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Professional Basic Selling Skills
How to become a Professional Salesman
Presented by: Abdul Rahman Nofal
Remove only six letters and find the word
Who Is a Customer?
Who Is a Salesman?
What is selling?
Personal or Impersonal
Personal: Face to Face communication.
Impersonal: Involve no face to face communication.
Selling a situation of persuasion
Steps of a Sales Cycle
Analysis &
Follow up
Steps of a Sales Cycle
Before the call:
1. Approach.
2. Preparation.
Steps of a Sales Cycle
Before the call:
Steps of a Sales Cycle
Before the call.:
Features / Benefits
Customer always buy Benefits
Always be prepared Before the Call
 Know your product inside out.
 Know your competitors.
 Know the basics of the customers needs.
 Believe in yourself, your company, and your product.
or DONT be there.
1- Approach.
2- Presentation.
 Probing (Open & closed).
3- Customer Responses.
4- Closing.
During the call
During the call
During the call
Need / Motive
Motive Is what causes people to act.
1- Making a Gain.
2- Avoiding a Loss.
3- Having pleasure, enjoyment, comfort ,convenience.
4- Avoiding pain, worries, problems.
5- Boosting self-satisfaction, pride.
6- Gaining social approval, prestige.
Buying Motives
During the call
2- Presentation.
 Probing (Open & closed).
What is probing?
Probing is the skill of questioning to uncover customer needs & concerns.
Sales Success/ % of Questions
Versus Statements
ess Average
Most sales
Ideal for most successful sales
% Questions (versus statements) Ideal composition of
a conversation
80% questions 20%
During the call
2- Presentation.
Probing Strategy
Begin with an
open probe.
Continue to use to
open probe.
Stated clear need.
Switch to use closed probe to
direct conversation to a
presumed need
Conformation of
presumed need.
Need input. No need input.
Customer signals
With non
With communicative
We remember
Hearing only
Seeing only
Hearing & Seeing
Visual Aids
Keep it clean & ready for use.
Limit it to 1 visual aid per meeting.
Visual Aids
During the call
Customer Responses
1- Positive customer responses.
2- Positive/Negative customer responses.
3- Negative responses.
1- Positive customer responses:
1. Non-verbal customer behavior
If he is looking at your visual aid, sample, plan.
Keep an eye on body language, whether it expresses rejection, curiosity, approval.
He will often signal interest through body language while being verbally skeptical.
He makes a verbal positive statement and signals disinterest through body language.
1- Positive customer responses:
2. Statements which show hesitation
Using terms or starting statements like:
- I suppose that
- I probably should
- I hardly believe that
- May be - Perhaps.. - It seems...
These statements are not rejections of your proposal. They only express
hesitation, doubts ,misgivings ,but are also signs to keep selling; the prospect
wants to know more about your product/proposal. Perhaps move on to
another benefit.
Sellers reaction:
Isolates doubt by questioning, then eliminate it and change to another benefit /
2- Positive-Negative Customer responses:
- Yes, but
- I agree although
- I like that, however
- Its an excellent product, but
Sellers reaction:
Pick up on the positive only use it, just ignore the
negative portion!
3- Negative customer responses:
There is four types of customer resistance:
1. Misconceptions: An incorrect negative assumption about your product due to a
lack of information or misinformation.
2. Real objections: Legitimate shortcoming or disadvantage of your product.
3. Lack of interest: Disinterest in your product because of satisfaction with a
competitor product.
4. Skepticism: Disbelief that your product can provide the stated benefits.
Resistance Usually occurs.. General Strategy
Misconceptions Anytime Provide correct information.
Real Objections Anytime Reduce shortcomings and
emphasizes benefits.
Lack of interest At the beginning of the call,
after your initial open
Turn an area of dissatisfaction with
a competitor product into an area of
need for your product.
Skepticism Directly after a benefit
Offer proof.
Strategies for dealing with resistance
Typical buying signals:
- Yes, I like your product 
- I think I could use it 
- It sounds good to me 
- Who else is using it 
- I may need to order 100 packs.
- How about delivery.
- Its easy to apply.
- Do I have to decide at once.
- How much does it cost 
During the call
During the call
Closing (Gaining Commitment)
Its the skill of obtaining the customers agreement to act by asking a closed ended
Type of requests:
Trial Use: to get the customer to use the product on a trial basis.
Continued-Use: to get the customer to continue using the product at the same level.
Extended-Use: to get the customer to use more of the product.
Types of closes:
1- Direct close:  How many packs of this
product do you need this month?
2- Either/or close:  Do you want red or
blue one?
3- Step-by-step close: Help the customer
to decide.
4- Summery close: Review by summery
the accepted benefits only ( Dont add
anything new )
5- Incentive close: If you order now,
you'll get additional 5% discount
Six Prerequisites before closing
1- prospect completely understood your offer.
2- Real buying motive found out and addressed.
3- Customer has confidence in you & company.
4- A well prepared close.
5- The right timing.
6- Customer has the authority to buy.
Post call analysis:
Practical steps for Short Call
Introduce yourself
Customer gives a time limit signal
Open the call
Present additional features & benefits
Ask for action
The Short Call:
Building Trust
Why Train Salespeople?
 82% of all sales people fail to differentiate themselves or their products from
the competitors.
 86% of all salespeople ask the wrong questions and miss sales opportunities.
 62% of all salespeople fail to earn to earn the right close.
 15% is the improvement in winning deals due to continuous training.
 Untrained salespeople lose twice as many sales to price objections compared
to trained reps
Why Train Salespeople?
Putting it all together
1- The successful salesperson is not a Good or Fast talker the opposite is true, he is a good
2- The good salesperson does not sell to anybody; he first finds and qualifies the right prospect.
3- The good salesperson does not go into a call blindfold"; he is carefully prepares the call by
setting objectives and planning his strategy.
4- The good salesperson looks for dialogue right from the start and therefore begins with an
approach and question.
5- The good salesperson does not present the product or services until he has learnt what the
prospects needs and buying motives are.
6- The good salesperson presents only those features and benefits of his product or services that
relate to the prospects needs. 40
The 10 Golden Rules of Successful Selling:
Putting it all together
7- If the prospect raises an" objection the good salesperson does not view it as
resistance but rather as an opportunity to respond to the prospects needs in more
detail. If it is a real concern, he accepts it, deals with real concerns, satisfies the
customers need, responds by picking up on anything positive.
8- The successful salesperson tries to close whenever he hears a buying signals
indicating that the prospect could be ready to buy.
9- The good salesperson knows that the post call review is already the start of the
next call.
10- All in all, the professional sales persons goal is not to sell, but to help his prospect
buy and to arrive together with him at a Win-Win situation.
The 10 Golden Rules of Successful Selling:
Now, Are you a salesman or a marketer?
The Marketing Mix
Pricing Strategies
Thank you

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  • 1. Professional Basic Selling Skills How to become a Professional Salesman 1 Presented by: Abdul Rahman Nofal
  • 2. 2 SBIAXNLEATNTNTEARS Remove only six letters and find the word
  • 3. Who Is a Customer? 3
  • 4. Who Is a Salesman? 4
  • 5. What is selling? Personal or Impersonal 5 Personal: Face to Face communication. Impersonal: Involve no face to face communication. Selling a situation of persuasion
  • 6. Steps of a Sales Cycle 6 Prospection Preparation Approach Presentation Handling Objections Closing Analysis & Follow up
  • 7. Steps of a Sales Cycle Before the call: 1. Approach. 2. Preparation. 7
  • 8. Steps of a Sales Cycle Before the call: 8
  • 9. Steps of a Sales Cycle Before the call.: 9
  • 10. Features / Benefits 10 Customer always buy Benefits
  • 11. Always be prepared Before the Call Know your product inside out. Know your competitors. Know the basics of the customers needs. Believe in yourself, your company, and your product. or DONT be there. 11
  • 12. 1- Approach. 2- Presentation. Probing (Open & closed). Reinforcing. 3- Customer Responses. 4- Closing. 12 During the call
  • 16. Possession 16 Experience Recognition 1- Making a Gain. 2- Avoiding a Loss. 3- Having pleasure, enjoyment, comfort ,convenience. 4- Avoiding pain, worries, problems. 5- Boosting self-satisfaction, pride. 6- Gaining social approval, prestige. Buying Motives
  • 17. 17 During the call 2- Presentation. Probing (Open & closed). What is probing? Probing is the skill of questioning to uncover customer needs & concerns.
  • 18. Correlation Sales Success/ % of Questions Versus Statements 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 18 s ess Average Most sales reps Ideal for most successful sales calls! % Questions (versus statements) Ideal composition of a conversation 80% questions 20% statements
  • 19. 19 During the call 2- Presentation. Probing Strategy Begin with an open probe. Continue to use to open probe. Stated clear need. Switch to use closed probe to direct conversation to a presumed need Conformation of presumed need. Need input. No need input. Customer signals With non communicative customer With communicative customer
  • 21. Keep it clean & ready for use. Limit it to 1 visual aid per meeting. 21 Visual Aids
  • 23. Customer Responses 1- Positive customer responses. 2- Positive/Negative customer responses. 3- Negative responses. 23
  • 24. 1- Positive customer responses: 1. Non-verbal customer behavior If he is looking at your visual aid, sample, plan. Keep an eye on body language, whether it expresses rejection, curiosity, approval. He will often signal interest through body language while being verbally skeptical. Or He makes a verbal positive statement and signals disinterest through body language. 24
  • 25. 1- Positive customer responses: 2. Statements which show hesitation Using terms or starting statements like: - I suppose that - I probably should - I hardly believe that - May be - Perhaps.. - It seems... These statements are not rejections of your proposal. They only express hesitation, doubts ,misgivings ,but are also signs to keep selling; the prospect wants to know more about your product/proposal. Perhaps move on to another benefit. Sellers reaction: Isolates doubt by questioning, then eliminate it and change to another benefit / advantage. 25
  • 26. 2- Positive-Negative Customer responses: Examples: - Yes, but - I agree although - I like that, however - Its an excellent product, but Sellers reaction: Pick up on the positive only use it, just ignore the negative portion! 26
  • 27. 3- Negative customer responses: There is four types of customer resistance: 1. Misconceptions: An incorrect negative assumption about your product due to a lack of information or misinformation. 2. Real objections: Legitimate shortcoming or disadvantage of your product. 3. Lack of interest: Disinterest in your product because of satisfaction with a competitor product. 4. Skepticism: Disbelief that your product can provide the stated benefits. 27
  • 28. Resistance Usually occurs.. General Strategy Misconceptions Anytime Provide correct information. Real Objections Anytime Reduce shortcomings and emphasizes benefits. Lack of interest At the beginning of the call, after your initial open probe. Turn an area of dissatisfaction with a competitor product into an area of need for your product. Skepticism Directly after a benefit statement Offer proof. 28 Strategies for dealing with resistance
  • 29. Typical buying signals: - Yes, I like your product - I think I could use it - It sounds good to me - Who else is using it - I may need to order 100 packs. - How about delivery. - Its easy to apply. - Do I have to decide at once. - How much does it cost 29
  • 32. Closing (Gaining Commitment) Its the skill of obtaining the customers agreement to act by asking a closed ended question. Type of requests: Trial Use: to get the customer to use the product on a trial basis. Continued-Use: to get the customer to continue using the product at the same level. Extended-Use: to get the customer to use more of the product. 32
  • 33. Types of closes: 1- Direct close: How many packs of this product do you need this month? 2- Either/or close: Do you want red or blue one? 3- Step-by-step close: Help the customer to decide. 4- Summery close: Review by summery the accepted benefits only ( Dont add anything new ) 5- Incentive close: If you order now, you'll get additional 5% discount 33
  • 34. Six Prerequisites before closing 1- prospect completely understood your offer. 2- Real buying motive found out and addressed. 3- Customer has confidence in you & company. 4- A well prepared close. 5- The right timing. 6- Customer has the authority to buy. 34
  • 36. Practical steps for Short Call 36 Introduce yourself Customer gives a time limit signal Open the call Present additional features & benefits Ask for action The Short Call:
  • 38. Why Train Salespeople? 82% of all sales people fail to differentiate themselves or their products from the competitors. 86% of all salespeople ask the wrong questions and miss sales opportunities. 62% of all salespeople fail to earn to earn the right close. 15% is the improvement in winning deals due to continuous training. Untrained salespeople lose twice as many sales to price objections compared to trained reps 38
  • 40. Putting it all together 1- The successful salesperson is not a Good or Fast talker the opposite is true, he is a good listener. 2- The good salesperson does not sell to anybody; he first finds and qualifies the right prospect. 3- The good salesperson does not go into a call blindfold"; he is carefully prepares the call by setting objectives and planning his strategy. 4- The good salesperson looks for dialogue right from the start and therefore begins with an approach and question. 5- The good salesperson does not present the product or services until he has learnt what the prospects needs and buying motives are. 6- The good salesperson presents only those features and benefits of his product or services that relate to the prospects needs. 40 The 10 Golden Rules of Successful Selling:
  • 41. Putting it all together 7- If the prospect raises an" objection the good salesperson does not view it as resistance but rather as an opportunity to respond to the prospects needs in more detail. If it is a real concern, he accepts it, deals with real concerns, satisfies the customers need, responds by picking up on anything positive. 8- The successful salesperson tries to close whenever he hears a buying signals indicating that the prospect could be ready to buy. 9- The good salesperson knows that the post call review is already the start of the next call. 10- All in all, the professional sales persons goal is not to sell, but to help his prospect buy and to arrive together with him at a Win-Win situation. 41 The 10 Golden Rules of Successful Selling:
  • 42. Now, Are you a salesman or a marketer? 42
  • 43. 43