Le 6 fasi fondamentali di sviluppo e learningTitty Mauriello
Nella realizzazione di un progetto e-learning, per garantire alta qualit¨¤ didattica, efficacia comunicativa e un¡¯ esperienza di apprendimento soddisfacente, ¨¨ necessario seguire un processo strutturato solitamente in 6 fasi.
2012 prius vs. 2012 nissan leaf - north hollywood toyota, los angeles new use...North Hollywood Toyota
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This summary provides an overview of the key points about power structures in young adult dystopian narratives discussed in the document:
1) Dystopian societies use Foucauldian modes of discipline like spatial distribution, ceremonial punishment, activity control, and surveillance to maintain power and control over populations.
2) Adolescent protagonists are able to experience and become aware of these oppressive power structures firsthand due to coming from a place of oppression.
3) Specific examples of spatial distribution of populations discussed are the separation of districts in The Hunger Games which keeps groups isolated and pitted against each other.
4) Foucauldian concepts of discipline and their use in dyst
Increasing the rigor and efficiency of research through the use of qualitati...Merlien Institute
This document summarizes a paper presented at a conference on computer-aided qualitative research. The paper discusses how qualitative data analysis software, specifically NVivo, was used to analyze data from a study examining the creativity of instructional leaders in generating innovative classroom environments. The study collected data through observations, interviews, and student journals. NVivo helped manage, analyze, and code data from various sources. Using the software increased the rigor and efficiency of the research by systematically organizing transcripts, field notes, and other data sources.
- James Smith, a colonial settler, made a bet with local Native Americans in the 1600s that he could ride a bull from one end of Long Island Sound to the other, and all the land in between would belong to him. He succeeded in riding the bull all day, winning the land and establishing the town of Smithtown.
- The statue of the bull Smith rode sits at the end of Main Street by the Nissequogue River. The river and nearby areas were home to the original Nissequogue and Nesconset Native American groups.
- Smithtown now includes three high schools - Smithtown Christian School, Smithtown High School West, and Smithtown High School East - as well
Today, as part of our mini-bio series, we are going to tell you about Giorgio Armani ¨C iconic fashion designer from Italy ¨C and his success story. His company was founded in the mid-1970s and by the 1980s his popularity in the US driven by men¡¯s suits was booming. The empire he created kept growing and now spans a multitude of boutiques and stores in over 35 countries, restaurants and even hotels.
The document lists visiting lecturer reports from three different schools over three years. Peter Nicholas reported on his visit in Year Three at Point View Primary School. Donna Pengelly reported on her visit in Year Two at Somerville Intermediate School. Megan Chambers reported on her visit in Year One at Mayfield Primary School.
The document discusses technologies used in creating a product and their strengths and weaknesses. It describes finding blogger, slideshare, and a flip camera fairly easy to use but needing a tripod for steady shots. However, iMovie and GarageBand proved difficult as the author did not know how to import footage or pick instruments, and tutorials were complicated. They instead used Windows Movie Maker which allowed smooth editing, importing, splitting, and adding effects with no issues.
This writing sample describes a situation where the author took on a leadership role managing change in a large franchise organization with six locations and 100 employees. The change was improving the failing operations of the retail salon business. Challenges included having no prior industry experience and new managers reporting to an interim boss. The author's strategies included open communication, expressing goals of improved customer satisfaction, accountability, and positive work environment. The author also committed to being available 24/7 and responding timely. The outcome was exceeding expectations - the business turned a profit in three months, employees took pride in their work, product sales increased, and new procedures were implemented. The author started an employee newsletter and scheduled long overdue training. Within five months, a
Research medical imaging markets aarkstore.comNeel Terde
This report provides an overview of the medical imaging market segment. It describes the nine main medical imaging modalities: X-ray, ultrasound, CT, PET, SPECT, MRI, nuclear medicine, mammography, and fluoroscopy. Globally, X-ray and MRI make up the majority of medical imaging exams. The report also notes that picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and contrast agents have experienced significant growth. As medical imaging technologies advance and generate more data, demand has increased for data storage, 3D visualization, and analysis tools. The global medical imaging market is poised for growth over the next decade. The report provides an in-depth profile of companies in the medical imaging equipment and supplies market.
Hollie's presentation provides information about life in Britain during World War 2, including:
1) When war was announced on the radio, air raid sirens would sound to warn of approaching bombers, which must have been terrifying without modern technology like television.
2) "Blackouts" required covering all windows and switching off lights at night to make cities less visible to bombers, leaving people in the dark like a power outage.
3) Children were evacuated from cities to safer rural areas, often living with host families, to protect them from bombings.
4) London and other cities suffered heavy bombing raids known as the "Blitz" for many months, forcing people to shelter in underground
¡°One Library Per Village¡± is a revolutionary notion, and when people don¡¯t have free access to books and internet , then communities are like radios without batteries. You cut people off from essential sources of information ¡ª mythical, practical, linguistic, political ¡ª and you break them.
The document provides information about scholarships, deadlines, and other school announcements. It includes details about the NAACP scholarship awarding $1000 to Montgomery County students, the BROAD Prize offering up to $20,000, and the January 14th deadline for the Montgomery Scholars fall application. It also defines the word of the day, "encumber", and lists the producers of the document.
Referencias Bibliograficas con normas APALola Costa
Este documento explica c¨®mo crear referencias bibliogr¨¢ficas y una bibliograf¨ªa en Microsoft Word 2013 siguiendo las normas APA. Primero, se agregan citas al documento y se crean las fuentes de informaci¨®n correspondientes. Luego, en la pesta?a Referencias, se selecciona el estilo APA y Word genera autom¨¢ticamente la bibliograf¨ªa basada en la informaci¨®n de las fuentes.
Elenco dei corsi, delle attivit¨¤ e dei crediti conseguiti durante il Master di I Livello in "Progettazione e Management del Multimedia per la Comunicazione".
- James Smith, a colonial settler, made a bet with local Native Americans in the 1600s that he could ride a bull from one end of Long Island Sound to the other, and all the land in between would belong to him. He succeeded in riding the bull all day, winning the land and establishing the town of Smithtown.
- The statue of the bull Smith rode sits at the end of Main Street by the Nissequogue River. The river and nearby areas were home to the original Nissequogue and Nesconset Native American groups.
- Smithtown now includes three high schools - Smithtown Christian School, Smithtown High School West, and Smithtown High School East - as well
Today, as part of our mini-bio series, we are going to tell you about Giorgio Armani ¨C iconic fashion designer from Italy ¨C and his success story. His company was founded in the mid-1970s and by the 1980s his popularity in the US driven by men¡¯s suits was booming. The empire he created kept growing and now spans a multitude of boutiques and stores in over 35 countries, restaurants and even hotels.
The document lists visiting lecturer reports from three different schools over three years. Peter Nicholas reported on his visit in Year Three at Point View Primary School. Donna Pengelly reported on her visit in Year Two at Somerville Intermediate School. Megan Chambers reported on her visit in Year One at Mayfield Primary School.
The document discusses technologies used in creating a product and their strengths and weaknesses. It describes finding blogger, slideshare, and a flip camera fairly easy to use but needing a tripod for steady shots. However, iMovie and GarageBand proved difficult as the author did not know how to import footage or pick instruments, and tutorials were complicated. They instead used Windows Movie Maker which allowed smooth editing, importing, splitting, and adding effects with no issues.
This writing sample describes a situation where the author took on a leadership role managing change in a large franchise organization with six locations and 100 employees. The change was improving the failing operations of the retail salon business. Challenges included having no prior industry experience and new managers reporting to an interim boss. The author's strategies included open communication, expressing goals of improved customer satisfaction, accountability, and positive work environment. The author also committed to being available 24/7 and responding timely. The outcome was exceeding expectations - the business turned a profit in three months, employees took pride in their work, product sales increased, and new procedures were implemented. The author started an employee newsletter and scheduled long overdue training. Within five months, a
Research medical imaging markets aarkstore.comNeel Terde
This report provides an overview of the medical imaging market segment. It describes the nine main medical imaging modalities: X-ray, ultrasound, CT, PET, SPECT, MRI, nuclear medicine, mammography, and fluoroscopy. Globally, X-ray and MRI make up the majority of medical imaging exams. The report also notes that picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) and contrast agents have experienced significant growth. As medical imaging technologies advance and generate more data, demand has increased for data storage, 3D visualization, and analysis tools. The global medical imaging market is poised for growth over the next decade. The report provides an in-depth profile of companies in the medical imaging equipment and supplies market.
Hollie's presentation provides information about life in Britain during World War 2, including:
1) When war was announced on the radio, air raid sirens would sound to warn of approaching bombers, which must have been terrifying without modern technology like television.
2) "Blackouts" required covering all windows and switching off lights at night to make cities less visible to bombers, leaving people in the dark like a power outage.
3) Children were evacuated from cities to safer rural areas, often living with host families, to protect them from bombings.
4) London and other cities suffered heavy bombing raids known as the "Blitz" for many months, forcing people to shelter in underground
¡°One Library Per Village¡± is a revolutionary notion, and when people don¡¯t have free access to books and internet , then communities are like radios without batteries. You cut people off from essential sources of information ¡ª mythical, practical, linguistic, political ¡ª and you break them.
The document provides information about scholarships, deadlines, and other school announcements. It includes details about the NAACP scholarship awarding $1000 to Montgomery County students, the BROAD Prize offering up to $20,000, and the January 14th deadline for the Montgomery Scholars fall application. It also defines the word of the day, "encumber", and lists the producers of the document.
Referencias Bibliograficas con normas APALola Costa
Este documento explica c¨®mo crear referencias bibliogr¨¢ficas y una bibliograf¨ªa en Microsoft Word 2013 siguiendo las normas APA. Primero, se agregan citas al documento y se crean las fuentes de informaci¨®n correspondientes. Luego, en la pesta?a Referencias, se selecciona el estilo APA y Word genera autom¨¢ticamente la bibliograf¨ªa basada en la informaci¨®n de las fuentes.
Elenco dei corsi, delle attivit¨¤ e dei crediti conseguiti durante il Master di I Livello in "Progettazione e Management del Multimedia per la Comunicazione".
Intervento di Maurizio Galliano, DYRECTA - Living Lab ICT e E-LEARNING2.0
Sala Convegni Pad. 152 Regione Puglia Fiera del levante Bari
15 maggio 2015 ore 9.30
l'approccio performances oriented (ti valuto sui risultati) funziona solo se le persone sono effettivamente valorizzate e motivate. Nessun incentivo materiale ¨¨ in grado di far crescere le competenze emotive, dalle quali dipende il successo delle relazioni con il pubblico e con tutti i soggetti interessati. Questo percorso ¨¨ una introduzione alle competenze in materia di gestione delle risorse umane basata sulla buona comunicazione e sulla motivazione.
alla fine del corso, ai partecipanti ¨¨ stato chiesto di ricordare 5 parole chiave ordinate secondo una gerarchia di importanza. Questo ¨¨ il risultato tradotto in forma grafica
2. Fase 1: laboratorio (7 h)LABORATORIO ATTIVO (7 ore)la tecnica del laboratorio attivo, gi¨¤ sperimentata con successo dal docente in varie edizioni (master universitari e corsi per operatori degli enti locali), consente dopo un opportuno ¡°riscaldamento¡±, di condividere accezioni, terminologie, e metodologie di organizzazione e pianificazione del lavoro,i partecipanti al corso avranno la opportunit¨¤ di riflettere attorno al concetto di ¡°risorsa¡±, di conoscere le opportunit¨¤ offerte dalla rete e di accedere a risorse remote immediatamente utilizzabili ai fini della progettazione del lavoro, di sperimentarne attivamene la applicazione:risorse informative (dal datawarehouse aziendale, ai portali specializzati, agli strumenti dedicati di knowledgeproviding)strumenti di supporto alla pianicazione sequenziale del lavoro, alla costruzione di reticoli pert, diagrammi di Gantt e simili;strumenti utili alla quickanalysis e problemsolving;strumenti di ¡°community management¡± utili a integrare nel percorso progettuale gli apporti dei leadusers, dei ¡°prosumers¡±, dei soggetti interessati ai risultati del progettostrumenti per il management delle risorse (con particolare riferimento a quelli in ambiente open source)strumenti per la ottimale restituzione grafica li elaborati.?www.laboratorientilocali.it
3. Fase 2 step 1 (4h)APPROFONDIMENTO DI COMPETENZE (4 ore)Una seconda fase, pi¨´ strettamente teorica, ma comunque condotta con le tecniche di ¡°aula aperta¡±, sempre stimolando la partecipazione attiva dei soggetti, sar¨¤ dedicata all¡¯approfondimento dei fondamentali e delle tematiche critiche che costituiscono il nucleo competenziale tipico del lavoro per progetti.Un Project Management efficaceTecniche e strategie di PMIl contesto pubblico: modelli organizzativi e caratteri peculiariTipologia e ciclo di vita dei progettiStrumenti per la pianificazione ed il controllo dei progettiOttimizzazione delle risorse e valutazione dei beneficiGestione della qualit¨¤Gestione della comunicazionePrincipi di risk managementFormazione e gestione del team di progettoCenni ai sistemi informativi di supportowww.laboratorientilocali.it
4. Fase 2 step 2 (3 h)studio di casi (3 ore)Sotto la direzione di un esperto, analisi e discussione di casi di gestione di progetti complessi, con particolare riferimento al contesto di riferimento.Questa seconda fase sar¨¤ curata da un docente di provenienza counselling industriale, con esperienza di project management nel settore pubblicowww.laboratorientilocali.it
5. Fase 2 Step 3Verifica, esercitazione/simulazione, valutazione sommativaverifica/monitoraggio:un periodo di interazione via web, durante il quale i partecipanti avranno la possibilit¨¤ di partecipare ad un forum guidato, sottoporsi a test di verifica, sperimentare e verificare la capacit¨¤ di utilizzo dei principali strumenti presentati durante il corso;il lavoro, raccolto attraverso uno strumento di CMS (Content management system), sar¨¤ organizzato, a cura dei docenti, per l¡¯utilizzo finale, in gruppi di lavoro incaricati di elaborare un percorso di PM;dopo la discussione di gruppo e l¡¯analisi in plenaria, condotta da un analista / facilitatore, saranno elaborati referti valutativi per i diversi gruppi e saranno dati strumenti per una valutazione individuale personale.?www.laboratorientilocali.it
6. linksTutti i materiali sono disponibili suwww.delicious.com/ploppo00 (tag progettare)www.slideshare.net/progettarewww.laboratorioentilocali.itBuon lavoro (ben progettato¡)www.laboratorientilocali.it