Dokumen tersebut membahas struktur komunitas terumbu karang di kawasan wisata Lovina, Bali. Terumbu karang di kawasan tersebut umumnya berupa terumbu penghalang yang tersebar di beberapa titik. Kondisi karang hidup berkisar antara 18-44% dengan kategori buruk hingga sedang. Komunitas karang terdiri atas berbagai jenis karang dan hewan laut.
LM Ericsson is a leading telecommunications equipment manufacturer, providing mobile systems solutions and end-to-end network solutions to operators. The author completed an internship at Ericsson where they learned about technical and corporate skills while helping to upgrade the software on 2000 network nodes in Bangladesh. They gained experience in fields maintenance and saw first-hand how Ericsson maintains high quality networks for its customers.
Moodle es un software diseñado para ayudar a los educadores a crear cursos en lÃnea de alta calidad y entornos de aprendizaje virtuales. Tales sistemas de aprendizaje en lÃnea son algunas veces llamados VLEs (Virtual Learning Environments) o entornos virtuales de aprendizaje.
Understanding User’s Acceptance of Personal Cloud Computing: Using the Techno...Maurice Dawson
Personal Cloud Computing (PCC) is a rapidly growing technology, addressing the market demand of individual users for access to available and reliable resources. But like other new technologies, concerns and issues have surfaced with the adoption of PCC. Users deciding whether to adopt PCC may be concerned about the ease of use, usefulness, or security risks in the cloud. Negative attitudes toward using a technology have been found to negatively impact the success of that technology. The purpose of this study was to understand users’ acceptance of PCC. The population sample consisted of individual users within the United States between 18 and 80 years of age. The theoretical framework utilized in this study was based on the technology acceptance model (TAM). A web survey was conducted to assess the measurement and understanding of patterns demonstrated by participants. Our results shows that in spite of the potential benefits of PCC, security and privacy risks are deterring many users from moving towards PCC.
It's brief introduction into some types of wearable techs.
We see some examples like google glass and moto 360 or oculus rift in order to get some sense about what happening around this Technology
This document provides an analysis of the designer's digipack and poster for a band. It discusses how one panel of the digipack is similar to a panel in the designer's magazine because they liked the design. Both the digipack and poster use the same three main colors of red, blue, and green which were inspired by nature. The simple poster design effectively attracts audiences through the inclusion of flowers seen in the digipack panels. While the colorful design stands out from other genres, the dim tour dates can make the information hard to read quickly. The digipack breaks conventions through its use of a dark background with light colors.
Our group created a music video for a pop rock song along with a digipack and poster to advertise the album. We researched other pop rock music videos to incorporate successful elements and appeal to a wide audience. For one ancillary task, I designed a magazine advertisement for the band's new poster. The poster features only the band name and tour dates, album title, and record label, but not the band's image or website to stand out from normal posters.
This document describes a finished digipack poster that shares conventions with band tour posters such as including the name of the band, the album or tour title, a list of tour dates, and the promoters.
This document describes a finished digipack design with standard elements labeled, including a front cover with the album name and indication that it contains a CD, an inner cover with text, and information listing the promoters, record label, and track list.
A2 Media Question 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or chal...maxcollins175
The document discusses how a media product (a music video) was influenced by conventions from real music videos. It researched many music videos to get ideas for camera angles, scenes, costumes, and lighting. Specific videos influenced the raised platform from "Oceans", postcards/boards from "All About the Money", and close-ups of instruments from "I Feel So". The video aimed to balance lighting between happy and sad lyrics. Costumes and large room/black background settings matched genres like rock. Theories by Andrew Goodwin about relationships between songs/videos and genre characteristics were also applied.
This document summarizes some common conventions used on music magazine covers. It notes that mastheads are typically in a special font in white with no effects. The main cover line is much larger than other text and runs across the middle to entice readers. Cover lines also promote special deals. Bar codes and issue numbers are included, and cover pictures sometimes overlap text.
This document provides an analysis of the designer's digipack and poster for a band. It discusses how one panel of the digipack is similar to a panel in the designer's magazine because they liked the design. Both the digipack and poster use the same three main colors of red, blue, and green which were inspired by nature. The simple poster design effectively attracts audiences through the inclusion of flowers seen in the digipack panels. While the colorful design stands out from other genres, the dim tour dates can make the information hard to read quickly. The digipack breaks conventions through its use of a dark background with light colors.
Our group created a music video for a pop rock song along with a digipack and poster to advertise the album. We researched other pop rock music videos to incorporate successful elements and appeal to a wide audience. For one ancillary task, I designed a magazine advertisement for the band's new poster. The poster features only the band name and tour dates, album title, and record label, but not the band's image or website to stand out from normal posters.
This document describes a finished digipack poster that shares conventions with band tour posters such as including the name of the band, the album or tour title, a list of tour dates, and the promoters.
This document describes a finished digipack design with standard elements labeled, including a front cover with the album name and indication that it contains a CD, an inner cover with text, and information listing the promoters, record label, and track list.
A2 Media Question 1-In what ways does your media product use, develop or chal...maxcollins175
The document discusses how a media product (a music video) was influenced by conventions from real music videos. It researched many music videos to get ideas for camera angles, scenes, costumes, and lighting. Specific videos influenced the raised platform from "Oceans", postcards/boards from "All About the Money", and close-ups of instruments from "I Feel So". The video aimed to balance lighting between happy and sad lyrics. Costumes and large room/black background settings matched genres like rock. Theories by Andrew Goodwin about relationships between songs/videos and genre characteristics were also applied.
This document summarizes some common conventions used on music magazine covers. It notes that mastheads are typically in a special font in white with no effects. The main cover line is much larger than other text and runs across the middle to entice readers. Cover lines also promote special deals. Bar codes and issue numbers are included, and cover pictures sometimes overlap text.
1. This is my inspiration for my 6-panel digipack. Many of the conventions can be
found within my digipack.
Track list
Booklet/ lyric book
Front cover