
ݺߣShare a Scribd company logo
This is a
between my
digipack and
them. One of
the panels
on my
digipack is
similar to
this is
because I
like the
design of
panel, so I
wanted to
on a larger
In both of my ancillary tasks, I have kept to the same colour’s being, red, blue and
green. As these are predominantly the main colour’s in nature, which I have said
in previous posts was the inspiration to my designs. This can also be seen within
the music video, as there are shots of nature in there are shots of surroundings of
the local area and Tripoli’s in there as well.
Poster analysis
Even though the poster is simple, I believe that it is effective because it attracts
the target audience and is associated with one of the digipack panels. This is
mainly done through the variety of flowers, which can be seen on a variety of the
panels. Since the band is all male, it is more likely that the audience at a show
will be predominantly male. The inclusion of the flowers will hopefully attract a
more female audience as well. The bright colour’s used in both the poster and
magazine, are different to posters and digipacks found in that particular genre of
music. I have made the tour dates that colour for a number of reasons. One
advantage of not having it so clear, is that a potential audience, will have to take a
closer look at the poster and not just be able to walk past it, meaning they are
more likely to gather the information in as they look at it longer. This also has a
downside though as it isn’t clear, which makes it difficult for people to read, thus
losing some of the audience who may be busy when they see the poster.
Digipack analysis
After researching and annotating digipacks especially ones within our genre, I
noticed certain conventions through the ones I have looked at and annotated.
Although one convention, which is unique to my digipack, is the use of the dark
background and really light colors on top of it. Since many bands use the same
colour’s repeatedly, I decided to break away from this to make the digipack

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Question 2 comparison

  • 1. This is a comparison between my digipack and poster. While designing them. One of the panels on my digipack is similar to my magazine, this is because I like the design of that particular panel, so I wanted to include elsewhere on a larger scale.
  • 2. In both of my ancillary tasks, I have kept to the same colour’s being, red, blue and green. As these are predominantly the main colour’s in nature, which I have said in previous posts was the inspiration to my designs. This can also be seen within the music video, as there are shots of nature in there are shots of surroundings of the local area and Tripoli’s in there as well. Poster analysis Even though the poster is simple, I believe that it is effective because it attracts the target audience and is associated with one of the digipack panels. This is mainly done through the variety of flowers, which can be seen on a variety of the panels. Since the band is all male, it is more likely that the audience at a show will be predominantly male. The inclusion of the flowers will hopefully attract a more female audience as well. The bright colour’s used in both the poster and magazine, are different to posters and digipacks found in that particular genre of music. I have made the tour dates that colour for a number of reasons. One advantage of not having it so clear, is that a potential audience, will have to take a closer look at the poster and not just be able to walk past it, meaning they are more likely to gather the information in as they look at it longer. This also has a downside though as it isn’t clear, which makes it difficult for people to read, thus losing some of the audience who may be busy when they see the poster. Digipack analysis After researching and annotating digipacks especially ones within our genre, I noticed certain conventions through the ones I have looked at and annotated. Although one convention, which is unique to my digipack, is the use of the dark background and really light colors on top of it. Since many bands use the same colour’s repeatedly, I decided to break away from this to make the digipack unique.