You can enjoy desktop development with Node.js and HTML5/CSS/WebGL right now. Here we also to announce that Stem project which is a JavaScript operating system, it makes developers be able to make things on embedded system with JavaScript only. There is no need to understand that difficult knowledge about embedded system when you work on Stem OS.
Rapida dimostrazione di quanto sia semplice automatizzare elettrodomestici casalinghi. In questo caso, comanderemo una macchina da caffè espresso via Android e Bluetooth.
Bluetooth android application For interfacing with arduinosumit chakraborty
This document discusses building an Android application to connect to Bluetooth devices. It covers the basics of the Android Bluetooth APIs, including scanning for devices, querying paired devices, establishing connections, and transferring data. It also discusses the permissions needed, setting up Bluetooth on an Android device, managing connections, and using handlers. The document mentions connecting an Android phone to an Arduino using an RN42 Bluetooth module and a FlexiForce sensor.
Communication entre android et arduino via bluetoothBedis ElAchèche
La création d'un robot téléguidé, est cool! Mais, pourquoi dépenser du temps et de l'argent sur une télécommande. Comment, peut-on observer le fonctionnement du robot? La solution est dans votre poche! Lors de l'atelier, on va entamer la partie de la communication sans fil Android/Ardiuno via Bluetooth. La création de votre télécommande, et le suivi de l'état de votre robot via votre appareil n'a jamais été aussi facile.
Jserv gave a talk about the conceptual introduction to LLVM. The session mentioned the evolution of compiler technologies, paradigm shift, LLVM as a promising open source project, and how LLVM changes the IT world.
Rapida dimostrazione di quanto sia semplice automatizzare elettrodomestici casalinghi. In questo caso, comanderemo una macchina da caffè espresso via Android e Bluetooth.
Bluetooth android application For interfacing with arduinosumit chakraborty
This document discusses building an Android application to connect to Bluetooth devices. It covers the basics of the Android Bluetooth APIs, including scanning for devices, querying paired devices, establishing connections, and transferring data. It also discusses the permissions needed, setting up Bluetooth on an Android device, managing connections, and using handlers. The document mentions connecting an Android phone to an Arduino using an RN42 Bluetooth module and a FlexiForce sensor.
Communication entre android et arduino via bluetoothBedis ElAchèche
La création d'un robot téléguidé, est cool! Mais, pourquoi dépenser du temps et de l'argent sur une télécommande. Comment, peut-on observer le fonctionnement du robot? La solution est dans votre poche! Lors de l'atelier, on va entamer la partie de la communication sans fil Android/Ardiuno via Bluetooth. La création de votre télécommande, et le suivi de l'état de votre robot via votre appareil n'a jamais été aussi facile.
Jserv gave a talk about the conceptual introduction to LLVM. The session mentioned the evolution of compiler technologies, paradigm shift, LLVM as a promising open source project, and how LLVM changes the IT world.
34. 要讀到值有很多種管道
1. Serial Port
a. 透過 Serial.println() & 互動
2. Network (wire/wireless)
a. 透過 Web Server GET/POST 來互動
3. Bluetooth
a. 歹勢,我沒用過 Orz..