Controlled emotional involvementTsolmon Enkh-AmgalanThis document outlines principles for social caseworkers to follow when working with clients. It discusses the importance of the worker being sensitive to the client's feelings by making an effort to understand them. Feelings can be expressed verbally or nonverbally. The document provides 7 steps for workers to identify a client's feelings, reflect them back, and validate the feelings without judgment. Finally, it notes the worker should provide purposeful and appropriate verbal or nonverbal responses while maintaining controlled involvement through self-discipline.
Industrial social workAnand RaiIndustrial social work aims to help individuals and groups adapt to their work situation. It started in Europe in the 1960s as personnel social work to address social problems arising from mismatches between employees and their work. Industrial social work has two levels - preventive/developmental and curative. The preventive level includes education programs on work-related topics and health programs for workers. Social work approaches like case work, group work, community organization, social action and research can be applied. Social workers need specialized training in human problems, knowledge of work conditions, workers' lives, and community resources, as well as skills like professional secrecy and cooperation.
Mukuru rehab proposal rdp incl bud june 2012[1]International Network for Innovative Social EntrepreneurshipThe document proposes a rehabilitation program for street boys run by Mukuru Promotion Centre. The program aims to rescue and rehabilitate 65 street boys per year over 4 years through education, vocational skills training, counseling and family reintegration. It is expected that at least 80% of boys will successfully reintegrate into their communities. The budget outlines annual costs of approximately $6.6 million which will go towards personnel, running costs, administration and total project costs. Short term outputs include 208 boys being reintegrated, and long term impact is those boys contributing positively to community welfare.
Client case worker relationship pptsumayya saadatThe document discusses the client-case worker relationship in social work. It defines relationship as the responsible and disciplined use of the case worker to help enable the client's capacities through open communication. There are two main elements to establishing a good relationship: the client's trust in the worker's competence and goodwill. Relationship is purposeful and time-limited, focusing on problem-solving, unlike social relationships which are open-ended. Characteristics of a good relationship include acceptance, support, honesty and dealing with issues from outside the work constructively. The overall goal of the relationship is to help clients address their psycho-social needs and problems through an individualized approach.
Group work with elderlyGoharik ShThe document summarizes an occupational therapy group work project with elders at an old-aged pensioner's home in Haxtanak village. Seven elders between 58-72 years old whose physical abilities could be improved were selected for the group. Over seven weeks, the elders participated in physical exercises to improve their functional mobility and ability to perform daily activities like going upstairs and downstairs. After the intervention, the clients showed improvement in their functional condition and found the exercises provided an alternative occupation and became part of their daily lives.
Social case workShaikh FarooquiSocial case work aims to help individuals adjust and develop satisfying human relationships through one-on-one relationships. It involves understanding each individual's unique problems and working with them to access resources to address internal or external factors preventing them from making use of existing facilities. The process of social case work involves collecting a social history of the client, making a social diagnosis to understand the causes of their problems, and providing social treatment through various methods to help the client adjust and resolve their issues. Key aspects of case work include developing a therapeutic relationship with the client, taking a systematic approach, and helping the client access appropriate resources and opportunities.
Presentation On Introduction Social SecurityIshfaq DarSocial security refers to government programs that provide assistance to citizens facing economic and social hardships such as unemployment, sickness, disability, and old age. It aims to protect people's livelihood and well-being. There are two main approaches - social assistance provides non-contributory benefits to vulnerable groups, while social insurance combines contributions from beneficiaries, employers, and the state to create a common fund from which benefits are paid. In India, the constitution mandates the state to provide social security. However, decreasing family sizes due to urbanization have increased the need for formal social security systems, though more awareness is still required to widen their coverage.
Industrial social work- working with industrial community and other methods o...VishalDas45Industrial social workers help connect industries to their surrounding communities. They identify community resources and make referrals to agencies that can help employees with problems. Social workers also act as consultants to help industries understand community issues and integrate social services for employees. Corporate social responsibility involves companies improving communities through initiatives like donations, environmentally friendly practices, and empowering disadvantaged groups. Common examples of CSR include reducing carbon footprints, fair labor policies, and charitable giving. Social work research and welfare administration are also applied in industries to study employee issues and implement policies and services.
Industrial counsellingAbubakkarSidhiqSaIndustrial counseling provides help and support to employees facing difficulties at work or in their personal lives. It can be conducted by experienced employees or professional counselors. Common issues addressed through counseling include stress from meeting targets or deadlines, workload pressures, work-life balance challenges, and relationship issues with colleagues. Counseling benefits employees by helping them effectively address problems, improve decision-making, and gain a new perspective. It also benefits employers by potentially reducing absenteeism and turnover while increasing productivity and employee confidence and morale. Effective counselors are good listeners, understand the counselee's situation, and provide positive advice and support to help employees progress in their careers.
Payment of bonus act and gratuity actEr. Shivaji SahaThis document summarizes the key aspects of the Payment of Bonus Act 1965 and Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 in India. It discusses that the Bonus Act requires employers in establishments with 20 or more employees to pay annual bonuses based on profits. The Gratuity Act mandates lump sum payments by employers to employees after 5 years of continuous service. Key points covered include eligibility, calculation of bonus and gratuity amounts, disqualifications, and consequences of non-compliance.
Presentation1 on labour welfareaarti195The report summarizes a study of the labor welfare system at Usha Martin Limited, a steel wire rope manufacturing company. It finds that most workers are aware of welfare benefits provided, such as uniforms, medical facilities, transportation, and education for children. However, some workers have grievances regarding allowances, the canteen, and holidays. The report suggests increasing awareness of benefits, housing assistance, death relief funds, and improving worker-management relations.
Group work processBimal AntonyThis document outlines the key stages of the group work process: intake, study, defining objectives, goal setting, intervention strategies, and evaluation. Intake involves selecting members who will benefit from the group. Study involves collecting facts about members. Objectives provide clarity on how the group will function. Goal setting involves determining goals and responsibilities. Intervention strategies can include gestalt therapy and transactional analysis. Evaluation assesses individual growth, the group's development, and members' contributions. The overall purpose is to understand and help fulfill members' needs through the group process.
psycho social approachAbubakkarSidhiqSaThe document discusses the psychosocial approach in social case work. It examines how the psychosocial approach looks at how psychological factors and the social environment influence individuals' well-being and functioning. The approach was first used by Erik Erikson and further developed by others. It involves assessing clients' issues and contributing factors, setting treatment goals to alleviate distress and improve functioning, and using techniques like environmental modification, counseling, and ego support to help clients.
SOCIAL CASEWORK.pptxAbhiVkr1Social casework is a method of social work that involves building one-to-one relationships to help individuals better adjust in their family and social environments. The objectives are to build rapport, understand problems, strengthen ego, prevent future problems, and develop internal resources. Key principles include individualization, acceptance, purposeful expression of feelings, controlled emotional involvement, non-judgmental attitudes, client self-determination, and confidentiality. The process involves intake, study, diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, and termination.
The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude NetZealous LLCThis kind of professional trainings is very important because it helps the professionals stay ahead of the curve in their respective professions. A well informed employee is an organization’s asset, because she will implement the latest in her area of work, ensuring that the best practices, latest updates and the most recent changes are in place at work.
Remedial modelPoon KwanThe remedial model focuses on remedying social dysfunction through a treatment group led by a worker. The group targets individuals experiencing social problems and aims to create individual change through applying theories of role, behavior, ego psychology, and group dynamics. The worker directly intervenes as the leader and change agent to achieve treatment objectives by creating a stable, recognized environment within the agency for regular, frequent group meetings over a set number of sessions.
Measurement of qwlEshwari EshuThe Work-Related Quality of Life scale (WRQoL) uses six core factors to measure an individual's quality of working life: 1) Job and Career Satisfaction, 2) Working Conditions, 3) General Well-Being, 4) Home-Work Interface, 5) Stress at Work, and 6) Control at Work. Each of these factors is measured using a sub-scale questionnaire that assesses job satisfaction, working resources, personal wellness, work-life balance, stress levels, and control over work. The document then provides examples of companies in India that could potentially use the WRQoL scale to evaluate employees' quality of work life.
Social casework processStudentThe document outlines the social casework process, beginning with intake. Intake involves initially meeting with and enrolling the client, and using probing questions to understand their problem, needs, and situation. Key areas to explore include the current problem stage, reasons for seeking help, adjustment across social roles, physical and mental health, personal resources, feelings, defense mechanisms, motivation, family relationships, and reactions to the worker. The goal of intake is to clarify issues to determine the best way to help the client effectively.
Compensation managementshyamasundar TripathyThis document discusses compensation and wage determination. It begins by defining compensation and discussing different types of compensation including direct and indirect compensation. It then covers various wage concepts like minimum wage, living wage, and fair wage. Different theories of wage determination are explained such as subsistence theory, wage fund theory, and marginal productivity theory. Key factors that influence wage determination are also outlined, including the organization's ability to pay, supply and demand of labor, prevailing market rates, and cost of living. The document concludes by describing the typical steps involved in the wage determination process within an organization.
Workers Participation In ManagementBishwajeet Bhattacharya The concept of WPM is a broad and complex one. Depending on the socio-political environment and
cultural conditions, the scope and contents of participation change.
International Institute of Labour Studies: WPM is the participation resulting from the practices
which increase the scope for employees’ share of influence in decision-making at different tiers of
organizational hierarchy with concomitant (related) assumption of responsibility.
ILO: Workers’ participation, may broadly be taken to cover all terms of association of workers and
their representatives with the decision-making process, ranging from exchange of information, consultations, decisions and negotiations, to more institutionalized forms such as the presence of workers’ member on management or supervisory boards or even management by workers themselves (as practiced in Yugoslavia).
The main implications of workers’ participation in management as summarized by ILO:
• Workers have ideas which can be useful;
• Workers may work more intelligently if they are informed about the reasons for and the
intention of decisions that are taken in a participative atmosphere
Rewards and RecognitionNavitsumo Consulting Ltd.The purpose of having a reward and recognition program as part of the organizational change management plan for large-scale change initiatives is to incentivize and acknowledge the behaviors, attitudes, and accomplishments that contribute to the success of the change effort. By providing tangible rewards and public recognition, employees are motivated to adopt new behaviors, embrace new processes, and sustain the changes over time. This can lead to increased employee engagement, improved morale, and higher levels of commitment to the organization's goals. Furthermore, a well-designed reward and recognition program can create a sense of community among employees, reinforcing a culture of collaboration and teamwork that can support ongoing change efforts. Overall, a reward and recognition program is an effective tool for reinforcing desired behaviors and encouraging a positive attitude towards organizational change, ultimately increasing the chances of achieving successful outcomes.
Compensation administrationshweta_srivastavaThe document discusses various aspects of compensation including its meaning, forms, objectives, and administration. It defines compensation as money and benefits received by employees in exchange for their services. Compensation aims to attract, retain, and motivate talent. It includes wages, salaries, incentives, and fringe benefits like provident funds and insurance. Factors influencing wages are also discussed such as supply and demand for labor, cost of living, and productivity. The principles of wage administration and national wage policy in India are outlined. Wages are classified into minimum wage, fair wage, and living wage based on their ability to cover basic needs.
Ppt on hrdAkhtar AlamThis document provides an overview of an HR presentation on HRD concepts and challenges. It defines HRD as a set of planned activities designed to provide employees with necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. It discusses the objectives, functions, need for and subsystems of HRD. These include training and development, which improves employee knowledge, skills and attitudes in the short-term or prepares them for future roles. The presentation also outlines challenges for HRD like a changing workforce, global competition, skills gaps, and technological changes. It concludes that HRD is too important to not be a central, revenue-generating part of an organization.
Labour welfareSanK6This document discusses labour welfare in India. It begins by defining labour welfare as anything provided to employees over and above wages to improve their comfort and motivation. This includes facilities like healthcare, housing, transport, recreation, education and more. Labour welfare is important for employee retention, good employee relations, and motivation. It can be statutory, mandated by law, or non-statutory and voluntarily provided. The document outlines several examples of statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes and programs implemented across various industries in India.
Recording & documentation in Community OrganisationRahul MahidaThis document discusses different types of records used in community organization. It defines a record as a document intended to be used as a working tool by an organization. Records can be textual, charts, photos, etc. and are generally unpublished for internal use. The functions of records are to document past events, identify people/groups, provide instructions, and outline future plans. Community organization records specifically document projects and are used to track progress, share learnings, and support evaluation. The document outlines different types of records like administrative, operating, and teaching records. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of process records, which document not just what happened but how and why.
Training & developmentPreeti BhaskarIntroduction: Introduction to training, need for Training and Development, differences of Training and Development, importance of Training and Development in organization.
Payment of wages actMohandas PoonthiyilThe Payment of Wages Act regulates the payment of wages to workers in certain industries. It requires wages to be paid regularly and prohibits unauthorized deductions. The Act defines wages and applies to factories, railways, and other establishments. It specifies rules for fixing wage periods, timely payment of wages including upon termination, and permissible deductions such as for fines and loans. Employers must maintain registers with details of workers, work, wages paid, and deductions made. The Act aims to ensure proper and prompt payment of wages to workers.
Industrial counsellingAbubakkarSidhiqSaIndustrial counseling provides help and support to employees facing difficulties at work or in their personal lives. It can be conducted by experienced employees or professional counselors. Common issues addressed through counseling include stress from meeting targets or deadlines, workload pressures, work-life balance challenges, and relationship issues with colleagues. Counseling benefits employees by helping them effectively address problems, improve decision-making, and gain a new perspective. It also benefits employers by potentially reducing absenteeism and turnover while increasing productivity and employee confidence and morale. Effective counselors are good listeners, understand the counselee's situation, and provide positive advice and support to help employees progress in their careers.
Payment of bonus act and gratuity actEr. Shivaji SahaThis document summarizes the key aspects of the Payment of Bonus Act 1965 and Payment of Gratuity Act 1972 in India. It discusses that the Bonus Act requires employers in establishments with 20 or more employees to pay annual bonuses based on profits. The Gratuity Act mandates lump sum payments by employers to employees after 5 years of continuous service. Key points covered include eligibility, calculation of bonus and gratuity amounts, disqualifications, and consequences of non-compliance.
Presentation1 on labour welfareaarti195The report summarizes a study of the labor welfare system at Usha Martin Limited, a steel wire rope manufacturing company. It finds that most workers are aware of welfare benefits provided, such as uniforms, medical facilities, transportation, and education for children. However, some workers have grievances regarding allowances, the canteen, and holidays. The report suggests increasing awareness of benefits, housing assistance, death relief funds, and improving worker-management relations.
Group work processBimal AntonyThis document outlines the key stages of the group work process: intake, study, defining objectives, goal setting, intervention strategies, and evaluation. Intake involves selecting members who will benefit from the group. Study involves collecting facts about members. Objectives provide clarity on how the group will function. Goal setting involves determining goals and responsibilities. Intervention strategies can include gestalt therapy and transactional analysis. Evaluation assesses individual growth, the group's development, and members' contributions. The overall purpose is to understand and help fulfill members' needs through the group process.
psycho social approachAbubakkarSidhiqSaThe document discusses the psychosocial approach in social case work. It examines how the psychosocial approach looks at how psychological factors and the social environment influence individuals' well-being and functioning. The approach was first used by Erik Erikson and further developed by others. It involves assessing clients' issues and contributing factors, setting treatment goals to alleviate distress and improve functioning, and using techniques like environmental modification, counseling, and ego support to help clients.
SOCIAL CASEWORK.pptxAbhiVkr1Social casework is a method of social work that involves building one-to-one relationships to help individuals better adjust in their family and social environments. The objectives are to build rapport, understand problems, strengthen ego, prevent future problems, and develop internal resources. Key principles include individualization, acceptance, purposeful expression of feelings, controlled emotional involvement, non-judgmental attitudes, client self-determination, and confidentiality. The process involves intake, study, diagnosis, treatment, evaluation, and termination.
The Effect of Training and Development on Employee Attitude NetZealous LLCThis kind of professional trainings is very important because it helps the professionals stay ahead of the curve in their respective professions. A well informed employee is an organization’s asset, because she will implement the latest in her area of work, ensuring that the best practices, latest updates and the most recent changes are in place at work.
Remedial modelPoon KwanThe remedial model focuses on remedying social dysfunction through a treatment group led by a worker. The group targets individuals experiencing social problems and aims to create individual change through applying theories of role, behavior, ego psychology, and group dynamics. The worker directly intervenes as the leader and change agent to achieve treatment objectives by creating a stable, recognized environment within the agency for regular, frequent group meetings over a set number of sessions.
Measurement of qwlEshwari EshuThe Work-Related Quality of Life scale (WRQoL) uses six core factors to measure an individual's quality of working life: 1) Job and Career Satisfaction, 2) Working Conditions, 3) General Well-Being, 4) Home-Work Interface, 5) Stress at Work, and 6) Control at Work. Each of these factors is measured using a sub-scale questionnaire that assesses job satisfaction, working resources, personal wellness, work-life balance, stress levels, and control over work. The document then provides examples of companies in India that could potentially use the WRQoL scale to evaluate employees' quality of work life.
Social casework processStudentThe document outlines the social casework process, beginning with intake. Intake involves initially meeting with and enrolling the client, and using probing questions to understand their problem, needs, and situation. Key areas to explore include the current problem stage, reasons for seeking help, adjustment across social roles, physical and mental health, personal resources, feelings, defense mechanisms, motivation, family relationships, and reactions to the worker. The goal of intake is to clarify issues to determine the best way to help the client effectively.
Compensation managementshyamasundar TripathyThis document discusses compensation and wage determination. It begins by defining compensation and discussing different types of compensation including direct and indirect compensation. It then covers various wage concepts like minimum wage, living wage, and fair wage. Different theories of wage determination are explained such as subsistence theory, wage fund theory, and marginal productivity theory. Key factors that influence wage determination are also outlined, including the organization's ability to pay, supply and demand of labor, prevailing market rates, and cost of living. The document concludes by describing the typical steps involved in the wage determination process within an organization.
Workers Participation In ManagementBishwajeet Bhattacharya The concept of WPM is a broad and complex one. Depending on the socio-political environment and
cultural conditions, the scope and contents of participation change.
International Institute of Labour Studies: WPM is the participation resulting from the practices
which increase the scope for employees’ share of influence in decision-making at different tiers of
organizational hierarchy with concomitant (related) assumption of responsibility.
ILO: Workers’ participation, may broadly be taken to cover all terms of association of workers and
their representatives with the decision-making process, ranging from exchange of information, consultations, decisions and negotiations, to more institutionalized forms such as the presence of workers’ member on management or supervisory boards or even management by workers themselves (as practiced in Yugoslavia).
The main implications of workers’ participation in management as summarized by ILO:
• Workers have ideas which can be useful;
• Workers may work more intelligently if they are informed about the reasons for and the
intention of decisions that are taken in a participative atmosphere
Rewards and RecognitionNavitsumo Consulting Ltd.The purpose of having a reward and recognition program as part of the organizational change management plan for large-scale change initiatives is to incentivize and acknowledge the behaviors, attitudes, and accomplishments that contribute to the success of the change effort. By providing tangible rewards and public recognition, employees are motivated to adopt new behaviors, embrace new processes, and sustain the changes over time. This can lead to increased employee engagement, improved morale, and higher levels of commitment to the organization's goals. Furthermore, a well-designed reward and recognition program can create a sense of community among employees, reinforcing a culture of collaboration and teamwork that can support ongoing change efforts. Overall, a reward and recognition program is an effective tool for reinforcing desired behaviors and encouraging a positive attitude towards organizational change, ultimately increasing the chances of achieving successful outcomes.
Compensation administrationshweta_srivastavaThe document discusses various aspects of compensation including its meaning, forms, objectives, and administration. It defines compensation as money and benefits received by employees in exchange for their services. Compensation aims to attract, retain, and motivate talent. It includes wages, salaries, incentives, and fringe benefits like provident funds and insurance. Factors influencing wages are also discussed such as supply and demand for labor, cost of living, and productivity. The principles of wage administration and national wage policy in India are outlined. Wages are classified into minimum wage, fair wage, and living wage based on their ability to cover basic needs.
Ppt on hrdAkhtar AlamThis document provides an overview of an HR presentation on HRD concepts and challenges. It defines HRD as a set of planned activities designed to provide employees with necessary skills to meet current and future job demands. It discusses the objectives, functions, need for and subsystems of HRD. These include training and development, which improves employee knowledge, skills and attitudes in the short-term or prepares them for future roles. The presentation also outlines challenges for HRD like a changing workforce, global competition, skills gaps, and technological changes. It concludes that HRD is too important to not be a central, revenue-generating part of an organization.
Labour welfareSanK6This document discusses labour welfare in India. It begins by defining labour welfare as anything provided to employees over and above wages to improve their comfort and motivation. This includes facilities like healthcare, housing, transport, recreation, education and more. Labour welfare is important for employee retention, good employee relations, and motivation. It can be statutory, mandated by law, or non-statutory and voluntarily provided. The document outlines several examples of statutory and non-statutory welfare schemes and programs implemented across various industries in India.
Recording & documentation in Community OrganisationRahul MahidaThis document discusses different types of records used in community organization. It defines a record as a document intended to be used as a working tool by an organization. Records can be textual, charts, photos, etc. and are generally unpublished for internal use. The functions of records are to document past events, identify people/groups, provide instructions, and outline future plans. Community organization records specifically document projects and are used to track progress, share learnings, and support evaluation. The document outlines different types of records like administrative, operating, and teaching records. It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of process records, which document not just what happened but how and why.
Training & developmentPreeti BhaskarIntroduction: Introduction to training, need for Training and Development, differences of Training and Development, importance of Training and Development in organization.
Payment of wages actMohandas PoonthiyilThe Payment of Wages Act regulates the payment of wages to workers in certain industries. It requires wages to be paid regularly and prohibits unauthorized deductions. The Act defines wages and applies to factories, railways, and other establishments. It specifies rules for fixing wage periods, timely payment of wages including upon termination, and permissible deductions such as for fines and loans. Employers must maintain registers with details of workers, work, wages paid, and deductions made. The Act aims to ensure proper and prompt payment of wages to workers.
Masterclass VBI - Remontabel ontwerpen en bouwenTanjaNoltenIn deze masterclass duik je in de wereld van duurzaam bouwen, waarbij elk aspect van een bouwproject – van ontwerp tot sloop – gericht is op toekomstig hergebruik.
Hoe kun je bouwprojecten opzetten en uitvoeren met het oog op maximale levensduur en efficiënt hergebruik van materialen? Losmaakbaar bouwen is essentieel in de transitie naar een circulaire bouweconomie.
VBI, Rene Bouwman en
Mustafa Yurttas | Technisch adviseur bij VBI
Over VBI
VBI bouwt mee aan duurzame, flexibele en comfortabele woon- en werkomgevingen. Niet alleen in onze duurzame producten en productieprocessen maar ook in de creatie van duurzame woon- en werkomgevingen ligt de expertise van VBI.
SMARTCirculair Excellencedag 2020 | Sluishuis en circulair bouwenTanja NoltenVan Rossum heeft heel veel ervaring met constructief complexe bouwprojecten. Vaak spraakmakende ontwerpen maar nog niet altijd even circulair van opzet. Hoe pas je materialen en constructies zodanig aan dat dergelijke spraakmakende gebouwen 100% circulair toekomstbestendig zijn?
Bouwen met kennis van conditiesRoma IsolatiesystemenIsolatiesysteembouw voor toepassing van speciale condities. Koelcel, vriescel, rijskast, foodcare, hygiënisch, brandwerend; met een assortiment aan producten en diensten dat is afgestemd op de behoefte van de klant. in deze brochure leest u wat Roma Isolatiesystemen voor u kan betekenen.
Productfolder parkeergarages nederlandJan de WitProductfolder parkeergarages beschrijft de voordelen van verschillende FloorBridge vloersystemen. Specifiek ontwikkeld voor parkeergarages en aanverwante constructies. De systemen zijn in alle gevallen super vlak te monteren. En ook nog in elk gewenste kleur aan te brengen.
Rockfon ReferenceArchitecturaThis document showcases various building projects that used Rockfon ceiling tiles and panels. It includes over 50 projects from different countries in Europe like Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland, Denmark, Spain, and Sweden. For each project, it lists the architect, type of Rockfon ceiling used, and sometimes additional details. The projects cover a wide range of building types including offices, hotels, shopping malls, hospitals, and more.
2. Productprestaties
Colorcoat Prisma® is een technisch en esthetisch
hoogwaardig voorgelakt staal door de uitstekende
kleurbestendigheid in combinatie met het mooie
gladde oppervlak. De kleurenreeks, en met name de
speciale metallics, verleent de architect de vrijheid om
architectonisch hoogstaande gebouwen te
ontwerpen. Colorcoat Prisma® overtreft de classificatie
van RUV4 volgens EN 10169:2010 voor uitstekend
Typische eigenschappen
Colorcoat Prisma® Test norm
Nominale dikte
organische coating (µm)* 50 EN 13523-1
Glansgraad (60º):
Kleuren (%) 30–40 EN 13523-2
Matte kleuren (%) <5 EN 13523-2
Kleuren (g) >3500 EN 13523-12
Matte kleuren (g) >3000 EN 13523-12
(Taber, 250 rev, 1kg)
Kleuren (mg) <20 EN 13523-16
Matte kleuren (mg) <25 EN 13523-16
Minimale buigradius (T) 0.5T@16ºC EN 13523-7
Valproef (J) ≥18 EN 13523-5
Hechting (ruitjestest) (%) 100 EN 13523-6
Potloodhardheid H EN 13523-4
Max. continue
gebruikstemperatuur (°C) 90
Zoutnevel (uren) 1000 EN 13523-8
Condenstest (uren) 1000 EN 13523-26
Corrosieweerstand RC5 EN 10169:2010
UV bestendigheid RUV4 EN 10169:2010
*µm = micron
1. De cijfers in deze tabel zijn gemiddelde eigenschappen en vormen
geen specificatie. De cijfers hebben betrekking op de bovenlaag.
Gedetailleerde informatie over de testmethodes kunt u vinden op
2. Voor een informatieblad veiligheid & gezondheid kunt u contact
opnemen met de Colorcoat Connection® helpline.
Colorcoat Prisma® maakt gebruik van de unieke en in
de praktijk bewezen Galvalloy™ metallische deklaag
van Tata Steel. Galvalloy™ is vervaardigd met een
speciale mix van 95% Zink (Zn) en 5% Aluminium (Al)
die voldoet aan EN norm 10346:2009. Deze biedt
verhoogde corrosiebescherming in vergelijking met
conventioneel dompelverzinkt staal (HDG), zelfs bij
beschadigingen en snijkanten.
Reactie op brand
Colorcoat Prisma® is conform EN 13501-1:2002
geclassificeerd als klasse A1.
Voor producten die in EN 14782:2005 worden vermeld,
voldoet Colorcoat Prisma® aan de vereisten voor
externe brandprestaties van dakbedekking conform
de beschikking van de Commissie 2000/553/EC en
hoeft daar niet opnieuw voor te worden getest.
Officiële onafhankelijke
De lange-termijnprestaties van Colorcoat Prisma® zijn
in Groot-Brittannië bekroond met het BBA-certificaat
91/2717, dat geldt voor het gebruik van het product als
gevel- of dakbekleding of voor gebruik in het interieur
bij plafonds en wanden. “De coating en metaal-
behandeling van Colorcoat Prisma® beschermen het
staalsubstraat meer dan 40 jaar lang tegen erosie in
normale industriële, stedelijke en agrarische omgevingen.”
Colorcoat Prisma® heeft onafhankelijke testcertificaten
van het Franse Corrosie Instituut waarin staat dat de
producten aan de eisen van de RC5 voldoen volgens
EN 10169:2010.
3. Opmerkingen
1. De cijfers onder het kopje‘Kust’gelden voor gebouwen binnen 1km
van een kustlijn.
2. De volledige voorwaarden van de Confidex® Garantie kunt u vinden
op onze website.
3. De garantie is alleen geldig indien Confidex® binnen 3 maanden na
de voltooiingdatum van het gebouw is geregistreerd.
4. De duur van de Confidex® Garantie geldt voor Zone 1 en Zone 2.
Voor meer informatie over andere zones gaat u naar
Als u voor uw toepassing de zekerheid wilt hebben
van een product dat met zorg is vervaardigd en
wereldwijd is getest, vraag dan niet alleen om
Colorcoat®, maar specifiek om deze productnaam:
Tata Steel Colorcoat Prisma® met Galvalloy™ metallisch
Neem contact op met de Colorcoat Connection®
helpline voor hulp bij uw bestekomschrijvingen.
Confidex® zones
Zone 1
Zone 2
Confidex® Garantie
Confidex® is de productprestatiegarantie voor
Colorcoat Prisma® bij gebruik als externe
conventionele gebouwbekleding met uitzondering
van particuliere woningen. Confidex® biedt de langste
en meest uitgebreide garantie voor voorgelakte
staalproducten in Europa, waarbij Colorcoat Prisma®
tot maximaal 30 jaar gegarandeerd wordt.
De Confidex® Garantie is projectspecifiek en biedt, na
registratie, een contractuele overeenkomst tussen Tata
Steel en de gebouweigenaar. In het geval van een
claim wordt dit direct met Tata Steel afgehandeld en
niet via een andere tussenpersoon in de
distributieketen. Dit bespaart u tijd en geld en neemt
grote risico’s weg. Bovendien is deze overeenkomst
overdraagbaar bij wisseling van gebouweigenaar. De
overdraagbaarheid is eenvoudig te regelen door het
invullen van de nieuwe gegevens op de achterzijde
van het garantiecertificaat.
Wie registreert?
Dit is meestal het montagebedrijf of de fabrikant van
het bekledingssysteem, maar iedereen in de
distributieketen kan online registreren via:
Als u wilt controleren of uw pand geregistreerd is,
kunt u contact opnemen met de Colorcoat
Connection® helpline op +31 (0)251 492206 (NL)
+31 (0)70 233009 (B)
Voor een gebouw zonder zorgen
Noordelijk Europa : Zone 1 Zuidelijk Europa : Zone 2
Voor meer informatie over gebieden buiten de Confidex®-zones
kunt u contact opnemen met de Colorcoat Connection® helpline.
4. Recycling
Colorcoat Prisma® is keer op keer recyclebaar, zonder
verlies van kwaliteit. Er is een zeer efficiënte staal-
recyclinginfrastructuur die ervoor zorgt dat alle staal
aan het einde van de levensduurcyclus ingezameld
wordt en in het staalproductieproces opnieuw wordt
gebruikt. Onderzoek heeft aangetoond dat meer dan
95% van de stalen gevelbekleding wordt gerecycled
aan het einde van de levensduur van een gebouw.
Door dit efficiënte hergebruik van staal gaan de
milieuinvesteringen in staal nooit verloren. Dit maakt
staal het meest duurzame bouwmateriaal dat er
Verantwoorde productie
Ons bedrijf is gericht op het maken van producten op
de veiligste en meest verantwoord mogelijke manier.
Voor Colorcoat Prisma® is BES 6001 certificering
afgegeven voor het op verantwoorde wijze
vervaardigen van duurzame bouwmaterialen. In de
afgelopen 40 jaar hebben we het energieverbruik en
de CO2-emissies per ton vloeibaar staal met 50%
verminderd en we hebben de doelstelling de uitstoot
van CO2 met nog eens 20% te verminderen voor het
jaar 2020. Om dit te bereiken, streven we ernaar onze
processen steeds te verbeteren en doen we steeds
meer onderzoek naar nieuwe, baanbrekende
De invloed op het milieu tijdens het productieproces
van voorgelakt staal is minimaal vergeleken met het
totale bouwproces en de exploitatiefase van
gebouwen. Daarom hebben we, als belangrijk
onderdeel van ons streven om een integrale rol te
spelen in een CO2 neutrale toekomst, een strategie
ontwikkeld om de gehele gebouwenschil te
functionaliseren. Zo gaan daken en gevels van
gebouwen van een passieve energiebesparende
klimaatscheiding naar een actieve energie-
opwekkende rol. Tata Steel zet zich in om de nieuwe
technologieën te ontwikkelen die dit kunnen
Onze visie
Het streven van Tata Steel is gericht op het
vervaardigen van producten die de samenleving nodig
heeft en wij vervaardigen deze producten op de meest
verantwoorde manier. Wij geloven dat de grootste
bijdrage die we kunnen leveren is: het vervaardigen
van staalproducten die duurzame gebouwen mogelijk
maken. Onze betrokkenheid ten aanzien van
duurzaam bouwen betrekt zich ook op de impact van
die producten gedurende de hele levenscyclus.
Duurzame gebouwen
Staal is lichtgewicht en kan zodanig worden
geprefabriceerd dat het zeer efficiënt kan worden
vervoerd. De snelheid en nauwkeurigheid van de
bouw vermindert de kans op constructiefouten en
resulteert in een veel kortere bouwtijd. Staalbouw
minimaliseert ook de overlast in de omgeving. Er komt
geen stof vrij tijdens de bouw en de geluidsoverlast
wordt aanzienlijk beperkt. Gebouwen van staal zijn
doorgaans heel flexibel en kunnen snel aan
veranderende omstandigheden worden aangepast.
Colorcoat Prisma® is ontworpen voor de beste
prestaties op totale functionele en esthetische
duurzaamheid met garanties tot 30 jaar. Schilderen of
vervangen van onderdelen hoeft vaak pas ver na de
garantieperiode te worden overwogen. Er is geen
inspectie of onderhoud vereist om de geldigheid van
de Confidex® Garantie te behouden. Naast de
besparing van kosten spaart dit het milieu door
eventueel onderhoud of vervanging uit te stellen. En
de uitvoering van gevaarlijke dakinspecties komt
hiermee te vervallen.
5. Dubbelzijdig
Colorcoat Prisma® wordt standaard geleverd met een
hoogwaardige coating aan de onderzijde, maar kan in
bepaalde kleuren ook dubbelzijdig worden geleverd.
Voor informatie over de beschikbaarheid van bepaalde
kleurencombinaties kunt u contact opnemen met de
Colorcoat Connection® helpline.
Colorcoat® service
Het merk Colorcoat® staat voor kwaliteit en expertise
op het gebied van stalen dak- en gevelbekleding,
exclusief van Tata Steel. Colorcoat® producten worden
ondersteund door een uitgebreide service en
technisch advies.
Colorcoat® Market Development Team
Het team is altijd beschikbaar om u te adviseren met
het ontwerp, de specificatie en het bouwen met
voorgelakt staal in dak- of gevelbekleding.
Colorcoat Connection® helpline
Onze toegewijde helpline biedt direct en toegankelijk
advies en hulp bij vragen over het toepassen van
voorgelakt staal. Tevens kunt u terecht voor het
aanvragen van literatuur of monsters.
Colorcoat® Partners
Colorcoat® producten worden geleverd door
toonaangevende leveranciers van dak- en
gevelbekleding die garant staan voor de beste
kwaliteit en service.
Colorcoat® Literatuur
Colorcoat® website op
vind u nog veel meer informatie over bouwen met
Colorcoat®. Voor inspiratie gaat u naar de gerealiseerde
projecten. Op de website is alle literatuur te
downloaden of aan te vragen.
Overige Productkenmerken
Actieve Bouwschil
De combinatie van robuustheid, duurzaamheid en
gecontroleerde kwaliteit maakt dat Colorcoat Prisma®
zeer geschikt is als drager van energiewinning-
• Colorcoat Prisma® is geschikt voor een duurzame
verlijming van diverse fotovoltaïsche systemen,
zoals PV laminaat en PV modulen. Het is TÜV getest
en voldoet aan de eisen van IEC 61646.
• Colorcoat Prisma® is bij uitstek het materiaal voor
fabricage van zonneluchtcollektoren, zoals
Colorcoat Renew SC®. De zonnewarmte op de gevel
wordt hierbij met een hoog rendement op de
ventilatielucht overgedragen. Het rendement hangt
af van de toegepaste Colorcoat Prisma® kleur. Bij
donkere kleuren zijn verwarmingsrendementen van
60-70% mogelijk.
Ook bij deze van Confidex® afwijkende toepassingen
kan Colorcoat Prisma® gegarandeerd worden. Neem
contact op met de Colorcoat Connection® helpline
voor vragen over de toepassingen en
Colorcoat Prisma® doorstond de strenge Britse test
BS 6920:2000 “Geschiktheid van niet-metaalproducten
voor gebruik in contact met water dat voor menselijke
consumptie bestemd is, in verband met het effect op de
waterkwaliteit”. Hieruit blijkt dat de geur en smaak, het
aanzien, de cytotoxiciteit, de groei van aquatische
micro-organismen en de metaalextractie van koud
water niet ongunstig worden beïnvloed bij contact
met Colorcoat Prisma®.
Colorcoat Prisma® is bij de Water Regulatory Advisory
Scheme (WRAS) geregistreerd voor gebruik met koud
water. Het kan daarom worden gebruikt als onderdeel
van een regenwateropvangsysteem, omdat
aangetoond is dat Colorcoat Prisma® geen ongewenste
effecten heeft op de kwaliteit van het water.
6. BS&RAL referentietabel
Kleur BS RAL
Athena 8
Pegasus 8
Aquarius 8
Atlantis 8
Kronos 8
Sirius 8
Orion 8
Zeus 8
Ephyra 8
Helios 8
Silver Metallic 9006
Grey Aluminium 9007
Denim 5014
Clover 6005
Hamlet 9002
Cream 1015
Oxide Red 3009
Chocolate Brown 06C40 8017
Black 00E53 9005
White 00E55 9010
Oyster 7035
Alaska Grey 7000
Slate Grey 7012
Anthracite 7016
Terracotta Matt 04C39 040 40 40
Copprium Matt 160 70 20
Anthracite Matt 7016
Zie voor meer informatie: of bel
de Colorcoat Connection® helpline
(NL) +31 (0) 251 492206 of
(B) +32 (0) 70 233009
RAL referenties
4 aparte nummers zijn RAL Classic referenties.
7 aparte nummers zijn RAL Design referenties.
De British Standard of RAL referenties die worden genoemd in de
tabel, vertegenwoordigen de kleuren die het dichtst in de buurt
komen van de Colorcoat Prisma® kleuren, maar komen niet
noodzakelijkerwijs exact overeen.
* Deze kleuren hebben geen equivalente RAL of BS referenties.
Als extra service kunnen wij een unieke kleur voor uw
gebouw creëren, bijvoorbeeld voor een opvallende
verschijning van uw gebouw of als het juist meer moet
opgaan in de omgeving. Via Repertoire® Colour
Consultancy kan, bij een bestelling van minimaal
2500 m2, aan de hand van stalen of kleurenreferenties
bijna elke gewenste effen kleur geproduceerd worden.
Als een consistente kleur voor een gebouw of deel van
een gebouw essentieel is, dienen gebouwonderdelen
voor dit project uit dezelfde productieorder te komen.
Het metallic effect bij de metallic kleuren vertoont een
richtings-afhankelijkheid, ook wel vleug genoemd.
Bijpassende onderdelen
Als andere gebouwonderdelen van andere materialen
dezelfde kleur dienen te krijgen als de dak- of
gevelbekleding, wordt de grootste nauwkeurigheid
bereikt door een monster uit de voor het gebouw
gebruikte productie-order als referentie te nemen en
hierop de kleur van gebouwaccessoires af te stemmen.
Van alle kleuren zijn monsters beschikbaar. Voor een
goede representatie van de kleur en het effect, kunt u
monsters bestellen bij de Colorcoat Connection®
7. Speciale metallics
Colorcoat Prisma®
Doordat de prestaties op het gebied van
duurzaamheid en esthetiek bevestigd worden door
verkregen data van praktijk en labaratoriumtesten,
is de Confidex® Garantie op Colorcoat Prisma®
uitgebreid tot 30 jaar.
Na overleg met architecten en onze
toeleveringsketen hebben we een nieuw
kleurenpalet voor Colorcoat Prisma® ontwikkeld, in
effen, metallic en nieuwe matte kleuren.
• Eigentijds kleurengamma met optisch gladde
afwerking voor moderne ontwerpen.
• Overtreft de classificatie van RUV4 en RC5 volgens
EN 10169:2010 voor uitstekend kleurbehoud en
corrosieweerstand voor alle kleuren.
• Geoptimaliseerd Galvalloy™ metallisch substraat
voor ultieme corrosiebestendigheid en
• Confidex® Garantie van maximaal 30 jaar, blijft
geldig zonder vereisten voor onderhoud of
• De achterzijde is gemerkt, zodat de herkomst
gemakkelijk kan worden nagegaan en u erop kunt
vertrouwen dat uw gebouw beschermd wordt met
de beste kwaliteit van Tata Steel.
8. Denim (RAL 5014)
Clover (RAL 6005)
Uni kleuren
Silver Metallic
Grey Aluminium
Basis metallics
9. White (RAL 9010)
Oyster (RAL 7035)
Alaska Grey (RAL 7000)
Anthracite (RAL 7016)
Slate Grey (RAL 7012)
Hamlet (RAL 9002)
Cream (RAL 1015)
Oxide Red (RAL 3009)
Chocolate Brown (RAL 8017)
Black (RAL 9005)
10. Duurzame esthetiek
Colorcoat Prisma® voorgelakt staal is veelzijdig, licht
in gewicht, sterk en ontworpen om weerstand te
bieden tegen zware weers-omstandigheden. Als u
gebouwbekleding zoekt van hoge esthetische
kwaliteit en verkrijgbaar in vele (metallic) kleuren, is
Colorcoat Prisma® de ideale keuze.
Welk gebouwtype ook – een hal, kantoor, school of
woning – Colorcoat Prisma® biedt eigenschappen
waarmee u fraaie daken en gevels kunt creëren van
hoge duurzaamheid met de Confidex® Garantie tot
30 jaar.
Terracotta (RAL 040 40 40)
Copprium (RAL 160 70 20)
Anthracite (RAL 7016)
Matte kleuren
Zie voor meer informatie: of bel
de Colorcoat Connection® helpline
(NL) +31 (0) 251 492206 of
(B) +32 (0) 70 233009
Contactgegevens verkoopafdeling:
Tata Steel
Postbus 10.000
1970 CA IJmuiden
Colorcoat Connection® helpline
Nederland België
T: +31 (0) 251 492206 T: +32 (0) 70 233009
F: +31 (0) 251 470490 F: +32 (0) 70 233010
Copyright 2013 Tata Steel, Registered Office: 30 Millbank,
London SW1P 4WY, Registered in England No. 2280000
Language Dutch 0313
Handelsmerken van Tata Steel UK Limited
Aquarius, Atlantis, Colorcoat, Colorcoat Connection,
Colorcoat Prisma, Confidex, Copprium, Galvalloy, Hamlet,
Helios, Kronos, Orion, Pegasus, Repertoire, Sirius en Zeus
zijn handelsmerken van Tata Steel UK Limited.
Alle mogelijke aandacht is besteed aan een accurate
inhoud van deze publicatie, doch Tata Steel Europe
Limited en zijn dochterondernemingen (inclusief Tata
Steel UK Limited) wijzen alle verantwoordelijkheid of
aansprakelijkheid af voor fouten of informatie welke als
misleidend kunnen worden beschouwd. Suggesties voor,
of beschrijvingen van, het eindgebruik of applicatie van
de producten of werkmethodes dienen louter ter
informatie en Tata Steel Europe Limited en zijn
dochterondernemingen wijzen alle aansprakelijkheid met
betrekking hiertoe af.
Voorafgaand aan het gebruik van producten of diensten
geleverd of geproduceerd door Tata Steel Europe Limited
en zijn dochterondernemingen, dienen de klanten zich te
overtuigen van hun geschiktheid.
Gedrukt op materiaal uit goed beheerde bossen,
gecertificeerd in overeenstemming met FSC. Bevat 10%
teruggewonnen vezels. De gebruikte inkt op plantaardige
basis is biologisch afbreekbaar.