This document provides an overview and introduction to Ansible. It discusses the motivation for IT automation and introduces some key Ansible concepts including Ansible Core, command line tools, playbooks, inventory, modules, and plugins. It also demonstrates how to get started with Ansible, use ad-hoc commands, and write playbooks. The presenter provides examples of installing packages and copying files using playbooks.
This document provides an overview and introduction to Ansible. It discusses the motivation for IT automation and introduces some key Ansible concepts including Ansible Core, command line tools, playbooks, inventory, modules, and plugins. It also demonstrates how to get started with Ansible, use ad-hoc commands, and write playbooks. The presenter provides examples of installing packages and copying files using playbooks.
July Tech Festa, August 2017
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58. PromQL
SELECT city, AVG(value)
FROM temperature_Celsius
WHERE country=”germany” GROUP BY city
avg by(city) (temperature_celsius{country=”germany”})
59. PromQL
SELECT errors.job, errors.instance, […more labels…],
errors.value / total.value
FROM errors, total
WHERE errors.job=”foo” AND total.job=”foo” JOIN
[…some more complicated stuff here…]
errors{job=”foo”} / total{job=”foo”}