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The Pulley
by George Herbert
Dr. Vipul V. Kapoor
(YouTube Channel: Study Lovers by Dr. Vipul V. Kapoor)
George Herbert (1593-1633) was a religious and
metaphysical poet. He is known for his pure and subtle use
of language. Coleridge wrote of Herbert's diction that
Nothing can be more pure, manly, or unaffected.
The Pulley is a poem about the restlessness of human
nature. Here, the poet has used a metaphor to compare the
busy life of man with the pulley. It is written in four stanzas
of five lines each.
爐爐鉦ぐ爛 爐伍ぞ爐爐鉦え 爐爐爐鉦え爛 爐爛 爐爐謹爐 爐爐逗じ爐爛爐 爐踱
爐萎じ爛爐伍 爐爐 爐爐萎爛 爐項爐む 爐項
First Stanza
When God at first made man,
Having a glass of blessings standing by,
Let us, said he, pour on him all we can.
Let the worlds riches, which dispers竪d lie,
Contract into a span.
When God made human beings, he thought to gift
him all richness of the world which was dispersed. He
wanted to pour a glass full of all his blessings.
Second Stanza
So strength first made a way;
Then beauty flowed, then wisdom, honour, pleasure.
When almost all was out, God made a stay,
Perceiving that, alone of all his treasure,
Rest in the bottom lay.
So God gifted man strength first and then beauty, wisdom,
honour, and pleasure. But when everything was given, God
retained one thing and that was rest which lied at the
bottom of the glass of blessings.
Third Stanza
For if I should, said he,
Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
He would adore my gifts instead of me,
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature;
So both should losers be.
The God thought that if I gift this rest too, he will become the
slave of all his gifts. He will never remember me.
Hence, we (the God and the man) both will be the losers.
Fourth Stanza
Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness;
Let him be rich and weary, that at least,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to my breast.
Then, the God showed his kindness and thought that he
would give rest only to those people
who work restlessly.
The God thought that let the man be rich but I will always
keep him weary (tired), so that this weariness will lead him
towards me.
Theme of the Poem
God has given us everything, richness, power, honour,
beauty, wisdom and what not? But God thinks twice before
giving us rest. Rest is given only to those who work
Form of the Poem
The poem a four-stanza poem divided into quintains
(groups of five lines).
The rhyme scheme used in the first three stanzas of the
poem is ababa while that of the fourth stanza is abcba.
Poetic Devices
 Personification: The qualities like wisdom, strength, honour
etc. are presented as living as the poet mentions them as
entering into human existence.
 Alliteration: Let and Lie (line No. 4), both and be
(line No. 15)
 Metaphor: Pulley stands for restless nature of human
 Imagery: Glass of Blessings

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  • 1. The Pulley by George Herbert Dr. Vipul V. Kapoor (YouTube Channel: Study Lovers by Dr. Vipul V. Kapoor)
  • 2. Introduction George Herbert (1593-1633) was a religious and metaphysical poet. He is known for his pure and subtle use of language. Coleridge wrote of Herbert's diction that Nothing can be more pure, manly, or unaffected. The Pulley is a poem about the restlessness of human nature. Here, the poet has used a metaphor to compare the busy life of man with the pulley. It is written in four stanzas of five lines each.
  • 3. 爐爐鉦ぐ爛 爐伍ぞ爐爐鉦え 爐爐爐鉦え爛 爐爛 爐爐謹爐 爐爐逗じ爐爛爐 爐踱 爐萎じ爛爐伍 爐爐 爐爐萎爛 爐項爐む 爐項
  • 4. First Stanza When God at first made man, Having a glass of blessings standing by, Let us, said he, pour on him all we can. Let the worlds riches, which dispers竪d lie, Contract into a span. When God made human beings, he thought to gift him all richness of the world which was dispersed. He wanted to pour a glass full of all his blessings.
  • 5. Second Stanza So strength first made a way; Then beauty flowed, then wisdom, honour, pleasure. When almost all was out, God made a stay, Perceiving that, alone of all his treasure, Rest in the bottom lay. So God gifted man strength first and then beauty, wisdom, honour, and pleasure. But when everything was given, God retained one thing and that was rest which lied at the bottom of the glass of blessings.
  • 6. Third Stanza For if I should, said he, Bestow this jewel also on my creature, He would adore my gifts instead of me, And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature; So both should losers be. The God thought that if I gift this rest too, he will become the slave of all his gifts. He will never remember me. Hence, we (the God and the man) both will be the losers.
  • 7. Fourth Stanza Yet let him keep the rest, But keep them with repining restlessness; Let him be rich and weary, that at least, If goodness lead him not, yet weariness May toss him to my breast. Then, the God showed his kindness and thought that he would give rest only to those people who work restlessly. The God thought that let the man be rich but I will always keep him weary (tired), so that this weariness will lead him towards me.
  • 8. Theme of the Poem God has given us everything, richness, power, honour, beauty, wisdom and what not? But God thinks twice before giving us rest. Rest is given only to those who work restlessly.
  • 9. Form of the Poem The poem a four-stanza poem divided into quintains (groups of five lines). The rhyme scheme used in the first three stanzas of the poem is ababa while that of the fourth stanza is abcba.
  • 10. Poetic Devices Personification: The qualities like wisdom, strength, honour etc. are presented as living as the poet mentions them as entering into human existence. Alliteration: Let and Lie (line No. 4), both and be (line No. 15) Metaphor: Pulley stands for restless nature of human beings. Imagery: Glass of Blessings