We looked at important key elements of information security and personal information to look around the year, introduced the security threats that threatened in 2018, and summarized future considerations.
[伎穐 螳] Information security and digital sex crime_lecture(2020.09)Lee Chanwoo
Information security and digital sex crime, Digital Sex Crime Prevention Instructor Course, Definition and examples of information protection, definition of digital sexual crime and countermeasures
豕蠏 襷企一危一 襯 危エ覲願, 襷企一危 れ企企殊磯 觜 覦 蟲焔逢 危企襴暑. | We will look at the definition of MyData business, which is a hot topic recently, and guide you on Naver Cloud Platform service and architecture for MyData business.
[伎穐 螳] Information security and digital sex crime_lecture(2020.09)Lee Chanwoo
Information security and digital sex crime, Digital Sex Crime Prevention Instructor Course, Definition and examples of information protection, definition of digital sexual crime and countermeasures
豕蠏 襷企一危一 襯 危エ覲願, 襷企一危 れ企企殊磯 觜 覦 蟲焔逢 危企襴暑. | We will look at the definition of MyData business, which is a hot topic recently, and guide you on Naver Cloud Platform service and architecture for MyData business.
How do you think Internet of Things technology will change in the future?
i lecture special cissp korea chapter for 40 min.
contect title of name is Internet of thing with your future.
have a nice day~~~
[2015 11 18]
CISSP korea 覦 覓殊誤磯血殊襦 覦襯 讌一.
蟯 襭 伎る 螳る 覲伎覃 譬蟇 螳給.
襯 牛 覲伎 伎手鍵手 螳螻 ク 覲伎覃 譬蟇 螳れ.
I was presented at the The CISSP korea chapter in seoul.
the title of name is internet of things with you future.
I hope this helped.
[Write Date : 2022.07.27]
[Written by James.yoo]
The purpose is to understand the future technology of the digital society that is changing due to the pandemic society. Among them, the overview, use cases, preparations, and considerations for Cybersecurity Mesh listed in Garter TOP 10 were considered.
If you want to know the changed society of the future, you should read it.
[Write Date : 2022.1.19]
[Written by James.yoo]
You must have come across the term metaverse a lot.
In order to do business through the metaverse in the future,
Please take a look at the same content.
It would be good to think about the security, privacy, and stability of Metaverse.
覃覯る朱 企ゼ 襷 企慨 蟆.
朱 覃覯るゼ 牛 觜讌るゼ 蠍一 れ螻
螳 伎 蠎 危エ覲伎蠍 覦.
覃覯れ 覲伎, 螳語覲, 煙 螻覩殊 蠎 覃 譬蟇 螳給.
[4th revolution] new technology security education material] android security...james yoo
Interest in mobile security is increasing due to the development of the future environment. Through the diagnostic criteria of mobile security, we have made the diagnostic case for beginners to study and study. I hope it helps many people.
In the era of the 4th industrial revolution, the mobile era is approaching. Therefore, when open banking is activated, those who research security and IT need basic knowledge to conduct a mobile diagnosis. That's why we basically want to share an environment that can be diagnosed without a smartphone.
ろ螳瑚係(Steganography) 一危 蠍一 譴 企, 一危磯ゼ るジ 一危一 曙 蠍一 轟 蠏 郁規襯 螳襴. ろ螳 蠏碁 れ旧 牛 譬 豐覲伎 危企ゼ 蠍一 燕給.
Steganography is one of the data concealment techniques, and refers to the technique of inserting data into other data or its research.
It was written to help beginner's understanding more through steganography practice.
3 語伎 覈 蟲豌 覦 襭 .
螳 企 讌讌襷, 襭螳 り碓 螳 螻糾.
蠏碁, 願 郁鍵襯 蠍一旧 讌 れ.
覦 襷 覦~~~ 伎譯...
覿 襷れ 覲伎蠍.....
谿瑚襦, 蠏 ロ 給.
Before 3years, I went to go district office to presented 30 min for office staff members.
after i finished speech, all people was clapping to me.
Thank you, read it.
3. Agenda
Hyperconnected world
Main Control unit
Problems through Future Technology
10 critical security threats in 2018
Future Considerations
4. Hyper-connected world
hyperconnected world is driven by the next generation of the Internet
of Things (IoT). The number of things connected to the Internet will
likely reach 50 billion or more in 2020. [ref. World Economic Forum]
5. Main Control unit
What is the key device of modern society?
Smartphones are no longer just
a device, but a carry-on bomb.
6. Why is the problem in the future society?
The most important
element of future society is
personal information and