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Priyanka Bhargava
C-95, Subash Marg,
C-Scheme, Jaipur
9982585070,(0141) 4009826
Career Summary
 Have 1 year of working experience as an HR Trainee
 Handled recruitment, induction & orientation, training and development,talent engagement, Exit
formalities etc.
 Good communication skills.
 Currently working in M/S Sai Swarna Enterprises as H.R Assistant.
Computer Skills
Have good knowledge of M.S Word, M.S Excel, Tally and Internet
Personal Qualities
 Good communication/interpersonal skills.
 Hard working
Key Responsibilities Handled
Recruitment & Selection
 Ensuring the recruitment and selectionprocess is followed.Creating Job Descriptions, advertising
on job portals & newspapers, conducting interviews,and coordinating with Functional Heads &
Project Managers for ensuring successful hiring. Have hired professionals at each level.
 Launched Referral Schemes for retention & business development.
 Salary negotiation with shortlisted employees and making them aware of the salary structure &
policiesthe organization is following.VerificationProcess.
Induction & Orientation
 Ensuring smooth Joining formalities; preparation of the induction and orientation schedule,
conducting the induction for new hire.
Maintaining personal documents (files) of the individuals.
Training & Development
 Need Identification,Developing Calendar, Identifying trainers, coordinating with trainers &
employees,establishing feedback mechanism.
Compensation & Benefits
 Assisted in the process of restructuring the Compensation structure of the organization (including
introduction of Performance allowance, Professional allowance, Medical allowance, Conveyance
allowance, Outstation allowance, PF & ESI).
 Coordinating with ESI authorities for sub code for differentsite locations.
 Introduction of new improved salary slips in the organization.
 Liasoning with bank for salary account opening etc., informing bank authority of resigned&
terminated employees.
 Compiling all data needed for the annual salary review, and the annual performance appraisal
analysis. Bonus calculation etc.
 Attends to employee grievances and complaints regarding attendance, salary, provides guidance if
Talent Engagement / Employee Relations & Communication
 To detect and handle complaints, disputes and grievances of all staffs and to report them to the
Project Managers (Project Manager of Site) and Management.
 Resolving issues,problems and complaints related to policy interpretation, time office,PF & ESI
issue and payroll.
 Facilitating healthy organizational culture by promoting open house discussions, employee
suggestion schemes..
 Developeda system of regular Employee Engagement Activitieslike Birthdays, SilverJubilee
Celebration and Festival themes celebrations & other weeklyactivities.
 Handling Separation Mechanism & providing the inputs based on Exit Interview to management in
view to strengthen the system.
 Responsible for initiating& implementing internal company transfers.
 Handling legal issuesin coordination with Advocate.
Formulation, Review & Implementation of HR processes and policies
 Focus on HR process development & improvement; create awareness amongst employees,review
& documentation (Employee Handbook in English & Himplementation. Investigate and resolve
issues, problems and complaints, including policy interpretation.
Have recruited around 20 employeesindependently(junior levels).
 Independentlyhandled all events in the organization.
Worked in a Japanese company Kokoku Intec India for an year in Neemrana ,which is a producer
of industrial rubber components from June 2014 till April 2015.
Currently working as an H.R Assistant in M/S Sai Swarna Enterprises
Academic Qualifications
 BA. LLB (Hons.) 5 Years from I.L.M.S. College, Gurgaon, Haryana in the year 2011
 Currently pursing M.B.A 2 year in Human Resource from Symbiosis University Pune
Extra Curricular Activities
 Have Participated in various cultural activities in college
 Received award for best in Academics in 1st
year of college
 Received various prizes in dance competition
Personal Information
Fathers Name- Mr Rakesh Bhargava
Husbands Name- Mr Mudit Bhargava
Maritial Status- Married
Date Of Birth 20-10-1987
Permanent Address C-95 Subash Marg C-Scheme ,Jaipur
Expected Employment Status- Full Time
Will be available on request Signature-

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  • 1. PRIYANKA BHARGAVA C.V FOR H.R ASSISTANT Priyanka Bhargava C-95, Subash Marg, C-Scheme, Jaipur 9982585070,(0141) 4009826 priyankallb.2008@rediffmail.com Career Summary Have 1 year of working experience as an HR Trainee Handled recruitment, induction & orientation, training and development,talent engagement, Exit formalities etc. Good communication skills. Currently working in M/S Sai Swarna Enterprises as H.R Assistant. Computer Skills Have good knowledge of M.S Word, M.S Excel, Tally and Internet Personal Qualities Good communication/interpersonal skills. Humorous Hard working Optimistic Key Responsibilities Handled Recruitment & Selection Ensuring the recruitment and selectionprocess is followed.Creating Job Descriptions, advertising on job portals & newspapers, conducting interviews,and coordinating with Functional Heads & Project Managers for ensuring successful hiring. Have hired professionals at each level. Launched Referral Schemes for retention & business development. Salary negotiation with shortlisted employees and making them aware of the salary structure & policiesthe organization is following.VerificationProcess. Induction & Orientation Ensuring smooth Joining formalities; preparation of the induction and orientation schedule, conducting the induction for new hire.
  • 2. Maintaining personal documents (files) of the individuals. Training & Development Need Identification,Developing Calendar, Identifying trainers, coordinating with trainers & employees,establishing feedback mechanism. Compensation & Benefits Assisted in the process of restructuring the Compensation structure of the organization (including introduction of Performance allowance, Professional allowance, Medical allowance, Conveyance allowance, Outstation allowance, PF & ESI). Coordinating with ESI authorities for sub code for differentsite locations. Introduction of new improved salary slips in the organization. Liasoning with bank for salary account opening etc., informing bank authority of resigned& terminated employees. Compiling all data needed for the annual salary review, and the annual performance appraisal analysis. Bonus calculation etc. Attends to employee grievances and complaints regarding attendance, salary, provides guidance if necessary. Talent Engagement / Employee Relations & Communication To detect and handle complaints, disputes and grievances of all staffs and to report them to the Project Managers (Project Manager of Site) and Management. Resolving issues,problems and complaints related to policy interpretation, time office,PF & ESI issue and payroll. Facilitating healthy organizational culture by promoting open house discussions, employee suggestion schemes.. Developeda system of regular Employee Engagement Activitieslike Birthdays, SilverJubilee Celebration and Festival themes celebrations & other weeklyactivities. Handling Separation Mechanism & providing the inputs based on Exit Interview to management in view to strengthen the system. Responsible for initiating& implementing internal company transfers. Handling legal issuesin coordination with Advocate. Formulation, Review & Implementation of HR processes and policies Focus on HR process development & improvement; create awareness amongst employees,review & documentation (Employee Handbook in English & Himplementation. Investigate and resolve issues, problems and complaints, including policy interpretation.
  • 3. Achivements Have recruited around 20 employeesindependently(junior levels). Independentlyhandled all events in the organization. Employers Worked in a Japanese company Kokoku Intec India for an year in Neemrana ,which is a producer of industrial rubber components from June 2014 till April 2015. Currently working as an H.R Assistant in M/S Sai Swarna Enterprises Academic Qualifications BA. LLB (Hons.) 5 Years from I.L.M.S. College, Gurgaon, Haryana in the year 2011 Currently pursing M.B.A 2 year in Human Resource from Symbiosis University Pune Extra Curricular Activities Have Participated in various cultural activities in college Received award for best in Academics in 1st year of college Received various prizes in dance competition Personal Information Fathers Name- Mr Rakesh Bhargava Husbands Name- Mr Mudit Bhargava Maritial Status- Married Date Of Birth 20-10-1987 Permanent Address C-95 Subash Marg C-Scheme ,Jaipur Expected Employment Status- Full Time References Will be available on request Signature- Date-