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St	Monica	-	Leadership	Team	Project	Tracker
Project/Team Status	 Next	Steps
A Liturgy Committee	met	7/19:	Reviewed	Whats.		Three	
Implementation	teams	started,	Init#1-Fr	Z	and	
Bridget,	Initiative	#2-Ann,	Tara,	&	Bridget,	Init#3-Jeri	
and	Terri.		Will	report	progress	at	next	meeting.	
August	16.Kisok	training	held	Thurdsday,	July	26	at	
noon.		Unfortunately	only	two	attended	(tom	and	
	Next	steps-	Fr	Z	to	send	tom	copies	of	previous	
questions	for	formatting	new	questions.	Questions	
printed	in	HappyORNot	format	for	review	our	8/3	
meeting.		Plan	start		9/16	-	Hospitality	first,	followed	
Hymnody	followed	by	Homily.		Responsibilities	need	
to	be	assigned.
B Contemporary Charter	created.	Survey	created.	Orlando	trip	
completed.		Youth	sought	for	input.		Team	defined:	
Kit,	Jeri,	Catherine,	Terri,	Matt,	Bridget,	Father	Z
Search	for	Contemp	Leader-	Job	description	and	pay	
guidance	ditributed.		Trial	run	scheduled	for	August	
18	5pm	Mass.	Steph	Twohig	of	St	Katherine	and	her	
two	daughters.		Music	selections	have	been	
identified	for	8/15	Mass.	Will	this	be	advertised	and	
A Outreach See	separate	tab	in	this	workbook.	Michele	and	
Bridget	to	meet	with	Tom	-	6/21	at	4pm.		F/U	
Rosemary	Friedrich	1)	requests	approval	of	Respect	
for	Life	Charter	2)request	approval	for	
witness/speaker	at	Masses	of	October	6	and	7.		
Respect	for	life	charter	(f/u).		Oct	6&7	speaker	
approved,	Cathy	to	communicate	to	Rosemary.		
Coordination	of	WWP	and	TMIY	program	-	Table	in	
Narthex.		Note	sent	to	Maureen	and	Melissa,	
awaiting	response.
A Room	Renovations Technology	-		Tobias	created	bid	comparison	spread	
sheet,	Tom	met	with	Frank	last	Saturday,	Tom	
issuesd	summary	note.		Next	steps	
Meeting	on	Technology	with	FC	on	7/27.		Frank,	
Tobias,	tom	to	meet	for	next	steps?		Really	only	one	
vendor	(Neo),	go	with	them	or	start	again.		Awaiting	
A Rectory	Mod Vince	collecting	input	from	staff	regarding	several	
Staff	aligned	concept	drawing,	date?	Then	decision	
on	project	governance.		Projected	completion	date	
1Q'19.		Plan	for	staff	relocation	during	construction.
A All	Abilities Engineering	walk-thru	occurred	on	3/22.	Tom	
Ciarlone	(Comcast)	and	Bill	Connor	(Avison	Young).		
Architectjennifer	Stark	and	Bill	Connor	from	A-Y	
evaluated	school	on	4/6.		A-V	issued	memo	on	4/23.		
	Meeting	held	6/22	to	restart	effort.		Efforts	are	
restarting.		Tax	number	issued,	All	Abilites	can	
receive	funding.		Promotional	video	being	shot	8/2.	
Web	site	being	designed		
A Finance	Council 	Terry	to	reconcile	capital	plan	regarding	all	changes	
and	opportunites	to	shift	resources	to	technology	
from	other	projects.	Tobias,	Terry	and	Tom	met	on	
7/10	to	layout	analysis.	Capital	plan	shortfall	is	
approx	$155k,	Project	review	needed	to	determine	
which	projects	will	not	be	done.		
Terry		reported	Capital	Plan	Shortfall	of	$155k	to	FC	
on	7/26.		Frank		presented	spreadsheet	comparison	
to	FC	on	7/26.		Frank,	Tobias	and	tom	to	work	thru	
selection	process.		
A Strategy	conversation	on	5/4	with	Father	Z,	Kevin	
Flynn	and	TM.		KF	agreed	to	meet	with	Mark	Anthony	
around	6/1	to	discuss	enrollment	and	agreement	
requirements	for	second	year.		KF	to	monitor	market	
as	a	back-up	to	RLA	viability.
Awaiting	August	payment	with	step-up,	Wed	8/8.		
Rental	of	two	Youth	rooms	to	RLA	proposed.		Waxing	
of	floor	bill	-	resolution?	Rent	check	late,	fine	billed	
to	RLA.		Father	Daughter	Dance	Venue?
C Growth	metrics Terry		did	a	study	showing	growth	in	Sunday	
collections	are	due	to	same	people	giving	more.	
Message:		Encountering	Christ,	Kerygma,	WIFM	
A Scripture	based	fellowship	
WWP	and	TMIY	in	progress	have	completed.		TMIY	
will	continue	at	St.	Norbert	next	September	"The	
Battle	Over	the	Bride"	TMIY-Table	5A	to	continue	a	St	
Joseph	study	over	the	summer.		Tobias	met	with	Jim	
Hanna	regarding	Evangelization	efforts.		Fr,	Tobias	
and	Tom	met	Jim	Hanna	on	5/28	regarding	
Evangelization.	Fr	presented	Encountering.		Alpha	
prep	meeting	held		6/21	.	Next	steps??		Alpha	
builder,	holy	spirit	weekend,	advertising.		Tmcg	sent	
testimony	reagarding	Holy	Spirit	weekend,	Joan	and	
John	offered	opinion	as	well.	Terry	is	investigating	
Holy	Spirit	weekend	venues.	Christ	program	at	all	
Masses	on	5/29-30.	Evaluate	newly	registered	
parishioners,	how	?	Jim	Hannah	to	follow-up.	
>TMIY	starts	Thursday	Sept	13	at	6am.		Jeff	Todor	
replaces	Matt	Manion	on	St	Norbert	core	team.		Tom	
to	plan	commuincation	plan	for	sept	rollout.	Alpha	
starts	Sunday	September	16.		Terry	has	secured	
Malvern	for	weekend	Fri	Nov2	and	Sat	Nov	3.		
Communications	plan,	rollout	plan?	Jason	to	be	
added	to	group..	Alpha	Planning	session	on	Aug	2.			
WWP	starts	Thursday	Sept	27.
?? RFI/RFP	process	Tobias
Fr	Z	Blog	-	video	and	picture	to	be	added	to	Website,		Google	Analytics,	other	initiatives
St	Monica	-	Outreach	Team	Project	Tracker
MAY 1. forming and meeting with outreach committee
2. development of ministry page on St. Monica website
3. visit to neighboring outreach programs over the next couple
months, schedule a visit to St. Agnes/West Chester this month to
see how their outreach ministry works
JUNE 1. start office hours 1 day/week
2. finalize calendar of activities for August- January
3. find a co-ordinator for cleaning supply collection for GVBC food
4. assist with Day of Beauty at the Community Center of
Visitation in Kensington
JULY 1. visit St. David Church in Wayne to see how their outreach
ministry works.
2. meet with director of T/E Cares to assess community needs
and where we can collaborate
3. develop plan to assist with programs for the All Abilities
Ongoing 1.	immediate	need	in	Kensington	to	help	with	the	relocation	
crisis	near	the	Community	Center.		This	would	include	a	
collection	of	items	listed	below	to	accompany	the	homeless	as	
they	are	placed	in	local	shelters
2. project to crochet mats for the homeless.
3. continue to make available information on ongoing service
projects within our community( bulletin information)
FALL 1. August : collect back packs for several groups (T/E Cares,
2. September: highlight food collection for St. Gabe's and
cleaning products for GVBC food cupboard
3. October: collection for Legacy of Life ( baby bottle drive)
4. November: Thanksgiving meal collection
5. December: Giving Tree at St Monica
Assist with All Abilities Family Christmas Party
Assist with planning/volunteering at Christmas Party at
Community Center at Visitation
6. January: plan projects for MLK day of service
St	Monica	-	All	Abilities		Project	Tracker
Business	Plan	All	Abilities	-	Phase	One.tip	of	the	iceberg	(Accomplish	by	9/1/18)
Create	Marketing	Materials
Foundation	information
History	of	old	school	building
Business	plans	and	goals	-	capital	campaign
Calendar	2018/2019
Develop	Communicaiton	Program
Internal	to	Parish	-	bulletin,	email,	website
External	-	letterhead,	foundation	website
Building	sign	-	"Future	Home	All	Abilities
Office	hrs	-	2x	per	week	9am	to	2pm
Write	Foundation	Story		2015	to	future
Mission	Statement:Through	St	Monica	All	Abilities	inspiring	people	with
our	core	devotion	love,	hope,	community,	acceptance,	fellowship,
and	compassion.
Develop	committees	based	on	mission	statement
Logo	-	six	petals	on	longo
Document	Growth	to	date
Explore	long	term	goal	of	pilot	program	for	other	parishes
Establish	Foundation
Founder:	Dana	Keating,	Trish	O'Brien,	Kristen	Fahey
Board	members
Deposit	monies	in	fund
Start	Fundraising	in	September,	follow	phase	I	of	the	Avison	Young	report.
Contempary	Music		-	Kit	Sherman
Our	goal	is	to	have	a	Mass	with	Contemporary	Music	in	November	and	build	a	consistent	schedule	of	Contemporary	Music	M
Several	key	requirements	are	already	in	place:		we	have	a	mandate	from	Father	to	make	this	happen;	we	have	assurance	of	su
we	have	interest	from	parishioners	in	a	different	approach	to	worship	from	what	we	currently	offer.
There	are	a	number	of	requirements	we	need	to	define	and	deliver	for	the	program	to	begin	and	this	is	where	I'm	asking	for	y
1.	Recruit,	interview	and	hire	a	part-time	Director	of	Contemporary	Music
2.	Identify	and	screen	key	musicians:	accompanist,	guitarist,	bass,	percussionist,	singers
3.	Define	and	install	needed	equipment	to	project	hymn	lyrics	to	congregation
4.	Define	sound	requirements	to	balance	musicians	and	singers	within	the	church
5.	Recruit,	interview	and	train	a	sound	person	to	manage	the	equipment	during	Mass
6.	Confirm	that	the	existing	parish	One	License	will	cover	music	from	OCP	and	other	publishers	of	Contemporary	Catholic	mus
7.	Confirm	that	the	11:30	Mass	will	be	the	Contemporary	Mass	on	a	regular	basis
8.	Develop	an	implementation	timeline	and	milestones	for	a	November	Contemporary	Music	start	date.
There	are	probably	more	requirements	that	we	will	surface	when	we	start	work	on	this.
Contemporary	Music	Initiative
Scheduled	calls	or	meetings	with	Contemp	Music	advisors
One	on	one	meetings/calls	with	Catherine	Cappelletti,	Teri	Rissl,
Jeri	Deyo-McCue,	Matt	Manion,	Bridget	Tomasicchio,	Frank	Orman
Identified	key	success	factors
Preliminary	discussion	with	potential	CMP	leader
Status	discussed	with	Jeri	Deyo-McCue
Key	Success	Factors
Congregation	is	singing	with	enthusiasm	and	leaves	feeling	joyful	and	fed!
Parishioners	of	all	ages	participate	in	the	CMP	group
Music	is	consistently	high-quality
Music	selected	is	liturgically	appropriate
Contemporary	Mass	offered	2		4xs	each	month
Instruments	are	suited	to	church,	(Remove:	e.g.	guitar,	bass,	flute,	etc)
Music	is	introduced	at	a	pace	the	congregation	can	learn	and	enjoy
The	group	participants	make	a	commitment	to	attend	rehearsal	and	scheduled	Mass
Recruit	qualified,	trained	ministers	 to	run	the	projector.	Same	for	creation	of 	slides	for	lyrics	for	Mass
Contemporary	Music	Director	Qualifications
Experienced,	trained	musician	with	expertise	in	guitar,	piano	or	voice
Leadership	style	is	inviting,	enjoyable	cooperative	 and	supportive
Demonstrated	ability	to	recruit	and	retain	volunteer	musicians	and	singers	from	local	area	Knowledgeable	in	Catholic	liturgy/M
Experienced	in	group	direction	with	both	young	people	(elementary	age)	and	adults
Competent	in	music	selection	appropriate	to	weekly	readings	and	liturgical	season
Passion	for	Contemporary	Catholic	music
Proven	track	record	of	delivering	consistent,	high-quality	Contemporary	music	in	a	school	or	parish	setting
Proposed	Contemporary	Music	Director	Job	Requirements	
Beginning	in	Summer,	2018	introduce	CMP	at	Saturday	or	Sunday	liturgies.		These	introductory	Masses	can	be	done	with	visit
Prior	to	initiation	of	Contemporary	Mass	at	St.	Monica	on	a	regularly	scheduled	basis,	build	and	rehearse	a	core	group	of	mus
Beginning	no	later	than	September,	2018	launch	a	regular	schedule	of	Contemporary	Masses,	e.g.	1st
	and	3rd
	Saturday	evening
Rehearse	with	the	group	at	least	90	minutes	before	the	scheduled	Mass.
Recruit	parishioners	to	join	the	CMP	and	develop	them	as	singers,	cantors,	musicians	etc,	so	each	person	is	learning	and	grow
Select	music	at	least	two	weeks	in	advance	of	Mass	and	distribute	to	CMP	group	members,	so	they	can	practice	and	become	f
Responsible	for	set	up	and	breakdown	of	equipment;	instruments;	space	before	and	after	each	liturgy
Remove	following	until	we	have	further	discussion.	Jeris	information	that	up	to	$225/hour	is	suggestion	compensation	is	a
Proposed	CMP	Director	Compensation
$250	per	week	when	Contemporary	Mass	is	scheduled
$1,000	per	month	once	CMP	is	on	weekly	schedule
Next	Steps
Visit	surrounding	parishes	where	CMP	already	exists	to	refine/build	our	requirements.		
5:30pm	Saturday	Mass	at	St.	Norberts
9:00am	Sunday	liturgy	at	St.	James	Lutheran	in	Limerich
9:00am	Sunday	Mass	at	St.	Helena	in	Blue	Bell
6:00pm	Sunday	Mass	at	Corpus	Christi,	Lansdale
Recruit/hire	CMP	Director;	identify	volunteer	sound	and	volunteer	projection	operators.
Determine	how	music	and	lyrics	will	be	available	to	congregation
Identify	person	who	can	be	trained	on	sound	system	operation	and	set-up/restore
Communicate	with	parishioners	to	announce	CMP	formation	and	invite	participation	and	support
Develop	initial	list	of	songs,	Mass	parts	and	psalms	appropriate	to	St.	Monicas	congregation
Confirm	5:00pm	Saturday	for	Contemporary	Music	Mass
Identify	potential	financial	sponsors
of	Contemporary	Music	Masses	shortly	after	that.
en;	we	have	assurance	of	support	and	funding	for	two	years;
his	is	where	I'm	asking	for	your	help.
Contemporary	Catholic	music.
Date	Completed
dgeable	in	Catholic	liturgy/Mass
sses	can	be	done	with	visiting	musicians.
hearse	a	core	group	of	musicians	and	singers	who	will	be	the	nucleus	of	the	Contemporary	Music	Program	(CMP).
	and	3rd
	Saturday	evenings	at	the	5:00pm,	etc.	with	the	goal	of	having	weekly	Contemporary	Mass	no	later	than	March,	2019.
person	is	learning	and	growing	with	their	participation	and	the	parish	is	developing	bench	strength.
	can	practice	and	become	familiar	with	any	new	music	prior	to	rehearsal.
gestion	compensation	is	absurd	for	this	position.	I	dont	want	such	figures	out	in	the	open	just	yet.
Project tracker 08 03-18
Project tracker 08 03-18
r	than	March,	2019.
Project tracker 08 03-18

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Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhai
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhai
Paras Parivaar
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
Hrishitva patel
St John's Church Parish Diary for March 25
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St John's Church Parish Diary for March 25
Chris Lyne
Joshua 3.1-14 God Leads His People GPBC 03.02.25.pptx
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Lazarou Richard
Trusting God for Victory in Life's Struggles
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Trusting God for Victory in Life's Struggles
TImothy leonard
Mass-PowerPoint with all parts of the mass.ppt
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Viral: Acts 2.22-36_Peter's Sermon_Part 2.pptx
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Stephen Palm
Yagnopavita Sanskar Importance and Ritual Process in Hinduism
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Markandey Mahadev
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Rafael Reverte P辿rez
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Sanford Schoolfield
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TImothy leonard
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Vintage Church
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Lesson-2-Religion and religious diversity
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Stephen Palm
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhai
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhaiParas Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhai
Paras Parivaar Charitable Trust.paras bhai
Paras Parivaar
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
AshtSaga - Part 1 (A book by Hrishitva Patel)
Hrishitva patel
St John's Church Parish Diary for March 25
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St John's Church Parish Diary for March 25
Chris Lyne
Joshua 3.1-14 God Leads His People GPBC 03.02.25.pptx
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Joshua 3.1-14 God Leads His People GPBC 03.02.25.pptx
Lazarou Richard
Trusting God for Victory in Life's Struggles
Trusting God for Victory in Life's StrugglesTrusting God for Victory in Life's Struggles
Trusting God for Victory in Life's Struggles
TImothy leonard
Mass-PowerPoint with all parts of the mass.ppt
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Viral: Acts 2.22-36_Peter's Sermon_Part 2.pptx
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Stephen Palm
Yagnopavita Sanskar Importance and Ritual Process in Hinduism
Yagnopavita Sanskar Importance and Ritual Process in HinduismYagnopavita Sanskar Importance and Ritual Process in Hinduism
Yagnopavita Sanskar Importance and Ritual Process in Hinduism
Markandey Mahadev

Project tracker 08 03-18