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Arguments for the death penalty<br />IDENTIFY REASONEXPLAIN REASONPROVIDE EVIDENCE More Humane than other Forms of PunishmentCompared to incapacitation, which is a kinder phrase for lobotomy, or sentencing a criminal to solitary confinement for the next 25-50 years, executing a criminal may seem like a more humane option. A criminal sentenced to life without parole will never again see daylight, and will have to consider the consequences of their crime until the day they die. From an emotional standpoint, ending this elongated, intense level of suffering for a prisoner could be considered a mercy.The death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment.(Assuming, for the sake of the claim, that the execution is carried out in a humane manner, and that life imprisonment actually means油life油imprisonment, not, say, seven years and then parole.)- Alistair YoungLife Imprisonment doesnt necessary mean the person is guaranteed to be imprisoned for life. Surprisingly, life in prison without the possibility of parole does not always mean a criminal will truly remain in prison until the day they die.油Stacey Lannert, convicted for the 1990 murder of her sexually-abusive father, served 18 years of a life without parole sentence before receiving a full pardon by outbound Missouri governor Matt Blunt in January 2009. Lisa Connelly, one of the seven responsible for the 1993 Florida murder of Bobby Kent, was able to reduce her sentence of life in prison to 22 years upon appeal. In 2004, Connelly was released, despite being one of the primary planners of the Bobby Kent slaying. Through time, law changes, political authority figures change, and points of view on the death penalty change. Given enough time, yesterdays child-killer may become todays lifer, then tomorrows parolee.Removal of a Threat to SocietyEven though Saddam Hussein was captured and tried via an Iraqi tribunal in 2005, he still remained a threat; one of his tribunal judges was assassinated before the trial even began. Charles Lucky Luciano, possibly the most successful organized crime leader in history, didnt retire after being deported to Italy for the remainder of his life; he continued to control American organized crime long after his exile. Pablo Escobar, a criminal so ruthless he allegedly mailed witnesses invitations to their own funerals, was not only able to control his criminal empire from a luxurious prison, but he was also able to escape with a disturbing level of ease. Some criminals are truly above the law, in that their influence can reach the outside world even if they are behind bars. For this reason, some criminals are simply too dangerous to live at all.JusticeMay the punishment fit the crime. At the risk of being biased, this is definitely the best definition of justice that has ever existed or ever will exist.A desire for justice is one of the inherent qualities of most humans, and it prevents society from falling into a despotic chaos where the average, peaceful person would be subject to the anger, violence, and madness of criminals. A societys law, and the justice that is dispensed by its hands, is ultimately what keeps the citizenry of that society safe at night if anything does.In places where the death penalty is an option, it is one of the cornerstones of justice.For the sake of societys stability, fair and swift justice must always exist, and the complete removal of people who would destroy that society through crime is absolutely necessary. The death penalty serves this purpose better than any other form of punishment, as it ultimately ensures that a criminal can never harm another person again. From the perspective of justice, the death penalty serves any given populace by erasing its worst element: the criminal one.Do you want your close friend/ family members killer to still live in the world that you live in? Do you still think the world is safe with the killer alive?<br />
PRO Death Penalty
PRO Death Penalty

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PRO Death Penalty

  • 1. Arguments for the death penalty<br />IDENTIFY REASONEXPLAIN REASONPROVIDE EVIDENCE More Humane than other Forms of PunishmentCompared to incapacitation, which is a kinder phrase for lobotomy, or sentencing a criminal to solitary confinement for the next 25-50 years, executing a criminal may seem like a more humane option. A criminal sentenced to life without parole will never again see daylight, and will have to consider the consequences of their crime until the day they die. From an emotional standpoint, ending this elongated, intense level of suffering for a prisoner could be considered a mercy.The death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment.(Assuming, for the sake of the claim, that the execution is carried out in a humane manner, and that life imprisonment actually means油life油imprisonment, not, say, seven years and then parole.)- Alistair YoungLife Imprisonment doesnt necessary mean the person is guaranteed to be imprisoned for life. Surprisingly, life in prison without the possibility of parole does not always mean a criminal will truly remain in prison until the day they die.油Stacey Lannert, convicted for the 1990 murder of her sexually-abusive father, served 18 years of a life without parole sentence before receiving a full pardon by outbound Missouri governor Matt Blunt in January 2009. Lisa Connelly, one of the seven responsible for the 1993 Florida murder of Bobby Kent, was able to reduce her sentence of life in prison to 22 years upon appeal. In 2004, Connelly was released, despite being one of the primary planners of the Bobby Kent slaying. Through time, law changes, political authority figures change, and points of view on the death penalty change. Given enough time, yesterdays child-killer may become todays lifer, then tomorrows parolee.Removal of a Threat to SocietyEven though Saddam Hussein was captured and tried via an Iraqi tribunal in 2005, he still remained a threat; one of his tribunal judges was assassinated before the trial even began. Charles Lucky Luciano, possibly the most successful organized crime leader in history, didnt retire after being deported to Italy for the remainder of his life; he continued to control American organized crime long after his exile. Pablo Escobar, a criminal so ruthless he allegedly mailed witnesses invitations to their own funerals, was not only able to control his criminal empire from a luxurious prison, but he was also able to escape with a disturbing level of ease. Some criminals are truly above the law, in that their influence can reach the outside world even if they are behind bars. For this reason, some criminals are simply too dangerous to live at all.JusticeMay the punishment fit the crime. At the risk of being biased, this is definitely the best definition of justice that has ever existed or ever will exist.A desire for justice is one of the inherent qualities of most humans, and it prevents society from falling into a despotic chaos where the average, peaceful person would be subject to the anger, violence, and madness of criminals. A societys law, and the justice that is dispensed by its hands, is ultimately what keeps the citizenry of that society safe at night if anything does.In places where the death penalty is an option, it is one of the cornerstones of justice.For the sake of societys stability, fair and swift justice must always exist, and the complete removal of people who would destroy that society through crime is absolutely necessary. The death penalty serves this purpose better than any other form of punishment, as it ultimately ensures that a criminal can never harm another person again. From the perspective of justice, the death penalty serves any given populace by erasing its worst element: the criminal one.Do you want your close friend/ family members killer to still live in the world that you live in? Do you still think the world is safe with the killer alive?<br />