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Principles of Achieving Wealth
               Legacy Hotel  Plymouth
                      17 November 2012

                      Graham Nicholls
           Make A Dream Publishing Ltd
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Definition of wealth
1. An abundance of valuable material possessions
 or resources; riches.
2. All goods and resources having value in terms
 of exchange or use.
Money is nothing more than the measure of the
 value you create for other people  the only way to
 double your money is to double the value you give
 to other people
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Advice from the ages...

Out of ABUNDANCE he took ABUNDANCE and
  still ABUNDANCE remained  The Upanishads
People still think there is only a limited amount of
 resources. Did you know that if you took all the
 money out there, there would be 贈1 million for
 each man, woman and child in the world? And it is
 increasing day by day!
Principles of Achieving Wealth
More advice from the ages...

There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and
  being READY to receive it. No-one is ready for a thing,
  until they believe they can acquire it. The state of mind
  must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open-
  mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not
  inspire faith, courage or belief. Remember, no more
  effort is required to aim high in life, to demand
  abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept
  misery & poverty. Napoleon Hill (Think And Grow
Principles of Achieving Wealth

Be open-minded
Believe in what you want
Forget about idle dreams and wishes
You must BELIEVE
Get yourself READY to receive the wealth
 you dream about
Principles of Achieving Wealth
When Kennedy asked:
What will it take to go to the moon, land a
 man and return him safely to earth again?
What do you think the 5 word response
 from NASA was?
Principles of Achieving Wealth
When Kennedy asked:
What will it take to go to the moon, land
 a man and return him safely to earth
Dr Werner Von Braun replied:
          The   will to do it!
Principles of Achieving Wealth
 If you always do what you always do,
 you will always get what you always
People who consistently fail, believe
 that if they keep doing the same thing,
 ultimately they will be successful...
Principles of Achieving Wealth
What is the primary cause of peoples
Why is there such a huge difference in
 the results that people sometimes
 experience in life?
Why do people fail?
Principles of Achieving Wealth
The answer is paradigms

  To ignore the power of paradigms to
    influence your judgement is to put
    yourself at risk when exploring the
Joel Barker author of paradigms
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Principles of Achieving Wealth
The conscious mind
 Cognitive senses
 Intellectual senses

The subconscious mind
 Paradigms (behaviour patterns)
Principles of Achieving Wealth
 BUT... it is the conscious mind that created
 the paradigm in the first place.
What influences the conscious mind?
         Seeing              Hearing
          Taste              Touch
Principles of Achieving Wealth
        Heres a little secret:
The subconscious mind cant tell
 the difference between what is
   imagined and what is real!
  (Its why simulators work!)
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Principles of Achieving Wealth
 We think in pictures
You know what things look like
You watch the pictures change as you go
 through life  and this is how you change
 your paradigm
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Steps to Achieving Wealth
 Picture a goal
 Feel what it is like to have achieved the goal
 Own the goal as if it has already happened
 Feel the emotional response in your body as you
  own the goal
 Make a plan
 Change the plan
 Achieve the goal
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Four Important Rules

Demand WEALTH in specific terms
HAVE specific plans for acquiring wealth
ENGAGE yourself in carrying out your plan
GIVE the equivalent in service to the value of the
 wealth you have demanded
Principles of Achieving Wealth
Visualise your goal
Create a vision book or board  it is what the
 millionaires do!
Focus on it every day
Imagine the goal as if it has already been achieved
Give thanks for all you have in your life to attract
 more of it
Always add value to anything you exchange for
Principles of Achieving Wealth
In the words of Pat Mesiti:
 Shift This
Touch This
Feel This
Principles of Achieving Wealth
If you want to learn more:
Bob Procter - millionaire co-producer of The Secret
2 DVD set that will change the way you think forever
Yanik Silver & Ted Nicholas reveal their secrets
Special bonuses
Principles of Achieving Wealth
 "Discovery consists of seeing what
  everybody has seen and thinking
   what nobody else has thought."
 Jonathan Swift: English author and satirist
Principles of Achieving Wealth
My name is Graham Nicholls
Email: graham@stealamillion.com
Go To: http://www.stealamillion.com

Thank you for listening!

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Principles Of Achieving Wealth

  • 1. Principles of Achieving Wealth Legacy Hotel Plymouth 17 November 2012 Graham Nicholls Make A Dream Publishing Ltd
  • 2. Principles of Achieving Wealth Definition of wealth 1. An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches. 2. All goods and resources having value in terms of exchange or use. Money is nothing more than the measure of the value you create for other people the only way to double your money is to double the value you give to other people
  • 3. Principles of Achieving Wealth Advice from the ages... Out of ABUNDANCE he took ABUNDANCE and still ABUNDANCE remained The Upanishads People still think there is only a limited amount of resources. Did you know that if you took all the money out there, there would be 贈1 million for each man, woman and child in the world? And it is increasing day by day!
  • 4. Principles of Achieving Wealth More advice from the ages... There is a difference between WISHING for a thing and being READY to receive it. No-one is ready for a thing, until they believe they can acquire it. The state of mind must be BELIEF, not mere hope or wish. Open- mindedness is essential for belief. Closed minds do not inspire faith, courage or belief. Remember, no more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and prosperity, than is required to accept misery & poverty. Napoleon Hill (Think And Grow Rich)
  • 5. Principles of Achieving Wealth Steps: Be open-minded Believe in what you want Forget about idle dreams and wishes You must BELIEVE Get yourself READY to receive the wealth you dream about
  • 6. Principles of Achieving Wealth When Kennedy asked: What will it take to go to the moon, land a man and return him safely to earth again? What do you think the 5 word response from NASA was?
  • 7. Principles of Achieving Wealth When Kennedy asked: What will it take to go to the moon, land a man and return him safely to earth again? Dr Werner Von Braun replied: The will to do it!
  • 8. Principles of Achieving Wealth If you always do what you always do, you will always get what you always get. People who consistently fail, believe that if they keep doing the same thing, ultimately they will be successful...
  • 9. Principles of Achieving Wealth What is the primary cause of peoples results? Why is there such a huge difference in the results that people sometimes experience in life? Why do people fail?
  • 10. Principles of Achieving Wealth The answer is paradigms To ignore the power of paradigms to influence your judgement is to put yourself at risk when exploring the future Joel Barker author of paradigms
  • 13. Principles of Achieving Wealth The conscious mind Cognitive senses Intellectual senses Imagination The subconscious mind Emotions Feelings Paradigms (behaviour patterns)
  • 14. Principles of Achieving Wealth BUT... it is the conscious mind that created the paradigm in the first place. What influences the conscious mind? Seeing Hearing Taste Touch Smell
  • 15. Principles of Achieving Wealth Heres a little secret: The subconscious mind cant tell the difference between what is imagined and what is real! (Its why simulators work!)
  • 17. Principles of Achieving Wealth We think in pictures You know what things look like You watch the pictures change as you go through life and this is how you change your paradigm
  • 18. Principles of Achieving Wealth Steps to Achieving Wealth Picture a goal Feel what it is like to have achieved the goal Own the goal as if it has already happened Feel the emotional response in your body as you own the goal Make a plan Change the plan Achieve the goal
  • 19. Principles of Achieving Wealth Four Important Rules Demand WEALTH in specific terms HAVE specific plans for acquiring wealth ENGAGE yourself in carrying out your plan GIVE the equivalent in service to the value of the wealth you have demanded
  • 20. Principles of Achieving Wealth Visualise your goal Create a vision book or board it is what the millionaires do! Focus on it every day Imagine the goal as if it has already been achieved Give thanks for all you have in your life to attract more of it Always add value to anything you exchange for wealth
  • 21. Principles of Achieving Wealth In the words of Pat Mesiti: Shift This Touch This Feel This
  • 22. Principles of Achieving Wealth If you want to learn more: Bob Procter - millionaire co-producer of The Secret 2 DVD set that will change the way you think forever Yanik Silver & Ted Nicholas reveal their secrets Special bonuses http://www.stealamillion.com
  • 23. Principles of Achieving Wealth "Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody else has thought." Jonathan Swift: English author and satirist
  • 24. Principles of Achieving Wealth My name is Graham Nicholls Email: graham@stealamillion.com Go To: http://www.stealamillion.com Thank you for listening!