Op邸te osobine ptica-spolja邸nja graa (krila, perje, kljun), unutra邸nja graa (skelet, sistem za varenje, disanje, izluivnaje, krvotok, nervni sistem i ula, razmno転avanje), prilagoenosti na letenje
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Ova prezentacija je mnogo vi邸e od obine prezentacije na koje smo inae navikli kada se spomene PowerPoint.
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Mno邸to interaktivnih sadr転aja, fotografija, pitalica, video materijala odve邸e vas u neverovatni svet visina koje mogu dosegnuti samo one-PTICE!
Kako biste prezenaciju koristili kao softver preuzmite ju na svoj raunar.
- Birds evolved from reptiles and Archaeopteryx possessed both reptilian and avian features. Key avian traits include feathers, hollow lightweight bones, beaks, endothermy, and amniotic eggs.
- Birds have highly specialized organ systems for flight including strong heart and respiratory systems. Their feathers provide insulation and flight abilities.
- There are many orders of birds with varied traits like waterfowl that are aquatic, owls with keen vision and hearing, and songbirds that communicate through song.
This document summarizes key features of birds. It discusses their body parts like wings, feathers, beaks and feet. It explains that birds come in different types and have adapted features like beak shape and foot structure based on their diet and habitat. The document also covers birds' abilities like flight, sounds they make, nesting and migration behaviors.
Birds have several key features that help them survive and thrive. They have wings that allow most birds to fly, lightweight hollow bones, and claws and feet adapted for their environments and diets. Birds also have beaks suited to their food sources - some have crushing beaks, others curved or probing beaks. Their bodies are streamlined for flight and many have specialized leg and foot structures for swimming, wading, or perching.
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