Our inspirational speech for the attendees of Django Girls Ensenada, Mexico, to encourage everyone to continue with their programming journey.
Special thanks to DjangoGirlsMX, the US Consulate General of Tijuana, and Hala Ken for inviting us.
12. 10. Write the Next
Python is powerful enough to power Dropbox.
13. 10. Write the Next
Python creator Guido van
Rossum works for Dropbox.
Notice his Python is for
Girls t-shirt.
photo by Tendenci.org
14. 9. Teach Kids to Code
You can use Python
to teach your kids
how to code.
Thats how simple
and well-designed
Python is.
15. Python is used in MITs Introduction to Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science courses
8. Teach MIT
Students to Code
16. 8. Teach MIT
Students to Code
My 鍖rst Python program was an HP iPaq app to navigate around
the MIT Stata Center with speech-to-text (2004)
17. 7. Make or Lose Millions
You can write Python code to automatically
buy and sell stocks with real money.
18. 7. Make or Lose Millions
Tools like Quantopian let you take on Wall Street
with just a few lines of Python code.
19. 6. Make 3D Printed
I used Blender 3D Python scripting to make this pendant.
20. 5. Make 2D Art
I was a professional artist
for a few years, with a
studio practice in SF.
I created some of my
artwork with Python code
(PIL, PyCairo).
22. 4. GIS
You can also write Python scripts for Esris
ArcGIS platform.
23. 3. Sound Analysis/
Represent & analyze sound waves in time and
frequency domains.
And make funny noises.
25. 1. Scienti鍖c Data
Need a Python library for transient absorption spectroscopy?
Yep, theres one for that.
26. 1. Scienti鍖c Data
PyTrA is a project from the Photon Factory laser facility of the
University of Auckland, New Zealand.
37. Grew From There
Quickly in use at every NASA center
Used by major news sites around the world
Added template tags
Add buttons and styles
Converted to bootstrap
Much more
39. Whats Awesome
1. Library started in my 鍖rst month of
2. Open Source meant I had help 鍖xing
my mistakes.
3. Anything we do as beginners has