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Nesreen Jawhari 
Phone: (216) 338-6538 :: Email: ngj10@case.edu 
Mailing Address: 1343 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood OH 44107 
OBJECTIVES: Enthusiastic and competitive biologist looking forward to becoming submerged in a 
research position in biomedicine. Years of experience, innate curiosity and passion in the field of 
organismal biology. Superior analytic and research skills with desire to advance and broaden research 
Case Western Reserve University 2014 
Bachelor of Arts in Biology 
 Deans Honor list 2010-2011 
 Very strong lab components to all Biology courses 
 Additional coursework in Spanish, Japanese, French, 
Studio Art, Acting, Anthropology, Statistics, and Psychology 
 Case/ University Circle Symphonic Orchestra violinist 
 Writer for the Case Reserve Review and Ars Poetica 
 Saturday Tutoring program mentor in a variety of subjects 
 Working in the laboratory setting 
 Working as part of a team 
 Using a variety of analytical and experimental techniques 
 Regular implementation of new protocols 
 Regular use of Lab safety including training in Blood-Born Pathogen safety 
 Undergraduate career also included genetics lab and other core biology labs, as well as 
laboratory courses in general and organic chemistry. 
 Regular presentations of both experimental findings and assigned literature/primary research 
Mucin Secretion in Schistosoma mansoni Cercariae Research Project 
 Worked in the lab of Dr. Emmitt Jolly, PhD. Executing fundamental lab techniques including 
Primer Design
-Gel Electrophoresis 
- In-Fusion Cloning 
- Isolating DNA via Gel Clean-up 
-Polymerase Chain Reactions 
-Restriction Enzyme Digest 
-Bacterial Transformations 
-Cell Culture 
 Regular communication with lab-mates and PI 
 Weekly lab meetings discussing progress 
 Regular presentations given 
 Regularly assigned related literature 
 Experience running and prioritizing simultaneous experiments 
 Experience utilizing relevant software and web tools such as gene databases and BLAST 
 Final presentation showcasing findings 
HISTOLOGY LAB fall 2014 
CWRU School of Medicine/ Graduate course in Anatomy, taken as a senior Undergraduate 
 Used microscopy techniques to identify tissues as well as Pathological Histology exposure 
 Experience interpreting slides of different stains and sections 
 Experience identifying tissues based on images produced by both Transmission Electron 
Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy 
CWRU Undergraduate Lab, School of Arts and Sciences spring 2013 
 Extensive use of Microbiology Lab Techniques including: 
-aseptic technique 
-handling and inoculating a range of media including broths, slants, and plates 
-used selective media to identify microorganisms 
 Final project included independently implementing all lab techniques and procedures to 
identify an unknown organism 
CWRU Mendell School for Applied Social Sciences 2010-2014 
 Student Worker in Data Entry 
 Organized and formatted data collected from populations both in paper and online
 Regular use of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Origin 
 Used Excels programmed functions to generate a variety of self-updating and interactive 
graphs, charts, and visuals 
 Entered Data into a number of databases 
CWRU School of Dentistry 2012-2014 
Student worker in Data Entry and Front Desk Receptionist 
 Used Microsoft Access to facilitate and execute data entry 
 Regular experience working with others 
 Regular use of interpersonal skills, communicating with, guiding, and assisting the public 
often translating for patients who struggled with English 
 Regular use of Microsoft Office suite 
 Daily use of Medical Terminology and translating medical jargon to laymans terms for the 

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Nesreen Jawhari Resume 2015

  • 1. Nesreen Jawhari Phone: (216) 338-6538 :: Email: ngj10@case.edu Mailing Address: 1343 Lakewood Avenue, Lakewood OH 44107 OBJECTIVES: Enthusiastic and competitive biologist looking forward to becoming submerged in a research position in biomedicine. Years of experience, innate curiosity and passion in the field of organismal biology. Superior analytic and research skills with desire to advance and broaden research horizons. EDUCATION: Case Western Reserve University 2014 Bachelor of Arts in Biology Deans Honor list 2010-2011 Very strong lab components to all Biology courses Additional coursework in Spanish, Japanese, French, Studio Art, Acting, Anthropology, Statistics, and Psychology Case/ University Circle Symphonic Orchestra violinist Writer for the Case Reserve Review and Ars Poetica Saturday Tutoring program mentor in a variety of subjects RELEVANT SKILLS: Working in the laboratory setting Working as part of a team Using a variety of analytical and experimental techniques Regular implementation of new protocols Regular use of Lab safety including training in Blood-Born Pathogen safety Undergraduate career also included genetics lab and other core biology labs, as well as laboratory courses in general and organic chemistry. Regular presentations of both experimental findings and assigned literature/primary research articles. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: CAPSTONE RESEARCH IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY spring 2014 Mucin Secretion in Schistosoma mansoni Cercariae Research Project Worked in the lab of Dr. Emmitt Jolly, PhD. Executing fundamental lab techniques including Primer Design
  • 2. -Gel Electrophoresis - In-Fusion Cloning - Isolating DNA via Gel Clean-up -Polymerase Chain Reactions -Restriction Enzyme Digest -Bacterial Transformations -Cell Culture Regular communication with lab-mates and PI Weekly lab meetings discussing progress Regular presentations given Regularly assigned related literature Experience running and prioritizing simultaneous experiments Experience utilizing relevant software and web tools such as gene databases and BLAST Final presentation showcasing findings HISTOLOGY LAB fall 2014 CWRU School of Medicine/ Graduate course in Anatomy, taken as a senior Undergraduate Used microscopy techniques to identify tissues as well as Pathological Histology exposure Experience interpreting slides of different stains and sections Experience identifying tissues based on images produced by both Transmission Electron Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy MICROBIOLOGY LAB CWRU Undergraduate Lab, School of Arts and Sciences spring 2013 Extensive use of Microbiology Lab Techniques including: -ELISA -aseptic technique -handling and inoculating a range of media including broths, slants, and plates -used selective media to identify microorganisms Final project included independently implementing all lab techniques and procedures to identify an unknown organism PRIOR WORK EXPERIENCE: CWRU Mendell School for Applied Social Sciences 2010-2014 Student Worker in Data Entry Organized and formatted data collected from populations both in paper and online
  • 3. Regular use of Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Origin Used Excels programmed functions to generate a variety of self-updating and interactive graphs, charts, and visuals Entered Data into a number of databases CWRU School of Dentistry 2012-2014 Student worker in Data Entry and Front Desk Receptionist Used Microsoft Access to facilitate and execute data entry Regular experience working with others Regular use of interpersonal skills, communicating with, guiding, and assisting the public often translating for patients who struggled with English Regular use of Microsoft Office suite Daily use of Medical Terminology and translating medical jargon to laymans terms for the public