This document provides an overview of Maven concepts including the Project Object Model (POM), dependencies, lifecycles, plugins, profiles, and source code management. Maven is a build tool that manages dependencies, builds, reports and documentation of software projects. It uses a POM file to manage a project's build configuration and dependencies. The POM defines things like the project's dependencies, developers, plugins and more. Maven has built-in lifecycles and plugins that allow it to compile, test, package, install and deploy projects. It also supports profiles to customize builds for different environments.
55. 3. 在VbScript裏定義一常數FormID 代表[表單編號]
a. Outlook EFrom 和 ActiveXForm混合式表單:
Step1: Open AcmeActiveXForm樣本表單
Step2: In VBScript Change the follow Code
FormID = "OAform"
FormID = "你所須要的表單代碼"
Setp3: 另存新表單(設檔名為IPM.Note.AcmeForm1)
Step4:Open wfadmin.exe
Step5: 如圖:
56. b.Outlook Efrom:
Step1: Open AcmeForm樣本表單
Step2: In VBScript Change the follow Code
FormID = " SOutlook"
FormID = "你所須要的表單代碼"
Setp3: 另存新表單(設檔名為IPM.Note.AcmeForm)
Step4:Open wfadmin.exe
Step5: 如圖:
b. VbScript說明:
Function Item_Open()
Set AcmeServer = CreateObject("OutlookFlow.Server")
set AcmeServer.OutlookItem = Item
57. set AcmeServer.OurBar = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("表單_
").fmOurBar1 ‘傳入OurBar介面
set AcmeServer.OurForm = Item.GetInspector.ModifiedFormPages("表單
").fmOurForm1 ‘傳入OurFormr介面
Set WfMailItem = AcmeServer.Connect( FormID)
‘取得AcmeFlow 的MailItem介面
End Function
Function Item_Close()
Set WfMailItem = nothing ‘ Free WfMailItem
AcmeServer.Disconnect ‘Disconnect AcmeFlow
set AcmeServer= nothing ‘ Free AcmeServer
End Function
58. 三. OurBarEvent所觸發的事件
1.Sub OnClose() //關閉(ActiveXForm)表單時會觸發此一方法
End Sub
2.Sub OnBeforeAgree()
FmOurBar.Comment =
End Sub
3.Sub OnAfterAgree()
End Sub
4.Sub OnBeforeDisAllow()
59. End Sub
5.Sub OnAfterDisAllow()
End Sub
6.Sub OnBeforeReject()
End Sub
7.Sub OnAfterReject()
End Sub
8.Sub OnBeforeDelete()
End Sub
9.Sub OnAfterDelete()
End Sub
10.Sub OnItemComplete() ‘ 當流行完成時觸發
‘MsgBox "In Outlook Complete"
End Sub
11.Sub OnItemAbort() ‘當流行被終止時觸發
End Sub
61. 開啟表單
A c t i v e X F o r m 本身的F o r m C r e a t e E v e n t
將活動( 流程) 欄位屬性的預設值寫入A c t i v e X F o r m 的P r o p e r t y 或O u t l o o k E F o r m
的U se r p r o p e r t i e s欄位
I t e m _ O p e n
I t e m _ A g r e e
傳回W o r d B o o l
I t e m _ D i sA g r e e
傳回W o r d B o o l
I t e m _ R e j e c t
傳回W o r d B o o l
S e t _ M a i l I t e m
F a l se
F a l se
F a l se
T r u e
T r u e
I t e m _ S e n d
傳回W o r d B o o l
T r u e
I t e m _ C l o se
F a l se
I t e m _ A b o r t
將A c t i v e X F o r m 的P r o p e r t y 或O u t l o o k E F o r m 的U se r p r o p e r t i e s欄位寫回活動( 流
程) 欄位
流行完成I t e m _ C o m p l e t e