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2 magazine analyasis
The puff below entices the reader to buy the
Bright colours on the           magazine, by offering a free gift or in this case    The bold masthead is formatted so ha
front cover entice the          a CD the idea is that the audience will want to      it looks like solid rock which attracts
reader in. By putting a         grab a hold of the free gift which is only           the reader through the visual effects of
well known and famous           allowable if buying the magazine.                    the text.
band on the front cover
allows the target
audience to engage
with the magazine and
want to read further, it
allows the audience to
connect with the

 In 1998 original
 publishers Dennis
 Publishing allegedly
 authorised the first
 issue of Classic                                                                     By giving an idea as to what is
 Rock                                                                                 inside the magazine it allows the
                                                                                      audience/reader to contemplate
                                                                                      buying the magazine and hopefully
  The title of the issue is
                                                                                      gives positive results, this allows
  specifically about pink
                                                                                      them to pick up the magazine and
  Floyd which indicates to
                                                                                      have an idea of what's inside
  whom ever is buying the
                                                                                      without having to skin through each
  magazine that this style of
  magazine has a relevant
  target audience.
   30 years of Pink Floyd        Classic Rock was an idea formulated by ex-Metal
                                   Hammer Deputy Editor Jerry Ewing

  Publishing Limited. Future Entertainment
  Frequency of Publication - 13 per annum.
  Price- 贈4.25
  Found in Shops, newsstands, larger shopping centres.
Page numbers are crucial when
                                 creating a contents page.

   In every  Classic Rock                        The features of the
   magazine I have                                 contents page are
   discovered that on the                          specific to the magazine
   contents page they have                         itself. Without allowing
   a different band or artist                      the reader to know
   providing a cover story                         what's in each part of the
   and that there is also a                        magazine they will have
   large main image. By                            no direction and may
   doing this is gives the                         throw the reader off the
   reader a sense of routine                       magazine.
   and knowing that this will
   be here in each issue.
   By giving it the effect of
   sepia it gives a sense of
   classic stability.

Exclusive interviews are                        By providing the reader
crucial in music magazines                      with a chance to win
because it allows the                           something allows them to
reader to get involved and                      become involved with the
have more of an incite as                       magazine and could
to what the bands and                           possibly make them feel
artists are about.                              closer to the bands and
                                                artists they love.
The masthead is bold         Bright colours on the front
   and has various              cover entice the reader in. By
   shades of bright             putting a well known and
   colours which stands         famous artist on the front
   out amongst a shelf of       cover allows the target
   regular magazines.           audience to engage with the
   The fonts and colours        magazine and want to read
   throughout the front         further, it allows the audience
   cover are constant           to connect with the magazine.
   which gives the reader       In this case- Jimi Hendrix.
   a sense of

published on 7 March 1952
Mike Williams  Editor.
Price- 贈2.40
Found In local shops.

    The title of the issue is    The puff below entices the
    specifically about Jimi      reader to buy the
    Hendrix which                magazine, by offering a
    indicates to whom            free gift or in this case
    ever is buying the           prize tickets the idea is
    magazine that this           hat the audience will want
    style of magazine has        to grab a hold of the free
    a relevant target            gift which is only allowable
    audience. In this case       if buying the magazine.
    it is  The final weeks
    of Jimi Hendrix
    1942  1970
Instead of having page
                        numbers next to the
Various pictures can
                        information there is sub
be displayed on the
                        heading, there are
contents page, this
                        alternate ways you can
style is more
                        produce a contents page.
common than from
the first magazine
analysis I did. This
way not only does it
allow the reader to
know more from the
extra information        The features of the
from the sub             contents page are
headings but the         specific to the
audience can visually    magazine itself.
look at various bands    Without allowing the
inside.                  reader to know what's
                         in each part of the
                         magazine they will
                         have no direction and
                         may throw the reader
                         off the magazine.
Double Page Spread Analysis

This specific                                                                                          paragraphs
double page                                                                                            and
spread is                                                                                              information
focusing on                                                                                            itself can
a world                                                                                                include
famous band                                                                                            questions of
 Aerosmith.                                                                                          the
It seems that                                                                                          interviewer
the picture of                                                                                         and then the
lead singer                                                                                            bands
on the left is                                                                                         responses to
a more                                                                                                 their
recent                                                                                                 questions.
picture than                                                                                           By allowing
those in                                                                                               the reader to
black and                                                                                              know what
white so it                                                                                            question was
allows the                                                                                             asked it may
reader to                                                                                              allow them to
compare the                                                                                            be able to
pictures to                                                                                            relate in
see the                                                                                                some way.
over the
                                                       A serious of columns creating paragraphs are crucial to a double
                 Quotes from the band itself are       page spread. Without this the reader would have no knowledge
                 intriguing to the reader and          of the band or their background. Be sure to write about most
                 allows them to know a little bit      aspects of the band including each member, their role and even
                 more into the life of a rock star.    maybe a little bit about their personality.

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2 magazine analyasis

  • 2. The puff below entices the reader to buy the Bright colours on the magazine, by offering a free gift or in this case The bold masthead is formatted so ha front cover entice the a CD the idea is that the audience will want to it looks like solid rock which attracts reader in. By putting a grab a hold of the free gift which is only the reader through the visual effects of well known and famous allowable if buying the magazine. the text. band on the front cover allows the target audience to engage with the magazine and want to read further, it allows the audience to connect with the magazine. In 1998 original publishers Dennis Publishing allegedly begrudgingly authorised the first issue of Classic By giving an idea as to what is Rock inside the magazine it allows the audience/reader to contemplate buying the magazine and hopefully The title of the issue is gives positive results, this allows specifically about pink them to pick up the magazine and Floyd which indicates to have an idea of what's inside whom ever is buying the without having to skin through each magazine that this style of page. magazine has a relevant target audience. 30 years of Pink Floyd Classic Rock was an idea formulated by ex-Metal Hammer Deputy Editor Jerry Ewing Publishing Limited. Future Entertainment Frequency of Publication - 13 per annum. Price- 贈4.25 Found in Shops, newsstands, larger shopping centres.
  • 3. Page numbers are crucial when creating a contents page. In every Classic Rock The features of the magazine I have contents page are discovered that on the specific to the magazine contents page they have itself. Without allowing a different band or artist the reader to know providing a cover story what's in each part of the and that there is also a magazine they will have large main image. By no direction and may doing this is gives the throw the reader off the reader a sense of routine magazine. and knowing that this will be here in each issue. By giving it the effect of sepia it gives a sense of classic stability. Exclusive interviews are By providing the reader crucial in music magazines with a chance to win because it allows the something allows them to reader to get involved and become involved with the have more of an incite as magazine and could to what the bands and possibly make them feel artists are about. closer to the bands and artists they love.
  • 4. The masthead is bold Bright colours on the front and has various cover entice the reader in. By shades of bright putting a well known and colours which stands famous artist on the front out amongst a shelf of cover allows the target regular magazines. audience to engage with the The fonts and colours magazine and want to read throughout the front further, it allows the audience cover are constant to connect with the magazine. which gives the reader In this case- Jimi Hendrix. a sense of consistency. published on 7 March 1952 Mike Williams Editor. Price- 贈2.40 Found In local shops. The title of the issue is The puff below entices the specifically about Jimi reader to buy the Hendrix which magazine, by offering a indicates to whom free gift or in this case ever is buying the prize tickets the idea is magazine that this hat the audience will want style of magazine has to grab a hold of the free a relevant target gift which is only allowable audience. In this case if buying the magazine. it is The final weeks of Jimi Hendrix 1942 1970
  • 5. Instead of having page numbers next to the Various pictures can information there is sub be displayed on the heading, there are contents page, this alternate ways you can style is more produce a contents page. common than from the first magazine analysis I did. This way not only does it allow the reader to know more from the extra information The features of the from the sub contents page are headings but the specific to the audience can visually magazine itself. look at various bands Without allowing the inside. reader to know what's in each part of the magazine they will have no direction and may throw the reader off the magazine.
  • 6. Double Page Spread Analysis The This specific paragraphs double page and spread is information focusing on itself can a world include famous band questions of Aerosmith. the It seems that interviewer the picture of and then the lead singer bands on the left is responses to a more their recent questions. picture than By allowing those in the reader to black and know what white so it question was allows the asked it may reader to allow them to compare the be able to pictures to relate in see the some way. changes over the years. A serious of columns creating paragraphs are crucial to a double Quotes from the band itself are page spread. Without this the reader would have no knowledge intriguing to the reader and of the band or their background. Be sure to write about most allows them to know a little bit aspects of the band including each member, their role and even more into the life of a rock star. maybe a little bit about their personality.