The St. Monica leadership team is tracking several projects including liturgy, contemporary music, outreach, all abilities, scripture-based fellowship programs, and facility renovations. For the contemporary music initiative, the team has defined qualifications for a director and is working to recruit musicians, define equipment needs, and plan for a November launch. They are also visiting other parishes to learn from existing contemporary music programs. The all abilities project is developing marketing materials and establishing a foundation to pursue a pilot program. Outreach efforts include collecting supplies for local organizations and planning community service activities.
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Project tracker 08 03-18
1. St Monica - Leadership Team Project Tracker
Project/Team Status Next Steps
A Liturgy Committee met 7/19: Reviewed Whats. Three
Implementation teams started, Init#1-Fr Z and
Bridget, Initiative #2-Ann, Tara, & Bridget, Init#3-Jeri
and Terri. Will report progress at next meeting.
August 16.Kisok training held Thurdsday, July 26 at
noon. Unfortunately only two attended (tom and
Next steps- Fr Z to send tom copies of previous
questions for formatting new questions. Questions
printed in HappyORNot format for review our 8/3
meeting. Plan start 9/16 - Hospitality first, followed
Hymnody followed by Homily. Responsibilities need
to be assigned.
B Contemporary Charter created. Survey created. Orlando trip
completed. Youth sought for input. Team defined:
Kit, Jeri, Catherine, Terri, Matt, Bridget, Father Z
Search for Contemp Leader- Job description and pay
guidance ditributed. Trial run scheduled for August
18 5pm Mass. Steph Twohig of St Katherine and her
two daughters. Music selections have been
identified for 8/15 Mass. Will this be advertised and
A Outreach See separate tab in this workbook. Michele and
Bridget to meet with Tom - 6/21 at 4pm. F/U
Rosemary Friedrich 1) requests approval of Respect
for Life Charter 2)request approval for
witness/speaker at Masses of October 6 and 7.
Respect for life charter (f/u). Oct 6&7 speaker
approved, Cathy to communicate to Rosemary.
Coordination of WWP and TMIY program - Table in
Narthex. Note sent to Maureen and Melissa,
awaiting response.
A Room Renovations Technology - Tobias created bid comparison spread
sheet, Tom met with Frank last Saturday, Tom
issuesd summary note. Next steps
Meeting on Technology with FC on 7/27. Frank,
Tobias, tom to meet for next steps? Really only one
vendor (Neo), go with them or start again. Awaiting
A Rectory Mod Vince collecting input from staff regarding several
Staff aligned concept drawing, date? Then decision
on project governance. Projected completion date
1Q'19. Plan for staff relocation during construction.
A All Abilities Engineering walk-thru occurred on 3/22. Tom
Ciarlone (Comcast) and Bill Connor (Avison Young).
Architectjennifer Stark and Bill Connor from A-Y
evaluated school on 4/6. A-V issued memo on 4/23.
Meeting held 6/22 to restart effort. Efforts are
restarting. Tax number issued, All Abilites can
receive funding. Promotional video being shot 8/2.
Web site being designed
A Finance Council Terry to reconcile capital plan regarding all changes
and opportunites to shift resources to technology
from other projects. Tobias, Terry and Tom met on
7/10 to layout analysis. Capital plan shortfall is
approx $155k, Project review needed to determine
which projects will not be done.
Terry reported Capital Plan Shortfall of $155k to FC
on 7/26. Frank presented spreadsheet comparison
to FC on 7/26. Frank, Tobias and tom to work thru
selection process.
A Strategy conversation on 5/4 with Father Z, Kevin
Flynn and TM. KF agreed to meet with Mark Anthony
around 6/1 to discuss enrollment and agreement
requirements for second year. KF to monitor market
as a back-up to RLA viability.
Awaiting August payment with step-up, Wed 8/8.
Rental of two Youth rooms to RLA proposed. Waxing
of floor bill - resolution? Rent check late, fine billed
to RLA. Father Daughter Dance Venue?
C Growth metrics Terry did a study showing growth in Sunday
collections are due to same people giving more.
Message: Encountering Christ, Kerygma, WIFM
A Scripture based fellowship
WWP and TMIY in progress have completed. TMIY
will continue at St. Norbert next September "The
Battle Over the Bride" TMIY-Table 5A to continue a St
Joseph study over the summer. Tobias met with Jim
Hanna regarding Evangelization efforts. Fr, Tobias
and Tom met Jim Hanna on 5/28 regarding
Evangelization. Fr presented Encountering. Alpha
prep meeting held 6/21 . Next steps?? Alpha
builder, holy spirit weekend, advertising. Tmcg sent
testimony reagarding Holy Spirit weekend, Joan and
John offered opinion as well. Terry is investigating
Holy Spirit weekend venues. Christ program at all
Masses on 5/29-30. Evaluate newly registered
parishioners, how ? Jim Hannah to follow-up.
>TMIY starts Thursday Sept 13 at 6am. Jeff Todor
replaces Matt Manion on St Norbert core team. Tom
to plan commuincation plan for sept rollout. Alpha
starts Sunday September 16. Terry has secured
Malvern for weekend Fri Nov2 and Sat Nov 3.
Communications plan, rollout plan? Jason to be
added to group.. Alpha Planning session on Aug 2.
WWP starts Thursday Sept 27.
?? RFI/RFP process Tobias
Fr Z Blog - video and picture to be added to Website, Google Analytics, other initiatives
2. St Monica - Outreach Team Project Tracker
MAY 1. forming and meeting with outreach committee
2. development of ministry page on St. Monica website
3. visit to neighboring outreach programs over the next couple
months, schedule a visit to St. Agnes/West Chester this month to
see how their outreach ministry works
JUNE 1. start office hours 1 day/week
2. finalize calendar of activities for August- January
3. find a co-ordinator for cleaning supply collection for GVBC food
4. assist with Day of Beauty at the Community Center of
Visitation in Kensington
JULY 1. visit St. David Church in Wayne to see how their outreach
ministry works.
2. meet with director of T/E Cares to assess community needs
and where we can collaborate
3. develop plan to assist with programs for the All Abilities
Ongoing 1. immediate need in Kensington to help with the relocation
crisis near the Community Center. This would include a
collection of items listed below to accompany the homeless as
they are placed in local shelters
2. project to crochet mats for the homeless.
3. continue to make available information on ongoing service
projects within our community( bulletin information)
FALL 1. August : collect back packs for several groups (T/E Cares,
2. September: highlight food collection for St. Gabe's and
cleaning products for GVBC food cupboard
3. October: collection for Legacy of Life ( baby bottle drive)
3. 4. November: Thanksgiving meal collection
5. December: Giving Tree at St Monica
Assist with All Abilities Family Christmas Party
Assist with planning/volunteering at Christmas Party at
Community Center at Visitation
6. January: plan projects for MLK day of service