IRJET - Prediction of Autistic Spectrum Disorder based on Behavioural Fea...IRJET Journal
This document summarizes a research paper that aims to predict autism spectrum disorder (ASD) based on behavioral features using machine learning. The researchers collected ASD screening data from different age groups to develop and evaluate neural network models for predicting ASD. They achieved up to 90% accuracy in predicting ASD. The researchers concluded that machine learning is a promising approach for ASD prediction but noted limitations like lack of large datasets. They plan to improve the models by collecting more data from various sources.
IRJET- Road Traffic Prediction using Machine LearningIRJET Journal
This document summarizes a research paper on predicting road traffic using machine learning. The paper aims to develop accurate prediction models using accident data to identify factors that contribute to accidents. This will help develop safety measures to prevent accidents. The paper reviews previous literature on identifying accident-prone locations and factors. It then describes the methodology used, which involves collecting accident data and dividing it into categories based on accident severity. Statistical analysis is performed on the data and results show predictions of accidents in urban, rural and other areas over time. The conclusions are that a broader analysis of more accident factors can improve predictions and help reduce accidents.
Predicting Autism Spectrum Disorder using Supervised Learning AlgorithmsIRJET Journal
This document presents research on predicting autism spectrum disorder (ASD) using supervised machine learning algorithms. The researchers used a dataset of 704 records containing behavioral and demographic information to train and test random forest, AdaBoost, and support vector machine (SVM) models. They achieved the highest accuracy using AdaBoost. The top three algorithms were then evaluated based on accuracy, sensitivity, specificity and precision. Finally, the researchers integrated the random forest model into a web application using Flask to screen users and predict whether they exhibit ASD traits. The application was tested on sample cases to demonstrate it could accurately predict both non-autistic and autistic outcomes.
American Drivers Don't Understand Today's Automotive Safety FeaturesSebastian James
The Public Policy Center at the University of Iowa recently commissioned a survey that measured public understanding of the many new developments in automotive safety. The results? The a majority of respondents don't understand the substance and benefits of new technologies. 40 percent of them noted that vehicles they drove with these improvements installed responded unexpectedly while behind the wheel.
A cluster-based analysis to diagnose students learning achievementsEADTU
Miguel Rodr鱈guez Artacho from UNED gave a presentation about A cluster-based analysis to diagnose students learning achievements as part of the online events by expert pool Assessment within EMPOWER.
The document summarizes recent activities from the Health Economics and Decision Science (HEDS) division at the University of Sheffield. It describes new short courses on rapid review methods and identifying evidence for models. It also discusses research from HEDS challenging UK government alcohol policy, a new online tool for fast value of information calculations, and renewal of a 贈6 million contract for technology assessments with the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past experience includes internships improving productivity at Volvo and optimizing processes at Textron Specialized Vehicles through root cause analysis and process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past experience includes internships improving productivity at Volvo and optimizing processes at Textron Specialized Vehicles through root cause analysis and process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past internship experiences include improving productivity at Volvo through root cause analysis and optimizing process time at Textron through process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past internship experiences include improving productivity at Volvo through root cause analysis and optimizing process time at Textron through process reorganization.
Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods StudyNURS 6052We.docxannettsparrow
Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study
NURS 6052
Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)
Your name:
Article reference (in APA style):
What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.
When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:
揃 Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
揃 What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
揃 How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?
To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study of your choice.
If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.
1. Research Issue and Purpose
What is the research question or issue of the referenced study? What is its purpose? (Sometimes ONLY the purpose is stated clearly and the question must be inferred from the introductory discussion of the purpose.)
1. Researcher Pre-understandings and / or Hypotheses and Research Questions
Does the article include a discussion of the researchers pre-understandings? What does the article disclose about the researchers professional and personal perspectives on the research problem? What are the hypotheses (or research questions/objectives) of the study? (Sometimes the hypotheses or study questions are listed in the Results section, rather than preceding the report of the methodology used. Occasionally, there will be no mention of hypotheses, but anytime there are inferential statistics used, the reader can recognize what the hypotheses are from looking at the results of statistical analysis.)
2. Literature Review
What is the quality of the literature review? Is the literature review current, relevant? Is there evidence that the author critiqued the literature or merely reported it without critique? Is there an integrated summary of the current knowledge base regarding the research problem, or does the literature review contain opinion or anecdotal articles without any synthesis or summary of the whole? (Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introductory section without being explicitly identified.)
3. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Is a theoretical or conceptual framework identified? If so, what is it? Is it a nursing framework or one drawn from another.
This document provides a summary of Tusneem Ahmed M. Elhassan's qualifications and experience. It includes his personal and contact information, education history with degrees in computer science and statistics, work experience as a research data analyst specializing in oncology, publications and presentations, and training and awards. His current role involves clinical trial design, data analysis, quality improvement, and research committee participation at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia.
Adrian Miron has over 25 years of experience in nuclear and radiological engineering, emergency planning, and research. He has expertise in fields such as nuclear engineering, emergency planning, modeling, data analysis, and software development. Miron has managed over $1 million in research grants and projects, developed emergency response plans and procedures, reviewed safety documents, and authored numerous publications. Currently, he works as an emergency planning coordinator and manages several projects around emergency preparedness software and procedures.
Protecting project interests from possible risks of major financial liabilities has always been a major business concern. Projects must properly been managed by qualitative risk assessment to minimize or to avoid risk occur in a project planning.
A Case Study On The Causal Of Motorcycle Accidents Among Polytechnic S StudentsKathryn Patel
The document summarizes a study on the causal factors of motorcycle accidents among students at a polytechnic in Malaysia. It discusses three potential factors: motorcyclist characteristics, vehicle factors, and environmental factors. A survey was conducted of 195 students to understand their perceptions of how these factors relate to accidents. The results found:
1) There was a significant positive correlation between motorcycle accidents and motorcyclist characteristics, such as carrying passengers or braking behavior.
2) Vehicle factors, like riding with headlights off, were also strongly correlated with accidents.
3) Environmental factors, like other vehicles turning suddenly, showed a strong relationship to motorcycle accidents as well.
The study concludes that all three factors -
For more info talk to Enda Griffin, David Cunningham and Jos辿 Silva. They are at C24 to update you on recent developments in clinical skills assessments. Regards Dr Thomas Kropmans
Education plays a vital role in nations overall development process. To be effective, analysis must be timely and cope with data scales. The scale of the data and the rates at which they arrive make manual inspection infeasible. Predictive analytics can help and improve the quality of education by analyzing the historical data of the student and allow the decision makers address factors such as increased drop-out rate, fees structure in the upcoming years, unemployment, Recommender Systems for Professional Development and curriculum Development. This paper presents an analytical study of student progress report and help to plan accordingly to achieve success.
The Human Factors Program is housed within the Center
for Transportation Safety at the Texas A&M Transportation
Institute (TTI). The goal of the program is to conduct basic and
applied research to measure driver performance and behavior
for varied driving situations, vehicle characteristics and roadway
environments. Researchers design and implement experiments with human subjects (including field and simulator studies) and survey subjects to identify driver safety issues, such as those related to traffic control devices, distraction and fatigue.
TTIs experimental psychologists and industrial engineers have
conducted numerous studies related to driver response to
roadway geometric design; visibility and driver comprehension
of traffic control devices; driver distraction; and automotive
adaptive equipment for disabled drivers, older drivers and
short-statured drivers.
Larry Charles Michael provides a resume summarizing his career experience and qualifications. He has over 40 years of experience in environmental health research focusing on understanding health outcomes from chemical exposure. He has a background in analytical chemistry and biostatistics. For the past 15 years at RTI International, he has led over 60 research projects performing statistical analysis and developing databases to analyze exposure and health data. His expertise includes statistical analysis, data management, exposure measurement, and study design.
IRJET- Oral Cancer Detection using Machine LearningIRJET Journal
This paper proposes a machine learning approach to detect oral cancer at early stages. The researchers developed a health application that uses data mining techniques like association rule mining and the Apriori algorithm to analyze datasets of patient attributes and symptoms. The application aims to predict whether a patient has oral cancer based on their input data and classify cases using rules generated by Apriori. It seeks to automate oral cancer prediction and discover relationships between cancer attributes to help clinical decision making.
Programs Coming Together Using ExamSoft to assess interprofessional education...ExamSoft
Presented by: Carla D. Hernandez, Assessment Coordinator, and Anthony C. Marziliano, Associate Director of Assessment, and Marc E. Gillespie, Ph.D., Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, St. John's University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Professional health science programs must now explicitly identify interprofessional education (IPE) activities that provide unique opportunities for student-to-student engagement. Offering IPE activities is essential to advance education in these fields. We actively identify IPE possibilities and a methodology to assess them using ExamSofts categorization system. Our faculty are content experts and are in the best position to categorize test-items with national exam blueprints, the essential hierarchical ontologies that drive programs. Blueprints contain goals, outcomes, knowledge domains, professional skills and attributes often required for proficiency in specific health care professions. Mapping between different program blueprints allows the College to identify parts of the curriculum that are shared between programs and are ideal targets for IPE efforts. We provide worked examples where we observed overlapping terms that serve as an impetus for faculty and administrators to capitalize, creating IPE opportunities. By the very nature of this activity, overlapping terms are associated with test items that can be used to establish a pre-IPE activity baseline, as well as, assess the IPE activity itself. Synergistic assessment of shared goals and outcomes (using ExamSoft categories) helps us prepare our students to be outstanding health care professionals in the 21st century.
Comparative Study of Classification Method on Customer Candidate Data to Pred...IJECEIAES
Leasing vehicles are a company engaged in the field of vehicle loans. Purchase by way of credit becomes a mainstay because it can attract potential customers to generate more profit. But if there is a mistake in approving a customer candidate, the risk of stalled credit payments can happen. To minimize the risk, it can be applied the certain data mining technique to predict the future behavior of the customers. In this study, it is explored in some data mining techniques such as C4.5 and Naive Bayes for this purpose. The customer attributes used in this study are: salary, age, marital status, other installments and worthiness. The experiments are performed by using the Weka software. Based on evaluation criteria, i.e. accuracy, C4.5 algorithm outperforms compared to Naive Bayes. The percentage split experiment scenarios provide the precision value of 89.16% and the accuracy value of 83.33% wheres the cross validation experiment scenarios give the higher accuracy values of all used k-fold. The C4.5 experiment results also confirm that the most influential instant data attribute in this research is the salary.
Caveon Webinar Series: Lessons Learned from EATP and CSDPTF November 2013Caveon Test Security
Presented by Dr. John Fremer, Dennis Maynes and Steve Addicott, Caveon Test Security
Two important industry conferences have been held in the last couple of months, the European Association of Test Publishers (E-ATP) Conference and the Conference on Statistical Detection of Potential Test Fraud (CSDPTF). Caveon was at both of these events and wants to share some important information with you.
Join Dr. John Fremer, President of Caveon Consulting Services, Steve Addicott, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, and Dennis Maynes, Chief Scientist, Caveon Data Forensics, who attended both conferences and presented sessions. They will explore key takeaways and lessons learned on security. Stay updated on the latest and greatest industry security trends.
Niranjan Bulchandani has over 2.5 years of experience designing, implementing, and monitoring Hospital Management Information Systems and Electronic Medical Records. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Health & Hospital Management with a specialization in Healthcare IT Management as well as a Bachelor's degree in Computer Application. His experience includes requirement gathering, testing, training, support, and enhancing Hospital Information Systems. He has conducted research projects on immunization awareness and analyzing the need to change existing Hospital Information Systems.
Comprehensive assessment of dentists knowledge and awareness about surgical ...Ajay Pacharne
Aim: Accurate treatment planning for implant which considers anatomical factors and prosthetic needs is essential to guarantee a predictable therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the current knowledge and awareness about surgical template among general dental practitioner in kanpur, India. Materials & Methods: This study was entirely attempted on a cross sectional idea. It also used the rational usage of questionnaire. However, after considering some essential aspects, this number was lastly reduced to 100. Authors completed the study by close ended questionnaire containing questions about the present knowledge and awareness about surgical template. Response was recorded and data was processed statistically to evaluate the real-time knowledge and awareness level. Results: Statistical analysis was done using statistical software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The recorded data was subjected to suitable statistical tests to obtain p values, mean, standard deviation, standard error an 95% CI. P 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. 27 practitioners were unaware of the usage of surgical template. 94 practitioners think that UG dental curriculum is inadequate regarding surgical template. 60 practitioners think that surgical template must be made mandatory for all dental institutions.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
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1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past experience includes internships improving productivity at Volvo and optimizing processes at Textron Specialized Vehicles through root cause analysis and process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past experience includes internships improving productivity at Volvo and optimizing processes at Textron Specialized Vehicles through root cause analysis and process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past internship experiences include improving productivity at Volvo through root cause analysis and optimizing process time at Textron through process reorganization.
1. Sunay Nagesh Naik is seeking a position utilizing his skills in an organization offering professional growth.
2. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering with high marks and a Master's degree in Engineering Management also with high marks.
3. His past internship experiences include improving productivity at Volvo through root cause analysis and optimizing process time at Textron through process reorganization.
Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods StudyNURS 6052We.docxannettsparrow
Critique Template for a Mixed-Methods Study
NURS 6052
Week 6 Assignment: Application: Critiquing Quantitative, Qualitative, or Mixed Methods Studies (due by Day 7 of Week 7)
Your name:
Article reference (in APA style):
What is a critique? Simply stated, a critique is a critical analysis undertaken for some purpose. Nurses critique research for three main reasons: to improve their practice, to broaden their understanding, and to provide a base for the conduct of a study.
When the purpose is to improve practice, nurses must give special consideration to questions such as these:
揃 Are the research findings appropriate to my practice setting and situation?
揃 What further research or pilot studies need to be done, if any, before incorporating findings into practice to assure both safety and effectiveness?
揃 How might a proposed change in practice trigger changes in other aspects of practice?
To help you synthesize your learning throughout this course and prepare you to utilize research in your practice, you will be critiquing a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed-methods research study of your choice.
If the article is unavailable in a full-text version through the Walden University Library, you must e-mail the article as a PDF or Word attachment to your Instructor.
1. Research Issue and Purpose
What is the research question or issue of the referenced study? What is its purpose? (Sometimes ONLY the purpose is stated clearly and the question must be inferred from the introductory discussion of the purpose.)
1. Researcher Pre-understandings and / or Hypotheses and Research Questions
Does the article include a discussion of the researchers pre-understandings? What does the article disclose about the researchers professional and personal perspectives on the research problem? What are the hypotheses (or research questions/objectives) of the study? (Sometimes the hypotheses or study questions are listed in the Results section, rather than preceding the report of the methodology used. Occasionally, there will be no mention of hypotheses, but anytime there are inferential statistics used, the reader can recognize what the hypotheses are from looking at the results of statistical analysis.)
2. Literature Review
What is the quality of the literature review? Is the literature review current, relevant? Is there evidence that the author critiqued the literature or merely reported it without critique? Is there an integrated summary of the current knowledge base regarding the research problem, or does the literature review contain opinion or anecdotal articles without any synthesis or summary of the whole? (Sometimes the literature review is incorporated into the introductory section without being explicitly identified.)
3. Theoretical or Conceptual Framework
Is a theoretical or conceptual framework identified? If so, what is it? Is it a nursing framework or one drawn from another.
This document provides a summary of Tusneem Ahmed M. Elhassan's qualifications and experience. It includes his personal and contact information, education history with degrees in computer science and statistics, work experience as a research data analyst specializing in oncology, publications and presentations, and training and awards. His current role involves clinical trial design, data analysis, quality improvement, and research committee participation at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Saudi Arabia.
Adrian Miron has over 25 years of experience in nuclear and radiological engineering, emergency planning, and research. He has expertise in fields such as nuclear engineering, emergency planning, modeling, data analysis, and software development. Miron has managed over $1 million in research grants and projects, developed emergency response plans and procedures, reviewed safety documents, and authored numerous publications. Currently, he works as an emergency planning coordinator and manages several projects around emergency preparedness software and procedures.
Protecting project interests from possible risks of major financial liabilities has always been a major business concern. Projects must properly been managed by qualitative risk assessment to minimize or to avoid risk occur in a project planning.
A Case Study On The Causal Of Motorcycle Accidents Among Polytechnic S StudentsKathryn Patel
The document summarizes a study on the causal factors of motorcycle accidents among students at a polytechnic in Malaysia. It discusses three potential factors: motorcyclist characteristics, vehicle factors, and environmental factors. A survey was conducted of 195 students to understand their perceptions of how these factors relate to accidents. The results found:
1) There was a significant positive correlation between motorcycle accidents and motorcyclist characteristics, such as carrying passengers or braking behavior.
2) Vehicle factors, like riding with headlights off, were also strongly correlated with accidents.
3) Environmental factors, like other vehicles turning suddenly, showed a strong relationship to motorcycle accidents as well.
The study concludes that all three factors -
For more info talk to Enda Griffin, David Cunningham and Jos辿 Silva. They are at C24 to update you on recent developments in clinical skills assessments. Regards Dr Thomas Kropmans
Education plays a vital role in nations overall development process. To be effective, analysis must be timely and cope with data scales. The scale of the data and the rates at which they arrive make manual inspection infeasible. Predictive analytics can help and improve the quality of education by analyzing the historical data of the student and allow the decision makers address factors such as increased drop-out rate, fees structure in the upcoming years, unemployment, Recommender Systems for Professional Development and curriculum Development. This paper presents an analytical study of student progress report and help to plan accordingly to achieve success.
The Human Factors Program is housed within the Center
for Transportation Safety at the Texas A&M Transportation
Institute (TTI). The goal of the program is to conduct basic and
applied research to measure driver performance and behavior
for varied driving situations, vehicle characteristics and roadway
environments. Researchers design and implement experiments with human subjects (including field and simulator studies) and survey subjects to identify driver safety issues, such as those related to traffic control devices, distraction and fatigue.
TTIs experimental psychologists and industrial engineers have
conducted numerous studies related to driver response to
roadway geometric design; visibility and driver comprehension
of traffic control devices; driver distraction; and automotive
adaptive equipment for disabled drivers, older drivers and
short-statured drivers.
Larry Charles Michael provides a resume summarizing his career experience and qualifications. He has over 40 years of experience in environmental health research focusing on understanding health outcomes from chemical exposure. He has a background in analytical chemistry and biostatistics. For the past 15 years at RTI International, he has led over 60 research projects performing statistical analysis and developing databases to analyze exposure and health data. His expertise includes statistical analysis, data management, exposure measurement, and study design.
IRJET- Oral Cancer Detection using Machine LearningIRJET Journal
This paper proposes a machine learning approach to detect oral cancer at early stages. The researchers developed a health application that uses data mining techniques like association rule mining and the Apriori algorithm to analyze datasets of patient attributes and symptoms. The application aims to predict whether a patient has oral cancer based on their input data and classify cases using rules generated by Apriori. It seeks to automate oral cancer prediction and discover relationships between cancer attributes to help clinical decision making.
Programs Coming Together Using ExamSoft to assess interprofessional education...ExamSoft
Presented by: Carla D. Hernandez, Assessment Coordinator, and Anthony C. Marziliano, Associate Director of Assessment, and Marc E. Gillespie, Ph.D., Professor, Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Research, St. John's University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences
Professional health science programs must now explicitly identify interprofessional education (IPE) activities that provide unique opportunities for student-to-student engagement. Offering IPE activities is essential to advance education in these fields. We actively identify IPE possibilities and a methodology to assess them using ExamSofts categorization system. Our faculty are content experts and are in the best position to categorize test-items with national exam blueprints, the essential hierarchical ontologies that drive programs. Blueprints contain goals, outcomes, knowledge domains, professional skills and attributes often required for proficiency in specific health care professions. Mapping between different program blueprints allows the College to identify parts of the curriculum that are shared between programs and are ideal targets for IPE efforts. We provide worked examples where we observed overlapping terms that serve as an impetus for faculty and administrators to capitalize, creating IPE opportunities. By the very nature of this activity, overlapping terms are associated with test items that can be used to establish a pre-IPE activity baseline, as well as, assess the IPE activity itself. Synergistic assessment of shared goals and outcomes (using ExamSoft categories) helps us prepare our students to be outstanding health care professionals in the 21st century.
Comparative Study of Classification Method on Customer Candidate Data to Pred...IJECEIAES
Leasing vehicles are a company engaged in the field of vehicle loans. Purchase by way of credit becomes a mainstay because it can attract potential customers to generate more profit. But if there is a mistake in approving a customer candidate, the risk of stalled credit payments can happen. To minimize the risk, it can be applied the certain data mining technique to predict the future behavior of the customers. In this study, it is explored in some data mining techniques such as C4.5 and Naive Bayes for this purpose. The customer attributes used in this study are: salary, age, marital status, other installments and worthiness. The experiments are performed by using the Weka software. Based on evaluation criteria, i.e. accuracy, C4.5 algorithm outperforms compared to Naive Bayes. The percentage split experiment scenarios provide the precision value of 89.16% and the accuracy value of 83.33% wheres the cross validation experiment scenarios give the higher accuracy values of all used k-fold. The C4.5 experiment results also confirm that the most influential instant data attribute in this research is the salary.
Caveon Webinar Series: Lessons Learned from EATP and CSDPTF November 2013Caveon Test Security
Presented by Dr. John Fremer, Dennis Maynes and Steve Addicott, Caveon Test Security
Two important industry conferences have been held in the last couple of months, the European Association of Test Publishers (E-ATP) Conference and the Conference on Statistical Detection of Potential Test Fraud (CSDPTF). Caveon was at both of these events and wants to share some important information with you.
Join Dr. John Fremer, President of Caveon Consulting Services, Steve Addicott, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, and Dennis Maynes, Chief Scientist, Caveon Data Forensics, who attended both conferences and presented sessions. They will explore key takeaways and lessons learned on security. Stay updated on the latest and greatest industry security trends.
Niranjan Bulchandani has over 2.5 years of experience designing, implementing, and monitoring Hospital Management Information Systems and Electronic Medical Records. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Health & Hospital Management with a specialization in Healthcare IT Management as well as a Bachelor's degree in Computer Application. His experience includes requirement gathering, testing, training, support, and enhancing Hospital Information Systems. He has conducted research projects on immunization awareness and analyzing the need to change existing Hospital Information Systems.
Comprehensive assessment of dentists knowledge and awareness about surgical ...Ajay Pacharne
Aim: Accurate treatment planning for implant which considers anatomical factors and prosthetic needs is essential to guarantee a predictable therapy. The aim of this study was to assess the current knowledge and awareness about surgical template among general dental practitioner in kanpur, India. Materials & Methods: This study was entirely attempted on a cross sectional idea. It also used the rational usage of questionnaire. However, after considering some essential aspects, this number was lastly reduced to 100. Authors completed the study by close ended questionnaire containing questions about the present knowledge and awareness about surgical template. Response was recorded and data was processed statistically to evaluate the real-time knowledge and awareness level. Results: Statistical analysis was done using statistical software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The recorded data was subjected to suitable statistical tests to obtain p values, mean, standard deviation, standard error an 95% CI. P 0.05 was considered as statistically significant. 27 practitioners were unaware of the usage of surgical template. 94 practitioners think that UG dental curriculum is inadequate regarding surgical template. 60 practitioners think that surgical template must be made mandatory for all dental institutions.
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
Chapter 3. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Strategic Management.pptxRommel Regala
This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability. The course integrates Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to enhance global and ethical perspectives in decision-making.
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Useful environment methods in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide well discuss on the useful environment methods in Odoo 18. In Odoo 18, environment methods play a crucial role in simplifying model interactions and enhancing data processing within the ORM framework.
Prelims of Rass MELAI : a Music, Entertainment, Literature, Arts and Internet Culture Quiz organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
The Constitution, Government and Law making bodies .saanidhyapatel09
This PowerPoint presentation provides an insightful overview of the Constitution, covering its key principles, features, and significance. It explains the fundamental rights, duties, structure of government, and the importance of constitutional law in governance. Ideal for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the foundation of a nations legal framework.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
- Autonomy, Teams and Tension
- Oliver Randall & David Bovis
- Own Your Autonomy
Oliver Randall
Consultant, Tribe365
Oliver is a career project professional since 2011 and started volunteering with APM in 2016 and has since chaired the People Interest Network and the North East Regional Network. Oliver has been consulting in culture, leadership and behaviours since 2019 and co-developed HPTM速an off the shelf high performance framework for teams and organisations and is currently working with SAS (Stellenbosch Academy for Sport) developing the culture, leadership and behaviours framework for future elite sportspeople whilst also holding down work as a project manager in the NHS at North Tees and Hartlepool Foundation Trust.
David Bovis
Consultant, Duxinaroe
A Leadership and Culture Change expert, David is the originator of BTFA and The Dux Model.
With a Masters in Applied Neuroscience from the Institute of Organisational Neuroscience, he is widely regarded as the Go-To expert in the field, recognised as an inspiring keynote speaker and change strategist.
He has an industrial engineering background, majoring in TPS / Lean. David worked his way up from his apprenticeship to earn his seat at the C-suite table. His career spans several industries, including Automotive, Aerospace, Defence, Space, Heavy Industries and Elec-Mech / polymer contract manufacture.
Published in Londons Evening Standard quarterly business supplement, James Caans Your business Magazine, Quality World, the Lean Management Journal and Cambridge Universities PMA, he works as comfortably with leaders from FTSE and Fortune 100 companies as he does owner-managers in SMEs. He is passionate about helping leaders understand the neurological root cause of a high-performance culture and sustainable change, in business.
Session | Own Your Autonomy The Importance of Autonomy in Project Management
#OwnYourAutonomy is aiming to be a global APM initiative to position everyone to take a more conscious role in their decision making process leading to increased outcomes for everyone and contribute to a world in which all projects succeed.
We want everyone to join the journey.
#OwnYourAutonomy is the culmination of 3 years of collaborative exploration within the Leadership Focus Group which is part of the APM People Interest Network. The work has been pulled together using the 5 HPTM速 Systems and the BTFA neuroscience leadership programme.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
Blind spots in AI and Formulation Science, IFPAC 2025.pdfAjaz Hussain
The intersection of AI and pharmaceutical formulation science highlights significant blind spotssystemic gaps in pharmaceutical development, regulatory oversight, quality assurance, and the ethical use of AIthat could jeopardize patient safety and undermine public trust. To move forward effectively, we must address these normalized blind spots, which may arise from outdated assumptions, errors, gaps in previous knowledge, and biases in language or regulatory inertia. This is essential to ensure that AI and formulation science are developed as tools for patient-centered and ethical healthcare.
Information Technology for class X CBSE skill SubjectVEENAKSHI PATHAK
These questions are based on cbse booklet for 10th class information technology subject code 402. these questions are sufficient for exam for first lesion. This subject give benefit to students and good marks. if any student weak in one main subject it can replace with these marks.
Year 10 The Senior Phase Session 3 Term 1.pptxmansk2
1. First Review on
Guided By,
Mr Sujay K, Mr Aravind P V
Assistant Professor
Department of Automobile Engineering
Presented By,
Hemanth Kumar (SCM21AU005)
Lajith Sajeevan (SCM21AU007)
Ziyad Basheer (LSCM21AU011)
2. About the Department
To be a centre of excellence in disseminating knowledge in the automobile engineering domain
Provide automobile related education of exceptional quality to students by inculcating a thirst for knowledge through adequate
practical exposure and classroom session
Apply basic science and mathematical principles to design, develop or reengineer automobiles
Design or develop subsystems required for building safe, efficient and green vehicles.
Applying knowledge of the function of various automobile components and systems for continuous and preventive service and
Road Safety: A Growing Concern
Repeat offenses or unsafe behavior among drivers
Driver Behavior, Environmental Factors, Socio-Economic Factors
Evidence-Based Strategies, Innovative Approaches, Effective Implementation
5. Literature Review
Effectiveness of Penitentiary Psychoeducational Interventions in Road Safety
Cristina Escamilla-Robla, Elisa Gim辿nez-Fita, Natura Colomer-P辿rez, David Mart鱈nez-Rubio, and Jaime Navarrete
Department of Criminology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain; Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences, UniversidadEuropea de Valencia,
Spain; Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody, University of Valencia, Spain; Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Universitat de Lleida, Spain; Department of Personality,
Assessment and Psychological Treatments, University of Valencia, Spain; Teaching, Research & Innovation Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan De D辿u, Sant Boi De Llobregat, Spain; CIBER of
Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain.
Reduce recidivism in road safety crimes
Longitudinal study, 805 participants, pre/post tests
Improved risk perception, decision-making, emotional regulation
Integrate psychoeducational programs into sentencing alternatives
6. Impaired-driving recidivism among repeat offenders following an
intensive court based intervention
Sandra C. Lapham, Laura Ring Kapitula, Janet Cde Baca, Garnett P. McMillan
Behavioral Health Research Center of the Southwest, 612 Encino Place, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
20-28% of first-time DUI offenders repeat the offense
More likely to have high BAC (0.15 mg/dL and above)
Examines re-offense rates among DISP participants and comparable non-participants
Compares re-offense rates between DISP participants and a comparison sample
7. Self-efficacy and motivation for controlling drinking and
drinking/driving:An investigation of changes across a driving under
the influence (Dui) Intervention program and of recidivism
Elisabeth Wells-Parker a, Deric R Kenne a, Kris L Spratke a, Marsha T Williams a
Department of Psychology and Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS USA
Examined self-efficacy and motivation to change in 670 DUI offenders
Action was the most frequent stage classification (drinking and drinking/driving)
Precontemplation was the least frequent classification
Stage classifications stable for 74-89% of offenders (drinking and drinking/driving
8. Methodology
2) Prepared
3) Consulted
6) Consulted
statistics specialist
5) Improved
1) Study
Literature Review
4) Data
9) Solution for the
problem found from
8) Prepared
7) Prepared
statistics based on
9. Project time span
Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
10. References
Effectiveness of Penitentiary Psychoeducational Interventions in Road Safety
Cristina Escamilla-Robla, Elisa Gim辿nez-Fita, Natura Colomer-P辿rez, David Mart鱈nez-Rubio, and Jaime Navarrete
Department of Criminology, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad Europea de Valencia, Spain; Department of Psychology, Faculty of Health Sciences, UniversidadEuropea de Valencia, Spain; Department of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing and
Chiropody, University of Valencia, Spain; Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy, Universitat de Lleida, Spain; Department of Personality, Assessment and Psychological Treatments, University of Valencia, Spain; Teaching, Research &
Innovation Unit, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan De D辿u, Sant Boi De Llobregat, Spain; CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), Madrid, Spain.
Impaired-driving recidivism among repeat offenders following an intensive court based intervention
Sandra C. Lapham, Laura Ring Kapitula, Janet Cde Baca, Garnett P. McMillan
Behavioral Health Research Center of the Southwest, 612 Encino Place, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102, USA
Self-efficacy and motivation for controlling drinking and drinking/driving: An investigation of changes
across a driving under the influence (Dui) Intervention program and of recidivism prediction
Elisabeth Wells-Parker a, Deric R Kenne a, Kris L Spratke a, Marsha T Williams a
Department of Psychology and Social Science Research Center, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS USA