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Privacy and Security
in a Hyper-connected world
覲伎郁規 伎
Before beginning
 How Safe Is the Future World?
貎, 覦磯覩殊 ̄, 觜, 貊語, 襷貅
貉襴, (POOQ), 朱, る逢, 危
 譯殊 殊 觜り 覈 襷觜
 レ 語
ADNS れ る
[谿瑚]: 覃 焔 レ
覦る 24~48 螳
22 AWS 企殊磯
觜れ 襷譟 轟觜
(AWS) レ襦 誤
 Hyperconnected world
 Main Control unit
 Problems through Future Technology
 10 critical security threats in 2018
 Future Considerations
Hyper-connected world
 hyperconnected world is driven by the next generation of the Internet
of Things (IoT). The number of things connected to the Internet will
likely reach 50 billion or more in 2020. [ref. World Economic Forum]
Main Control unit
 What is the key device of modern society?
Smartphones are no longer just
a device, but a carry-on bomb.
Why is the problem in the future society?
The most important
element of future society is
personal information and
Problems through Future Technology (1/2)
 覈 譴 覦伎る  郁屋 
 誤磯血 觜襯殊襦 覲企ゼ 觜襯語襦 覦 覲  
讌襷 覃企 螻 覲覈 螻  -> 覈覦 覃 讀螳
 谿瑚: securitysales蠍一 磯ゴ覃, 蠍一ヾ 覃企譬 43%讀螳, 蠏 覃 32%讀螳
 蠍一 覦  襦 襦蠏碁 語企 誤
蟆 レ 覲伎 ろ 蟆 覦 企れ 讌
-> 螻手碓 讌朱  覿螳
 蟆曙 觜襯願 覲螻 讌襷, 覲伎蟯螻 谿
伎 覲伎り螳  讌 蟇磯 蠏碁襦 
 覩碁蠍一 螻 所 螳覦螻 觜殊朱襦
れ 譯手鍵朱 覲蟆曙
Problems through Future Technology (2/3)
  譯狩豺 螳 觜襯 襦 り
=> 螳譬 IOT 殊 覦伎 : 觚襭 螻糾鴬, ろ誤螻糾鴬 螳
 る誤佒 伎 IoT 貉碁,
- 煙 譯殊 牛 る 螻旧 煙 襷觜
 螻糾襷 覲伎 伎
- Kaspersky   語企ゼ 牛 覩手覲 豢
- Google Store  覈覦   牛 煙 譯殊
 れ譴襷 牛 蠍郁/蠍一伎 PMS ろ る
企至 蟾? ( 覦一螳 れ 蟆)
Problems through Future Technology (3/3)
 蟯襷 螳讌襷 企 給螳 所 蠏  
(Darkweb, Shodan, Censys )
 れ Unit  牛 襭覲, 蠍旧覲 煙 危
 蠍郁/蠍一/螳 伎    旧朱 誤
蠍一ヾ  る蠍郁 
 る 螳螻 覲伎 ル 螳 譴
(リ 25, 谿 20, 覈 讀蟠 覦覯 20, CCTV 15)
 ろ API 螻殊 蟾? (GItHub, Sourceforge )
10 critical security threats in 2018 (1/3)
豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com
1. 一危 豢
- 企殊磯 螻螳蟆 螳
譴 蟯 一危 豢
2. 語  る
- 企殊磯 覲伎 螻
2020蟾讌 95%襦螳
螻螳 れ襦 覦 
3. 覓企葦朱 誤 一危 
- 螻 企 一危磯ゼ 覦煙 
讌螳   螻螳 一危一
蟲  覦
10 critical security threats in 2018 (2/3)
豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com
4. 企 
- 豕蠏 譟一 磯ゴ覃,
企  53%
5. DDOS 螻糾鴬
- DDOS 螻糾鴬 牛
企殊磯 螻螳 覦 螻糾豌伎
譴  讀螳
(覈煙, 螻螳一危磯語  )
6. 覿 API
- 朱 蟯覓呉 炎鴬朱,
API 螻糾鴬 豐蠍 讌 
=> 讀, 覲伎 曙 .
10 critical security threats in 2018 (3/3)
豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com
7. 旧ろ襦
- 企磯 蟯 襦一 螻糾鴬
8. 螻 伎
- 企殊磯 觜れ 語 豬
* 豺 語 覲企ゼ 伎 企殊磯
貉危 觜れ 譴  蠏,
* 企 觜れ 蠍磯炎骸 覓願屋,
螳 殊
9. APT
- ろ 豺襯 牛 一危 豢
10. 覃碁れ願骸 ろ
- 覃碁れ: 螻糾鴬螳 伎豌伎蟠
 豎 覲   豬曙
- ろ磯 螻糾鴬螳 
譴覲企ゼ 豎覲企 豬曙
Future Considerations
 蟆 覲 譟一 覓誤 危 (覯, 蠍一 )
 讌 ろ(れ 蠍一) 螻 襦蠏碁 螻給 
 Security By Design 螻 
 る伎襯  語螻 蟲 
(Problem Solving Approach = 覓語 願屋覯)
 螻糾襷 覲伎 豈螻 伎讌 覈磯 蟲豢 螻
  ろ 襦蠏碁 蟆
The End
蠍磯 レ襦 蟇煙 蟇磯Μ
- 觚襦 殊拘

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james yoo
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
james yoo
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎 覦 v1.0
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎   覦 v1.0[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎   覦 v1.0
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎 覦 v1.0
james yoo
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
james yoo
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
james yoo
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
james yoo
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorialろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
james yoo
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
james yoo
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi (螻糾)
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi  (螻糾)る誤佌慨螻 W ifi  (螻糾)
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi (螻糾)
james yoo
[覦壱_豕譬] CISSP 72 覲企慨碁Μ碁碁_Cybersecurity Mesh, Identity First_v1.0.pdf
[覦壱_豕譬] CISSP 72 覲企慨碁Μ碁碁_Cybersecurity Mesh, Identity First_v1.0.pdf[覦壱_豕譬] CISSP 72 覲企慨碁Μ碁碁_Cybersecurity Mesh, Identity First_v1.0.pdf
[覦壱_豕譬] CISSP 72 覲企慨碁Μ碁碁_Cybersecurity Mesh, Identity First_v1.0.pdf
james yoo
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
[2017.03.17] 覲企慨語覓伎 upgrade v1.2
james yoo
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎 覦 v1.0
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎   覦 v1.0[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎   覦 v1.0
[覦暑蓋] 覃覯 覲伎 覦 v1.0
james yoo
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...
james yoo
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
[4th revolution] 覈覦朱慨 れ牛蟆 蟲豢ク(setting the moblie security environment tutor...
james yoo
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
Introducing artificial intelligence security according to knowledge security ...
james yoo
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorialろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
ろ螳瑚係 れ_Steganography turorial
james yoo
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
[覦 '15.11.27]覲企慨 覓瑚 蠍 new(豕譬_暑蓋)
james yoo
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi (螻糾)
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi  (螻糾)る誤佌慨螻 W ifi  (螻糾)
る誤佌慨螻 W ifi (螻糾)
james yoo

Privacy and security in a hyper connected world

  • 1. Privacy and Security in a Hyper-connected world 覲伎郁規 伎 CISSP KOREA/ james.yoo@boanin.com
  • 2. Before beginning How Safe Is the Future World? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NXpEUFO_6o)豢豌:enewsTV 貎, 覦磯覩殊 ̄, 觜, 貊語, 襷貅 貉襴, (POOQ), 朱, る逢, 危 譯殊 殊 觜り 覈 襷觜 レ 語 ADNS れ る [谿瑚]: 覃 焔 レ 覦る 24~48 螳 22 AWS 企殊磯 觜れ 襷譟 轟觜 (AWS) レ襦 誤
  • 3. Agenda Hyperconnected world Main Control unit Problems through Future Technology 10 critical security threats in 2018 Future Considerations
  • 4. Hyper-connected world hyperconnected world is driven by the next generation of the Internet of Things (IoT). The number of things connected to the Internet will likely reach 50 billion or more in 2020. [ref. World Economic Forum]
  • 5. Main Control unit What is the key device of modern society? 豢豌:SK語危 Smartphones are no longer just a device, but a carry-on bomb.
  • 6. Why is the problem in the future society? The most important element of future society is personal information and security.
  • 7. Problems through Future Technology (1/2) 覈 譴 覦伎る 郁屋 誤磯血 觜襯殊襦 覲企ゼ 觜襯語襦 覦 覲 讌襷 覃企 螻 覲覈 螻 -> 覈覦 覃 讀螳 谿瑚: securitysales蠍一 磯ゴ覃, 蠍一ヾ 覃企譬 43%讀螳, 蠏 覃 32%讀螳 蠍一 覦 襦 襦蠏碁 語企 誤 蟆 レ 覲伎 ろ 蟆 覦 企れ 讌 -> 螻手碓 讌朱 覿螳 蟆曙 觜襯願 覲螻 讌襷, 覲伎蟯螻 谿 伎 覲伎り螳 讌 蟇磯 蠏碁襦 覩碁蠍一 螻 所 螳覦螻 觜殊朱襦 れ 譯手鍵朱 覲蟆曙
  • 8. Problems through Future Technology (2/3) 譯狩豺 螳 觜襯 襦 り => 螳譬 IOT 殊 覦伎 : 觚襭 螻糾鴬, ろ誤螻糾鴬 螳 る誤佒 伎 IoT 貉碁, - 煙 譯殊 牛 る 螻旧 煙 襷觜 螻糾襷 覲伎 伎 - Kaspersky 語企ゼ 牛 覩手覲 豢 - Google Store 覈覦 牛 煙 譯殊 れ譴襷 牛 蠍郁/蠍一伎 PMS ろ る 企至 蟾? ( 覦一螳 れ 蟆)
  • 9. Problems through Future Technology (3/3) 蟯襷 螳讌襷 企 給螳 所 蠏 (Darkweb, Shodan, Censys ) れ Unit 牛 襭覲, 蠍旧覲 煙 危 覈, 蠍郁/蠍一/螳 伎 旧朱 誤 蠍一ヾ る蠍郁 る 螳螻 覲伎 ル 螳 譴 (リ 25, 谿 20, 覈 讀蟠 覦覯 20, CCTV 15) ろ API 螻殊 蟾? (GItHub, Sourceforge )
  • 10. 10 critical security threats in 2018 (1/3) 豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com 1. 一危 豢 - 企殊磯 螻螳蟆 螳 譴 蟯 一危 豢 2. 語 る - 企殊磯 覲伎 螻 2020蟾讌 95%襦螳 螻螳 れ襦 覦 3. 覓企葦朱 誤 一危 - 螻 企 一危磯ゼ 覦煙 讌螳 螻螳 一危一 蟲 覦 -
  • 11. 10 critical security threats in 2018 (2/3) 豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com 4. 企 - 豕蠏 譟一 磯ゴ覃, 企 53% 5. DDOS 螻糾鴬 - DDOS 螻糾鴬 牛 企殊磯 螻螳 覦 螻糾豌伎 譴 讀螳 (覈煙, 螻螳一危磯語 ) 6. 覿 API - 朱 蟯覓呉 炎鴬朱, API 螻糾鴬 豐蠍 讌 => 讀, 覲伎 曙 . -
  • 12. 10 critical security threats in 2018 (3/3) 豢豌: https://www.synopsys.com 7. 旧ろ襦 - 企磯 蟯 襦一 螻糾鴬 8. 螻 伎 - 企殊磯 觜れ 語 豬 * 豺 語 覲企ゼ 伎 企殊磯 貉危 觜れ 譴 蠏, * 企 觜れ 蠍磯炎骸 覓願屋, 螳 殊 9. APT - ろ 豺襯 牛 一危 豢 - 10. 覃碁れ願骸 ろ - 覃碁れ: 螻糾鴬螳 伎豌伎蟠 豎 覲 豬曙 - ろ磯 螻糾鴬螳 譴覲企ゼ 豎覲企 豬曙
  • 13. Future Considerations 蟆 覲 譟一 覓誤 危 (覯, 蠍一 ) 讌 ろ(れ 蠍一) 螻 襦蠏碁 螻給 Security By Design 螻 る伎襯 語螻 蟲 PSA (Problem Solving Approach = 覓語 願屋覯) 螻糾襷 覲伎 豈螻 伎讌 覈磯 蟲豢 螻 ろ 襦蠏碁 蟆
  • 14. The End 蠍磯 レ襦 蟇煙 蟇磯Μ 譴企. - 觚襦 殊拘