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Professional Introduction
About Me
Hello! My name is Bhavi Patel.
I am 27 years old and I
currently reside in the rural
city of Douglas, Georgia. I am
not married, but I have a
serious boyfriend who I have
been dating for over 3 years.
We have two adorable and
crazy dogs named Luke and
Educational Background
I graduated with my bachelors degree in Middle
Grades Education in May 2010. I am certified to teach
Middle Grades Math, Language Arts, and Social
Studies in both Georgia and Florida. I currently teach
7th grade Language Arts, and have been doing this for
three years, but this is my first year as 7th grade ELA
content leaders. My goal is to finish my masters
program by the end of Summer 2014, so that I enter
my fourth (tenured) year of teaching with a masters
Area of Study
I am currently working on obtaining
my masters degree in Instructional
Technology, and am excited to say
that this is my last semester as a full
time student in this program. I will
only have one class left to take this
summer. This program has benefited
my students just as much as it has
me. They enjoy experiencing new
technologies in the classroom and
being ahead of the game.

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Professional introduction

  • 2. About Me Hello! My name is Bhavi Patel. I am 27 years old and I currently reside in the rural city of Douglas, Georgia. I am not married, but I have a serious boyfriend who I have been dating for over 3 years. We have two adorable and crazy dogs named Luke and Hunter.
  • 3. Educational Background I graduated with my bachelors degree in Middle Grades Education in May 2010. I am certified to teach Middle Grades Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies in both Georgia and Florida. I currently teach 7th grade Language Arts, and have been doing this for three years, but this is my first year as 7th grade ELA content leaders. My goal is to finish my masters program by the end of Summer 2014, so that I enter my fourth (tenured) year of teaching with a masters degree.
  • 4. Area of Study I am currently working on obtaining my masters degree in Instructional Technology, and am excited to say that this is my last semester as a full time student in this program. I will only have one class left to take this summer. This program has benefited my students just as much as it has me. They enjoy experiencing new technologies in the classroom and being ahead of the game.