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Pump em up: Sending Sixth Former
to University with the Right Study
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
息 Viktor Rosenfield
used under Creative
Attribution Non-
Commercial Licence
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future
(11th January 2008). JISC.
How far have we come in 7 years?
 [students] apparent facility with computers disguises some worrying
 speed of web searching means that little time is spent evaluating
information either for relevance, accuracy or authority
 [students] exhibit a strong preference for natural language searching
rather than analysing which key words might be more effective
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future
(11th January 2008). JISC.
How far have we come in 7 years?
 young people find it difficult to access the relevance of the materials
presented and often print off pages with no more than a perfunctory
glance at them
Are these still the behaviours of todays students?
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Our Experience
August 2011 What we found
Information Seeking Behaviours:
 Daunted by full texts
 Lacked strategies to navigate and evaluate texts
 Everythings on Google
 Lacked understanding of their own behaviours and how they could be
 Unwilling to ask for help
 Shallow, iterative approach to web searching
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Our Experience
What weve done
Involving tutors
 INSET training on electronic resources and study skills
 Banned photocopy boxes and other secondary sources
 Just in time study skills sessions for coursework, projects and EPQ
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Our Experience
What weve done
Training Students
 Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions
 Self help tools  leaflets and guidance
 Assessment questionnaires and activities
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions
 Assembly style mass instruction
 Chalk and talk sessions in small groups
 Interactive sessions delivered in LRC
 Tutorial activities written by LRC staff but delivered by
 Self directed learning
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions
 Interactive sessions delivered in LRC
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Self directed learning
Leaflets and guidance
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
The big idea:
An attempt at designing a research led study skills programme
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
When I search for information I only use Google
 Discuss the filter bubble problem in relation to academic research
 Look at Boolean searching
 Effectively searching databases
 Webquests and Internet treasure hunts
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Gamifying Study Skills
Achievement Generator http://x360ag.com/
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Gamifying Study Skills
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Im confident that I find the best available information when I search
 Anatomy of a URL
 Databases vs search engines
 Books v Scholar
 Print resources  authority
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
I know which words most search engines ignore
 Stop words
 Reliance on natural language strings  noise?
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
I know the difference between the open and hidden web
 What search engines dont index
 BL Catalogue/COPAC
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
I only use electronic resources to find information
 Is everything available digitally?
 Is it all searchable?
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
I know when information is biased
Perceived authority
~ in .ac.uk and .edu
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
I understand what plagiarism is
 Whole school gathering (assembly)
 Academic honesty and referencing sessions on demand
 Always available referencing clinics
 Support for Zotero and Word functions. Future support for Ref Me
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Future developments
 Too late by the time we get to them  needs to start in primary school
 Tutorial staff still not confident in many areas  training and support
 Consistency  Harvard? APA? Chicago?  mirrors university experience
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
Future developments
 Too late by the time we get to them  needs to start in primary school
 Tutorial staff still not confident in many areas  training and support
 Consistency  Harvard? APA? Chicago?  mirrors university experience
Carl Cross
LRC Manager
Tamworth Sixth Form
01827 301820

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Pump em up aston

  • 1. Pump em up: Sending Sixth Former to University with the Right Study Skills Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form 息 Viktor Rosenfield used under Creative Commons Attribution Non- Commercial Licence www.flickr.com
  • 2. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Digital Native Uncritical Google Generation Google dependent
  • 4. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future (11th January 2008). JISC. How far have we come in 7 years? [students] apparent facility with computers disguises some worrying problems speed of web searching means that little time is spent evaluating information either for relevance, accuracy or authority [students] exhibit a strong preference for natural language searching rather than analysing which key words might be more effective
  • 5. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Information Behaviour of the Researcher of the Future (11th January 2008). JISC. How far have we come in 7 years? young people find it difficult to access the relevance of the materials presented and often print off pages with no more than a perfunctory glance at them Are these still the behaviours of todays students?
  • 6. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Our Experience August 2011 What we found Information Seeking Behaviours: Daunted by full texts Lacked strategies to navigate and evaluate texts Everythings on Google Lacked understanding of their own behaviours and how they could be improved Unwilling to ask for help Shallow, iterative approach to web searching
  • 7. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Our Experience What weve done Involving tutors INSET training on electronic resources and study skills Banned photocopy boxes and other secondary sources Just in time study skills sessions for coursework, projects and EPQ
  • 8. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Our Experience What weve done Training Students Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions Self help tools leaflets and guidance Screencasts Assessment questionnaires and activities
  • 9. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions Approaches Assembly style mass instruction Chalk and talk sessions in small groups Interactive sessions delivered in LRC Tutorial activities written by LRC staff but delivered by tutors Self directed learning
  • 10. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Study Skills/Learning to Learn sessions Interactive sessions delivered in LRC
  • 11. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Self directed learning Screencasts Leaflets and guidance
  • 12. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form The big idea: An attempt at designing a research led study skills programme
  • 14. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form When I search for information I only use Google Discuss the filter bubble problem in relation to academic research Look at Boolean searching Effectively searching databases Webquests and Internet treasure hunts
  • 15. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Gamifying Study Skills Achievement Generator http://x360ag.com/
  • 16. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Gamifying Study Skills Zerg Rush!
  • 18. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Im confident that I find the best available information when I search online Anatomy of a URL Databases vs search engines Books v Scholar Print resources authority
  • 20. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form I know which words most search engines ignore Stop words Keywords Reliance on natural language strings noise?
  • 22. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form I know the difference between the open and hidden web What search engines dont index BL Catalogue/COPAC
  • 24. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form I only use electronic resources to find information Is everything available digitally? Is it all searchable?
  • 26. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form I know when information is biased Perceived authority ~ in .ac.uk and .edu
  • 29. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form I understand what plagiarism is Whole school gathering (assembly) Academic honesty and referencing sessions on demand Always available referencing clinics Support for Zotero and Word functions. Future support for Ref Me
  • 30. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Future developments Too late by the time we get to them needs to start in primary school Tutorial staff still not confident in many areas training and support Consistency Harvard? APA? Chicago? mirrors university experience
  • 31. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form Future developments Too late by the time we get to them needs to start in primary school Tutorial staff still not confident in many areas training and support Consistency Harvard? APA? Chicago? mirrors university experience
  • 32. Carl Cross LRC Manager Tamworth Sixth Form ccross@lfatsf.org.uk http://www.lfatsf.org.uk/ 01827 301820