Dziki dotacji, pozyskanej z programu Comenius Regio, gmina Proszowice nawizaa kontakty z hiszpaskim miastem Santander. Hiszpanie dwa razy gocili w Polsce, a delegacje z Proszowic trzykrotnie odwiedzay Santander.
Wyr坦甜nienie w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Gimnazjum im. Stanisawa Konarskiego w Skierniewicach za projekt Retropolis
The document summarizes an entrepreneurship project carried out by students in Poland as part of an EU Comenius program. The students organized a school fair to sell baked goods they had prepared in order to raise funds for an educational trip. They set up a stand and sold cakes and sweets to locals at the local market and to school staff and peers at the school fair. The initiative was successful with many customers, and all the goods were sold which allowed the students to finance their planned trip to Krakow and Wieliczka in May. Similar activities were organized by students from other schools participating in the international Comenius project.
Dziki dotacji, pozyskanej z programu Comenius Regio, gmina Proszowice nawizaa kontakty z hiszpaskim miastem Santander. Hiszpanie dwa razy gocili w Polsce, a delegacje z Proszowic trzykrotnie odwiedzay Santander.
Wyr坦甜nienie w kategorii instytucjonalnej programu Comenius w konkursie EDUinspiracje 2013 - Gimnazjum im. Stanisawa Konarskiego w Skierniewicach za projekt Retropolis
The document summarizes an entrepreneurship project carried out by students in Poland as part of an EU Comenius program. The students organized a school fair to sell baked goods they had prepared in order to raise funds for an educational trip. They set up a stand and sold cakes and sweets to locals at the local market and to school staff and peers at the school fair. The initiative was successful with many customers, and all the goods were sold which allowed the students to finance their planned trip to Krakow and Wieliczka in May. Similar activities were organized by students from other schools participating in the international Comenius project.
This document lists several companies and industries in the region including Lesaffre Yeast Woczyn which produces baker's yeast and additives, Cement Plant Odra S.A. Opole which produces high-quality cement, Mlekovita Kluczbork which produces dairy products, traditional Silesian dumplings, a Dairy Cooperative in Olesno which produces dairy products, and Ceramic products Cerbud ZGH in Markot坦w Du甜y which produces pottery and ceramic products. It also lists Zakady Przemysu Cukierniczego Mieszko S.A. w Raciborzu as a leading
The document provides information about the facilities and activities at Publiczne Gimnazjum Im. Jana Pawa II secondary school in Woczyn, Poland. The school has about 600 students and 50 teachers, and offers a variety of academic and extracurricular programs. It has modern classrooms and laboratories, a gym, library, computer lab, and outdoor sports facilities. Students take 32 lessons per week and can participate in clubs, exchanges, and trips both within Poland and abroad.
Gniezno was built in the 8th century and became one of the main towns in Poland by the 10th century. It hosted important events like the Congress of Gniezno in 1000. The main monument is the Cathedral of Gniezno with the tomb of St. Wojciech. Cracow became the Polish capital in 1038 when Duke Kazimierz I made it his headquarters. Important monuments include St. Mary's Church and the Wawel Cathedral. Warsaw became the Polish capital around 1596 when the royal court moved there from Cracow. Today the President resides in Belvedere Palace and important monuments include the Royal Castle and Lazienki Palace.
St. Andrew's Day is celebrated on November 29th and is a traditional day for fortune-telling in Poland. According to the document, some common divination practices on St. Andrew's Day included pouring melted wax in water to predict marriage, setting shoes by the threshold to determine order of marriage, and using needles to pierce names and predict partners. The document also mentions that at one school, students organized St. Andrew's Day celebrations which included divinations, games, and a dance to raise money for families in need before Christmas.
The document discusses several traditional Polish food products, including pierogi dumplings made with potato filling wrapped in dough and fried onion, Wedel marshmallow chocolates from one of Poland's largest chocolate factories, honey collected by bees from plant nectar, and oscypek smoked sheep cheese prepared from sheep's milk in a distinctive spindle shape with decorated edges typical of Polish mountain regions.
Woczyn is a town in southwestern Poland with around 6,000 inhabitants that was granted city rights in 1261 by Henry III Silesian. It has changed territorial ownership several times throughout history between the principalities of Wrocaw, Gog坦w, Namysow, and Olesno. Today, Woczyn has several cultural sites including St. Theresa's Church built in 1770-99, the Virgin Mary Church built in 1859-61, and an Evangelical Church originally Lutheran from 1848. The town center contains 19th century buildings and houses from the early 20th century surrounding the main market square.
The document outlines the formation of a "Young Entrepreneurs' Club" in Poland for a Comenius project on developing entrepreneurial skills in children. The club was named "Modzi Przedsibiorcy" or "Young Entrepreneurs". Key skills identified for entrepreneurs included diligence, teamwork, sales, responsibility, creativity, self-confidence, and knowledge of areas like advertising, business plans, markets, and legal compliance. A student questionnaire on potential products to sell at a school fair found the most popular options were wax statues, items with the school/town logo, baked goods, gift baskets of local products, and calendars featuring town views.
The document summarizes the past, present, and future of Woczyn. In the past, Woczyn was an industrial center with factories producing carriages, roofing felt, tiles, and yeast. It had hotels, restaurants, a hospital, and was a market town. In the present, after economic changes in 1989, most factories closed leading to high unemployment. The yeast factory, glassworks, and water department remain. In the future, Woczyn is predicted to grow enormously with shopping centers, water parks, and the world's first UFO airport. A large chocolate factory will replace the old yeast factory, and advanced hospitals and research stations will be built.
This document describes traditional folk costumes and dances from the Opole region of Poland. It outlines the key elements of men's and women's folk costumes, including the mazelonka skirt, lajbik bodice, and shirts worn by women, as well as pants, shirts, caftans, and boots worn by men. It then discusses several traditional folk dances from the region, including the Crone, Koziorajka, and Trojak dances, describing elements like steps, rhythms, and dance formations.
Dr. Irena Eris Cosmetics Laboratory was founded in 1983 in Wroclaw and employs 800 people. It produces over 2 million cosmetics products per month and its brand is one of the most valuable and best known Polish brands. The Cooperative Bank in Woczyn was founded in 1946 in response to the need for money after World War 2. It has received several awards and honors and now has eleven branches. Radio Opole has been broadcasting since 1952 and is the only radio station in Poland to receive an ISO 9001 quality certification for its regional public radio production and dissemination.
The document discusses providing fax services to corporate clients. Few clients currently use faxing, but it remains an important method of communication for some businesses. Offering reliable and cost-effective fax services can help clients maintain important communication channels.
The document summarizes a school trip to a yeast factory in Woczyn, Poland. Students and teachers participating in an entrepreneurship project visited the Lesaffre Poland SA factory. At the factory, they interviewed the director, who discussed the company's history since 1893 and operations. Students then received a presentation about the factory's production and departments. The group toured the facility's production and laboratory areas to view the yeast manufacturing process firsthand over 7 days.
This document provides information about top places to visit in Poland, including Warsaw, Cracow, Zakopane, Gdansk, and Poznan. Warsaw is the capital city and an important center for business, science, and culture. Cracow is the former capital with stunning architecture and the oldest university in Poland. Zakopane is known as the "winter capital" and located in the scenic Tatras mountains. Gdansk is a major seaport on the Baltic Sea known for its Old Town and role in Polish history. Poznan is one of the oldest and largest cities located in the center of Poland and an economic and educational center.
1. Todays child,
Dzisiaj ucze jutro
przedsi biorca
Szkolny projekt Comenius 2011/2013
2. Cele projektu
Wszystkie cele zawarte w naszym projekcie odnosz si do szczeg坦owych zao甜e programu Comenius:
Rozwijanie wiedzy i zrozumienia wr坦d ludzi i kadry nauczycielskiej o r坦甜norodnoci kultur europejskich i
jzyk坦w oraz jego wartoci;
Pomaganie modym ludziom w nabyciu podstawowych umiejtnoci i kompetencji niezbdnych dla rozwoju
osobistego, przyszego zatrudnienia i aktywnego obywatelstwa europejskiego;
Pobudzenie u modych ludzi poczucia inicjatywy oraz ich umiejtnoci w zakresie przedsibiorczoci.油
Konkretne cele partnerstwa s nast puj ce:
Zwikszenie wykorzystania technologii informacyjnych i komunikacyjnych poprzez utrzymywanie
kontakt坦w midzy uczestnikami projektu;
Rozwijanie znajomoci jzyk坦w obcych poprzez promowanie wsp坦pracy midzy uczniami i nauczycielami;
Umo甜liwienie uczniom uczestniczenie w projekcie bez wzgldu na wiek lub pe i rozwijanie osobistych
Wyeliminowanie niskiej samooceny i sprzyjanie wysokiej samoocenie wr坦d uczni坦w, jako klucz do
przekonania ucznia, 甜e wszyscy ludzie s r坦wni;
Zmniejszenie ESL (wczesne porzucanie nauki), co jest g坦wnym wyzwaniem w dzisiejszym spoeczestwie;
Utrzymanie motywacji uczni坦w zagro甜onych ESL, aby pom坦c im ukoczy nauk i podj dalsz nauk w
szkoach ponadgimnazjalnych ;
Dostrzeganie uczni坦w pochodzcych z niekorzystnych rodowisk i skupienie si na ich przyszym 甜yciu
zawodowym, wspieranie osobistej przedsibiorczoci;
Wspieranie uczni坦w w ich planach dotyczcych dalszej nauki i przyszej pracy;
Zachcanie uczni坦w i nauczycieli do podejmowania inicjatyw, kreatywnoci i innowacyjnoci.
Aby osign nasze cele pomylelimy o podjciu ponadprzedmiotowego podejcia, czyli, nasz projekt
wciela pomysy uczestnik坦w w 甜ycie. Realizacja zada bdzie si odbywa w zespoach narodowych. Ka甜da
grupa narodowa bdzie zdobywaa informacje i wiedz na temat funkcjonowania wasnej gospodarki i w
r坦甜nych formach upowszechniaa t wiedz wr坦d uczestnik坦w projektu w pozostaych krajach
partnerskich oraz w swoich szkoach.
4. Zadania
W projekcie wykonujemy r坦甜ne zadania. Na pocztku ka甜dy z
uczestnik坦w musia napisa kilka informacji o sobie, nastpnie
czonkowie grupy multimedialnej zaprojektowali tabel, w kt坦rej
umiecilimy te informacje. Czonkowie tej sekcji zaprojektowali
podstron projektu, kt坦ra znajduje si na szkolnej stronie www.,
wykonuj r坦甜ne prezentacje multimedialne, robi zdjcia, slajdy i
broszury. Grupa plastyczna zajmuje si przygotowaniem fotogalerii
ze spotka wyjazdowych, przygotowaniem gazetek informacyjnych
na korytarzu szkolnym oraz prowadzeniem kroniki, w kt坦rej znajduj
si nasze wspomnienia, zdjcia, wpisy uczestnik坦w spotka.
Uczniowie z grupy jzykowej zajmuj si opisywaniem projektu i
tumaczeniem na jzyk angielski wszelkich zada wykonanych
przez pozostae grupy, kt坦re s nastpnie wysyane do szkoy
rumuskiej, kt坦ra koordynuje cay projekt.
Pola Aleksandrowicz
6. Pa stwa uczestnicz ce w
S owacja
7. Wizyty
16.10.2011 22.10.2011. Tichilesti (Rumunia)
24.03.2012 30.03.2011 Madryt (Hiszpania)
30.09.2012 06.10.2012 Valaska Bela (Sowacja)
12.05.2013 18.05.2013 Woczyn (Polska)