The document summarizes William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" and analyzes the psychology of the main character, Emily. It discusses how Emily attempts to exert power over death by denying it, as seen when her father and lover Homer die. Emily refuses to let go of the bodies. The document also examines how Emily's relationship with Homer was frowned upon by society due to their differing social classes. Finally, it highlights Emily's purchase of arsenic as a key plot point, implying she used it to kill Homer.
This document provides biographical information about American author William Faulkner and summarizes his short story "A Rose for Emily". It discusses how the story is divided into five sections chronicling Emily Grierson's life and death in a changing post-Civil War Mississippi town. It then analyzes Emily's character, noting how she attempts to exert power over death by denying it and having disturbing relationships with the corpses of deceased loved ones, representing the decline of the old Southern social order. Her buying of arsenic also foreshadows the story's climax.
This document summarizes and analyzes William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It discusses how the story represents the economic and cultural decline of the American South after the Civil War. The main character, Emily Grierson, symbolizes the decaying traditions of the aristocratic Southern family. As the last remaining symbol of these traditions, the townspeople place the burden of upholding their values upon her. However, Emily is unable to meet their expectations, leading to her isolation, madness, and eventual murder of her lover out of a refusal to let go of the past. The narrator reflects the biased view of the townspeople and their role in exacerbating Emily's mental deterioration through their demands.
William Faulkner was a 20th century American writer known for his novels exploring the historical legacy and social tensions of the American South. His short story "A Rose for Emily" was published in 1930 and tells the story of Emily Grierson, a reclusive woman in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi. After her father's death, Emily has an affair with a contractor from the North named Homer Barron. When he later disappears, the townspeople discover his decomposing body in an upstairs room of Emily's home, where she had poisoned and kept him for over 40 years. The story examines themes of tradition versus progress, the treatment of women, and aberrant psychology.
The story follows Miss Emily Grierson, a reclusive woman in the town of Jefferson. After her father dies, Emily begins a romantic relationship with Homer Barron. When Homer suddenly disappears, the townspeople suspect Emily poisoned him. Years later, after Emily's death, the townspeople discover Homer's body decomposing in an upstairs bedroom, revealing that Emily had been keeping his corpse in her home for decades.
This document provides a structural analysis of the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It summarizes that the story is told in five parts and uses strong contrasts between dark and light, powerful and pitiful characters. The plot follows Emily Grierson logically as she loses opportunities for marriage and connection due to her father's death and society's neglect of her. Alone and dehumanized, she kills her lover and lives with his corpse until her own death. Though her death is presented first, it is not the climax, as the story is told from the detached perspective of the townspeople who respect Emily out of duty but do not understand her.
The document analyzes how the theme of denial is used in William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily", Arthur Miller's play "Death of a Salesman", and Edgar Allan Poe's poem "The Raven". In each work, the main characters refuse to acknowledge reality and instead live in a dream-like state. This temporary denial leads to negative consequences for the characters. Some of the ways the characters deny reality include Emily Grierson denying her father's death and murdering her lover, Willy Loman denying his mediocrity as a salesman, and the narrator of "The Raven" denying the death of his love Lenore.
The story is set in Jefferson, Mississippi and focuses on Miss Emily Grierson, the daughter of Colonel Sartoris. After her father dies, Emily loses her mind and refuses to leave her house or interact with others. She later meets and falls in love with Homer Barron. However, after they seemingly get married, Homer disappears and Emily is found to have poisoned him with rat poison. She had kept his body in her bedroom for years without burying him, having fully lost her mind due to old age.
The document provides background information on author William Faulkner and analyzes his short story "A Rose for Emily". It discusses Faulkner's life and literary works, then analyzes the story's themes of death, community vs isolation, main characters like Emily Grierson and Homer Barron, and plot which involves Emily's reclusive nature and the discovery of a body in her home after her death.
The document provides a detailed summary of William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It describes the story's first person narration, setting in post-Civil War Mississippi, and main characters including Emily Grierson, her servant Tobe, her love interest Homer Barron, and other townspeople. Key plot points are Emily refusing to pay taxes after her father's death, her relationship with Homer Barron, and the townspeople's reaction leading to mystery around Emily's actions and Homer's disappearance.
A Rose for Emily - Summary (English Literature)Rhich Praxides
The story follows Emily Grierson, a woman in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi. After her father dies, Emily becomes a reclusive figure, refusing to pay taxes and rarely leaving her home. She begins a romantic relationship with Homer Barron, which the town disapproves of due to his lower social status. Emily is later seen buying poison, and Homer disappears. Years later after Emily's death, the townspeople discover Homer's corpse in an upstairs bedroom, revealing that Emily poisoned and preserved his body after he tried to end their relationship. The story depicts the isolation of Emily and the town's gossipy treatment of her affairs.
The document provides background information on the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It summarizes the main characters of Miss Emily Grierson and Homer Barron. The setting is in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi after the American Civil War, focusing on Miss Emily's decaying mansion.
This summary provides key details about the short story "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner in 3 sentences:
The story describes Miss Emily Grierson, a woman in an unnamed Southern town who loses her father and mind over time; she meets and falls in love with a man named Homer Barron but later poisons and keeps his dead body in her home. It is considered an important work of Southern Gothic fiction exploring the social issues and culture of the American South.
The document summarizes a story about Miss Emily, an eccentric woman in her town. After her father's funeral, Miss Emily gets a boyfriend named Homer but buys poison out of fear he will leave her. Homer then disappears. The town suspects Miss Emily poisoned Homer since his body is found in her house many years later. The story explores the town's gossiping about Miss Emily and interference in her life, as well as symbols of death and taxes.
The short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner tells the tragic story of Emily Grierson, a woman from a prominent Southern family who has a difficult time accepting change. It describes her complex relationships with her father, the townspeople of Jefferson, and her mysterious lover Homer Barron. The story is narrated from the perspective of the townspeople and provides glimpses into Emily's private life through their observations and gossip over the decades.
This document provides context and information about William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It includes a biography of Faulkner, a synopsis of the story, and an introduction to formalist literary criticism. It then analyzes the story using formalist techniques, discussing elements like point of view, characters, themes, and important words. The story is about a woman named Miss Emily Grierson who lives reclusively after her father's death and kills her lover Homer Baron, keeping his body in her house for decades until after she dies.
William Faulkner, A Rose For Emily Joaquin Sanguinoguest33c124
The story follows Emily Grierson, who lives alone in her family home in Jefferson, Mississippi after the death of her father. The townspeople notice a foul odor coming from her home and discover that Emily has Homer Barron's decaying body upstairs after he went missing years ago. It's implied that Emily poisoned and killed Homer with arsenic after he tried to end their scandalous affair. The story reveals Emily's reclusive nature and unwillingness to accept changes in her town over time.
This document analyzes key symbols and themes in William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It discusses how Emily Grierson represents the Old South and traditions deteriorating with change. Homer Barron symbolizes modern ideas from the North. Emily's lavish home is a monument to the dying aristocracy. Her sealed bedroom holds her preserved lover, representing alienation and death. Other symbols include taxes symbolizing her father's financial decline, lime representing hiding something creepy, and arsenic representing getting rid of something that smells, possibly Homer.
A rose for Emily - William Faulkner (Questions with answers)AldyCaramico
Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" is told from the perspective of the townspeople of Jefferson over three generations as they observe the life of Emily Grierson. Emily is a recluse who remained single after her father's death, clinging to the past. She begins a relationship with Homer Barron, causing gossip in the town. When Homer suddenly disappears, the townspeople suspect Emily killed him out of a refusal to let go of the past. After Emily's death, her home is discovered to contain Homer's decomposing corpse in an upstairs bedroom.
This document provides a formalist criticism of the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It summarizes key elements of the story including the plot, which follows Miss Emily from when she is first introduced after her father's death until she is found dead with the skeleton of her lover Homer Barron in her bedroom. The document also analyzes aspects like the point of view, characters, setting, themes of obsession and social conflict, and literary devices used in the story.
This document provides a biography of American author William Faulkner. It states that Faulkner (1897-1962) grew up in Oxford, Mississippi and served in the British and Canadian air forces during World War I. Except for some travels, he worked on his novels and short stories on a farm in Oxford. The document provides brief biographical details about Faulkner's birthplace, parents, and his great-grandfather who was also a writer.
The document summarizes John Osborne's 1956 play "Look Back in Anger". It takes place in the one bedroom flat shared by Jimmy Porter, a lower middle class man, his wife Alison from an upper-class family, and their friend Cliff. Jimmy is intellectually restless and argues with his friends about accepting the world as it is. The situation grows worse with the arrival of Alison's actress friend Helena. Alison confesses to Helena that she is pregnant, and Helena calls Alison's father to take her away from the cramped flat.
This document contains a student's analysis of the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. The student discusses how the story fits into the sociology genre due to its morbid themes. She analyzes the character Emily, noting that Emily resists change and has control issues stemming from her controlling father. The student also points out how the decaying house represents Emily's decline throughout the story. In concluding, the student notes that while the story is well-written, it deals with strange sociological themes revolving around Emily and her psychological issues.
The document provides an analysis of William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It summarizes key elements of the story such as the plot, themes of control, isolation, and the past vs present. It also discusses characters like Emily Grierson and Homer Barron, the setting of Emily's decaying house, imagery of dust and smells, and symbols like the house and strand of hair. Context on the post-Civil War South and Faulkner's inspiration is also presented.
The document compares and contrasts Shakespeare's play Hamlet to Disney's animated film The Lion King. Both stories involve a prince whose father is killed by his uncle, who then takes over the throne. The prince must then decide whether to avenge his father's death and fight his uncle for the throne. However, there are also some differences. For example, Simba is younger than Hamlet when his father dies, and The Lion King has a happier ending where most characters survive, unlike Hamlet where many central characters die.
The document provides background information on John Osborne's 1956 play "Look Back in Anger". It introduces the two main motifs of the "Angry Young Man" and "Kitchen Sink Drama". The play was groundbreaking for depicting the domestic lives and raw emotions of the working class in postwar Britain. The main character, Jimmy Porter, came to epitomize the disaffected youth of the time and their anger towards the declining British class system and empire. The play captured the mood of social change in 1950s Britain.
John Osborne, Look Back in Anger, Liceo Attilio Bertolucci-ppt Venturini-FerrariChiaraLaura95
John Osborne's 1956 play Look Back in Anger transformed English theatre. It depicted the post-World War 2 climate in Britain through the tumultuous relationship between Jimmy and his wife Alison. Jimmy, part of the new working class, rails against the British establishment through his passionate monologues. The play innovated by taking place entirely in a run-down attic flat and focusing on the domestic lives of ordinary Britons. It explored themes like the decline of patriarchal families, class conflict, and Britain adjusting to its diminished global status following the end of its empire.
This document provides instructions for an activity analyzing unreliable narrators in short stories. Students will select one story to analyze - "A Rose for Emily," "Why I Live at the P.O.," or "The Tell-Tale Heart" - and determine whether the narrator is reliable or unreliable by providing examples. They will then do a role playing activity pretending to be psychologists arguing the narrator's reliability in a court case based on their analysis. The document provides specific instructions for students based on the story and reliability decision.
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas principales del sintagma nominal en espa単ol. Explica que el n炭cleo del sintagma nominal es el nombre, el cual puede ir precedido de determinantes como art鱈culos. Tambi辿n describe las funciones que puede desempe単ar el sintagma nominal y los tipos de elementos que lo pueden componer, como adjetivos y sintagmas preposicionales. Adem叩s, analiza los valores sem叩nticos del nombre y los factores que influyen en su significado.
The document provides a detailed summary of William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It describes the story's first person narration, setting in post-Civil War Mississippi, and main characters including Emily Grierson, her servant Tobe, her love interest Homer Barron, and other townspeople. Key plot points are Emily refusing to pay taxes after her father's death, her relationship with Homer Barron, and the townspeople's reaction leading to mystery around Emily's actions and Homer's disappearance.
A Rose for Emily - Summary (English Literature)Rhich Praxides
The story follows Emily Grierson, a woman in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi. After her father dies, Emily becomes a reclusive figure, refusing to pay taxes and rarely leaving her home. She begins a romantic relationship with Homer Barron, which the town disapproves of due to his lower social status. Emily is later seen buying poison, and Homer disappears. Years later after Emily's death, the townspeople discover Homer's corpse in an upstairs bedroom, revealing that Emily poisoned and preserved his body after he tried to end their relationship. The story depicts the isolation of Emily and the town's gossipy treatment of her affairs.
The document provides background information on the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It summarizes the main characters of Miss Emily Grierson and Homer Barron. The setting is in the town of Jefferson, Mississippi after the American Civil War, focusing on Miss Emily's decaying mansion.
This summary provides key details about the short story "A Rose For Emily" by William Faulkner in 3 sentences:
The story describes Miss Emily Grierson, a woman in an unnamed Southern town who loses her father and mind over time; she meets and falls in love with a man named Homer Barron but later poisons and keeps his dead body in her home. It is considered an important work of Southern Gothic fiction exploring the social issues and culture of the American South.
The document summarizes a story about Miss Emily, an eccentric woman in her town. After her father's funeral, Miss Emily gets a boyfriend named Homer but buys poison out of fear he will leave her. Homer then disappears. The town suspects Miss Emily poisoned Homer since his body is found in her house many years later. The story explores the town's gossiping about Miss Emily and interference in her life, as well as symbols of death and taxes.
The short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner tells the tragic story of Emily Grierson, a woman from a prominent Southern family who has a difficult time accepting change. It describes her complex relationships with her father, the townspeople of Jefferson, and her mysterious lover Homer Barron. The story is narrated from the perspective of the townspeople and provides glimpses into Emily's private life through their observations and gossip over the decades.
This document provides context and information about William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It includes a biography of Faulkner, a synopsis of the story, and an introduction to formalist literary criticism. It then analyzes the story using formalist techniques, discussing elements like point of view, characters, themes, and important words. The story is about a woman named Miss Emily Grierson who lives reclusively after her father's death and kills her lover Homer Baron, keeping his body in her house for decades until after she dies.
William Faulkner, A Rose For Emily Joaquin Sanguinoguest33c124
The story follows Emily Grierson, who lives alone in her family home in Jefferson, Mississippi after the death of her father. The townspeople notice a foul odor coming from her home and discover that Emily has Homer Barron's decaying body upstairs after he went missing years ago. It's implied that Emily poisoned and killed Homer with arsenic after he tried to end their scandalous affair. The story reveals Emily's reclusive nature and unwillingness to accept changes in her town over time.
This document analyzes key symbols and themes in William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It discusses how Emily Grierson represents the Old South and traditions deteriorating with change. Homer Barron symbolizes modern ideas from the North. Emily's lavish home is a monument to the dying aristocracy. Her sealed bedroom holds her preserved lover, representing alienation and death. Other symbols include taxes symbolizing her father's financial decline, lime representing hiding something creepy, and arsenic representing getting rid of something that smells, possibly Homer.
A rose for Emily - William Faulkner (Questions with answers)AldyCaramico
Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily" is told from the perspective of the townspeople of Jefferson over three generations as they observe the life of Emily Grierson. Emily is a recluse who remained single after her father's death, clinging to the past. She begins a relationship with Homer Barron, causing gossip in the town. When Homer suddenly disappears, the townspeople suspect Emily killed him out of a refusal to let go of the past. After Emily's death, her home is discovered to contain Homer's decomposing corpse in an upstairs bedroom.
This document provides a formalist criticism of the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. It summarizes key elements of the story including the plot, which follows Miss Emily from when she is first introduced after her father's death until she is found dead with the skeleton of her lover Homer Barron in her bedroom. The document also analyzes aspects like the point of view, characters, setting, themes of obsession and social conflict, and literary devices used in the story.
This document provides a biography of American author William Faulkner. It states that Faulkner (1897-1962) grew up in Oxford, Mississippi and served in the British and Canadian air forces during World War I. Except for some travels, he worked on his novels and short stories on a farm in Oxford. The document provides brief biographical details about Faulkner's birthplace, parents, and his great-grandfather who was also a writer.
The document summarizes John Osborne's 1956 play "Look Back in Anger". It takes place in the one bedroom flat shared by Jimmy Porter, a lower middle class man, his wife Alison from an upper-class family, and their friend Cliff. Jimmy is intellectually restless and argues with his friends about accepting the world as it is. The situation grows worse with the arrival of Alison's actress friend Helena. Alison confesses to Helena that she is pregnant, and Helena calls Alison's father to take her away from the cramped flat.
This document contains a student's analysis of the short story "A Rose for Emily" by William Faulkner. The student discusses how the story fits into the sociology genre due to its morbid themes. She analyzes the character Emily, noting that Emily resists change and has control issues stemming from her controlling father. The student also points out how the decaying house represents Emily's decline throughout the story. In concluding, the student notes that while the story is well-written, it deals with strange sociological themes revolving around Emily and her psychological issues.
The document provides an analysis of William Faulkner's short story "A Rose for Emily". It summarizes key elements of the story such as the plot, themes of control, isolation, and the past vs present. It also discusses characters like Emily Grierson and Homer Barron, the setting of Emily's decaying house, imagery of dust and smells, and symbols like the house and strand of hair. Context on the post-Civil War South and Faulkner's inspiration is also presented.
The document compares and contrasts Shakespeare's play Hamlet to Disney's animated film The Lion King. Both stories involve a prince whose father is killed by his uncle, who then takes over the throne. The prince must then decide whether to avenge his father's death and fight his uncle for the throne. However, there are also some differences. For example, Simba is younger than Hamlet when his father dies, and The Lion King has a happier ending where most characters survive, unlike Hamlet where many central characters die.
The document provides background information on John Osborne's 1956 play "Look Back in Anger". It introduces the two main motifs of the "Angry Young Man" and "Kitchen Sink Drama". The play was groundbreaking for depicting the domestic lives and raw emotions of the working class in postwar Britain. The main character, Jimmy Porter, came to epitomize the disaffected youth of the time and their anger towards the declining British class system and empire. The play captured the mood of social change in 1950s Britain.
John Osborne, Look Back in Anger, Liceo Attilio Bertolucci-ppt Venturini-FerrariChiaraLaura95
John Osborne's 1956 play Look Back in Anger transformed English theatre. It depicted the post-World War 2 climate in Britain through the tumultuous relationship between Jimmy and his wife Alison. Jimmy, part of the new working class, rails against the British establishment through his passionate monologues. The play innovated by taking place entirely in a run-down attic flat and focusing on the domestic lives of ordinary Britons. It explored themes like the decline of patriarchal families, class conflict, and Britain adjusting to its diminished global status following the end of its empire.
This document provides instructions for an activity analyzing unreliable narrators in short stories. Students will select one story to analyze - "A Rose for Emily," "Why I Live at the P.O.," or "The Tell-Tale Heart" - and determine whether the narrator is reliable or unreliable by providing examples. They will then do a role playing activity pretending to be psychologists arguing the narrator's reliability in a court case based on their analysis. The document provides specific instructions for students based on the story and reliability decision.
El documento resume las caracter鱈sticas principales del sintagma nominal en espa単ol. Explica que el n炭cleo del sintagma nominal es el nombre, el cual puede ir precedido de determinantes como art鱈culos. Tambi辿n describe las funciones que puede desempe単ar el sintagma nominal y los tipos de elementos que lo pueden componer, como adjetivos y sintagmas preposicionales. Adem叩s, analiza los valores sem叩nticos del nombre y los factores que influyen en su significado.
Rosie and Alex have been best friends since childhood. On Rosie's 18th birthday, they kiss while drunk but don't remember it. Years later, Rosie gets pregnant after a one-night stand with Greg. She doesn't tell Alex about the pregnancy when he leaves for college. After various relationships and misunderstandings, Rosie discovers a letter from Alex expressing his feelings for her just after he marries Bethany. Rosie objects at the wedding but is too late. In the end, Alex realizes Bethany isn't right for him and that his true love has always been Rosie.
This document provides an introduction to analyzing prose and its key elements. It defines prose as everyday written communication, as opposed to poetry. It defines the novel as a fictional, narrative form of prose. The document outlines various elements of prose like plot, character, theme, setting, narration/point of view, imagery, and style. It discusses literary concepts like genre, character archetypes, themes, and narrative techniques. The purpose is to introduce students to analyzing different components and techniques in prose writing.
The direct method of teaching English was developed in the early 20th century in response to problems with the grammar-translation method. It focuses on speaking and listening by immersing learners in the target language through the use of realia, visual aids, demonstrations, and repetitive teaching methods. Grammar is taught inductively, and the teacher corrects mistakes to reinforce correct pronunciation and speaking.
The Grammar-Translation method is a traditional method for teaching foreign languages that uses translation and grammar rules as the core activities. It originated in the late 19th/early 20th centuries for teaching Latin and Greek. Key features include using the native language for instruction, memorizing vocabulary lists and grammar rules, translating texts word-for-word, and focusing on the form and structure of language over communication. While easiest for teachers and least stressful for students, it is ineffective for teaching communication skills and comprehension.
Direct Method (DM) of Language TeachingAyesha Bashir
Direct Method (DM) method is language teaching method. Through this method students are directly taught with target language without using native language.
The Grammar Translation method was used in the 18th-19th centuries to teach classical languages like Latin and Greek. It focused on reading comprehension and writing skills through translation exercises, grammar rules, vocabulary memorization, and little speaking practice. The goal was to read literature in the target language, not develop communication skills. Classes were taught entirely in the student's native language.
The document describes the Grammar-Translation method of foreign language teaching. Some key points:
1. It was commonly used from the 1840s-1940s and focuses on reading/writing over speaking/listening.
2. Grammar rules are explicitly taught and practiced through translation exercises.
3. Students analyze passages and translate between the target language and their native language.
The Grammar Translation Method focuses on learning grammar rules and their application to translation exercises between the target and native languages. Vocabulary is taught through direct translation of word lists. Little active use is made of the target language in class. Reading and writing skills are emphasized over speaking and listening. Accuracy is prioritized over fluency.
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This paper entitled pychology analyze in the short story A
rose for emily by william faulkner. This paper contains of
summary of the story and extrinsic aspect. While extrinsic
aspect is psychologycal of the character Emily.
William Faulkner
The man himself never stood taller than five feet, six inches tall, but in the realm of American literature, William Faulkner is a giant. More than simply a renowned Mississippi writer, the Nobel
Prize-winning novelist and short story writer is acclaimed throughout the world as one of the twentieth centurys greatest writers, one who transformed his postage stamp of native soil into
an apocryphal setting in which he explored, articulated, and challenged the old verities and truths of the heart. During what is generally considered his period of greatest artistic achievement,
from The Sound and the Fury in 1929 to Go Down, Moses in 1942, Faulkner accomplished in a little over a decade more artistically than most writers accomplish over a lifetime of writing. It is
one of the more remarkable feats of American literature, how a young man who never graduated from high school, never received a college degree, living in a small town in the poorest state in
the nation, all the while balancing a growing family of dependents and impending financial ruin, could during the Great Depression write a series of novels all set in the same small Southern
county novels that include As I Lay Dying, Light in August, and above all, Absalom, Absalom! that would one day be recognized as among the greatest novels ever written by an American.
The Early Years William Cuthbert Falkner (as his name was then spelled) was born on September 25, 1897, in New Albany, Mississippi, the first of four sons born to Murry and Maud Butler
Falkner. He was named after his great-grandfather, William Clark Falkner, the Old Colonel, who had been killed eight years earlier in a duel with his former business partner in the streets of
Ripley, Mississippi. A lawyer, politician, planter, businessman, Civil War colonel, railroad financier, and finally a best-selling writer (of the novel The White Rose of Memphis), the Old Colonel,
even in death, loomed as a larger-than-life model of personal and professional success for his male descendants.
5. SUMMARY Short story of A rose for emily
The story is divided into five sections. In section I, the narrator recalls the time of Emily Griersons death and how the entire town attended her funeral in her home, which no stranger had entered for
more than ten years. In a once-elegant, upscale neighborhood, Emilys house is the last vestige of the grandeur of a lost era. Colonel Sartoris, the towns previous mayor, had suspended Emilys tax
responsibilities to the town after her fathers death, justifying the action by claiming that Mr. Grierson had once lent the community a significant sum. As new town leaders take over, they make
unsuccessful attempts to get Emily to resume payments. When members of the Board of Aldermen pay her a visit, in the dusty and antiquated parlor, Emily reasserts the fact that she is not required to
pay taxes in Jefferson and that the officials should talk to Colonel Sartoris about the matter. However, at that point he has been dead for almost a decade. She asks her servant, Tobe, to show the men out.
In section II, the narrator describes a time thirty years earlier when Emily resists another official inquiry on behalf of the town leaders, when the townspeople detect a powerful odor emanating from
her property. Her father has just died, and Emily has been abandoned by the man whom the townsfolk believed Emily was to marry. As complaints mount, Judge Stevens, the mayor at the time, decides
to have lime sprinkled along the foundation of the Grierson home in the middle of the night. Within a couple of weeks, the odor subsides, but the townspeople begin to pity the increasingly reclusive
Emily, remembering how her great aunt had succumbed to insanity. The townspeople have always believed that the Griersons thought too highly of themselves, with Emilys father driving off the many
suitors deemed not good enough to marry his daughter. With no offer of marriage in sight, Emily is still single by the time she turns thirty.
Emily stands as an emblem of the Old South, a grand lady whose respectability and charm rapidly decline through the years, much like the outdated sensibilities the
Griersons represent. The death of the old social order will prevail, despite many townspeoples attempts to stay true to the old ways.
Emily attempts to exert power over death by denying the fact of death itself. Her bizarre relationship to the dead bodies of the men she has loved her necrophilia is
revealed first when her father dies. Unable to admit that he has died, Emily clings to the controlling paternal figure whose denial and control became the only yet
extreme form of love she knew. She gives up his body only reluctantly. When Homer dies, Emily refuses to acknowledge it once again although this time, she herself
was responsible for bringing about the death. In killing Homer, she was able to keep him near her. However, Homers lifelessness rendered him permanently distant.
Emily and Homers grotesque marriage reveals Emilys disturbing attempt to fuse life and death. However, death ultimately triumphs.
When the town noticed Emily and Homer spending time together, the town frowned upon the union. Emily, in spite of her lack of money, was still revered with old-
fashioned Southern expectations. Homer was a working class fellow, not good enough for Emily by most standards.
Also, that Emily and Homer were dating without any talk of marriage was considered scandalous. The narrator describes Emily as a fallen woman. A fallen woman is
a woman who has been guilty of adultery or sex before marriage. It's an outdated term. This is just an example of how society judged women at this point in history.
The climax of the story takes place in part three, when Emily decides to buy arsenic from the local pharmacy. While she allows the pharmacist to assume it's for
killing rats, there's definitely a red flag here for the reader.
Emily stands as an emblem of the Old South, a grand lady whose respectability and charm rapidly decline through the years, much like the outdated sensibilities the
Griersons represent. The death of the old social order will prevail, despite many townspeoples attempts to stay true to the old ways.
Emily attempts to exert power over death by denying the fact of death itself. Her bizarre relationship to the dead bodies of the men she has loved her necrophilia is
revealed first when her father dies. Unable to admit that he has died, Emily clings to the controlling paternal figure whose denial and control became the only yet
extreme form of love she knew. She gives up his body only reluctantly. When Homer dies, Emily refuses to acknowledge it once again although this time, she herself
was responsible for bringing about the death. In killing Homer, she was able to keep him near her. However, Homers lifelessness rendered him permanently distant.
Emily and Homers grotesque marriage reveals Emilys disturbing attempt to fuse life and death. However, death ultimately triumphs.
When the town noticed Emily and Homer spending time together, the town frowned upon the union. Emily, in spite of her lack of money, was still revered with old-
fashioned Southern expectations. Homer was a working class fellow, not good enough for Emily by most standards.
Also, that Emily and Homer were dating without any talk of marriage was considered scandalous. The narrator describes Emily as a fallen woman. A fallen woman is
a woman who has been guilty of adultery or sex before marriage. It's an outdated term. This is just an example of how society judged women at this point in history.
The climax of the story takes place in part three, when Emily decides to buy arsenic from the local pharmacy. While she allows the pharmacist to assume it's for
killing rats, there's definitely a red flag here for the reader.