Sylwia Piekarczyk laureatka konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013
za udzia? w projekcie The CLIL (Content Integrated Language Learning) approach in a bilingual environment
Head lice are most common in children and spread through direct head contact. They live on the human scalp and cannot survive off a human for more than a day or two. While they are a nuisance, head lice do not transmit diseases. Four steps are required to treat an infestation: using medicated shampoo, combing out nits with a special comb, cleaning items contacting the infected person's head, and daily combing until the infestation clears.
Psyllids are small, sap-sucking insects that secrete sticky honeydew and can damage various ornamental and food plants. They can cause leaf distortion, stunted growth, premature leaf drop, and defoliation. Management includes providing proper plant care, conserving natural enemies like ladybugs and parasitic wasps, and only using insecticides as a last resort for severe infestations. It is important to identify psyllids and the plants they affect in order to implement integrated pest management practices that reduce populations in an environmentally-friendly manner.
This document discusses the risks that pesticides pose to pets. Pets are more vulnerable to pesticides than humans due to their smaller size, behavior patterns like grooming and exploring with their nose and mouth, and lack of certain detoxifying enzymes. Pets can be poisoned directly through contact with pesticide residues or indirectly by eating poisoned prey in a process called secondary poisoning. Many common pesticides used in homes and agriculture have been linked to health issues in pets like cancer, neurological effects, and death. Flea and tick control products also pose risks to pets from toxic ingredients like organophosphates. Careful avoidance of pesticide use and choosing natural pest control methods can help protect pets.
Este documento presenta el programa para una xuntanza juvenil organizada por la Asociaci¨®n Diab¨¦tica Auria en Allariz, Ourense del 13 al 14 de julio. El programa incluye actividades como juegos, deportes, talleres de cocina y decoraci¨®n, y control de la glucosa, con el objetivo de que los participantes disfruten de un fin de semana divertido y seguro.
Fourteen LSU AgCenter agents attended a workshop to learn how to establish and teach about butterfly gardens. Through an Innovation Grant, the agents will establish butterfly gardens in their parishes and teach children about the butterfly life cycle and plants that attract butterflies. The document lists the agents and parishes that will receive new butterfly gardens.
Mice can enter homes through holes as small as a dime. To prevent infestations, it is important to seal all entry points and remove food and shelter sources. Detection methods include looking for droppings or setting flour to see footprints. Live traps allow for release of mice away from the home, while snap traps should be placed against walls with bait. Poisons carry risks and some mice have developed resistances; they require secure placement and monitoring. The most effective long-term solution is exclusion and sanitation.
Setting Up and Running a School Garden: A Manual for Teachers, Parents and Communities
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech
Free School Gardening Art Posters`
Companion Planting Increases Food Production from School Gardens
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide
The document summarizes the 36th Slovenian International Ladies Amateur Championship to take place from May 22nd to 24th, 2014 at the Diners Golf & Country Club Ljubljana. It will be a 72-hole stroke play event counting towards the World and European Amateur Rankings. A maximum of 120 players with an exact handicap of 6.0 or lower will compete. There will also be a Nations Cup competition for teams of 3 players from the same country on the first two days. The championship is organized by the Golf Association of Slovenia and entries must be submitted by May 5th, 2014.
The document discusses agile software development principles and processes. It covers topics like user stories, iterations, planning, development, testing, and acceptance criteria. Simple graphics show workflows and relationships between team members, tasks, and delivering working software in short cycles.
Bella Quincea?era & Sweet 16 is a 2013 company founded by Isabella Wall that plans quincea?era and sweet 16 birthday celebrations. The company website is and specializes in coordinating all elements of the important milestone celebrations, from venue and catering to photography and entertainment.
This document discusses strategies for preventing, detecting, and controlling toxic mold in homes. It outlines how excess moisture can lead to mold growth, and recommends ways to reduce indoor humidity such as ventilation, insulation, and leak repair. Detection of mold involves identifying visual signs or odors of mold growth. Air sampling is not always reliable for detection. Control is a two-step process of thoroughly cleaning contaminated areas and addressing the moisture source to prevent future mold growth. Chemical treatments are generally not recommended for mold remediation due to health risks.
This document summarizes common soil-borne plant pathogens and strategies for managing root diseases. It discusses several fungal and water mold pathogens that cause root rots, including Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Armillaria, Fusarium, and Verticillium. The pathogens can survive for years in soil or plant debris. Symptoms appear above ground as wilting or discoloration. The best prevention strategies are choosing disease-resistant plant varieties, improving soil drainage and structure, applying compost to encourage beneficial microbes, and practicing crop rotation. Specific biological controls are also useful against some pathogens like Rhizoctonia.
XV Cineforum SoMaMFyC. La bicicleta verdeGemaComunica
Este documento discute la importancia de la capacidad de elecci¨®n y la dignidad humana. Citando a Victor Frankl y otros, argumenta que aunque se le puede quitar todo a una persona, lo ¨²ltimo que queda es la libertad de elegir su propia actitud ante el destino. Examina los motivos para la acci¨®n humana como las necesidades, los deleites, los compromisos, los proyectos y los experimentos art¨ªsticos. Sostiene que entre los motivos y la acci¨®n hay un "gap" que solo puede ser llenado por la voluntad libre para decidir
We have created a variety of print and online collateral for this rapidly growing home automation and technology company, including advertisements, postcard mailers, invitations, signage, logo wear, and vehicle wraps. We are now working with them on a new campaign that will reflect their evolving brand.
To Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09666155510, 09849539085 or mail us - Our Website:
Este documento presenta el programa para una xuntanza juvenil organizada por la Asociaci¨®n Diab¨¦tica Auria en Allariz, Ourense del 13 al 14 de julio. El programa incluye actividades como juegos, deportes, talleres de cocina y decoraci¨®n, y control de la glucosa, con el objetivo de que los participantes disfruten de un fin de semana divertido y seguro.
Fourteen LSU AgCenter agents attended a workshop to learn how to establish and teach about butterfly gardens. Through an Innovation Grant, the agents will establish butterfly gardens in their parishes and teach children about the butterfly life cycle and plants that attract butterflies. The document lists the agents and parishes that will receive new butterfly gardens.
Mice can enter homes through holes as small as a dime. To prevent infestations, it is important to seal all entry points and remove food and shelter sources. Detection methods include looking for droppings or setting flour to see footprints. Live traps allow for release of mice away from the home, while snap traps should be placed against walls with bait. Poisons carry risks and some mice have developed resistances; they require secure placement and monitoring. The most effective long-term solution is exclusion and sanitation.
Setting Up and Running a School Garden: A Manual for Teachers, Parents and Communities
For more information, Please see websites below:
Organic Edible Schoolyards & Gardening with Children
Double Food Production from your School Garden with Organic Tech
Free School Gardening Art Posters`
Companion Planting Increases Food Production from School Gardens
Healthy Foods Dramatically Improves Student Academic Success
City Chickens for your Organic School Garden
Simple Square Foot Gardening for Schools - Teacher Guide
The document summarizes the 36th Slovenian International Ladies Amateur Championship to take place from May 22nd to 24th, 2014 at the Diners Golf & Country Club Ljubljana. It will be a 72-hole stroke play event counting towards the World and European Amateur Rankings. A maximum of 120 players with an exact handicap of 6.0 or lower will compete. There will also be a Nations Cup competition for teams of 3 players from the same country on the first two days. The championship is organized by the Golf Association of Slovenia and entries must be submitted by May 5th, 2014.
The document discusses agile software development principles and processes. It covers topics like user stories, iterations, planning, development, testing, and acceptance criteria. Simple graphics show workflows and relationships between team members, tasks, and delivering working software in short cycles.
Bella Quincea?era & Sweet 16 is a 2013 company founded by Isabella Wall that plans quincea?era and sweet 16 birthday celebrations. The company website is and specializes in coordinating all elements of the important milestone celebrations, from venue and catering to photography and entertainment.
This document discusses strategies for preventing, detecting, and controlling toxic mold in homes. It outlines how excess moisture can lead to mold growth, and recommends ways to reduce indoor humidity such as ventilation, insulation, and leak repair. Detection of mold involves identifying visual signs or odors of mold growth. Air sampling is not always reliable for detection. Control is a two-step process of thoroughly cleaning contaminated areas and addressing the moisture source to prevent future mold growth. Chemical treatments are generally not recommended for mold remediation due to health risks.
This document summarizes common soil-borne plant pathogens and strategies for managing root diseases. It discusses several fungal and water mold pathogens that cause root rots, including Phytophthora, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, Armillaria, Fusarium, and Verticillium. The pathogens can survive for years in soil or plant debris. Symptoms appear above ground as wilting or discoloration. The best prevention strategies are choosing disease-resistant plant varieties, improving soil drainage and structure, applying compost to encourage beneficial microbes, and practicing crop rotation. Specific biological controls are also useful against some pathogens like Rhizoctonia.
XV Cineforum SoMaMFyC. La bicicleta verdeGemaComunica
Este documento discute la importancia de la capacidad de elecci¨®n y la dignidad humana. Citando a Victor Frankl y otros, argumenta que aunque se le puede quitar todo a una persona, lo ¨²ltimo que queda es la libertad de elegir su propia actitud ante el destino. Examina los motivos para la acci¨®n humana como las necesidades, los deleites, los compromisos, los proyectos y los experimentos art¨ªsticos. Sostiene que entre los motivos y la acci¨®n hay un "gap" que solo puede ser llenado por la voluntad libre para decidir
We have created a variety of print and online collateral for this rapidly growing home automation and technology company, including advertisements, postcard mailers, invitations, signage, logo wear, and vehicle wraps. We are now working with them on a new campaign that will reflect their evolving brand.
To Get any Project for CSE, IT ECE, EEE Contact Me @ 09666155510, 09849539085 or mail us - Our Website:
Do?wiadczenia innych - systemy edukacyjne w europie
W dniu 14 czerwca 2012 roku odby? si? wyk?ad dla wszystkich student¨®w obj?tych projektem Kompetentny nauczyciel ... z zakresu System¨®w edukacyjnych w krajach Unii Europejskiej. Podczas wyk?adu nauczyciele szkol?cy si? w ramach projektu zaprezentowali wyniki naszych dotychczasowych szkole¨½ w tym zakresie oraz w?asne spostrze?enia na temat rozwoju edukacji w EU.
Zesp¨®? pod kierownictwem Prof. UJK dr hab. Miros?awa Babiarza zebra? w ca?o?? i opracowa? merytorycznie wyk?ad zawieraj?cy dotychczasowe do?wiadczenia zdobyte podczas szkole¨½ obytych w krajach Uni Europejskiej; Dr Miros?awa Parlak ¨C System edukacji w Austrii, S?owacji na W?grzech oraz Portugalii, Dr Lidia Pawelec ¨C System edukacji w Niemczech oraz W?oszech, Dr Irena Sta¨½czak ¨C System edukacji we Francji i Norwegii, Mgr Krzysztof Kupczewski - Projekt i opracowanie graficzne.
Centre for Foreign Language Teacher Training and European Education Universit...Przemys?aw Wolski
The main purpose of the Centre is to educate and train English, French and German teachers for primary schools, gymnasiums and lycees. The Centre carries out first cycle studies in the field of philology in English language teaching, French language teaching and German language teaching. [Full time studies in all three colleges and non-full time studies (Evening and Extramural) in the University College of English Language Teacher Education and in the University College of German Language Teacher Education]
Gimnazjum im. Wincentego Pola w Radawczyku Drugim, laureat konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013 za projekt "Sztuka ??czy narody ¨C polsko-litewski dialog mi?dzykulturowy."
This certificate recognizes Andrew Hambler for his outstanding participation in Study Visit no. 63 on how ICT techniques improve teaching and learning processes. The certificate was awarded to Andrew Hambler on October 5th, 2012 for being an outstanding professional participant in the study visit that examined how information and communication technologies can enhance education.
Wyr¨®?nienie w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 w kategorii instytucjonalnej / program Grundtvig. Olszty¨½skie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne za projekt "Aurora Polaris"
Maryla Soluch wyr¨®?niona w konkursie EDUinspiracje / Grundtvig za udzia? w projektach "Aurora Polaris" oraz "Unlocking the Universe" organizowanych przez Olszty¨½skie Planetarium i Obserwatorium Astronomiczne
Karina Bogu¨½ - Laureatka konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013, reprezentuj?ca Powiatowe Centrum Pomocy Rodzinie w Wadowicach za udzia? w kursie doskonalenia zawodowego ARTERY workshop ¨C Art Education Therapy.
Social Skills for Vulnerable Groups
ZSO nr 1 w Chojnie - program Leonardo da VinciEDUinspiracje
Zesp¨®? Szk¨®? Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 w Chojnie, laureat w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Leonardo da Vinci - konkurs EDUinspiracje 2013 za projekt "Sta?e hotelarzy"
Laureat w kategorii indywidualnej w programie Leonardo da Vinci konkursu EDUinspiracje 2013 "Historie sukcesu - jak udzia? w programach edukacyjnych wp?yn?? na funkcjonowanie instytucji i nasze ?ycie"
W ramach projektu "My Environment in the Alphabet" uczniowie poznawali si? nawzajem, prezentowali swoj? codzienno?? i poszukiwali miejsc w swoim otoczeniu wed?ug porz?dku alfabetycznego. U?ywali r¨®wnie? alfabetu, ?eby nauczy? si? nawzajem podstawowych zwrot¨®w swojego j?zyka (czeski, w?oski, polski). Dzi?ki realizacji tego przedsi?wzi?cia nasza instytucja rozwija si?, podnosi sw¨®j poziom i jako?? kszta?cenia. Pozwala na praktyczne wykorzystywanie zdobywanej wiedzy oraz uczy m?odzie? nawi?zywania nowych kontakt¨®w, r¨®wnie? tych zagranicznych. Motywuje do wykorzystywania okazji, jakie im stwarza, wychodz?c z ofert? projekt¨®w mi?dzynarodowych.
Wyr¨®znienie w kategorii indywidualnej programu eTwinning w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Stanis?awa Balonek za projekt "A joint tribune to Maria Sk?odowska-Curie ¨C Wsp¨®lny ho?d dla Marii Sk?odowskiej-Curie"
Wyr¨®?nienie w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Gimnazjum im. Stanis?awa Konarskiego w Skierniewicach za projekt Retropolis
WYR??NIENIE w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013: Zesp¨®? Szk¨®? Mechanicznych nr 1 im. Szczepana Humberta za projekt Erarbeitung einer gemeinsamen Arbeitsplattform zur Herstellung einer elektropneumatischen Anlage
¨C Opracowanie wsp¨®lnej platformy pracy dla stworzenia urz?dzenia elektropneumatycznego
Laureat w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013
Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Jana Paw?a II w Krempachach za projekt "Maths on Earth!"
Micha? Bartosz Mojski - wyr¨®?niony w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 za projekt "Trening uwra?liwiaj?cy na problemy migracji, dyskryminacji, kultury i r¨®?norodno?ci ze strategi? nauczania tych zagadnie¨½ w r¨®?nych grupach wiekowych"
1. EDUinspiracje 2013
?Historie sukcesu ¨C jak udzia? w programie wp?yn?? na
funkcjonowanie instytucji i nasze ?ycie?¡±
XXI LO im. H. Ko???taja w Warszawie
2. Wszystko zacz??o si? ¡
¡ od European Language Label za projekt
Mali pary?anie, ma?ym warszawiakom
4. Reorganizacja systemu nauczania
j?zyk¨®w obcych w XXI LO
? nauczanie 5 j?zyk¨®w w grupach
francuski, angielski, niemiecki, rosyjski i
? kryteria przydzia?u do grup:
¨C wyb¨®r j?zyka przez ucznia;
¨C poziom bieg?o?ci w wybranym j?zyku.
5. Reorganizacja systemu nauczania
j?zyk¨®w obcych w XXI LO
? Podzia? na poziomy j?zykowe
¨C zgodnie z podstaw? programow?;
¨C w nawi?zaniu do poziom¨®w bieg?o?ci j?zykowej
opisanych w Europejskim Portfolio J?zykowym dla
uczni¨®w szk¨®? ponadgimnazjalnych i student¨®w
6. Klasa j?zykowo-kulturoznawcza
Klasa j?zykowo-kulturoznawcza proponuje uczniom nauczanie j?zyk¨®w:
francuskiego i angielskiego w rozszerzonym wymiarze godzin oraz j?zyk
hiszpaoski na poziomie podstawowym.
Cz??d lekcji historii i biologii jest prowadzona w j?zyku angielskim. Od roku
szkolnego 2013/2014 elementy j?zyka angielskiego b?d? obecne na lekcjach
Lekcje j?zyka francuskiego s? prowadzone w modu?ach tematycznych (og¨®lne
kompetencje j?zykowe, kultura i cywilizacja kraj¨®w francuskiego obszaru
j?zykowego oraz wypowied? pisemna).
Opr¨®cz nauki j?zyka angielskiego og¨®lnego, prowadzone s? te? zaj?cia z j?zyka
angielskiego specjalistycznego .
Uczniowie bior? udzia? w zaj?ciach dotycz?cych strategii uczenia si? j?zyk¨®w
obcych, prowadzonych przez pracownik¨®w naukowych Instytutu Romanistyki UW
7. Klasa j?zykowo-kulturoznawcza:
uk?ad godzin dla poszczeg¨®lnych j?zyk¨®w
(od roku 2012/2013)
klasa 1
klasa 2
klasa 3
16. Klasa j?zykowo-kulturoznawcza: biologia
? Ponadto:
¨C nauka metod? e-learningu, przy wykorzystaniu
platformy edukacyjnej
na mocy porozumienia zawartego z w?a?cicielem
¨C przygotowywanie prezentacji w j. angielskim
¨C praca z tekstami w j?zyku angielskim
¨C elementy j. angielskiego na testach kontrolnych