The document contains percentage data showing that 42% of responses were for the second option, 53% were for the sixth option, and the remaining percentages were distributed among the other options with no single option receiving over 16% of responses.
This document discusses Python and machine learning libraries like scikit-learn. It provides code examples for loading data, fitting models, and making predictions using scikit-learn algorithms. It also covers working with NumPy arrays and loading data from files like CSVs.
OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. Originally developed by Intel, it is now supported by Willow Garage and has over 2,000 algorithms for computer vision and deep learning. OpenCV is cross-platform and available for Windows, Linux, Android, and Mac. It has C++, Python and Java interfaces and supports machine learning algorithms like SVM and neural networks. OpenCV is used widely in applications like face detection, object recognition, gesture recognition, and more.
This document discusses Python and machine learning libraries like scikit-learn. It provides code examples for loading data, fitting models, and making predictions using scikit-learn algorithms. It also covers working with NumPy arrays and loading data from files like CSVs.
OpenCV is an open source computer vision and machine learning software library. Originally developed by Intel, it is now supported by Willow Garage and has over 2,000 algorithms for computer vision and deep learning. OpenCV is cross-platform and available for Windows, Linux, Android, and Mac. It has C++, Python and Java interfaces and supports machine learning algorithms like SVM and neural networks. OpenCV is used widely in applications like face detection, object recognition, gesture recognition, and more.
【de:code 2020】 学生諸君! Azure であそぼう! ~Microsoft の AI を自作アプリに取り入れるまで~日本マイクロソフト株式会社
AI って、カッコイイけどなんだか難しそう…。
そう感じている学生のみなさま向けに、学校ではなかなか教えてもらえない “今実際にオトナが使っている技術” について、クラウドとは? AI とは?という初歩的な部分から、Microsoft が提供する AI サービスのご紹介、アプリへの組み込み方、各種学習コンテンツなど、デモを交えながらお話しいたします!