This document contains 3 student submissions for different courses:
1) A report on racism experiences including choosing restaurants and school seating by race.
2) An analysis of a mother's purchasing decision influenced by a small price change, demonstrating heuristic thinking.
3) A personal example of motivation to study for an important exam to earn a trip, leading to academic success.
The Choose Respect Healthy Relationships Final Assessment includes Notes on the Materials used in the Choose Respect unit. The goal of the final task is to demonstrate understanding by answering five questions about healthy vs. unhealthy relationships. Students have a choice of presenting this information in any of the following formats:
1. A booklet ("Choose Respect")
2. An advice column ("Dear Teens"), or
3. An essay ("Healthy Relationships").
Bullies are often acting on instructions from authority figures and should not solely be blamed for their harmful actions. Research shows that children are taught to obey authority even when instructions are morally wrong. Bullies frequently come from environments where violence is modeled and accepted as a way to get what you want. Rather than dehumanizing bullies, it is important to examine where their behaviors stem from and what can be done to help change their self-concept and relationship with the world. Both victims and bullies need guidance, as bullies are also victims in many cases and must be part of the solution through education on healthy coping mechanisms and being given real choices.
The document discusses signs of healthy and unhealthy relationships. It provides tips for maintaining healthy relationships, including open communication, respect, trust, and balance. Unhealthy relationship signs include criticism, contempt, defensiveness and stonewalling. The document advises being aware of oneself, one's partner, and the relationship to foster balance and make conscious choices.
This document summarizes a student's journal entry for a social psychology course. It includes:
- The student's name, student ID, course details, lecturer name, and submission date.
- A summary of the student's reflections on how social conditioning in their early educational experiences shaped their views and behaviors as a student.
- An analysis of how social perceptions, influences, and interactions formed the basis of their social conditioning.
E1a4 self fulfilling prophecy as an explanation for criminalityAarono1979
This document discusses the concept of self-fulfilling prophecy and how it may help explain criminality. It defines self-fulfilling prophecy as when one's expectations or treatment by others influences their own behavior. For example, if a person is expected or treated as if they will engage in criminal behavior, they may conform to this expectation. The document provides the example of a study by Rosenthal and Jacobsen where teachers' expectations affected students' IQ test performance and achievement. It also discusses a study of birth order names and arrest rates among the Ashanti people of Ghana, which could potentially be explained by self-fulfilling prophecy. However, it notes that self-fulfilling prophecy is difficult to prove as a cause of criminality
Gender stereotypes and dating scripts shape expectations for men's and women's behavior on first dates. These scripts often place women in subordinate roles and emphasize men's aggression. While persistence and approach behaviors can be seen as flattering during courtship, they may become stalking if unwanted. Domestic violence, which disproportionately impacts women, involves physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse used to control a partner. Resources for empowerment are available to help address relationship issues.
1. The document defines several concepts from social psychology including self-fulfilling prophecy, operant conditioning, racism, confirmation bias, and prosocial behavior.
2. It provides examples for each concept, such as how a teacher's expectations can influence student performance through a self-fulfilling prophecy, and how positive or negative reinforcement can shape behavior with operant conditioning.
3. One example shows Tofu helping his friend Fedrick study without the expectation of reward, demonstrating altruistic prosocial behavior.
Opinion and Assertion Detailed Lesson Plan LizaMaeHinayon
1. There are many candidates hoping to replace Rodrigo Duterte as president of the Philippines in the 2022 election, as Duterte is only allowed one six-year term according to the constitution.
2. Political science professor Richard Heydarian says there is no clear frontrunner candidate and the race will be highly competitive.
3. Journalist Maria Ressa criticized Duterte's crackdown on civil society and war on drugs, saying he has left the country in a worse state than when he took office, with weakened institutions.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre las funciones SI y BUSCARV de Excel. La funci坦n SI devuelve un valor u otro dependiendo de si una condici坦n es verdadera o falsa, mientras que la funci坦n BUSCARV busca un valor en una columna y devuelve un valor de la misma fila de otra columna. Ambas funciones aceptan varios argumentos y tienen consideraciones sobre su uso correcto.
Unidad 1 ejercicio crear y guardar un documentoErick Chavarria
This document discusses common mistakes made with plural nouns in English. It explains the differences between countable and uncountable nouns, and how countable nouns typically take an 's' in the plural form while uncountable nouns do not change form. It provides examples of nouns that can be either countable or uncountable depending on meaning. The document also covers nouns that are always plural, nouns ending in 's' that are singular, group nouns, two-part nouns, and exercises for students to practice correcting mistakes with nouns.
Este documento presenta el horario de deberes de junio y julio para el curso de lgebra Lineal del profesor Iv叩n Patricio Sandoval Palis en la carrera de Ingenier鱈a Electr坦nica y Control de la Escuela Polit辿cnica Nacional. Contiene la lista de 34 estudiantes con sus respectivos nombres y apellidos, y las fechas programadas para la entrega de los deberes, que van del 5 de junio al 31 de julio.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para completar una actividad sobre el env鱈o y recepci坦n de mensajes de correo electr坦nico. Se piden respuestas a preguntas sobre los requisitos para enviar un mensaje, servicios de correo electr坦nico conocidos y los elementos de Outlook. Se explican los elementos de dos im叩genes que muestran las opciones y herramientas de Outlook para crear, enviar y administrar correo electr坦nico.
Este documento resume la vida y la muerte desde dos perspectivas. Biol坦gicamente, la vida implica la capacidad de nacer, crecer, reproducirse y eventualmente morir. Para los seres humanos, la vida tambi辿n incluye la acumulaci坦n de experiencias. La muerte biol坦gica es el cese del proceso homeost叩tico de un organismo vivo. Para los humanos, la muerte marca el fin del ciclo vital, aunque algunas culturas creen que es el paso a una nueva vida.
El documento presenta actividades para estudiantes de Lengua Castellana y Ciencias Naturales durante la semana del 8 al 12 de julio. En Lengua Castellana, los estudiantes trabajar叩n en grupos para crear maquetas en alto relieve sobre temas como los reinos animal, vegetal y fung鱈, o sobre sistemas como el digestivo o circulatorio. En Ciencias Naturales, los estudiantes deber叩n responder preguntas sobre diversos temas.
El documento resume las dos partes de la novela Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes. La primera parte, publicada en 1605, presenta a Don Quijote, un hidalgo que decide convertirse en caballero andante despu辿s de leer muchos libros de caballer鱈a. Acompa単ado de su escudero Sancho Panza, Don Quijote tiene varias aventuras imaginarias. La segunda parte, publicada en 1615, contin炭a las aventuras de Don Quijote luego de que es derrotado por el bachiller Sans坦n Carrasco.
ISG is a well-established UK company that has been providing IT connectivity and management services for over 30 years through strategic partnerships. They specialize in delivering wired and wireless network infrastructure and IT connectivity solutions across the UK and Europe for clients in retail, commercial, public sector, and government. ISG has over 200 employees, revenues of around 贈17 million, and experience rapidly deploying and maintaining infrastructure for clients like supermarkets, fashion chains, electronics retailers, and fast food companies.
El documento describe el efecto invernadero como un fen坦meno natural que mantiene la temperatura de la Tierra, pero que se ha intensificado debido al aumento de CO2 de los combustibles f坦siles. Explica que las principales consecuencias incluyen la reducci坦n de glaciares, el aumento del nivel del mar, inundaciones, impactos negativos en la agricultura y la disminuci坦n de recursos h鱈dricos. Tambi辿n ofrece consejos para combatirlo como ahorrar energ鱈a en el hogar y utilizar veh鱈culos m叩s eficientes.
El documento describe c坦mo la electricidad domina el mundo moderno y c坦mo nos sentir鱈amos desconectados si se cortara la luz el辿ctrica. Hoy en d鱈a, gracias a la electricidad, internet, las computadoras y los sat辿lites mantienen conectado al mundo entero y permiten el acceso r叩pido a bancos, empresas, educaci坦n y gobierno. La mayor鱈a de los artefactos que usamos como l叩mparas, computadoras, microondas y m叩s funcionan gracias a la electricidad.
Este documento presenta tres secciones sobre adaptaciones de Don Quijote al cine y otras artes. La primera secci坦n describe la primera pel鱈cula muda de Don Quijote filmada en 1908 en Espa単a. La segunda secci坦n describe una escultura de Don Quijote y Dulcinea en una plaza en Espa単a. La tercera secci坦n habla sobre las ilustraciones de Paul Gustave Dore de las aventuras de Don Quijote en los 1860s.
Ling Sue Er submitted a journal entry summarizing her thoughts on post-decision dissonance. She describes how people often question their decisions after making a choice between equal options. As an example, she discusses her own decision to study Quantity Surveying at Taylor University and the doubts she had, but now feels happy with her choice looking back.
Au Psy492 E Portfolio Template For 際際滷 Share Stevens P.Pptportiaastevens
The document discusses three social structure theories of crime: social disorganization theory, strain theory, and cultural conflict theory. Social disorganization theory proposes that crime results from a breakdown in social integration, as seen with Polish immigrants in the early 1900s who struggled to adapt customs from their homeland. Strain theory maintains that a lack of opportunities leads to crime as an alternative path to success, such as a poor young man selling drugs to support his family. Cultural conflict theory suggests that norms between two cultures can conflict and result in crime when members of one culture enter another, like honor killings practiced in some Middle Eastern cultures that immigrate to the U.S.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
Jennifer Giles is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University. She volunteers facilitating art and domestic violence groups for children. Her goal is to obtain a Master's in Mental Health Counseling to help others gain control over their lives. She discusses how her education and life experiences have helped her develop communication, research, and counseling skills. She plans to continue learning throughout her career to best serve her clients.
Observational learning is a form of social learning where individuals learn behaviors by watching others. The document provides personal experiences of the author learning skills like walking, drawing, driving, and dining etiquette through observing family members and other models. Attribution refers to how people explain behaviors and events, and can be biased. The author shares experiences with attribution biases after failures in sports and exams. Motivation, especially extrinsic motivation, prompts behaviors to achieve goals or receive rewards. The author discusses studying hard for exams motivated by a reward, and cleaning their room to avoid punishment. Social loafing occurs when individual effort decreases in a group, and the author gives examples of loafing when hanging laundry and in a school group project.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre las funciones SI y BUSCARV de Excel. La funci坦n SI devuelve un valor u otro dependiendo de si una condici坦n es verdadera o falsa, mientras que la funci坦n BUSCARV busca un valor en una columna y devuelve un valor de la misma fila de otra columna. Ambas funciones aceptan varios argumentos y tienen consideraciones sobre su uso correcto.
Unidad 1 ejercicio crear y guardar un documentoErick Chavarria
This document discusses common mistakes made with plural nouns in English. It explains the differences between countable and uncountable nouns, and how countable nouns typically take an 's' in the plural form while uncountable nouns do not change form. It provides examples of nouns that can be either countable or uncountable depending on meaning. The document also covers nouns that are always plural, nouns ending in 's' that are singular, group nouns, two-part nouns, and exercises for students to practice correcting mistakes with nouns.
Este documento presenta el horario de deberes de junio y julio para el curso de lgebra Lineal del profesor Iv叩n Patricio Sandoval Palis en la carrera de Ingenier鱈a Electr坦nica y Control de la Escuela Polit辿cnica Nacional. Contiene la lista de 34 estudiantes con sus respectivos nombres y apellidos, y las fechas programadas para la entrega de los deberes, que van del 5 de junio al 31 de julio.
El documento proporciona instrucciones para completar una actividad sobre el env鱈o y recepci坦n de mensajes de correo electr坦nico. Se piden respuestas a preguntas sobre los requisitos para enviar un mensaje, servicios de correo electr坦nico conocidos y los elementos de Outlook. Se explican los elementos de dos im叩genes que muestran las opciones y herramientas de Outlook para crear, enviar y administrar correo electr坦nico.
Este documento resume la vida y la muerte desde dos perspectivas. Biol坦gicamente, la vida implica la capacidad de nacer, crecer, reproducirse y eventualmente morir. Para los seres humanos, la vida tambi辿n incluye la acumulaci坦n de experiencias. La muerte biol坦gica es el cese del proceso homeost叩tico de un organismo vivo. Para los humanos, la muerte marca el fin del ciclo vital, aunque algunas culturas creen que es el paso a una nueva vida.
El documento presenta actividades para estudiantes de Lengua Castellana y Ciencias Naturales durante la semana del 8 al 12 de julio. En Lengua Castellana, los estudiantes trabajar叩n en grupos para crear maquetas en alto relieve sobre temas como los reinos animal, vegetal y fung鱈, o sobre sistemas como el digestivo o circulatorio. En Ciencias Naturales, los estudiantes deber叩n responder preguntas sobre diversos temas.
El documento resume las dos partes de la novela Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes. La primera parte, publicada en 1605, presenta a Don Quijote, un hidalgo que decide convertirse en caballero andante despu辿s de leer muchos libros de caballer鱈a. Acompa単ado de su escudero Sancho Panza, Don Quijote tiene varias aventuras imaginarias. La segunda parte, publicada en 1615, contin炭a las aventuras de Don Quijote luego de que es derrotado por el bachiller Sans坦n Carrasco.
ISG is a well-established UK company that has been providing IT connectivity and management services for over 30 years through strategic partnerships. They specialize in delivering wired and wireless network infrastructure and IT connectivity solutions across the UK and Europe for clients in retail, commercial, public sector, and government. ISG has over 200 employees, revenues of around 贈17 million, and experience rapidly deploying and maintaining infrastructure for clients like supermarkets, fashion chains, electronics retailers, and fast food companies.
El documento describe el efecto invernadero como un fen坦meno natural que mantiene la temperatura de la Tierra, pero que se ha intensificado debido al aumento de CO2 de los combustibles f坦siles. Explica que las principales consecuencias incluyen la reducci坦n de glaciares, el aumento del nivel del mar, inundaciones, impactos negativos en la agricultura y la disminuci坦n de recursos h鱈dricos. Tambi辿n ofrece consejos para combatirlo como ahorrar energ鱈a en el hogar y utilizar veh鱈culos m叩s eficientes.
El documento describe c坦mo la electricidad domina el mundo moderno y c坦mo nos sentir鱈amos desconectados si se cortara la luz el辿ctrica. Hoy en d鱈a, gracias a la electricidad, internet, las computadoras y los sat辿lites mantienen conectado al mundo entero y permiten el acceso r叩pido a bancos, empresas, educaci坦n y gobierno. La mayor鱈a de los artefactos que usamos como l叩mparas, computadoras, microondas y m叩s funcionan gracias a la electricidad.
Este documento presenta tres secciones sobre adaptaciones de Don Quijote al cine y otras artes. La primera secci坦n describe la primera pel鱈cula muda de Don Quijote filmada en 1908 en Espa単a. La segunda secci坦n describe una escultura de Don Quijote y Dulcinea en una plaza en Espa単a. La tercera secci坦n habla sobre las ilustraciones de Paul Gustave Dore de las aventuras de Don Quijote en los 1860s.
Ling Sue Er submitted a journal entry summarizing her thoughts on post-decision dissonance. She describes how people often question their decisions after making a choice between equal options. As an example, she discusses her own decision to study Quantity Surveying at Taylor University and the doubts she had, but now feels happy with her choice looking back.
Au Psy492 E Portfolio Template For 際際滷 Share Stevens P.Pptportiaastevens
The document discusses three social structure theories of crime: social disorganization theory, strain theory, and cultural conflict theory. Social disorganization theory proposes that crime results from a breakdown in social integration, as seen with Polish immigrants in the early 1900s who struggled to adapt customs from their homeland. Strain theory maintains that a lack of opportunities leads to crime as an alternative path to success, such as a poor young man selling drugs to support his family. Cultural conflict theory suggests that norms between two cultures can conflict and result in crime when members of one culture enter another, like honor killings practiced in some Middle Eastern cultures that immigrate to the U.S.
Teresa Wills created an ePortfolio to showcase her education and experience in pursuit of a career in psychology. She earned a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University in 2011. Her life experiences, including an abusive childhood and teenage parenthood, fueled her passion to help others overcome obstacles. She hopes to earn a graduate degree in counseling to become a family and marriage counselor. Her ePortfolio contains examples of her research skills, ethics training, applied psychology work, and interpersonal skills to demonstrate her qualifications for further study.
Jennifer Giles is pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from Argosy University. She volunteers facilitating art and domestic violence groups for children. Her goal is to obtain a Master's in Mental Health Counseling to help others gain control over their lives. She discusses how her education and life experiences have helped her develop communication, research, and counseling skills. She plans to continue learning throughout her career to best serve her clients.
Observational learning is a form of social learning where individuals learn behaviors by watching others. The document provides personal experiences of the author learning skills like walking, drawing, driving, and dining etiquette through observing family members and other models. Attribution refers to how people explain behaviors and events, and can be biased. The author shares experiences with attribution biases after failures in sports and exams. Motivation, especially extrinsic motivation, prompts behaviors to achieve goals or receive rewards. The author discusses studying hard for exams motivated by a reward, and cleaning their room to avoid punishment. Social loafing occurs when individual effort decreases in a group, and the author gives examples of loafing when hanging laundry and in a school group project.
This document contains Shannae Peters' personal statement and reflections from her undergraduate psychology ePortfolio. In her statement, she discusses her background and motivation to earn her degree as the first in her family to do so. She is motivated to provide a positive example for her daughter. Her reflections analyze her strengths and weaknesses based on a self-assessment. She identifies interpersonal skills and diversity awareness as strengths and critical thinking and communication skills as weaknesses. The document includes sections on her research, communication, ethics and diversity awareness skills with examples of her work.
The document contains entries from a psychology journal discussing various concepts learned by the student. It discusses social facilitation and how the presence of others can increase task performance. It also discusses the sociocultural perspective, which views personal development as heavily influenced by social and cultural factors. Self-concept and its components including self-image, self-esteem, and ideal self are described. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the difference between them is explained. The concept of self-fulfilling prophecy and how expectations can influence behaviors and outcomes is summarized. Counterfactual thinking, or imagining how the past could have been different, is also covered.
Tips For Writing A Review Paper. Online assignment writing service.Courtney Davis
The document provides tips for writing a review paper on, an online writing service. It outlines a 5-step process: 1) Create an account; 2) Complete an order form with instructions and deadline; 3) Review writer bids and qualifications and place a deposit; 4) Review the paper and authorize payment; 5) Request revisions to ensure satisfaction. The service promises original, high-quality content with refunds for plagiarism.
1. The document describes a questionnaire completed by the author and friends at a mall about physical and mental health. The author scored higher than friends but still below average.
2. To feel better about the low score, the author used downward social comparison by comparing scores to friends' lower scores, boosting self-esteem.
3. The document also describes choosing a mamak stall over a restaurant due to price. Afterward, the author and friend used cognitive dissonance theory to devalue the unchosen restaurant and emphasize positives of the mamak stall to feel better about their choice.
Microsoft's vision is to help individuals and businesses realize their full potential. Its mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more. The author provides an analysis of these statements and suggests improvements. For the vision, the author recommends including details on the company's target market and direction. For the mission, the author suggests specifying how Microsoft will achieve its vision through rapid innovation. The author also outlines key components of effective vision and mission statements.
Integrated assignment m1 ct1 and bm aug2015jordanlim96
This document provides an assignment brief for a site visit report on the construction of 96 terrace houses and related infrastructure in Sekyen 2A, Antara Gapi, Hulu Selangor, Selangor. Students are required to submit a report by 26 November 2015 that describes the construction process of pad footings based on their site visit. The report should include an introduction of the site, technical observations on how pad footings are constructed and the materials involved, photos and descriptions, and learning outcomes/conclusion. Marks will be given for the introduction, content, photos, and conclusion sections.
This document provides information about two hotels - Hotel Continental in Penang, Malaysia and The 5 Elements Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It discusses the background and founding of each hotel. It then provides a comparative analysis of the competitive environment and traits of each business, noting that both operate in highly competitive markets with many similar competitors. The document analyzes factors like pricing power, barriers to entry, and competitive strategies of each business.
The document provides a financial ratio analysis of Lenovo Company for the years 2012 and 2013. It finds that most profitability ratios improved over this period, such as return on equity and net profit margin, indicating better profitability. However, the general expenses ratio worsened. Most stability ratios also improved, like the working capital ratio, but the debtors turnover ratio increased, meaning it took longer to collect debts. The document recommends not investing in Lenovo shares due to their very high price-earnings ratio of 200, meaning it would take over 200 years for an investor's initial investment to be recouped.
The document provides details of a group assignment to create a video, presentation, and report on social psychology concepts. The group was tasked with incorporating 5 concepts into a story filmed and edited by the students. It then summarizes the story, which follows two friends entering college and one facing racism and peer pressure that damages their friendship until a medical emergency brings reconciliation. The document also outlines the group's methodology, including brainstorming ideas, visualizing scenes, and procuring props and equipment to film the assigned video.
This video explores the impact of racism and prejudice on a friendship between an Indian boy and Chinese boy. As they start college, they are exposed to new people and social dynamics. Some students reject the Indian boy due to racial prejudices. Influenced by others' views, the Chinese boy stops associating with his longtime Indian friend, putting their friendship in jeopardy and demonstrating how racism can negatively affect relationships.
The document summarizes a comic about a young girl living in a war-torn country who is left to fend for herself and must take extraordinary measures to survive. It explores various psychological concepts demonstrated in the comic, including the girl forming negative schemas of the enemy based on her experiences, her decision to steal food being driven by the basic instinct of survival, others not helping her due to a cost-benefit analysis determining the costs were too high, the commander wanting to use her public execution to incite fear in others as a deterrent, and the commander dispositionally attributing her actions to her character rather than the external factors of hunger.
The group conducted a charity drive event to raise funds for Rumah Seri Kenangan Cheras, an organization providing care to homeless seniors. They aimed to raise RM2500 by selling products and obtaining sponsorships and donations. Products included Dota 2 t-shirts, plain t-shirts, and necklaces targeted towards Taylor's University students aged 18-25. There was competition from similar products sold on campus. Through promotion and competitive pricing, the group was able to hit their fundraising target, selling all t-shirts within a few days due to positive customer feedback on quality. They evaluated the event as successful in achieving their goals through effective planning, communication, and execution of their marketing and operations strategies.
1) The document is an assignment presentation on mural art located in Penang and Klang Valley-Shah Alam.
2) It describes 4 pieces of mural art - "Win Win Situation" depicting a sculpture in Penang, "Retail Paradise" showing a street in Penang, "Portrait" painting Ramli Sarip in Shah Alam, and "Malaysia's Paradise" depicting beaches.
3) For each mural, it provides background on the artist and location, as well as concepts from effective public communication used like nonverbal communication and first impressions.
The document summarizes information about two hotels - Hotel Continental in Penang, Malaysia and The 5 Elements Hotel in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Both hotels operate in a monopolistically competitive market and face strong competition. Hotel Continental was founded earlier in 1969, has more employees and rooms, and sees higher occupancy during peak seasons compared to The 5 Elements Hotel. Recommendations are provided for each hotel to improve marketing, facilities, services and competitiveness.
This document appears to be a report submitted by a group of 8 students for their English course. The report analyzes and compares two hotel businesses - Hotel Continental in Penang and The 5 Elements Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. It provides background information on each hotel, including their founding, facilities, customers, and competitive environment. It then conducts a comparative analysis of the competitive traits of the two businesses. The report aims to discuss the hotel industry, profiles of the two selected businesses, and provide recommendations for them.
STUDENT ID NO: 0320028
2. Racism consists of several different and often related ideologies centered around
the concept of race. Modern variants are often based in social perceptions of biological
differences between peoples. These can take the form of social actions, practices or beliefs,
or political systems that consider different races to be ranked as inherently superior or
inferior to each other, based on presumed shared inheritable traits, abilities, or qualities. It
may also hold that members of different races should be treated differently. In real life, my
true experience is when me and my friends hanging out and for some food at mamak. My
friends decide the location to eat by the amount of chinese in the mamak. My friend rather
choose the mamak shop with full of chinese over the mamak with full of indian. In this case, I
fell that this is kind of racism happened with it. Next, my other experience is from my friend
Kumar. He is a chindian which chinese mixed with indian. He knew how to speak mandarin
and tamil. One day, he was taking his lunch at the school canteen. He decided to sit with his
indian friends but the reaction of the indian friends after he came and sat together was silent.
From this reaction, I can see that racism was happened. Besides that, racism also happened in
Taylor University. Example likes Malay seat with Malay, Chinese seat with Chinese , Indian seat with
Indian. For me, I just like to sit with my friends who are Chinese.
3. A heuristic technique, sometimes called simply a heuristic, is any approach to problem
solving, learning, or discovery that employs a practical methodology not guaranteed to be optimal
or perfect, but sufficient for the immediate goals. Where finding an optimal solution is impossible
or impractical, heuristic methods can be used to speed up the process of finding a satisfactory
solution. Heuristics can be mental shortcuts that ease the cognitive load of making a decision.
Examples of this method include using a rule of thumb, an educated guess, an intuitive judgment,
stereotyping, profiling, or common sense. More precisely, heuristics are strategies using readily
accessible, though loosely applicable, information to control problem solving in human beings
and my experience, one day me and my mother was shopping at tesco. I realise that
the price of rice was RM30 per pack and my mother dont want to buy it. But this time, the price
of the rice per pack is rm29.99 and my mother decided to buy it. The farming of heuristic is the
small changes of the price, the huge changes of the demand of the buyer.
4. Motivation is literally the desire to do things. It's the difference between waking up
before dawn to pound the pavement and lazing around the house all day. It's the crucial
element in setting and attaining goalsand research shows you can influence your own
levels of motivation and self-control. So figure out what you want, power through the pain
period, and start being who you want to be. In year 2013, I was facing an exam which is
SMP when I was form 5. That exam was one of the toughest exam in my entire life and that
exam was the key for my future. My parents and family member did encourage me for the
exam and I was very stress too. Therefore, my parents promised me that if I get a flying
colour result, we will travel to Korea during the holiday. In that situation, that trip motivated
me to another level which I keep on study and boost up myself to get off the laziness. Finally,
I finished my exam and get a wonderful result for my parents and myself. I was able to
choose my course in Taylors University with my result. With that motivation level, I can
achieve anything I want to.
5. In psychology, a first impression is the event when one person first encounters
another person and forms a mental image of that person. Impression accuracy varies
depending on the observer and the target (person, object, scene, etc.) being observed. First
impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics: age, race, culture, language,
gender, physical appearance, accent, posture, voice, number of people present,
and time allowed to process. The first impressions individuals give to others could greatly
influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life. Using the
repeated Trust Game, we investigated how first impressions and experience affect trusting
dispositions, beliefs, and behaviors. As in previous research, trusting beliefs and trust-
related behaviors were greater at the start of the game for partners with trustworthy faces;
and higher later in the game for partners who reciprocated. Three additional findings
extended beyond the previous research. First, by measuring the discrete components of
trusting beliefs rather than an umbrella trustworthiness measure, we confirmed that first
impressions and experience influence judgments of competence, benevolence, and integrity.
Moreover, we found suggestive evidence that perceptions of benevolence and integrity
updated more quickly with experience than perceptions of competence. Second, by looking
at trusting beliefs at the start of two consecutive repeated Trust Games, we found that
judgments of competence, benevolence, and integrity continue to be influenced by
trustworthy facial appearances, even after previous beliefs based on facial appearances
were disconfirmed. Third, we found increased investment with a partner at the start of a
second repeated Trust Game, even when participants expected their partners to betray them.
Overall, our results clarify our understanding of how first impressions and experience
influence trusting beliefs; provides evidence that changes in the repeated Trust Game
represents learning about a specific partner rather than revisions of trusting dispositions; and
highlights important distinctions between trusting beliefs and trust-related behaviors.
6. Self concept is an important term for both social psychology and humanism. This is the
most basic part of the self-scheme or self-concept; the sense of being separate and distinct
from others and the awareness of the constancy of the self. In my research, I learned to
how to see myself and how I value myself. Everyday when I wake up in the morning and
face to the mirror, imperfection, laziness, madness and this is how I see myself everyday.
Normally, I woke up in the early morning and went to Taylor University for study, then back
home when the classes were finished that day. Once I arrived my house,I will seat in front of
my computer and continues playing my online game. This action will last longer and reapeat
and repeat. Beside my weakness,I found out that I have some activenesstoo.For example,I
like to play badminton, football and attractive exercisestoo. . Change the weakness, maintain
the fortes, focus on a goal, future life will be success automatically.