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Basic understanding of Cross-Border M&A
Mai Doan
20 May 2014
Why use M&A strategy?
From the buyer side:
To enter a new market
To have network foundation
To secure control over the business
Why use M&A strategy?
From the seller side:
<49%:>49%: because they can!!!
100%: to retire, get the cash and move to another business
How do they do that?
Horizontal acquisition: same industry
M&A between companies in the same industry
Vertical acquisition: in the supply chain
M&A between companies in different stages of the supply chain or distribution channels.
Related acquisition: related industry
M&A between companies in highly related industries.
Wait, so what is M&A?
M&A= Merge and Acquisition
Just another corporate strategy?
(There are different levels in an M&A transaction based on how it is done.)
Merge: Company A and Company B are willing to comes together co-equal basis.
Acquisition: Company A buys Company Bs stock in order to have management control.
Take over: Company B could not resist being hostile take over by Company A.
How about cross-border M&A?
Still exactly the same thing but more complicated because:
Its a cross-border transaction.
Legal barriers are more complex.
The gap between business cultures is larger.
And so many other things needed to be considered.
For those who are still being confused out there, cross-border M&A is a concept in which
Its an international marriage between two companies to form a family.
The two parties will be responsible for the family finance and management strategies.
The two parties will share the profit/loss accordingly.
Cross-border M&A between Japan and Vietnam in 2013-2014
Here is just a review
Cross-border M&A really helps to overcoming entry barriers into new market.
It also saves cost but adds more skills and capability for new product development.
And it definitely create added-value and reshapes your competitive scope.
Thank you!!!
The concept of M&A and all the tricks along with it have been written in piles and piles of books. Please note this presentation serve the purpose to simplify the idea of cross-border M&A for a clueless person like myself. Hope it helps to introduce you to this fun and exciting remarks of the finance industry. Im looking forward to having more to add on this topic. Anyhow, good luck!!!
The document discusses the 5S method, which is a structured approach to creating efficient presentations. It provides guidelines for analyzing the context, visualizing content as a story, structuring slides, simplifying text, harmonizing design elements, and using the right colors, fonts, figures and multimedia. The method helps users focus on objectives, adapt messages for the audience and media, and respect timing. It aims to guide users to create clear, impactful presentations that save time and money.
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tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Este documento describe el sistema de las 5S, un m辿todo para mantener el orden, la limpieza y la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. Consiste en 5 pasos: seleccionar (seiri), ordenar (seiton), limpiar (seiso), estandarizar (seiketsu) y disciplina (shitsuke). Siguiendo estos pasos se pueden lograr beneficios como menos accidentes, menos defectos, menos demoras y mayor satisfacci坦n de clientes. Se recomienda aplicar las 5S en diferentes 叩reas como la oficina, el hogar y el autom坦
The document provides 8 tips for successfully implementing a 5S process: 1) Integrate 5S with other improvement efforts rather than treating it separately, 2) Require management to set a strong example by keeping their own areas organized, 3) Have supervisors enforce 5S practices daily through observation and feedback, 4) Incorporate 5S expectations into all job descriptions, 5) Clearly define visual standards for each 5S area, 6) Modify procedures to reinforce 5S behaviors, 7) Include 5S in monthly audits of all workplace practices, and 8) Recognize teams that meet 5S standards.
The document discusses the 5S method, which is a structured approach to creating efficient presentations. It provides guidelines for analyzing the context, visualizing content as a story, structuring slides, simplifying text, harmonizing design elements, and using the right colors, fonts, figures and multimedia. The method helps users focus on objectives, adapt messages for the audience and media, and respect timing. It aims to guide users to create clear, impactful presentations that save time and money.
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
Este documento describe el sistema de las 5S, un m辿todo para mantener el orden, la limpieza y la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. Consiste en 5 pasos: seleccionar (seiri), ordenar (seiton), limpiar (seiso), estandarizar (seiketsu) y disciplina (shitsuke). Siguiendo estos pasos se pueden lograr beneficios como menos accidentes, menos defectos, menos demoras y mayor satisfacci坦n de clientes. Se recomienda aplicar las 5S en diferentes 叩reas como la oficina, el hogar y el autom坦
The document provides 8 tips for successfully implementing a 5S process: 1) Integrate 5S with other improvement efforts rather than treating it separately, 2) Require management to set a strong example by keeping their own areas organized, 3) Have supervisors enforce 5S practices daily through observation and feedback, 4) Incorporate 5S expectations into all job descriptions, 5) Clearly define visual standards for each 5S area, 6) Modify procedures to reinforce 5S behaviors, 7) Include 5S in monthly audits of all workplace practices, and 8) Recognize teams that meet 5S standards.
Lu畉n Vn Hon Thi畛n H畛 Th畛ng Qu畉n L箪 Ch畉t L藤畛ng Theo Ti棚u Chu畉n Iso 9001 T畉i ...sividocz
Lu畉n Vn Hon Thi畛n H畛 Th畛ng Qu畉n L箪 Ch畉t L藤畛ng Theo Ti棚u Chu畉n Iso 9001 T畉i C担ng Ty Tnhh Mtv Cao Su Kon Tum. c叩c b畉n c坦 th畛 tham kh畉o th棚m nhi畛u ti li畛u v lu畉n vn ,bi m畉u i畛m cao t畉i luanvanmaster.com
Chuy棚n 棚 Th動味c T但味p X但y D畛ng H畛 Th畛ng Qu畉n L箪 Ch畉t L動畛ng Theo Iso 90012008 T畉i C担ng Ty C畛 Ph畉n Long Hi畛p a Chia Se 棚n Cho Cac Ba味n Sinh Vi棚n M担味t Bai M但u Chuy棚n 棚 C動味c Ki Xu但t Sc, M董i Me Va N担味i Dung Si棚u Ch但t L動董味ng Se Giup Ba味n Co Th棚m Th但味t Nhi棚u Th担ng Tin Va Ki棚n Th動c Cho N棚n Cac Ba味n Kh担ng Th棚 Bo Qua Bai M但u Nay Nha. DI味CH VU味 VIT THU TAI TRO味N GOI ZALO/TELEGRAM NHN TIN TRAO I : 0934 573 149 - TAI FLIE TAI LI味U: HOTROTHUCTAP.COM