awarded to Andrew Hambler on October 5th, 2012 for being an outstanding professional participant in the study visit that examined how information and communication technologies can enhance education.
Sylwia Piekarczyk laureatka konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013
za udzia w projekcie The CLIL (Content Integrated Language Learning) approach in a bilingual environment
Wyr坦甜nienie w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 w kategorii instytucjonalnej / program Grundtvig. Olsztyskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne za projekt "Aurora Polaris"
Maryla Soluch wyr坦甜niona w konkursie EDUinspiracje / Grundtvig za udzia w projektach "Aurora Polaris" oraz "Unlocking the Universe" organizowanych przez Olsztyskie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne
Karina Bogu - Laureatka konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013, reprezentujca Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie w Wadowicach za udzia w kursie doskonalenia zawodowego ARTERY workshop Art Education Therapy.
Social Skills for Vulnerable Groups
ZSO nr 1 w Chojnie - program Leonardo da VinciEDUinspiracje
Zesp坦 Szk坦 Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 w Chojnie, laureat w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Leonardo da Vinci - konkurs EDUinspiracje 2013 za projekt "Sta甜e hotelarzy"
Laureat w kategorii indywidualnej w programie Leonardo da Vinci konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013 "Historie sukcesu - jak udzia w programach edukacyjnych wpyn na funkcjonowanie instytucji i nasze 甜ycie"
W ramach projektu "My Environment in the Alphabet" uczniowie poznawali si nawzajem, prezentowali swoj codzienno i poszukiwali miejsc w swoim otoczeniu wedug porzdku alfabetycznego. U甜ywali r坦wnie甜 alfabetu, 甜eby nauczy si nawzajem podstawowych zwrot坦w swojego jzyka (czeski, woski, polski). Dziki realizacji tego przedsiwzicia nasza instytucja rozwija si, podnosi sw坦j poziom i jako ksztacenia. Pozwala na praktyczne wykorzystywanie zdobywanej wiedzy oraz uczy modzie甜 nawizywania nowych kontakt坦w, r坦wnie甜 tych zagranicznych. Motywuje do wykorzystywania okazji, jakie im stwarza, wychodzc z ofert projekt坦w midzynarodowych.
Wyr坦znienie w kategorii indywidualnej programu eTwinning w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Stanisawa Balonek za projekt "A joint tribune to Maria Skodowska-Curie Wsp坦lny hod dla Marii Skodowskiej-Curie"
Wyr坦甜nienie w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Gimnazjum im. Stanisawa Konarskiego w Skierniewicach za projekt Retropolis
WYR纏NIENIE w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013: Zesp坦 Szk坦 Mechanicznych nr 1 im. Szczepana Humberta za projekt Erarbeitung einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsplattform zur Herstellung einer elektropneumatischen Anlage
Opracowanie wsp坦lnej platformy pracy dla stworzenia urzdzenia elektropneumatycznego
Laureat w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013
Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Jana Pawa II w Krempachach za projekt "Maths on Earth!"