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Qasim Rajih
736 West Moseley Street. Freeport, IL 61032
Phone: 815-616-2354
E-mail: qasimrajh@gmail.com
 B.S. Degree in General Biology  Babylon University  Babylon, Iraq  1991-1995
 Master Degree in Bioinformatics  Northern Illinois University  DeKalb, IL  2014-2016
 Strong academic background with Master's degree in bioinformatics from Northern Illinois University
and training in bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques.
 Effective written and oral communication skills in documentation, analysis and presentation of scientific
data using MS word, Excel and PowerPoint; can efficiently use scientific search engines like Pubmed,
BLAST, Nucleotide etc.
 Taught introductory microbiology and histology to college freshmen (majors and non-majors).
 Can work well under pressure and meet deadlines with efficiency; excellent interpersonal skills; can
accept supervision and work well in a team; detail-oriented.
 Highly self-motivated and resourceful, able to think creatively to solve problems.
 Authorized to work in the United States; no work permit processing is required.
 Research assistant in Department of Biology, Northern Illinois University Jan 2015 - Feb 216
 Used various statistical tools such as BLAST, MSA and iTol to analyze the data; generated
tables, figures, graphs and charts to represent the data.
 Developed hypotheses based on literature search and prior experimental data.
 Developed and performed experiments with positive and negative controls to test the
hypotheses and gathered scientific experimental research data.
 Worked in as a histologist in Babylon University-faculty of science-histology center 2011-
- Staining, Culture and sensitivity procedure
- Sensitivity reporting with measure zone size of each drug disc according to CLSI
- Making of media including plates and biochemical media
 Bio Chemistry Teacher  Babylon University  Babylon, Iraq  2003-2010
 Taught a multitude of classes in the chemistry fields and histology lab techniques.
 Mastered basic bioinformatics techniques web-based tools and computer-based tools.
 Proficient in basic molecular biology techniques and basic familiarities in DNA and RNA
extraction, gel electrophoresis, generation of DNA mutations, PCR, plasmid isolation,
purification and manipulation, restriction enzyme digests, gene cloning, DNA sequencing and
Western Blot.
 Basic Virology skills including isolation, purification and generating plate lysates of
bacteriophages, plaque assay and phage DNA preparation.
 Studied basic Laboratory Techniques including safe handling of bio-hazardous material like
human blood, determination of blood type, determination of RBC, WBC and platelet counts,
hematocrit, calculation of ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) etc.
 Wrote Perl scripts to locate cellulose synthase proteins in evolutionary divergence.
 Applied bioinformatics tools to infer horizontal gene transfer between bacteria and Archaea.
 Taught a histology laboratory course to college freshmen; gave lectures, demonstrated
techniques, organized tests and evaluated the students.
 Analyzed and presented many research papers in laboratory and department seminars.
 Wrote project progress reports for submission to the Government of. Iraq for grant review.
 Experience with Unix/Linux, Perl and C++, installation of software, and utilization of
Photoshop, AutoCAD, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- PowerPoint and Windows.
 Experienced in laboratory management; supervised equipment setup and maintained lab
chemical and glassware inventory and ordered supplies.
 Trained others in Histology and molecular biology techniques, aseptic handling, disposal of
bio-hazardous materials, media preparation, an autoclaving and laboratory record maintenance.
 Have planned and arranged team activities to promote increased inter-personal interaction;
have interfaced with personnel from other departments for effective utilization of resources
 Yin Yanbin. Master Advisor. 325A Montgomery Hall, Department of Biological Sciences,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 753-8963. yyin@niu.edu
 Nguyen, Marcus. Coworker. 429 Montgomery Hall, Department of Biological Sciences,
Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 Bioinformatics research assistant. (630) 254-
7799. marcnguy@gmail.com
 Alexander Ekstrom. Coworker. 2630 N Hampden Ct#511, Chicago, IL 60614 Bioinformatics
research assistant. (779)777-3096. z1664374@students.niu.edu

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Qasim Rajih_WPW

  • 1. Qasim Rajih 736 West Moseley Street. Freeport, IL 61032 Phone: 815-616-2354 E-mail: qasimrajh@gmail.com EDUCATION B.S. Degree in General Biology Babylon University Babylon, Iraq 1991-1995 Master Degree in Bioinformatics Northern Illinois University DeKalb, IL 2014-2016 PROFESSIONALSUMMARY Strong academic background with Master's degree in bioinformatics from Northern Illinois University and training in bioinformatics and molecular biology techniques. Effective written and oral communication skills in documentation, analysis and presentation of scientific data using MS word, Excel and PowerPoint; can efficiently use scientific search engines like Pubmed, BLAST, Nucleotide etc. Taught introductory microbiology and histology to college freshmen (majors and non-majors). Can work well under pressure and meet deadlines with efficiency; excellent interpersonal skills; can accept supervision and work well in a team; detail-oriented. Highly self-motivated and resourceful, able to think creatively to solve problems. Authorized to work in the United States; no work permit processing is required. PROFESSIONALHISTORY Research assistant in Department of Biology, Northern Illinois University Jan 2015 - Feb 216 Used various statistical tools such as BLAST, MSA and iTol to analyze the data; generated tables, figures, graphs and charts to represent the data. Developed hypotheses based on literature search and prior experimental data. Developed and performed experiments with positive and negative controls to test the
  • 2. hypotheses and gathered scientific experimental research data. Worked in as a histologist in Babylon University-faculty of science-histology center 2011- 2014: - Staining, Culture and sensitivity procedure - Sensitivity reporting with measure zone size of each drug disc according to CLSI - Making of media including plates and biochemical media Bio Chemistry Teacher Babylon University Babylon, Iraq 2003-2010 Taught a multitude of classes in the chemistry fields and histology lab techniques. RESEARCHSKILLS Mastered basic bioinformatics techniques web-based tools and computer-based tools. Proficient in basic molecular biology techniques and basic familiarities in DNA and RNA extraction, gel electrophoresis, generation of DNA mutations, PCR, plasmid isolation, purification and manipulation, restriction enzyme digests, gene cloning, DNA sequencing and Western Blot. Basic Virology skills including isolation, purification and generating plate lysates of bacteriophages, plaque assay and phage DNA preparation. Studied basic Laboratory Techniques including safe handling of bio-hazardous material like human blood, determination of blood type, determination of RBC, WBC and platelet counts, hematocrit, calculation of ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) etc. COMMUNICATION SKILLS Wrote Perl scripts to locate cellulose synthase proteins in evolutionary divergence. Applied bioinformatics tools to infer horizontal gene transfer between bacteria and Archaea. Taught a histology laboratory course to college freshmen; gave lectures, demonstrated techniques, organized tests and evaluated the students. Analyzed and presented many research papers in laboratory and department seminars.
  • 3. Wrote project progress reports for submission to the Government of. Iraq for grant review. OTHER SKILLS Experience with Unix/Linux, Perl and C++, installation of software, and utilization of Photoshop, AutoCAD, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS- PowerPoint and Windows. Experienced in laboratory management; supervised equipment setup and maintained lab chemical and glassware inventory and ordered supplies. Trained others in Histology and molecular biology techniques, aseptic handling, disposal of bio-hazardous materials, media preparation, an autoclaving and laboratory record maintenance. Have planned and arranged team activities to promote increased inter-personal interaction; have interfaced with personnel from other departments for effective utilization of resources PROFFESIONALREFERENCES Yin Yanbin. Master Advisor. 325A Montgomery Hall, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 (815) 753-8963. yyin@niu.edu Nguyen, Marcus. Coworker. 429 Montgomery Hall, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115 Bioinformatics research assistant. (630) 254- 7799. marcnguy@gmail.com Alexander Ekstrom. Coworker. 2630 N Hampden Ct#511, Chicago, IL 60614 Bioinformatics research assistant. (779)777-3096. z1664374@students.niu.edu