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What¡¯s the difference between learning
   online and learning in person?
What¡¯s the difference between learning
   online and learning in person?
What¡¯s the difference between learning
   online and learning in person?
Location! Location! Location!
Location! Location! Location!
Formal Learning
Formal Learning
Takes place in a classroom, either in person or online
Informal Learning
Informal Learning
The unofficial, unscheduled, impromptu way people learn to do
their jobs.
 -Jay Cross
One¡¯s knowledge concerning one¡¯s own cognitive processes or
anything related to them
 - J.H. Flavell
Describes how adults learn, which is different from how children
learn (pedagogy).
 - Malcolm Knowles
- Am I comfortable with my
  learning environment?
- Am I comfortable with my
  learning environment?

- Can I connect this to my
  peers and my job?
- Am I comfortable with my
  learning environment?

- Can I connect this to my
  peers and my job?

- Do I call the shots?
Course Management System
Course Management System
In its simplest form: a tracking system
Course Management System
Attempts to re-create the formal classroom experience in an online
Course Management System
Lacks space for students to engage in informal learning
Purlieu introduction no-audio
Why do CMS lack space for students to engage in
informal learning?
Trapped in the shell
Trapped in the shell
Individual Courses
 - Content does not transfer
   across courses
Trapped in the shell
Individual Courses
 - Content does not transfer
   across courses

 - Stifled by formality
Trapped in the shell
Individual Courses
 - Content does not transfer
   across courses

 - Stifled by formality

Intentionally Hierarchical
 - Requires extra effort from
 - Inhibits peer learning
Purlieu introduction no-audio
What would an informal learning environment look like?
What would an informal learning environment look like?
What would an informal learning environment look like?
Purlieu introduction no-audio
How can we combine formal and informal learning
environments in the same space?
Purlieu introduction no-audio
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
A place where a person has the right to come and go freely, or has
control; a person's usual haunts or bounds
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Open Source
 - Best of breed F/OSS
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Open Source
 - Best of breed F/OSS

Seamless Integration
 - Consistent user interface
   across multiple applications
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
      My Courses Dashboard
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
      My Courses Dashboard

Social Networking
      Community and ePortfolio
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
       My Courses Dashboard

Social Networking
       Community and ePortfolio

Program Resources
     Marketing and Communications
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
       My Courses Dashboard

Social Networking
       Community and ePortfolio

Program Resources
     Marketing and Communications

Media Integration
       Media Management and
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
       My Courses Dashboard

Social Networking
       Community and ePortfolio

Program Resources
     Marketing and Communications

Media Integration
       Media Management and
Purlieu, n. (p?r¡¯loo)
Course Management
       My Courses Dashboard

Social Networking
       Community and ePortfolio

Program Resources
     Marketing and Communications

Media Integration
       Media Management and
What¡¯s the difference between learning
   online and learning in person?
What¡¯s the difference between learning
   online and learning in person?
Hopefully not as much as there has been in the past
Any questions?

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Editor's Notes

  • #2: \n
  • #3: \n
  • #4: \n
  • #5: \n
  • #6: It’s pretty obvious the reason most start an online program because they CAN’T be on campus\n\nHowever, there is something to be said about missing out on opportunities to connect with your peers and faculty in an informal setting\n\nBefore going any further, we need to understand some definitions\n
  • #7: Generally involves students working toward a degree or certificate program\n
  • #8: Happens at the watercooler\nOver lunch or coffee\nIn the hallway on the way to class\nDuring a presentation by a colleague\n
  • #9: \n
  • #10: Most students in online programs are adults\n\nMajor tenets of andragogy are...\n
  • #11: \n
  • #12: \n
  • #13: \n
  • #14: \n
  • #15: \n
  • #16: \n
  • #17: Allows teachers to post content and communicate with students\nAllows students to view resources, submit assignments, and communicate with peers and teachers\nAllows administrators to offer support\n
  • #18: \n
  • #19: \n
  • #20: \n
  • #21: \n
  • #22: \n
  • #23: \n
  • #24: \n
  • #25: Interestingly, we learn from all sorts of media. These are all examples of tools that allow people to learn in new and different ways. \n\nIf you think about it, they all also work well for adult learners in that they are all: easy to use - competence; they allow people to relate to others and their interests - relatedness; and they allow people to choose how, when, where, and what they want to learn - autonomy \n
  • #26: \n
  • #27: \n
  • #28: \n
  • #29: \n
  • #30: \n
  • #31: \n
  • #32: \n
  • #33: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #34: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #35: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #36: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #37: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #38: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #39: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #40: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #41: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #42: Purlieu is a complete package for online program support, marketing, and retention \n
  • #43: \n
  • #44: \n
  • #45: \n