This document provides an overview of a 2-week series called "Living The Blessed Life" taught by David Thompson. Week 1 focuses on Lordship and Generosity, while Week 2 covers Practical Stewardship and Generosity. The document discusses biblical principles of generosity, including that we are stewards not owners of what God provides. It encourages tithing as a starting point and promises God will bless the generous. The final week will share a story called "Miracle in Franklin" and discuss practical application.
What Does The Bible Say About Christian Giving?
Is Tithing For The Church?
Answering Questions About Christian Giving
Christian Giving, Tithing, Tithes, Tithe, Gifts
This document discusses Christian giving and whether tithing is prescribed for the church. It examines what the Old and New Testaments say about tithing. While tithing was a requirement in the Old Testament, totaling 23-30% of produce and animals, the New Testament does not explicitly command or mention tithing for Christians. The document cautions against putting Christians under the law and emphasizes that following Christ costs everything, not just 10%. It summarizes that the New Testament teaches Christians to generously give according to their means to support ministry and help those in need.
The document discusses tithing according to God's word from Malachi 3:8. It explains that tithes are 10% of one's increase as commanded by God, while offerings are given voluntarily based on how God has prospered someone. It warns that failing to tithe properly results in curses, while obeying God in tithing opens the windows of heaven to pour out blessings. It emphasizes tithing each week and being faithful in bringing the full 10% tithe to God's storehouse.
The document discusses tithing in the New Testament. It examines passages that directly reference tithing, including Matthew 23:23, Luke 18:9-14, and Hebrews 7:1-10. For each passage, the document analyzes the context and intent, and concludes that none of these passages command tithing for Christians or have tithing as their primary subject. The document finds that while tithing is mentioned in some contexts, these passages alone do not provide a basis for requiring tithing under the New Covenant.
The document discusses the history and practice of tithing. It notes that many ancient countries had a form of tithing as a tax. Tithing is first mentioned in the Bible with Abraham and was later commanded under Mosaic law, though the Israelites sometimes neglected it. In Jesus' time it had become a legalistic ritual. The New Testament does not command Christians to give 10% and early Christians saw tithing as part of the Old Covenant. For Christians, giving should be motivated by love rather than law and done joyfully according to what one has received from God.
The document discusses biblical principles of financial prosperity through giving. It teaches that to experience greater blessings, one must progress from tithing (giving 10%) to love offerings (giving from the 90% share) to sacrificial giving beyond one's ability. Those who only tithe are described as lukewarm, while those who give sacrificially experience God's abundant blessings and become very hot in their love for God.
A Message by Pastor Luke Lepago
International Bible Baptist Church Bangkok, Thailand
152 Intharaphithak Road ], Soi 1, Bangyeerua, Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand
Contact Numbers: +66846529839, +6670453402
The document discusses various perspectives on leaving inheritances to children from religious texts and prominent figures. It cautions that large inheritances can destroy ambition and virtue in children. Instead, parents are encouraged to leave children with moral character and skills rather than just money and wealth. The document also provides advice on training children to be good stewards of money and generous givers.
2 Corinthians 9, Christian Giving, Tithing, men de, grace charis, Tithes, Tit...Valley Bible Fellowship
What Does The Bible Say About Christian Giving?
Is Tithing For The Church?
Dont Slip Back Under The Law!
Following Christ costs everything!
grace charis, men de, Tithes, Tithe, Gifts
This Sunday school lesson discusses the biblical principle of tithing. It teaches that:
1. As children of God, believers should have faith that God will provide for them since he is their rich heavenly father.
2. The lesson outlines God's steps to financial prosperity, which includes getting a job, working hard, and sharing profits with God through tithing 10% of one's income.
3. Tithing is commanded in the Bible and brings God's blessings, while not tithing brings his curse. Christians should follow Jesus' example of giving tithes since he fulfilled the law.
The document discusses principles for Christians regarding their collection and giving. It outlines that Christians should set aside part of their finances every week to support the church and those in need. Christians should give willingly according to their means and show the proof of their love through generous giving. God loves cheerful, liberal givers who give purposefully without reluctance.
The document discusses biblical passages about eternal rewards for believers. It notes that believers will be rewarded according to their works and faithfulness to God. There will be different levels of reward in heaven based on how believers lived on earth, including crowns for overcoming trials and making disciples. The rewards will far outweigh any suffering endured for Christ and motivate Christians to serve wholeheartedly.
This document discusses the origin, intent, extent, demands, hope, price, and response of God's grace according to scripture passages. God is the source of grace which brings salvation for all people. Grace teaches believers to reject sinful desires and live righteously as they await Christ's return. Grace cost God dearly through the sacrifice of Jesus to redeem believers and make them devoted to good works.
The document discusses perspectives on helping the poor from religious texts and figures. It provides numerous biblical passages about showing mercy and generosity to the poor, needy, widows, and orphans. It also discusses how the early church supported believers in need and cared for the poor. However, it cautions that assistance should not enable laziness and that the able-bodied poor should work to meet their own needs when possible.
The document discusses what the Bible says about tithing by examining stories from the Old and New Testaments. It finds that tithing was a practice in the Old Testament but was not a command and did not necessarily mean 10% of income. In the New Testament, there is no command for Christians to tithe but they are encouraged to generously share their resources with others, including church leaders, other believers, and those in need. The conclusion is that Christians are not bound by the law of tithing but their love and freedom may prompt giving of more than 10%.
The document discusses biblical perspectives on money, possessions, and generosity. It provides several "keys" or principles: 1) God owns everything and we are merely stewards of what he provides. 2) Where we put our money reveals where our heart is and determines where it will go. 3) Heaven, not earth, is our true home. 4) We should live not just for short-term pleasures but with an eye to eternal rewards. 5) Giving is the only remedy for materialism and selfish desires. 6) God blesses our generosity not to raise our standard of living but to increase our standard of giving.
The document discusses the concept of giving and generosity from a Christian perspective. It argues that true giving comes from understanding God's grace, and that Christians should excel in giving just as they excel in other areas of life. The document encourages readers to consider how they can increase their giving and make it a priority before the end of their lives.
This document contains notes from a Sunday school lesson on Philippians 3:20-21 about citizenship in heaven and the transformation of the body. It discusses the order of end times events including the rapture, glorification of believers, and the Bema Seat judgment. Believers will be rewarded for their works, deeds, and faithfulness on earth at the Bema Seat. Both rewards and losses are possible depending on one's obedience to God and good works done in His name. Works done with the right motives please God and lead to eternal rewards, though salvation is by grace alone.
A lesson from Practical Christian Living, Diploma in Ministry Essentials program on financial giving for individual believers and as a church as presented in the Scriptures..
This document discusses the virtues of generosity and how it counters materialism. It begins by defining generosity and materialism. It then examines several Bible passages about generosity, including John 3:16 which discusses God's generosity in giving his son. It argues that true generosity comes from love, like God's love for humanity. The document then discusses how believers should emulate God's generosity through giving without hesitation to meet needs in the community and spread the gospel. It asserts that generous giving leads to overflowing joy and a greater spiritual harvest, as God rewards generous people both on earth and in heaven.
1 Corinthians 12, Gifts Of God OT; 4 Periods of Miracles; Indwelling Baptism ...Valley Bible Fellowship
This document discusses spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. It notes that all abilities and talents are gifts from God. It outlines four periods in history when God performed miracles through prophets to authenticate their message. While some gifts like prophecy and healing occurred in the early church, the document argues that miraculous gifts have ceased and the church should rely on Scripture alone rather than seeking signs and wonders. It also discusses the "gift of tongues" mentioned in 1 Corinthians and contends that modern displays of tongues do not align with the biblical purpose and guidelines.
The document discusses various perspectives on fundraising and financing Christian ministry. It provides guidelines for fundraising emphasizing prayer over manipulative techniques, and cautions against measuring success by money raised rather than God's blessing. It also discusses integrity in fundraising methods and the importance of financial accountability.
This document discusses three key principles about wealth based on biblical teachings:
1) God owns everything and we are merely stewards of what He provides. Recognizing His ownership keeps wealth in proper perspective.
2) Hard work and diligence are valued, as illustrated by the examples of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others. Idleness leads to poverty while working yields prosperity.
3) Contentment, not entitlement, should be our attitude toward wealth, as taught by Jesus and Paul. True fulfillment comes from God, not material possessions. How we use wealth can bless future generations or lead them astray.
A Sermon Outline by Pastor Luke A. Lepago
International Bible Baptist Church Bangkok, Thailand
152 Inthraphithak Road, So1 1, Bangyyerua, Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand, 10600
Natasja and I have learnt how powerful it is to partner together with God in stewarding our finances. In this message we share some of our experiences.
2 Corinthians 9, Christian Giving, Tithing, men de, grace charis, Tithes, Tit...Valley Bible Fellowship
What Does The Bible Say About Christian Giving?
Is Tithing For The Church?
Dont Slip Back Under The Law!
Following Christ costs everything!
grace charis, men de, Tithes, Tithe, Gifts
This Sunday school lesson discusses the biblical principle of tithing. It teaches that:
1. As children of God, believers should have faith that God will provide for them since he is their rich heavenly father.
2. The lesson outlines God's steps to financial prosperity, which includes getting a job, working hard, and sharing profits with God through tithing 10% of one's income.
3. Tithing is commanded in the Bible and brings God's blessings, while not tithing brings his curse. Christians should follow Jesus' example of giving tithes since he fulfilled the law.
The document discusses principles for Christians regarding their collection and giving. It outlines that Christians should set aside part of their finances every week to support the church and those in need. Christians should give willingly according to their means and show the proof of their love through generous giving. God loves cheerful, liberal givers who give purposefully without reluctance.
The document discusses biblical passages about eternal rewards for believers. It notes that believers will be rewarded according to their works and faithfulness to God. There will be different levels of reward in heaven based on how believers lived on earth, including crowns for overcoming trials and making disciples. The rewards will far outweigh any suffering endured for Christ and motivate Christians to serve wholeheartedly.
This document discusses the origin, intent, extent, demands, hope, price, and response of God's grace according to scripture passages. God is the source of grace which brings salvation for all people. Grace teaches believers to reject sinful desires and live righteously as they await Christ's return. Grace cost God dearly through the sacrifice of Jesus to redeem believers and make them devoted to good works.
The document discusses perspectives on helping the poor from religious texts and figures. It provides numerous biblical passages about showing mercy and generosity to the poor, needy, widows, and orphans. It also discusses how the early church supported believers in need and cared for the poor. However, it cautions that assistance should not enable laziness and that the able-bodied poor should work to meet their own needs when possible.
The document discusses what the Bible says about tithing by examining stories from the Old and New Testaments. It finds that tithing was a practice in the Old Testament but was not a command and did not necessarily mean 10% of income. In the New Testament, there is no command for Christians to tithe but they are encouraged to generously share their resources with others, including church leaders, other believers, and those in need. The conclusion is that Christians are not bound by the law of tithing but their love and freedom may prompt giving of more than 10%.
The document discusses biblical perspectives on money, possessions, and generosity. It provides several "keys" or principles: 1) God owns everything and we are merely stewards of what he provides. 2) Where we put our money reveals where our heart is and determines where it will go. 3) Heaven, not earth, is our true home. 4) We should live not just for short-term pleasures but with an eye to eternal rewards. 5) Giving is the only remedy for materialism and selfish desires. 6) God blesses our generosity not to raise our standard of living but to increase our standard of giving.
The document discusses the concept of giving and generosity from a Christian perspective. It argues that true giving comes from understanding God's grace, and that Christians should excel in giving just as they excel in other areas of life. The document encourages readers to consider how they can increase their giving and make it a priority before the end of their lives.
This document contains notes from a Sunday school lesson on Philippians 3:20-21 about citizenship in heaven and the transformation of the body. It discusses the order of end times events including the rapture, glorification of believers, and the Bema Seat judgment. Believers will be rewarded for their works, deeds, and faithfulness on earth at the Bema Seat. Both rewards and losses are possible depending on one's obedience to God and good works done in His name. Works done with the right motives please God and lead to eternal rewards, though salvation is by grace alone.
A lesson from Practical Christian Living, Diploma in Ministry Essentials program on financial giving for individual believers and as a church as presented in the Scriptures..
This document discusses the virtues of generosity and how it counters materialism. It begins by defining generosity and materialism. It then examines several Bible passages about generosity, including John 3:16 which discusses God's generosity in giving his son. It argues that true generosity comes from love, like God's love for humanity. The document then discusses how believers should emulate God's generosity through giving without hesitation to meet needs in the community and spread the gospel. It asserts that generous giving leads to overflowing joy and a greater spiritual harvest, as God rewards generous people both on earth and in heaven.
1 Corinthians 12, Gifts Of God OT; 4 Periods of Miracles; Indwelling Baptism ...Valley Bible Fellowship
This document discusses spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12. It notes that all abilities and talents are gifts from God. It outlines four periods in history when God performed miracles through prophets to authenticate their message. While some gifts like prophecy and healing occurred in the early church, the document argues that miraculous gifts have ceased and the church should rely on Scripture alone rather than seeking signs and wonders. It also discusses the "gift of tongues" mentioned in 1 Corinthians and contends that modern displays of tongues do not align with the biblical purpose and guidelines.
The document discusses various perspectives on fundraising and financing Christian ministry. It provides guidelines for fundraising emphasizing prayer over manipulative techniques, and cautions against measuring success by money raised rather than God's blessing. It also discusses integrity in fundraising methods and the importance of financial accountability.
This document discusses three key principles about wealth based on biblical teachings:
1) God owns everything and we are merely stewards of what He provides. Recognizing His ownership keeps wealth in proper perspective.
2) Hard work and diligence are valued, as illustrated by the examples of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others. Idleness leads to poverty while working yields prosperity.
3) Contentment, not entitlement, should be our attitude toward wealth, as taught by Jesus and Paul. True fulfillment comes from God, not material possessions. How we use wealth can bless future generations or lead them astray.
A Sermon Outline by Pastor Luke A. Lepago
International Bible Baptist Church Bangkok, Thailand
152 Inthraphithak Road, So1 1, Bangyyerua, Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand, 10600
Natasja and I have learnt how powerful it is to partner together with God in stewarding our finances. In this message we share some of our experiences.
Christian foundations 201 - Stewardship & Tithingngpaul
This document discusses the Christian concepts of stewardship and tithing. It defines stewardship as the management of affairs not one's own, and describes Christians as stewards of the gifts God has given them, including time, abilities, spiritual gifts, materials, and money. The document then discusses tithing, which is giving 10% of one's income to God. It provides biblical justification for tithing and explains that tithing is a form of worship, builds faith, supports God's servants and work, and will result in blessings and protection from God. The document notes some reasons people may not tithe and promises blessings for those who do tithe regularly. It concludes by stating that tithes should be given
1. The document discusses biblical principles of giving from 2 Corinthians 8-9. It encourages Christians to give regularly from their hearts, not under compulsion.
2. The early church in Macedonia is cited as a model of generous giving despite their poverty and afflictions. Christians are urged to follow their example of giving themselves first to God.
3. Paul provides guidance that each believer should give according to their means and that all giving should demonstrate equality and meet others' needs. God loves a cheerful giver.
This document discusses the biblical concept of stewardship. It explains that as God's stewards, we are responsible for using the time, abilities, possessions, and other blessings God has given us for His purposes. This includes returning tithes and offerings to acknowledge God's ownership and support the proclamation of the gospel. The document references several biblical passages that discuss concepts like dominion over creation, tithing being instituted by God, and Jesus recognizing the duty of tithing. It also addresses proper use of tithes and time management as aspects of stewardship.
The way it ought to be (work in progress)Ed Sullivan
1) The document discusses Paul encouraging the Corinthians to follow the example of generosity set by the Macedonian churches. The Macedonians gave abundantly from their poverty, giving themselves to God first.
2) Paul urges the Corinthians to excel in their giving as they excelled in other spiritual gifts like faith. He cites Jesus as the ultimate example of sacrificial giving.
3) The document promises that those who sow bountifully will reap bountifully from God, both materially and spiritually. Generous giving results in thanksgiving to God and benefits both giver and receiver.
Putting Feet to Your Faith_Thanks GivingStephen Palm
In this second sermon in the "Putting Feet to Your Faith" series, we will look at the practical command to give sacrificially and cheerfully in 2 Corinthians 8-9.
The document discusses generosity and giving based on passages from 2 Corinthians 8. It provides a model for generosity, noting that Christians in Macedonia gave sacrificially beyond their means out of their overflowing joy. Their generosity came from giving themselves to God first. Christians are called to excel in generosity as God gave generously through Christ's poverty. Generosity aims for equality, with plenty meeting needs so that all have enough.
The document discusses tithing and giving to the church. It provides biblical references that talk about giving a tenth of what one produces or owns to God. It also discusses passages in 2 Corinthians that encourage believers to give generously from what they have been given. The document emphasizes that tithing is about commitment to God's mission rather than personal finances or circumstances. It concludes by stating the vision for Black Forest Chapel is to worship and proclaim Christ to the community through preaching, worship, fellowship, and witness.
The document discusses the biblical concept of tithing, which is giving 10% of one's income to the church. It outlines that there are committed, uncommitted, and uninformed tithers. It discusses how people should tithe on any income source like jobs, investments, gifts, and settlements. Borrowed money is not tithed on. Tithing should be systematic, sacrificial, and spontaneous. The widow who gave her last two coins in the temple gave the most because she gave sacrificially from her poverty.
The document discusses the biblical reasons for tithing and giving offerings. It explains that everything belongs to God and we own nothing. It encourages giving cheerfully, generously, sacrificially, and selflessly. The document cites several biblical passages about how God rewards generous giving and how even small gifts from those with little can mean a lot to God. Overall, the document promotes biblical financial support of churches and ministries through the practice of tithing 10% of one's income and giving additional voluntary offerings.
Deuteronomy 10-11, God creates the early and latter rain, Serve praise God He...Valley Bible Fellowship
Deuteronomy Chapters 10-11, How does God create the rain? The early and latter rain. Get Up, Get Going, Serve The Lord; God (LORD, YHWH) Owns It All, Israel's Boundaries; Praise, Circumcise Your Heart; Be stiff-necked no longer
This document discusses how to properly manage money according to biblical principles. It provides guidelines for how to view money as coming from God, restrain greed, use money for ministry purposes like worship and helping others, prioritize one's spouse in financial decisions, regulate spending, and remember to generously share with others. Key verses discussed encourage cheerful giving without reluctance, as God is able to bless abundantly in return.
131026 five i wish i knew series (part 4 - how to gain financial margin) by ...eaglepointcf
This document discusses gaining financial margin. It begins by outlining a series on living with purpose and fewer regrets, including topics like making better decisions, getting out of debt, gaining financial margin, strong marriages, healthy relationships, managing anger, and not worrying. It then discusses what the Bible says about finances, including that money can become a lord over people or ensnare them, and that it should be used to honor God and serve others. To achieve being rich towards God requires getting out of debt and creating financial margin. Gaining financial margin involves having more than what is necessary through faith in God as provider, generosity, wise money management like percentage-based living below one's means, maximizing savings and minimizing spending,
1) 1 Corinthians 16 discusses the collection for the saints in Jerusalem that Paul had instructed the churches in Galatia to take up, instructing the Corinthians to set aside funds each week so there would be enough when he arrived.
2) 1 Corinthians 9 uses examples from the Old Testament and law of Moses to argue that those who minister spiritual things have a right to material support from those being ministered to, just as soldiers, farmers, shepherds, and priests received support.
3) The document discusses the various types of offerings in the Old Testament like burnt, sin, trespass, and peace offerings and explains that the purpose of these offerings was atonement, fellowship with God, worship, and obligation
Part 1 of a 3 part series on stewardship. This sermon focuses on the Old Testament pattern of giving. It will shed some light on what tithing really is about.
This document discusses biblical principles of giving from Matthew 6 and 2 Corinthians 9. It teaches that we should give secretly without seeking praise or reward from others. When we give generously and cheerfully, God rewards us through increased blessings, growth in character, seeing others helped, and knowing we are emulating Christ's example. True giving comes from the heart without reluctance or compulsion, trusting that God will provide for our needs and enlarge the harvest of our righteousness.
7. You will find favor wherever you go
Your children will be blessed
You will have abundant prosperity
Your finances, job, and influence will grow
You will never need to borrow / use debt
You will be able to bless others
8. Gateway Blessed Life
The days of a blessed person are filled with
divine coincidence and heavenly meaning
Matthew 10:29
9. You have planted much but harvest little. You eat but
are not satisfied. You drink but are still thirsty. You put
on clothes but cannot keep warm. Your wages
disappear as though you were putting them
in pockets filled with holes! Haggai 1:6
10. Ownership
Lordship / Stewardship
The world says:
I own it
Many Christians say:
God owns 10%, I own 90%
The Bible says:
The earth is the Lords and all it contains
1 Corinthians 10:26
Other references: Deuteronomy 10:14, Job 41:11, Psalm 24:1 10
11. Faithful Stewardship
If God is the owner, then we are His stewards
Moreover it is required in stewards that one
be found faithful 1 Corinthians 4:2
Have you been approaching your
finances as an owner or a steward?
15. Genesis 4:3-5 Cain & Able
3 In the course of time Cain brought some of the
fruits of the soil as an offering to the Lord. 4 And
Abel also brought an offeringfat portions from
some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked
with favor on Abel and his offering, 5 but on Cain and
his offering he did not look with favor. So Cain was
very angry, and his face was downcast.
16. Joshua 7:1-26
Tower of Jericho, God commands them not to take the
plunder, it is the first of their victories and is
consecrated to him. If they give the first the rest is
blessed, if they keep it, even what they have will be
taken away.
7 But the Israelites were unfaithful in regard to the
devoted things; Achan son of Karmi, the son of Zimri,
the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, took some of
them. So the Lords anger burned against Israel.
21. 2 Corinthians 8: 8-9
8 I am not commanding you, but I want to test
the sincerity of your love by comparing it with
the earnestness of others. 9 For you know the
grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he
was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so
that you through his poverty might become
22. Malachi 3:7-12
8 Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me.
-How are we robbing you?
In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse
your whole nationbecause you are robbing
23. Malachi 3:7-12
10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse,
that there may be food in my house.
Test me in this, says the Lord Almighty, and
see if I will not throw open the floodgates of
heaven and pour out so much blessing that
there will not be room enough to store it.
25. The Spirit of Mammon
What are your money fears?
-Not having enough money at retirement
-Not enough saved for emergencies
-What if I lose my job
-Worried I cant cover the credit card bills this month
-Will I be able to provide for my family
27. The Gift of Generosity
He who was rich chose to become poor so
that you might become spiritually rich.
-Patrick Johnson
Jesus was the chief of generous givers.
2 Corinthians 8:8-9 (Jesus gave us the ability to store
for ourselves treasures in heaven)
28. Aspiring generous giver, take note. What qualifies as
an act as truly generous has relatively little to do with
the amount of money one gives. Generous giving
begins with the posture of total humility. Here we find
the Incarnate Prince of Heaven, of whom the angels
sing, who sits at the right hand of Almighty God as Lord
of all Creation: on His knees before ordinary men,
washing the dirt and grime of Jerusalems pathways off
their dust-encrusted feet. This picture must be riveted
into our hearts. It shows us what we must become.
-Gordon McDonald
30. Definition of GRACE
a: unmerited divine assistance
given humans for their
regeneration or sanctification
31. 2 Corinthians 8:1-8
1 And now, brothers and sisters, we want you
to know about the grace that God has given
the Macedonian churches. 2 In the midst of a
very severe trial, their overflowing joy and
their extreme poverty welled up in rich
generosity. 3 For I testify that they gave as
much as they were able, and even beyond
their ability. Entirely on their own, 4 they
urgently pleaded with us for the privilege of
sharing in this service to the Lords people.
32. 5 And they exceeded our expectations: They
gave themselves first of all to the Lord, and
then by the will of God also to us. 6 So we
urged Titus, just as he had earlier made a
beginning, to bring also to completion this act
of grace on your part. 7 But since you excel
in everythingin faith, in speech, in
knowledge, in complete earnestness and in
the love we have kindled in yousee that
you also excel in this grace of giving.
2 Corinthians 8:1-8
33. 2 Corinthians 9:10-15
10 Now he who supplies seed to the sower and
bread for food will also supply and increase your
store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your
righteousness. 11 You will be enriched in every
way so that you can be generous on every
occasion, and through us your generosity will
result in thanksgiving to God.
34. 12 This service that you perform is not only supplying
the needs of the Lords people but is also
overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.
13 Because of the service by which you have proved
yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience
that accompanies your confession of the gospel of
Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them
and with everyone else. 14 And in their prayers for
you their hearts will go out to you, because of the
surpassing grace God has given you. 15 Thanks be to
God for his indescribable gift!
2 Corinthians 9:10-15
35. God Rewards Good Stewardship
Hebrews 11:6
6 And without faith it is impossible to please
God, because anyone who comes to him must
believe that he exists and that he rewards
those who earnestly seek him.
36. God Rewards Good Stewardship
1 Corinthians 3:8
8 The one who plants and the one who waters
have one purpose, and they will each be
rewarded according to their own labor.
38. Wrap Up Points
Blessed Life = Divine Appointments in your life
God owns it all
You manage Gods resources
God must be first
Tithing is key starting place
39. Next Week
Practical Application
How to physically steward what God has given
Miracle in Franklin: The other side of the story