Sports Plus Helmet Corporation is an OEM and ODM supplier of sports helmets including cycling, skating, skiing, and BMX helmets. They have factories in South Korea and China with a combined capacity of 23,000 square meters and 350-400 employees. They produce over 1 million helmets per year and supply brands like Merida, Walmart, and Foxconn. Their production process involves design, moulding, printing, assembly, and quality control. They have certification from various standards organizations.
Sports Plus Helmet Corporation is a professional OEM and ODM supplier of sports crash helmets including cycling, skating, skiing, BMX and other sports. They have factories in South Korea and China with a capacity of over 23,000 square meters and 350-400 employees. They produce over 1 million helmets per year and have 10-19 R&D staff and 3-5 engineers. Their major customers include Merida, Walmart, and Foxconn and they export to markets in Europe, Central/South America, and Asia.
ITWorx is an Egyptian software services firm that offers hybrid cloud solutions to government organizations. The presentation discusses ITWorx's offerings including a citizen appointment system, government performance management tools, and a government bus connect solution. A hybrid cloud approach allows governments to maintain control over some systems while leveraging public cloud benefits for other applications and workloads.
The document discusses Massachusetts' film tax credit program. It provides evidence that the program has generated a net economic benefit for the state by attracting over $1 billion in direct film production spending from 2006 to 2009, while costing taxpayers only $108 million. Surveys also find that most Massachusetts residents support the film tax credits and believe they are good for the economy.
The annual ice and snow festival in Harbin, China attracts millions of visitors each year. Teams from around the world compete to build the most beautiful sculptures out of snow and ice. The sculptures have become more artistic and elaborate over time, with some reaching heights of 50 meters. The ice festival area spans several kilometers and features stunning neon-lit sculptures, food stands, and attractions like ice skating and climbing walls made of ice from the Songhua River.
How to make successful use of the cloud for your software startup. Based on 4 years of using various cloud services. Includes advice, war stories, and best practices.
Presented at CoderFaire Atlanta 2013.
This document summarizes techniques for leveraging PHP projects through tools that enable easier project setup and deployment, improved testing, and greater code reuse through open source libraries and frameworks. It discusses tools for project management, dependency management, process supervision, configuration management, test data generation, social coding, and packaging libraries. The goal is to reduce maintenance overhead and encourage community collaboration on PHP projects.
Patterns and Tools for Database Versioning, Migration, Data Loading and Test ...Alan Pinstein
Talk given at CodeWorks PHP Conference in Atlanta on 9/29/2009.
Covers MP "migrations for php" project as well as other best-practices for managing database migrations for PHP projects.
The document discusses task-based language teaching (TBLT) and the use of authentic materials and tasks in language instruction. It describes TBLT as an approach that engages learners in performing meaningful tasks using the target language. Key aspects of TBLT include designing communicative tasks linked to curriculum goals and focusing on both language acquisition and proceduralization. Authentic materials can contextualize learning and include cultural objects, videos, simulations of real-world scenarios. Effective tasks reflect real-life situations and prioritize meaning over form.
This document provides an overview of the Middle Ages in Europe, including the key events, languages, and literature of the period. It discusses the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages, the dominant languages of Latin, Greek and various vernaculars, and gives examples of important works of literature from the time including Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The document also outlines some of the major themes in Medieval literature like the seven deadly sins, courtly love, and chivalry.
There are approximately 6,000-7,000 languages spoken in the world today, with 3,000 estimated to become extinct. Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken with over 1 billion speakers. The major language families include Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, Austronesian, and Sino-Tibetan. Writing systems developed independently in various cultures and include alphabets, abjads, syllabaries, and logographic scripts. The advent of writing coincided with the rise of agriculture and the need to record property and transactions. Linguistic diversity is threatened by a growing rate of language endangerment and extinction, with cultural and historical knowledge lost when languages disappear.
The document provides an overview of key developments during the Renaissance period in Europe from the 14th to 16th centuries. It discusses how the Renaissance sparked a rebirth of interest in classical antiquity, humanism, and individualism. Specifically, it summarizes how the printing press allowed for wider dissemination of books and ideas; how vernacular languages like English, French, and Spanish developed their literary traditions; and how renowned artists and writers like Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and others made significant cultural contributions during this time.
The document discusses Massachusetts' film tax credit program. It provides evidence that the program has generated a net economic benefit for the state by attracting over $1 billion in direct film production spending from 2006 to 2009, while costing taxpayers only $108 million. Surveys also find that most Massachusetts residents support the film tax credits and believe they are good for the economy.
The annual ice and snow festival in Harbin, China attracts millions of visitors each year. Teams from around the world compete to build the most beautiful sculptures out of snow and ice. The sculptures have become more artistic and elaborate over time, with some reaching heights of 50 meters. The ice festival area spans several kilometers and features stunning neon-lit sculptures, food stands, and attractions like ice skating and climbing walls made of ice from the Songhua River.
How to make successful use of the cloud for your software startup. Based on 4 years of using various cloud services. Includes advice, war stories, and best practices.
Presented at CoderFaire Atlanta 2013.
This document summarizes techniques for leveraging PHP projects through tools that enable easier project setup and deployment, improved testing, and greater code reuse through open source libraries and frameworks. It discusses tools for project management, dependency management, process supervision, configuration management, test data generation, social coding, and packaging libraries. The goal is to reduce maintenance overhead and encourage community collaboration on PHP projects.
Patterns and Tools for Database Versioning, Migration, Data Loading and Test ...Alan Pinstein
Talk given at CodeWorks PHP Conference in Atlanta on 9/29/2009.
Covers MP "migrations for php" project as well as other best-practices for managing database migrations for PHP projects.
The document discusses task-based language teaching (TBLT) and the use of authentic materials and tasks in language instruction. It describes TBLT as an approach that engages learners in performing meaningful tasks using the target language. Key aspects of TBLT include designing communicative tasks linked to curriculum goals and focusing on both language acquisition and proceduralization. Authentic materials can contextualize learning and include cultural objects, videos, simulations of real-world scenarios. Effective tasks reflect real-life situations and prioritize meaning over form.
This document provides an overview of the Middle Ages in Europe, including the key events, languages, and literature of the period. It discusses the Early, High, and Late Middle Ages, the dominant languages of Latin, Greek and various vernaculars, and gives examples of important works of literature from the time including Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The document also outlines some of the major themes in Medieval literature like the seven deadly sins, courtly love, and chivalry.
There are approximately 6,000-7,000 languages spoken in the world today, with 3,000 estimated to become extinct. Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken with over 1 billion speakers. The major language families include Indo-European, Afro-Asiatic, Austronesian, and Sino-Tibetan. Writing systems developed independently in various cultures and include alphabets, abjads, syllabaries, and logographic scripts. The advent of writing coincided with the rise of agriculture and the need to record property and transactions. Linguistic diversity is threatened by a growing rate of language endangerment and extinction, with cultural and historical knowledge lost when languages disappear.
The document provides an overview of key developments during the Renaissance period in Europe from the 14th to 16th centuries. It discusses how the Renaissance sparked a rebirth of interest in classical antiquity, humanism, and individualism. Specifically, it summarizes how the printing press allowed for wider dissemination of books and ideas; how vernacular languages like English, French, and Spanish developed their literary traditions; and how renowned artists and writers like Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Cervantes, and others made significant cultural contributions during this time.
4. Benieuwd glijdt
Harrys blik naar
haar buik, en dan
begint ook hij te
Hallo, kleintje! Je
bent wel echt een
verrassing, maar
zeker niet
10. En even later
zitten ze allebei
aan tafel met een
heerlijk ijsje.
Ze geniet met
volle teugen,
eindelijk eens een
man die 辿cht voor
haar zorgt!
11. Al heeft het ook
wel zijn nadelen.
Want als Melissa
door het vreemde
bioritme dan haar
zwangerschap met
zich meebrengt
in het midden van
de nacht aan haar
Lichaamsskills wil
12. staat Harry na
enkele minuten al
Lisje, zou je niet
gaan slapen? s
Nachts trainen is
echt niet gezond!
13. Als ze zelf moet
toegeven, heeft
Harry eigenlijk wel
gelijk. Maar ja, een
brengt nu eenmaal
gedragingen met
zich mee!
14. Wanneer ze weer
wakker wordt,
staat Harry naast
haar bed:
Liefje, ik moet
gaan werken. Zorg
een beetje voor je
jezelf, h辿!
15. en voor onze
voegt hij eraan
toe, terwijl hij zich
naar Melissas buik
toe buigt.
17. Maar Harry had
het toch niet
kunnen laten om
nog een
pannenkoek voor
Melissa klaar te
Glimlachend om
zijn bezorgdheid
eet ze hem op.
Harry weet
tenminste hoe hij
een vrouw moet
18. En ze luistert goed
naar haar vriend,
want de rest van
de dag brengt ze
braafjes aan de
piano door.
19. Klinkt goed!,
hoort ze opeens
Harrys stem
achter zich,
Muziek zou goed
zijn voor
ongeboren babys,
wist je dat?
24. O, jij pestkop!,
roept Melissa uit,
terwijl ze gretig
haar tanden in
een stuk pizza zet.
25. Na nog een
gezellige avond
kruipen de
ouders samen in
bed. Misschien
wordt het kindje
vannacht wel
26. Maar de volgende
ochtend is Melissa
nog steeds niet
bevallen. Al heeft
ze wel last van
steken in haar
27. Harry blijft bij
haar op bed
liggen, want hij
wil absoluut zijn
eerste kindje zien
geboren worden.
Samen praten ze
over babynamen,
en er wordt beslist
dat Harry de
naam van het
kindje maag
29. Godverdomme, ik
heb dit al zo vaak
gedaan, waarom
blijft het nu zon
pijn doen?,
roept ze uit.
30. Maar dan houdt
ze toch een klein
babytje in haar
Hallo kleine meid.
Wat ben jij mooi,
zeg! Je vaders
huidskleur, maar
mijn ogen. En het
blonde haar heb je
van ons allebei.
31. Ze loopt naar de
andere kant van
de slaapkamer, en
legt het kleintje in
Harrys armen.
Zo, zeg jij maar
eens hoe onze
schattige dochter
mag heten!
32. Ok辿, dan is dit
onze kleine Ella!,
zegt Harry trots,
terwijl hij zijn
dochtertje heen en
weer wiegt.
34. En jawel: het zijn
weer eens een
meisje en een
zegt ze trots,
wanneer ze ook
haar zoontje in
haar armen houdt.
35. Dan is dit onze
Marco, goed?,
vraagt ze.
Natuurlijk liefje.
Al wat jij bedenkt
is in orde!,
antwoordt Harry.
36. Zo staan ze met
hun vieren even te
genieten. Eindelijk
een mooi, hecht
37. *Zucht* Het ziet er inderdaad
naar uit dat Harry d辿 perfecte man
voor Melissa is. Jammer genoeg is
dit nog steeds een QB, en is Harry
nog maar de derde man