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The three most important professional qualities and
behaviours I demonstrated in my field placement
 Always care about my dress, require myself be
  professional about my dress for the children, parents
  and teachers
 Every time when I talked about my activities to my
  ECE teacher, I have a positive attitude to accept
 When I use guidance strategies on the children, I use
  positive strategies, be patient to talk to the children
  and listen to what they want and need. If the children
  didnt listen to me, I am not anger or leave
A special example that highlights how I
grew as a professional
In daycare, I have different opinion with my ECE teacher
about my activities, I will use positive words and attitude
to communicate with my ECE teacher well, never
complain about my ECE teacher why she didnt agree
with my activities.
Some professional qualities and behaviours I
want to improve in the future.
 I need to continue to work on with families: I can get
  very useful and value information from parents
 I need to work on with children: try my best to use
  more positive guidance strategies on the children
 I need to cooperate with my ECE teacher well: I can
  contribute to my idea for my teacher, on the other
  hand, I can get feedback from my teacher, its very
  useful for my success
My ability to function as a member of a
team in daycare
 I will do headcount make sure that there is no children left
  in the washroom every time
 I will prepare the lunch and snack time for the children,
  after they finished, I cleaned the table and floor
 when the teacher asked me to do something, I will help
  them as soon as possible, and sometimes contribute to my
  idea for them
 when my teacher gives me some advice or suggestion, I am
  very willing to accept it and then change my activities in
  order to make them more meaningful for the children

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  • 2. The three most important professional qualities and behaviours I demonstrated in my field placement Always care about my dress, require myself be professional about my dress for the children, parents and teachers Every time when I talked about my activities to my ECE teacher, I have a positive attitude to accept feedback When I use guidance strategies on the children, I use positive strategies, be patient to talk to the children and listen to what they want and need. If the children didnt listen to me, I am not anger or leave
  • 3. A special example that highlights how I grew as a professional In daycare, I have different opinion with my ECE teacher about my activities, I will use positive words and attitude to communicate with my ECE teacher well, never complain about my ECE teacher why she didnt agree with my activities.
  • 4. Some professional qualities and behaviours I want to improve in the future. I need to continue to work on with families: I can get very useful and value information from parents I need to work on with children: try my best to use more positive guidance strategies on the children I need to cooperate with my ECE teacher well: I can contribute to my idea for my teacher, on the other hand, I can get feedback from my teacher, its very useful for my success
  • 5. My ability to function as a member of a team in daycare I will do headcount make sure that there is no children left in the washroom every time I will prepare the lunch and snack time for the children, after they finished, I cleaned the table and floor when the teacher asked me to do something, I will help them as soon as possible, and sometimes contribute to my idea for them when my teacher gives me some advice or suggestion, I am very willing to accept it and then change my activities in order to make them more meaningful for the children