The document discusses a marketing program called FlyPage that provides cost-effective traffic building and branding opportunities for small and mid-sized businesses. FlyPage offers both non-targeted and targeted advertising options, with targeted allowing businesses to focus on specific regions and industries. The document provides pricing details and examples of traffic metrics and costs from trial campaigns using FlyPage.
A web based client and server model for controlling electronic warfare monito...Yeswanth Reddy
This document describes a web-based client-server model for controlling electronic warfare monitoring receivers remotely. The system allows a client to intercept and demodulate signals like AM and FM using a receiver that can be configured and controlled via TCP/IP through a LAN connection to a server. Key components include the client, server, router, and specifications for IP addresses, longitude/latitude, and system requirements.
An introduction to Erlang, with an angle for Rubyists.
Talk given at Christchurch Ruby in New Zealand on 20 June, 2013.
Title page: Lavanderia (Sturdy)
Body: Avenir (Black)
Code: Monaco (Regular)
Feel free to use the slides for anything you need. Please contact me if you would like the original Keynote files.
Beatriz Garcia, Plenary within Discussion Panel: Plenary, 'New Beijing, New Media? Emergent Journalistic Practice at the Olympics', in: 9th International Symposium on Olympic Research, International Centre for Olympic Studies, University of Western Ontario & Beijing Capital Universiy (4 Aug)
Este documento cuenta la historia de tres princesas - Laura, Dayana y Ximena - y su amigo el Pr¨ªncipe Mario. Las princesas viven en un hermoso castillo y un d¨ªa van de compras a un centro comercial, donde una bruja intenta apu?alar a la Princesa Ximena. Las otras princesas la atacan para defenderla. Luego todos asisten a un baile real, donde Dayana y Ximena encuentran a sus parejas y viven felices para siempre.
Timothy Yeo is a principal user experience consultant with over 15 years of experience in user experience design, research, and consulting. He has worked with over 50 clients on a variety of projects, including websites, web applications, mobile apps, and consumer electronics. Some of his clients include Philips Electronics, Nokia, SingTel, Citibank, and government agencies in Singapore. He is currently the lead UX consultant at Objective Digital in Sydney, where he mentors the team and ensures high-quality work is delivered to clients.
The document discusses the role of media at the Olympics from Beijing 2008 to London 2012. It describes the traditionally strict regulation of accredited media by the IOC and competition between the IOC's agenda of controlling narratives and local host cities' goals of promoting their place. It notes how non-accredited media centers have given more access but have remained covert. The Beijing Olympics highlighted tensions around controlling versus participatory new media. The proliferation of citizen journalism may challenge the need for non-accredited centers in the future.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
(1) Haji dan umrah yang dilakukan oleh kanak-kanak sebelum umur baligh dianggap sebagai amalan sunat;
(2) Apabila kanak-kanak itu telah baligh, mereka wajib melakukan haji sekali lagi untuk memenuhi rukun Islam;
(3) Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan perbezaan antara kanak-kanak yang mumayyiz (boleh membezakan baik dan buruk)
Material tablas-rendimiento-consumo-combustible-costo-maquinaria-pesadaCorporaciones Amc Sac
El documento presenta tablas de rendimientos esperados y consumos de combustible para diferentes tipos de maquinaria de construcci¨®n, incluyendo bulldozers, motoniveladoras, excavadoras hidr¨¢ulicas, compactadores y terminadoras de asfalto. Los rendimientos y consumos var¨ªan seg¨²n el modelo, potencia y tipo de trabajo o material a procesar. Se proveen estas gu¨ªas para estimar costos de equipos, pero se advierte que factores como el operador y condiciones del sitio tambi¨¦n afectan el rendimiento real.
La Retroexcavadora Cargadora 416E de Caterpillar presenta mejoras en la estaci¨®n del operador, el brazo extensible, los sistemas hidr¨¢ulicos y el tren de fuerza para aumentar la productividad, el rendimiento y la comodidad del operador. La nueva estaci¨®n del operador ofrece mayor espacio y visibilidad. El brazo extensible opcional aumenta el alcance de excavaci¨®n. Los sistemas hidr¨¢ulicos mejorados proporcionan mayor potencia y precisi¨®n. El motor cumple con las normas de emisiones y ofrece mayor efici
Beatriz Garcia, Plenary within Discussion Panel: Plenary, 'New Beijing, New Media? Emergent Journalistic Practice at the Olympics', in: 9th International Symposium on Olympic Research, International Centre for Olympic Studies, University of Western Ontario & Beijing Capital Universiy (4 Aug)
Este documento cuenta la historia de tres princesas - Laura, Dayana y Ximena - y su amigo el Pr¨ªncipe Mario. Las princesas viven en un hermoso castillo y un d¨ªa van de compras a un centro comercial, donde una bruja intenta apu?alar a la Princesa Ximena. Las otras princesas la atacan para defenderla. Luego todos asisten a un baile real, donde Dayana y Ximena encuentran a sus parejas y viven felices para siempre.
Timothy Yeo is a principal user experience consultant with over 15 years of experience in user experience design, research, and consulting. He has worked with over 50 clients on a variety of projects, including websites, web applications, mobile apps, and consumer electronics. Some of his clients include Philips Electronics, Nokia, SingTel, Citibank, and government agencies in Singapore. He is currently the lead UX consultant at Objective Digital in Sydney, where he mentors the team and ensures high-quality work is delivered to clients.
The document discusses the role of media at the Olympics from Beijing 2008 to London 2012. It describes the traditionally strict regulation of accredited media by the IOC and competition between the IOC's agenda of controlling narratives and local host cities' goals of promoting their place. It notes how non-accredited media centers have given more access but have remained covert. The Beijing Olympics highlighted tensions around controlling versus participatory new media. The proliferation of citizen journalism may challenge the need for non-accredited centers in the future.
Ringkasan dokumen tersebut adalah:
(1) Haji dan umrah yang dilakukan oleh kanak-kanak sebelum umur baligh dianggap sebagai amalan sunat;
(2) Apabila kanak-kanak itu telah baligh, mereka wajib melakukan haji sekali lagi untuk memenuhi rukun Islam;
(3) Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan perbezaan antara kanak-kanak yang mumayyiz (boleh membezakan baik dan buruk)
Material tablas-rendimiento-consumo-combustible-costo-maquinaria-pesadaCorporaciones Amc Sac
El documento presenta tablas de rendimientos esperados y consumos de combustible para diferentes tipos de maquinaria de construcci¨®n, incluyendo bulldozers, motoniveladoras, excavadoras hidr¨¢ulicas, compactadores y terminadoras de asfalto. Los rendimientos y consumos var¨ªan seg¨²n el modelo, potencia y tipo de trabajo o material a procesar. Se proveen estas gu¨ªas para estimar costos de equipos, pero se advierte que factores como el operador y condiciones del sitio tambi¨¦n afectan el rendimiento real.
La Retroexcavadora Cargadora 416E de Caterpillar presenta mejoras en la estaci¨®n del operador, el brazo extensible, los sistemas hidr¨¢ulicos y el tren de fuerza para aumentar la productividad, el rendimiento y la comodidad del operador. La nueva estaci¨®n del operador ofrece mayor espacio y visibilidad. El brazo extensible opcional aumenta el alcance de excavaci¨®n. Los sistemas hidr¨¢ulicos mejorados proporcionan mayor potencia y precisi¨®n. El motor cumple con las normas de emisiones y ofrece mayor efici