O documento discute os m炭sculos e receptores musculares. Explica que os m炭sculos possuem diferentes tipos de unidades motoras e que a for巽a muscular 辿 graduada atrav辿s da modula巽達o da frequ棚ncia de contra巽達o e do recrutamento sequencial das unidades. Tamb辿m descreve os principais receptores musculares, como fusos musculares e 坦rg達os tendinosos de Golgi, e suas fun巽探es na detec巽達o do comprimento e tens達o muscular.
The vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII) has both a vestibular and cochlear component. The vestibular component senses balance and equilibrium via the vestibular ganglia, while the cochlear component is responsible for hearing via the spiral ganglia. Damage to CN VIII can result in symptoms like vertigo, hearing loss, and tinnitus. Lesions of the vestibular branch cause vestibular neuritis with vertigo and nystagmus, while lesions of both vestibular and cochlear branches cause labyrinthitis with additional symptoms of hearing loss and tinnitus.
This document discusses functional voice disorders and their management. It defines functional voice disorders as issues caused by improper use of the vocal mechanism rather than structural problems. The main type of functional voice disorder discussed is muscle tension dysphonia (MTD). MTD occurs when the laryngeal muscles do not function properly due to prolonged voice use, illness, trauma, or emotional problems. Symptoms include high or low pitch, hoarseness, inability to speak loudly or clearly. Treatment involves functional therapy conducted by a speech language pathologist, with occasional Botox injections or surgery. Other functional disorders covered include hyperadduction, hyperabduction, pharyngeal constriction, ventricular phonation, and vocal fold bowing.
The facial nerve has three nuclei and contains approximately 10,000 fibers. It exits the brainstem at the pontomedullary junction and travels through the internal acoustic meatus and fallopian canal. It has motor, parasympathetic, and sensory functions. Facial nerve palsy can result from various causes such as Bell's palsy, tumors, fractures, or inflammation. Diagnosis involves evaluating for signs of upper vs. lower motor neuron involvement. Treatment depends on the cause but may include corticosteroids, antivirals, or decompression surgery.
The document discusses the vestibulocochlear nerve, also known as the 8th cranial nerve, which has two components - the cochlear nerve for hearing and the vestibular nerve for balance and equilibrium. It describes the anatomy and functions of each component, including their pathways in the brain and receptors in the inner ear. The document also outlines various tests used to evaluate the vestibulocochlear nerve, such as Rinne's test, Weber's test, and caloric testing. It provides interpretations of test results to determine if hearing loss or nystagmus originate from the inner ear, nerve, or brainstem.
O documento descreve os ossos do membro tor叩cico de diferentes animais. Ele discute a esc叩pula, clav鱈cula, 炭mero, r叩dio, ulna, ossos do carpo, metacarpo e falanges. Varia巽探es na estrutura destes ossos s達o observadas entre c達es, gatos, su鱈nos, ruminantes e cavalos.
O documento descreve a anatomia do membro inferior humano. Ele discute a organiza巽達o geral do membro inferior, suas principais estruturas e limites, incluindo o quadril, coxa, joelho, perna e p辿. Tamb辿m aborda os ossos do quadril, a articula巽達o coxofemoral e estruturas como o acet叩bulo e o t炭ber isqui叩tico.
This document provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the human auditory system. It discusses the two major subsystems - the peripheral and central auditory systems - and focuses on the structures of the peripheral system, including the outer, middle, and inner ear. Key components that are described in detail include the pinna, ear canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles, cochlea, and auditory nerve. Common pathologies that can affect each area are also listed. The roles of various professionals who work with hearing disorders are outlined. Finally, aspects of the audiometric evaluation process conducted during an ENT exam are briefly reviewed.
Este documento discute a fratura da cabe巽a do r叩dio, incluindo sua biomec但nica, epidemiologia, mecanismos de les達o, classifica巽探es, exame cl鱈nico, imagens, anatomia cir炭rgica, vias de acesso e tratamentos. As fraturas da cabe巽a do r叩dio geralmente ocorrem ap坦s uma queda com a m達o estendida e representam 15-20% das fraturas do cotovelo. O tratamento depende da classifica巽達o da fratura e geralmente envolve imobiliza巽達o ou fixa巽達o cir炭rgica.
Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, is a condition caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve, the 5th cranial nerve, which can arise from lesions such as multiple sclerosis, tumors, or dental issues that cause compression of the nerve. Bell's palsy is another condition known as facial paralysis that results from inflammation of the facial nerve and causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the face.
Posturography in Neurological Disorders - How to assess and treat balance wit...sensingfuture
Neurological disorders are one of the major causes of mortality and disability worldwide and are frequently associated with varying degrees of sensory and motor problems. Balance control impairment is often present in patients suffering from these disorders, highly impacting daily life. For this reason, it is vital to recognize and assess neurological disorders of balance and posture in clinical settings.
The aim of clinical balance and posture assessment is to, firstly, identify if there is in fact a balance problem, and finally to determine and differentiate the underlying cause, so the intervention is as effective as it can be. This means that balance and posture assessment should provide objective and quantitative measurements so it can be translated into simple, nonetheless vital, information for diagnosis and treatment planning. Learn about posturography in neurological balance dysfunctions. Visit our website: www.physiosensing.net
The larynx lies in the neck opposite the third to sixth cervical vertebrae. It contains cartilages like the thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis which connect via joints like the cricoarytenoid. Membranes and muscles within the larynx facilitate functions like phonation and respiration. The larynx is innervated by the recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves and has lymphatic drainage to cervical nodes.
This document discusses drugs used for cough. It begins by defining cough and describing the cough reflex and mechanism. It then distinguishes between productive and non-productive cough. The causes or etiologies of cough are outlined. The document then describes different classes of drugs used for cough, including demulcents, expectorants, mucolytics, and antitussives. Specific drugs from each class are provided as examples, along with their mechanisms of action and indications. The document emphasizes that cough remedies should be prescribed rationally.
O documento discute a les達o do manguito rotador do ombro, descrevendo sua anatomia, etiologia, avalia巽達o e tratamento. O manguito rotador 辿 formado por quatro m炭sculos que estabilizam e movimentam o ombro. Les探es no manguito podem ser causadas por degenera巽達o, microtraumas repetidos, impacto mec但nico ou trauma agudo. A avalia巽達o inclui exame f鱈sico, radiografias, ultrassom, resson但ncia magn辿tica e teste de xiloca鱈na. O tratamento depende da
1. O documento apresenta informa巽探es sobre os principais m炭sculos do corpo humano, incluindo sua origem, inser巽達o, inerva巽達o e a巽達o.
2. As informa巽探es sobre cada m炭sculo s達o fornecidas de maneira uniforme e padronizada para facilitar a consulta.
3. Considera巽探es importantes sobre a inerva巽達o perif辿rica dos m炭sculos s達o apresentadas no in鱈cio do documento para esclarecer quest探es sobre a origem dos nervos motores.
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a pea-sized gland that lies at the base of the brain. It is divided into anterior and posterior lobes. The anterior lobe regulates other endocrine glands by secreting hormones like growth hormone, TSH, and ACTH in response to releasing hormones from the hypothalamus. The posterior lobe stores and releases oxytocin and vasopressin, which are produced in the hypothalamus and travel down axons to the pituitary. Together these hormones regulate processes like lactation, water balance, and sexual development.
A detailed description of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment methods.For more information, please visit www.everydayhearing.com
hey Guys ,
here u get the detail anatomy of vestibular system for Bachelors level . if have any suggestion or want any topic PPT , Mail me - anantarun27@gmail,com
The olfactory nerve detects smells in the nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor neurons in the nasal mucosa detect smells and send signals along axons through the cribriform plate to the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb performs initial processing of smell signals before sending them to areas of the brain involved in emotion and smell perception like the amygdala, hippocampus, and orbitofrontal cortex.
This document discusses the physiology and development of speech. It describes how speech develops in two stages, with the first being associating words with sensations and the second establishing neuronal pathways between auditory and motor areas. Key areas of the brain involved in speech production are the motor area, Broca's area, and Wernicke's area. Common speech disorders like aphasia, apraxia, dysphonia, and stammering are also outlined. Speech therapy treatments are then reviewed for different disorders, such as using behavioral techniques for stuttering and intensive practice for apraxia. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of choosing words wisely.
This document provides information about the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal cranial nerves. It begins with an overview of the cranial nerves and their classifications. It then discusses the trigeminal nerve in depth, including its embryology, nuclei, pathways, ganglia, and clinical implications such as trigeminal neuralgia. The glossopharyngeal nerve is then summarized, covering its nuclei, course, branches and clinical tests. Finally, the hypoglossal nerve is outlined, with details on its nucleus, segments, branches, examining techniques, and causes of hypoglossal palsy. In total, the document comprehensively reviews the anatomy and clinical relevance of these three cranial
The document summarizes the mechanism of hearing and the auditory pathway. It describes how sound is captured by the pinna and amplified through the external ear canal and middle ear bones. This causes vibrations that are transduced into electrical signals by hair cells in the cochlea. These signals travel along the auditory nerve and pathway in the brainstem and temporal lobe to the auditory cortex. Deafness can occur from damage to the peripheral structures of the external and middle ear (conductive) or the inner ear and auditory nerve (sensorineural).
Este documento apresenta os principais m炭sculos do membro superior humano, descrevendo sua origem e inser巽達o. O objetivo 辿 fornecer informa巽探es sobre a anatomia dos m炭sculos do ombro, bra巽o, antebra巽o e m達o para educadores f鱈sicos. Os principais m炭sculos de cada regi達o s達o detalhados, incluindo suas a巽探es e inerva巽探es.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang beberapa tokoh sejarah Islam seperti Nabi Adam, Hawa, dan Iblis. Juga menyinggung tentang kelemahan manusia seperti lupa dan khilaf walaupun diberi akal dan kekuatan oleh Allah.
This document summarizes a seminar on framing and tagging memories. It discusses how framing can be used to understand motivations and ideologies. Examples are provided of different tags assigned to memories and how these reveal themes like family or spirituality as dominant frames of reference. Students are prompted to ask critical questions about the data, such as how tags are defined and how themes might interconnect. Backing up claims with evidence from the data is also emphasized. The document concludes by offering examples of how to properly cite tagged memories.
O documento descreve a anatomia do membro inferior humano. Ele discute a organiza巽達o geral do membro inferior, suas principais estruturas e limites, incluindo o quadril, coxa, joelho, perna e p辿. Tamb辿m aborda os ossos do quadril, a articula巽達o coxofemoral e estruturas como o acet叩bulo e o t炭ber isqui叩tico.
This document provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of the human auditory system. It discusses the two major subsystems - the peripheral and central auditory systems - and focuses on the structures of the peripheral system, including the outer, middle, and inner ear. Key components that are described in detail include the pinna, ear canal, tympanic membrane, ossicles, cochlea, and auditory nerve. Common pathologies that can affect each area are also listed. The roles of various professionals who work with hearing disorders are outlined. Finally, aspects of the audiometric evaluation process conducted during an ENT exam are briefly reviewed.
Este documento discute a fratura da cabe巽a do r叩dio, incluindo sua biomec但nica, epidemiologia, mecanismos de les達o, classifica巽探es, exame cl鱈nico, imagens, anatomia cir炭rgica, vias de acesso e tratamentos. As fraturas da cabe巽a do r叩dio geralmente ocorrem ap坦s uma queda com a m達o estendida e representam 15-20% das fraturas do cotovelo. O tratamento depende da classifica巽達o da fratura e geralmente envolve imobiliza巽達o ou fixa巽達o cir炭rgica.
Trigeminal neuralgia, also known as tic douloureux, is a condition caused by irritation of the trigeminal nerve, the 5th cranial nerve, which can arise from lesions such as multiple sclerosis, tumors, or dental issues that cause compression of the nerve. Bell's palsy is another condition known as facial paralysis that results from inflammation of the facial nerve and causes weakness or paralysis on one side of the face.
Posturography in Neurological Disorders - How to assess and treat balance wit...sensingfuture
Neurological disorders are one of the major causes of mortality and disability worldwide and are frequently associated with varying degrees of sensory and motor problems. Balance control impairment is often present in patients suffering from these disorders, highly impacting daily life. For this reason, it is vital to recognize and assess neurological disorders of balance and posture in clinical settings.
The aim of clinical balance and posture assessment is to, firstly, identify if there is in fact a balance problem, and finally to determine and differentiate the underlying cause, so the intervention is as effective as it can be. This means that balance and posture assessment should provide objective and quantitative measurements so it can be translated into simple, nonetheless vital, information for diagnosis and treatment planning. Learn about posturography in neurological balance dysfunctions. Visit our website: www.physiosensing.net
The larynx lies in the neck opposite the third to sixth cervical vertebrae. It contains cartilages like the thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis which connect via joints like the cricoarytenoid. Membranes and muscles within the larynx facilitate functions like phonation and respiration. The larynx is innervated by the recurrent and superior laryngeal nerves and has lymphatic drainage to cervical nodes.
This document discusses drugs used for cough. It begins by defining cough and describing the cough reflex and mechanism. It then distinguishes between productive and non-productive cough. The causes or etiologies of cough are outlined. The document then describes different classes of drugs used for cough, including demulcents, expectorants, mucolytics, and antitussives. Specific drugs from each class are provided as examples, along with their mechanisms of action and indications. The document emphasizes that cough remedies should be prescribed rationally.
O documento discute a les達o do manguito rotador do ombro, descrevendo sua anatomia, etiologia, avalia巽達o e tratamento. O manguito rotador 辿 formado por quatro m炭sculos que estabilizam e movimentam o ombro. Les探es no manguito podem ser causadas por degenera巽達o, microtraumas repetidos, impacto mec但nico ou trauma agudo. A avalia巽達o inclui exame f鱈sico, radiografias, ultrassom, resson但ncia magn辿tica e teste de xiloca鱈na. O tratamento depende da
1. O documento apresenta informa巽探es sobre os principais m炭sculos do corpo humano, incluindo sua origem, inser巽達o, inerva巽達o e a巽達o.
2. As informa巽探es sobre cada m炭sculo s達o fornecidas de maneira uniforme e padronizada para facilitar a consulta.
3. Considera巽探es importantes sobre a inerva巽達o perif辿rica dos m炭sculos s達o apresentadas no in鱈cio do documento para esclarecer quest探es sobre a origem dos nervos motores.
The pituitary gland, also known as the hypophysis, is a pea-sized gland that lies at the base of the brain. It is divided into anterior and posterior lobes. The anterior lobe regulates other endocrine glands by secreting hormones like growth hormone, TSH, and ACTH in response to releasing hormones from the hypothalamus. The posterior lobe stores and releases oxytocin and vasopressin, which are produced in the hypothalamus and travel down axons to the pituitary. Together these hormones regulate processes like lactation, water balance, and sexual development.
A detailed description of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): the symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment methods.For more information, please visit www.everydayhearing.com
hey Guys ,
here u get the detail anatomy of vestibular system for Bachelors level . if have any suggestion or want any topic PPT , Mail me - anantarun27@gmail,com
The olfactory nerve detects smells in the nasal cavity. Olfactory receptor neurons in the nasal mucosa detect smells and send signals along axons through the cribriform plate to the olfactory bulb. The olfactory bulb performs initial processing of smell signals before sending them to areas of the brain involved in emotion and smell perception like the amygdala, hippocampus, and orbitofrontal cortex.
This document discusses the physiology and development of speech. It describes how speech develops in two stages, with the first being associating words with sensations and the second establishing neuronal pathways between auditory and motor areas. Key areas of the brain involved in speech production are the motor area, Broca's area, and Wernicke's area. Common speech disorders like aphasia, apraxia, dysphonia, and stammering are also outlined. Speech therapy treatments are then reviewed for different disorders, such as using behavioral techniques for stuttering and intensive practice for apraxia. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of choosing words wisely.
This document provides information about the trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and hypoglossal cranial nerves. It begins with an overview of the cranial nerves and their classifications. It then discusses the trigeminal nerve in depth, including its embryology, nuclei, pathways, ganglia, and clinical implications such as trigeminal neuralgia. The glossopharyngeal nerve is then summarized, covering its nuclei, course, branches and clinical tests. Finally, the hypoglossal nerve is outlined, with details on its nucleus, segments, branches, examining techniques, and causes of hypoglossal palsy. In total, the document comprehensively reviews the anatomy and clinical relevance of these three cranial
The document summarizes the mechanism of hearing and the auditory pathway. It describes how sound is captured by the pinna and amplified through the external ear canal and middle ear bones. This causes vibrations that are transduced into electrical signals by hair cells in the cochlea. These signals travel along the auditory nerve and pathway in the brainstem and temporal lobe to the auditory cortex. Deafness can occur from damage to the peripheral structures of the external and middle ear (conductive) or the inner ear and auditory nerve (sensorineural).
Este documento apresenta os principais m炭sculos do membro superior humano, descrevendo sua origem e inser巽達o. O objetivo 辿 fornecer informa巽探es sobre a anatomia dos m炭sculos do ombro, bra巽o, antebra巽o e m達o para educadores f鱈sicos. Os principais m炭sculos de cada regi達o s達o detalhados, incluindo suas a巽探es e inerva巽探es.
Dokumen ini membahas tentang beberapa tokoh sejarah Islam seperti Nabi Adam, Hawa, dan Iblis. Juga menyinggung tentang kelemahan manusia seperti lupa dan khilaf walaupun diberi akal dan kekuatan oleh Allah.
This document summarizes a seminar on framing and tagging memories. It discusses how framing can be used to understand motivations and ideologies. Examples are provided of different tags assigned to memories and how these reveal themes like family or spirituality as dominant frames of reference. Students are prompted to ask critical questions about the data, such as how tags are defined and how themes might interconnect. Backing up claims with evidence from the data is also emphasized. The document concludes by offering examples of how to properly cite tagged memories.
Watch the companion webinar at: http://embt.co/16cXD4h
Join Oracle ACE Director, Dan Hotka and Solutions Consultant Director, Scott Walz in part two of the series, where they will continue to build on that knowledge and share even more expertise on PL/SQL procedures, functions and packages.
Watch the webinar to learn about:
+ Procedures, functions and packages
+ Tips on PL/SQL compiling options
+ Performance tuning
Learn more about DB PowerStudio at: http://embt.co/DBPower
O documento descreve o contexto hist坦rico da Europa no s辿culo XIX, quando surgiu a Doutrina Esp鱈rita. A Revolu巽達o Francesa derrubou a monarquia e implantou ideais iluministas de liberdade e igualdade, por辿m anos de terror se seguiram. Fil坦sofos iluministas como Voltaire e Rousseau influenciaram o movimento.
The document discusses the history of chocolate, from its origins in Mesoamerica to its popularity in Europe. It details how the Maya and Aztecs cultivated the cocoa bean and used it in drinks. The Spanish conquest brought cocoa and chocolate drinks to Europe in the 16th century, where it became a popular luxury item. By the 19th century, chocolate had evolved into solid chocolate candy bars through innovations in cocoa processing.
Para escribir de manera efectiva, es importante clarificar el tema, explicar conceptos de forma comprensible y usar un lenguaje adecuado para el p炭blico objetivo. Tambi辿n se debe mantener la atenci坦n del lector usando una combinaci坦n correcta de colores y extensi坦n del texto.
The document provides information about homophones in three sentences:
1) Homophones are words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
2) Working in small groups helps create short skits demonstrating understanding of homophones.
3) Working in skill groups helps create homophone pairs strips showing the word and its meaning.
Incontro conclusivo del progetto di pubblica utilit "Agricoltura e Turismo alle porte della collina morenica". Investimento sul territorio di Roppolo, Viverone, Zimone e Dorzano. Assunzione di 4 posti di lavoro.
1. B.E.S. BioEducational Sciences Research Group
Questionario sulle Intelligenze Multiple
Attribuire a ciascuna frase di seguito riportata un punteggio da 1 a 5 a seconda delle
possibili risposte:
1 = pochissimo
2 = poco
3 = in parte
4 = molto
5 = moltissimo
1. I libri sono molto importanti per me
2. Eseguo calcoli mentali con facilit
3. Spesso vedo immagini chiare chiudendo gli occhi
4. Mi impegno con regolarit in attivit fisiche e in almeno uno sport
5. So cantare
6. Nel vicinato e al lavoro vengono a chiedermi consigli
7. Spesso medito riflettendo su importanti problemi della vita
8. Sento nella mia mente il suono delle parole prima di parlare, leggere o scrivere
9. La matematica e/o le scienze sono tra le mie materie preferite a scuola
10. Sono sensibile ai colori
11. Mi riesce difficile stare seduto fermo a lungo
12. Riconosco una nota stonata
13. Preferisco gli sport di gruppo a quelli individuali
14. Ho preso parte a seminari psicologici per conoscermi meglio
15. Ci嘆 che sento alla radio o nelle audiocassette mi rimane di pi湛 in mente rispetto a quello che
vedo in TV o nei film
16. Mi piacciono i giochi di logica
17. Uso frequentemente la videocamera e la macchina fotografica
18. Mi piacciono i lavori manuali (cucito, modellismo, bricolage)
19. Ascolto di frequente la radio, le cassette o i CD
20. Quando sono in difficolt, preferisco chiedere aiuto pi湛 che vedermela da solo
21. Ho capacit di recupero quando sono in arretrato
22. Mi piacciono i giochi di parole come lo Scarabeo o gli anagrammi
2. B.E.S. BioEducational Sciences Research Group
23. Mi piace pensare nuove soluzioni a problemi concreti e vedere che cosa succede
24. Mi diverto a fare i puzzle
25. Le idee migliori mi vengono quando sono impegnato in una attivit fisica (per esempio, quando
26. Suono uno strumento musicale
27. Ho almeno tre amici pi湛 stretti
28. Ho un interesse o un hobby cui tengo molto
29. Mi piace intrattenere gli amici o fare scioglilingua o rime scherzose
30. Mi applico a trovare criteri, modelli o sequenze logiche delle cose
31. Alcuni miei sogni sembrano veri
32. Mi piace passare il tempo libero allaperto
33. La mia vita sarebbe pi湛 povera senza la musica
34. Preferisco i giochi di societ come il bridge o il Monopoli ai solitari e ai videogiochi
35. Vi sono alcuni obiettivi importanti della mia vita ai quali penso spesso
36. Talvolta gli altri sono costretti a chiedermi il significato delle parole che uso nello scrivere e nel
37. Mi interessano i nuovi sviluppi della scienza
38. Di solito mi oriento in posti sconosciuti
39. Quando converso gesticolo di frequente
40. Delle volte mi sorprendo a camminare per la strada con un ritornello televisivo o un motivetto
nelle orecchie
41. Per me insegnare ci嘆 che so e che so fare 竪 una sfida che accetto con piacere
42. Ho una visione realistica dei miei punti di forza e di debolezza
43. Litaliano, gli studi sociali e la storia per me erano materie facili a scuola quanto la matematica
e le scienze
44. Credo che quasi tutto abbia una spiegazione razionale
45. Mi piace disegnare o scarabocchiare
46. Devo toccare le cose per conoscerle meglio
47. Mi riesce facile tenere il tempo di un motivo musicale con un semplice strumento a percussione
48. Mi considero un leader, o altri dicono che lo sia
49. Preferirei passare un fine settimana da solo in una casetta in un bosco anzich辿 in un bel luogo di
villeggiatura insieme a molte altre persone
50. Mentre sono in autostrada, presto pi湛 attenzione ai cartelli che al paesaggio
51. Delle volte il mio pensiero si esprime in concetti astratti e chiari, privi di parole e di immagini
3. B.E.S. BioEducational Sciences Research Group
52. A scuola la geometria 竪 pi湛 facile della algebra
53. Mi piacciono i divertimenti emozionanti come le montagne russe
54. Conosco i motivi di molte canzoni o pezzi musicali
55. Sto bene tra la folla
56. Mi considero una mente indipendente, o con molta forza di volont
57. Nella mia conversazione faccio spesso riferimento a cose che ho sentito o letto
58. Trovo che ci siano nessi logici in ci嘆 che la gente dice e fa a casa, al lavoro o a scuola
59. Posso facilmente immaginare come le cose apparirebbero dallalto
60. Penso che i miei movimenti siano coordinati
61. Se ascolto un brano musicale solo una o due volte, di solito sono capace di ripeterlo con
62. Mi fa piacere di partecipare ad attivit sociali collegate alla vita di comunit (al lavoro, alla
scuola, alla parrocchia)
63. Tengo un diario personale per annotare i ricordi e la mia vita interiore
64. Ho scritto qualcosa di cui sono stato orgoglioso e per cui ho avuto un riconoscimento da altri
65. Mi sento pi湛 tranquillo se qualcosa 竪 misurato, analizzato o quantificato
66. Preferisco leggere testi molto illustrati
67. Ho bisogno di mettere in pratica una abilit piuttosto che leggere al riguardo o guardare un
video che ne parla
68. Spesso tamburello con le dita o accenno melodie mentre lavoro o studio o imparo qualcosa di
69. Vorrei trascorrere le mie serate a feste e non rimanere a casa da solo/a
70. Preferisco lavorare da solo
4. B.E.S. BioEducational Sciences Research Group
Intelligenza linguistica
1 8 1 5 2 2 2 9 3 6 4 3 5 0 5 7 6 4
Intelligenza musicale
5 1 2 1 9 2 6 3 3 4 0 4 7 5 4 6 1 6 8
Intelligenza visuo-spaziale
3 1 0 1 7 2 4 3 1 3 8 4 5 5 2 5 9 6 6
Intelligenza logico-matematica
2 9 1 6 2 3 3 0 3 7 4 4 5 1 5 8 6 5
Intelligenza corporeo-cinestetica
4 1 1 1 8 2 5 3 2 3 9 4 6 5 3 6 0 6 7
Intelligenza interpersonale
6 1 3 2 0 2 7 3 4 4 1 4 8 5 5 6 2 6 9
Intelligenza intrapersonale
7 1 4 2 1 2 8 3 5 4 2 4 9 5 6 6 3 7 0
Nel riquadro sopra riportato scrivere su ogni numero (che corrisponde a una domanda nel
test) il punteggio attribuito alla domanda corrispondente. Sommare i punteggi per ogni tipo di
intelligenza. I risultati, calcolati in orizzontale, mostrano le percentuali che compongono la
propria configurazione intellettuale.