PyLadies and the importance of community participationLina Katayose
The document discusses PyLadies, a global community for women Python developers. It describes PyLadies Tokyo, a local chapter that organizes monthly meetups to learn Python skills. The author shares that through PyLadies, they gained confidence to output their knowledge by writing blog posts and being active on social media. Community participation provides both input through learning and output through teaching others.
Making a Drone by Python using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKitLina Katayose
I will introduce the technique that I used to make a drone using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit by Python. The VoiceKit looks like making a smart speaker in combination with a RaspberryPy, but it can move up to 4 motors and servos with a simple Python code, too. And I’ll do a flying demonstration.
Lina Katayose is preparing to attend PyCon 2018 in Cleveland from May 10-15. She outlines her schedule which includes joining the PyLadies Lunch event. Her preparations include practicing her English skills, registering for the conference website and ESTA travel authorization, booking flights and a nearby hotel, and checking emails from PyCon. She is excited to attend PyCon as she missed the previous conference in Portland, and plans to document her experience on social media.
10. Past talk summary
? 2017年 (PyConJP)
A story of controlling a drone flight controller with Python
? 2018年(PyConJP PSFは英語)
Make a Drone using RaspberryPi
and Google VoiceKit by Python
? 2019年 (別のイベント)
Held an event by further examining and improving the contents of past talks
13. Past talk summary(2018)
(Make a Drone using RaspberryPi and Google VoiceKit by Python)
? ラズベリーパイで4つのモーターをコントロール
? モーター4つを別々に動かすためのライブラリと
? ハードと電流問題