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Promatranje bez sudjelovanja. Statistički podatci kreirani su uz pomoć Google obrazaca. Trajanje promatranja: 2 tjeddna.
14 predmeta/profesora promatrano
Instagram get discovered with social photos by REBR.comJohn RinggoldAgents who earn over $100k have an active social media presence like Instagram where they can share photos and videos to build relationships with past clients, which leads to more referrals. Instagram is a popular platform with over 400 million members, mostly women, who use it on mobile phones. Agents should post interesting behind-the-scenes content using hashtags to engage clients and other professionals, and use apps like PicStitch and Snapseed to create high-quality posts that showcase properties and build their brand. Cross-posting to other channels like Facebook can further expand an agent's reach.
Instagram workshopBruno BašićThe document outlines a social media workshop on developing an Instagram marketing strategy. It discusses how Instagram user and engagement statistics. It provides tips on building a strategy, including when and how often to post, what type of content to share, and how to get feedback. Additional advice covered includes using hashtags, sharing high quality images at optimal times, asking questions to engage followers, and using automatic tools. The workshop instructs participants on private profiles, pages, growing followers, and making money through brand promotions. Participants are given tasks to develop strategies for example accounts.
E rate #1llyarbroThe document outlines the E-Rate program which provides discounts for telecommunications and internet access for most schools and libraries in the US. It details an 11 step process for applicants which includes determining eligibility, developing a technology plan, opening competitive bidding, selecting and contracting with providers, calculating discounts, and submitting/receiving funding decisions. The technology plan goals include increasing technology proficiency for students, teachers, administrators and utilization of instructional technology. Specific goals include increasing advanced computer class enrollment and providing administrators technology training.
Twitter 101: Everything You Always Wanted To Know * But Were Afraid To AskJody Krasner GladsteinStill don’t get Twitter? More and more this micro-blogging network is becoming a very useful tool for finding out what's going on with the people and things that matter to you the most, news and world events, pop culture and business trends. Learn what it takes to get started in this two-part presentation on Twitter basics.
Basic Steps of Using Instagram for Real Estate AgentsFlorida Mobile FusionInstagram is a photo and video sharing social media platform with over 150 million active monthly users. The presentation discusses how Instagram can be used for business and marketing purposes by real estate agents and others. Key points include how to set up an Instagram account, engage with followers by posting photos and videos, and use hashtags and links to drive traffic to websites and increase search engine rankings. Regular posting and engagement with others on Instagram is encouraged as an effective marketing strategy.
How To Set Up Instagram For Business Page 1 SolutionsAre you wondering how to use images and short videos to marketing your business and enhance your customers' experience?
With Instagram, you can share your business's unique point of view with the popular app know for the cool pictures you can take with it. With millions of active users, Instagram can very well be your next great marketing tool!
OsjetiBruno BašićPrezentacija na temu ljudskih osjeta.
Kroz prezentaciju obrađeni su svi ljudski osjeti, definirani pojmovi poput osjeta,percepcije, apsolutnog praga ili limena i slično..
Fotoherbarij biljaka na hrvatskome područjuBruno BašićFotoherbarij 15 biljaka isto kao običan herbarij samo napravljen u digitalnom obliku. Svaka biljka sadržava informacije u tablicama na hrvatskom jeziku i ima latinske nazive.
Session outline-social mediaBruno BašićThis session outline introduces participants to opportunities on social media networks through a presentation and hands-on group activities. The objectives are to teach participants how to manage their social media accounts, promote their brand, and reach new audiences. The methodology includes an introductory presentation, dividing participants into small groups to complete challenges and missions applying the concepts, and getting advice and feedback to evaluate their work.
OsjetiBruno BašićPrezentacija na temu ljudskih osjeta.
Kroz prezentaciju obrađeni su svi ljudski osjeti, definirani pojmovi poput osjeta,percepcije, apsolutnog praga ili limena i slično..
Fotoherbarij biljaka na hrvatskome područjuBruno BašićFotoherbarij 15 biljaka isto kao običan herbarij samo napravljen u digitalnom obliku. Svaka biljka sadržava informacije u tablicama na hrvatskom jeziku i ima latinske nazive.
Session outline-social mediaBruno BašićThis session outline introduces participants to opportunities on social media networks through a presentation and hands-on group activities. The objectives are to teach participants how to manage their social media accounts, promote their brand, and reach new audiences. The methodology includes an introductory presentation, dividing participants into small groups to complete challenges and missions applying the concepts, and getting advice and feedback to evaluate their work.
• napraviti promatranje profesora u školi
• načini ponašanja, raspoloženje
• rangiranje kriterija na skali 1- 5
• objektivno
• trajanje: 2 tjedna
• predmeta: 12
• Google forms
• Kreiranje stastističkih podataka
pomoću ankete
• Automatsko kreiranje
• Popunjanje anketnog upitnika
nakon predavanja