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Q5 Evaluation
Cover Page                                           The word exclusive also attracts the audience to my
                                                     magazine, this is because it means that the reader will be
                                                     getting something that you can’t get anywhere else. This is a
                                                     reason to buy the magazine and to draw them in as they feel
                                                     that they are getting something really good that they cannot get
                                                     in another magazine, this makes them want to buy the
                                                     magazine so that they can read the exclusive article.

The masthead on the cover page of my
magazine is one of the ways to attract my
                                                                                              I also attracted the audience with the colour
audience. The masthead attracts them as it
                                                                                              scheme that I used throughout the
is a large bold font, in a bright red colour, this
                                                                                              magazine, I used the colour scheme of red,
catches the attention of the audience when
                                                                                              black and white. This is common colour
the magazine is on the shelf. The masthead
                                                                                              palette used by professional magazines, it
is at the very top of the page so that it is
                                                                                              is also the colour scheme of some of the
easily visible when on the shelf. As it is at the
                                                                                              biggest selling music magazines, NME and
top of the page and the masthead is bold and
                                                                                              Q. They use this colour scheme as the
bright it catches the attention of the audience
                                                                                              colours all work well with each other. It also
drawing them in tot the magazine.
                                                                                              attracts the audience to the magazine as it
                                                                                              is quite bright, this will catch their eye and
                                                                                              attract them to the magazine as it is bright.

                                                                                            The audience would also be attracted to the
A way that I addressed the audience on the                                                  magazine by the artist on the cover page, the
cover was with the model, the model looked                                                  audience can relate to him through the clothes
straight at the camera so when the photo                                                    that he is wearing and the kind of blank
was put on the cover it is staring straight at                                              expression he is pulling, this will attract the
the reader of the magazine. This draws the                                                  target audience as they will see this kind of
reader in as they are directly addressing                                                   thing on the cover and be interested by
them by looking straight at them.                                                           it, making them want to read the magazine.
The same occurs for one of the images on
the contents page, as the model is looking
straight at the reader it draws them into
reading it.
Contents Page                                   The audience would also be attracted to
                                                the magazine by the artist on the cover
                                                page, the audience can relate to him
                                                through the clothes that he is wearing
                                                and the kind of blank expression he is
                                                pulling, this will attract the target
                                                audience as they will see this kind of
                                                thing on the cover and be interested by
                                                it, making them want to read the
 Another way that I attracted my audience       magazine.
 was through competitions, also saying the
 word 'you' addressed the reader of the
 magazine making them feel like they are
 being directly addressed by the magazine.
 This drew them in as it means that they
 can do something. Also the competitions
 and prizes to be won drew the readers in
 as they wanted to have a chance of
 winning prizes that they would like.            The bands and artists that are featured on
                                                 the contents page are popular with my
                                                 target market and would be people that they
                                                 listen to on their iPods, this would attract
                                                 them to reading the magazine as they are
                                                 popular with them and they will want to find
                                                 out information about them. All of the names
                                                 that are featured on the contents page will
                                                 be names that the reader will be familiar
                                                 with, this will draw the reader in and want
                                                 them to read through the magazine as they
                                                 know that there is information on stars that
                                                 they like.

 A feature that would attract the audience to
 my magazine would be the fashion
 section, this would attract people to my
 magazine as they would want to find out
 what clothes their favourite artists and
 bands are wearing so that they can follow
 their fashion. This section of the magazine
 would be something that catch the ye of
 the reader.
Double Page Spread
On the double page spread the pull quote that I used can be used to
interest and attract the reader, this is because the quote draws the
attention of the reader as it is larger font. The pull quote gives the
reader an idea of what the article will be about, this will make the reader
want to read on as they will be interested about what has been said in
the article.

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Q5 Evaluation

  • 2. Cover Page The word exclusive also attracts the audience to my magazine, this is because it means that the reader will be getting something that you can’t get anywhere else. This is a reason to buy the magazine and to draw them in as they feel that they are getting something really good that they cannot get in another magazine, this makes them want to buy the magazine so that they can read the exclusive article. The masthead on the cover page of my magazine is one of the ways to attract my I also attracted the audience with the colour audience. The masthead attracts them as it scheme that I used throughout the is a large bold font, in a bright red colour, this magazine, I used the colour scheme of red, catches the attention of the audience when black and white. This is common colour the magazine is on the shelf. The masthead palette used by professional magazines, it is at the very top of the page so that it is is also the colour scheme of some of the easily visible when on the shelf. As it is at the biggest selling music magazines, NME and top of the page and the masthead is bold and Q. They use this colour scheme as the bright it catches the attention of the audience colours all work well with each other. It also drawing them in tot the magazine. attracts the audience to the magazine as it is quite bright, this will catch their eye and attract them to the magazine as it is bright. The audience would also be attracted to the A way that I addressed the audience on the magazine by the artist on the cover page, the cover was with the model, the model looked audience can relate to him through the clothes straight at the camera so when the photo that he is wearing and the kind of blank was put on the cover it is staring straight at expression he is pulling, this will attract the the reader of the magazine. This draws the target audience as they will see this kind of reader in as they are directly addressing thing on the cover and be interested by them by looking straight at them. it, making them want to read the magazine. The same occurs for one of the images on the contents page, as the model is looking straight at the reader it draws them into reading it.
  • 3. Contents Page The audience would also be attracted to the magazine by the artist on the cover page, the audience can relate to him through the clothes that he is wearing and the kind of blank expression he is pulling, this will attract the target audience as they will see this kind of thing on the cover and be interested by it, making them want to read the Another way that I attracted my audience magazine. was through competitions, also saying the word 'you' addressed the reader of the magazine making them feel like they are being directly addressed by the magazine. This drew them in as it means that they can do something. Also the competitions and prizes to be won drew the readers in as they wanted to have a chance of winning prizes that they would like. The bands and artists that are featured on the contents page are popular with my target market and would be people that they listen to on their iPods, this would attract them to reading the magazine as they are popular with them and they will want to find out information about them. All of the names that are featured on the contents page will be names that the reader will be familiar with, this will draw the reader in and want them to read through the magazine as they know that there is information on stars that they like. A feature that would attract the audience to my magazine would be the fashion section, this would attract people to my magazine as they would want to find out what clothes their favourite artists and bands are wearing so that they can follow their fashion. This section of the magazine would be something that catch the ye of the reader.
  • 4. Double Page Spread On the double page spread the pull quote that I used can be used to interest and attract the reader, this is because the quote draws the attention of the reader as it is larger font. The pull quote gives the reader an idea of what the article will be about, this will make the reader want to read on as they will be interested about what has been said in the article.