The document outlines several construction projects on Bonaire including social housing units, resorts, a youth center, office space, and private homes. It provides details on 25 social housing units, 10 cottage resort units near a pool and garden, 9 resort units with pool and bay views, multiple units at two resort locations, renovations and new construction for a youth center and Selibon office, and various private homes ranging from 180-350 square meters. Project costs range from 1.1 to 1.4 million florins.
This is a presentation of a simplified model to evaluate the probability of exceedance of any project, in any industry. More complex and sophisticated, custom tailored approaches are available, but this is the simplest first approach to avoid financial fiascoes of new projects.
The document discusses dreams and how achieving or helping others achieve their dreams can lead to fulfillment and happiness. It shares the author's childhood dreams of having short hair, becoming smart, and traveling the world. Although some dreams were not achieved directly, the author found purpose and joy in helping others succeed. The document advocates working hard, trusting in yourself, and helping others in pursuit of your dreams and happiness.
The Cinch Inch Loss Plan has shakes with Luceine, to prevent cravings and help you lose fat while keeping muscle. The herbs in the Boost 3-in-1 are new nutritional science finds in organic stress control and appetite suppressants.
There are 3 main ways to record a PowerPoint presentation: directly in PowerPoint, using Camtasia Studio external recording software, or setting up Camtasia Studio to record from within PowerPoint. When recording in Camtasia Studio, the software provides a recording toolbar for PowerPoint that allows starting, stopping, and cancelling recordings directly from within the PowerPoint interface.
An exploration of some of the Macintosh OS X troubleshooting myths. Originally presented to the Boston Macintosh Users Group (BMAC) on December 10, 2008
The User is Not Stupid The User is Your GirlfriendGeekMeet
The document discusses the importance of branding for the grapefruit company. It contains multiple sections that credit different photographers for the brand content, including E. Bacon, Christina Wodtke, Lauren Martin, and Todd Zaki Warfel. Each section reaffirms that the content is copyrighted under the Grapefruit brand in 2009.
We are a funded startup building the music video playground for KPop fans. And we're hiring a growth hacker!
See if you make the cut:
The document discusses the impact of the financial crisis on the textile industry in China. It outlines that the textile industry saw a 47% drop in production and a 17% drop in exports due to the crisis. The government took measures like expanding domestic demand, promoting technology advancement, and supporting overseas investment to help the industry. Enterprises improved technology, developed green products, extended their supply chains, and utilized different resources to survive the crisis. In conclusion, the document analyzes the status of the textile industry during the financial crisis and measures taken by both the government and enterprises.
Este documento resume varios bailes latinoamericanos populares como el cha-cha-ch叩, la samba, la rumba y el pasodoble. El cha-cha-ch叩 se origin坦 en Cuba en 1948 como una variaci坦n del danz坦n. La samba tiene sus or鱈genes en la m炭sica africana y se hizo famosa durante el carnaval de R鱈o de Janeiro. La rumba es un baile lento y er坦tico de origen afrocubano. El pasodoble era originalmente una marcha militar espa単ola que se convirti坦 en un baile
Comparing tv characters and tv programmesTeresaFDV
The document provides guidance on writing sentences comparing TV characters and programs by listing adjectives that can be used for comparison, such as old/young, good-looking/ugly for characters and interesting/boring, exciting/terrible for programs. It also gives examples of TV characters to compare like Peppa, Michelle, Pacino, Fran and programs to compare like Criminal Minds, The Weather Forecast, Doraemon, The News. The purpose is to help write sentences making comparisons between different TV characters and programs using descriptive adjectives and examples provided.
Petaluma Community Guild Guild Groundwater Forum Jay Jasperse & SGMA UpdatePetaluma Grange
際際滷 presentation from Jay Jasperse Chief Engineer and Director of Groundwater Management, Sonoma County Water Agency. Delivered at the Petaluma Community Guild's public forum "Our Water, Our Future: A North Bay Groundwater Management Forum" July 25 at Hessel Grange hall in Sebastopol, CA
Jukka Kumpuvuori, YK:n vammaissopimus - mit辰 siin辰 on sinulle? Autismin talvi...Autismiliitto
Vammaisten henkil旦iden oikeusturva ja niiden ajaminen. YK:n vammaissopimus ja yhdenvertaisuuslaki. Rikosoikeudellinen prosessi ja autismikirjon erityispiirteet.
際際滷 baseado na aula de literatura do Aulade
Fases e caracter鱈sticas
#Educa巽達o #Literatura #Renascimento #Classicismo #Artes
#Dante alighieri #Francesco petrarca #Giovanni boccaccio
#Nicolau Maquiavel #Thomas Morus #Lu鱈s de Cam探es #Michel de Montaigne #Fran巽ois Rabelais
#Miguel de Cervantes #Michelangelo #Donatello
#Leonardo da Vinci #Sandro Botticelli
A Revolu巽達o Russa de 1917 foi um per鱈odo de conflitos, iniciado em 1917, que derrubou a autocracia russa e levou ao poder o Partido Bolchevique, de Vladimir L棚nin. Rec辿m-industrializada e sofrendo com a Primeira Guerra Mundial, a R炭ssia tinha uma grande massa de oper叩rios e camponeses trabalhando muito e ganhando pouco. Al辿m disso, o governo absolutista do czar Nicolau II desagradava o povo, que queria uma lideran巽a menos opressiva e mais democr叩tica. A soma dos fatores levou a manifesta巽探es populares que fizeram o monarca renunciar e, no fim do processo, deram origem Uni達o Sovi辿tica, o primeiro pa鱈s socialista do mundo, que durou at辿 1991.
The document is a mapping and topography report for Siroun Agroplantation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It details the development of the plantation across 4 phases totaling 1400 hectares of land. Each phase is divided into stages of varying hectare sizes. The report also includes information on farm facilities and supporting units such as the farm office, mosque, boarding school, and demonstration plot area.
This presentation provides a pattern for scaling scrum teams to programs as well as provides some guidance for kicking off larger programs, dealing with program stakeholders as well explores scaling alternatives.
Presentaci坦 de suport per a taller de fam鱈lies per tal d'explicar com gestionar l'economia a la familia, elaboraci坦 de pressupostos familiars, gesti坦 de la despesa, etc.
There are 3 main ways to record a PowerPoint presentation: directly in PowerPoint, using Camtasia Studio external recording software, or setting up Camtasia Studio to record from within PowerPoint. When recording in Camtasia Studio, the software provides a recording toolbar for PowerPoint that allows starting, stopping, and cancelling recordings directly from within the PowerPoint interface.
An exploration of some of the Macintosh OS X troubleshooting myths. Originally presented to the Boston Macintosh Users Group (BMAC) on December 10, 2008
The User is Not Stupid The User is Your GirlfriendGeekMeet
The document discusses the importance of branding for the grapefruit company. It contains multiple sections that credit different photographers for the brand content, including E. Bacon, Christina Wodtke, Lauren Martin, and Todd Zaki Warfel. Each section reaffirms that the content is copyrighted under the Grapefruit brand in 2009.
We are a funded startup building the music video playground for KPop fans. And we're hiring a growth hacker!
See if you make the cut:
The document discusses the impact of the financial crisis on the textile industry in China. It outlines that the textile industry saw a 47% drop in production and a 17% drop in exports due to the crisis. The government took measures like expanding domestic demand, promoting technology advancement, and supporting overseas investment to help the industry. Enterprises improved technology, developed green products, extended their supply chains, and utilized different resources to survive the crisis. In conclusion, the document analyzes the status of the textile industry during the financial crisis and measures taken by both the government and enterprises.
Este documento resume varios bailes latinoamericanos populares como el cha-cha-ch叩, la samba, la rumba y el pasodoble. El cha-cha-ch叩 se origin坦 en Cuba en 1948 como una variaci坦n del danz坦n. La samba tiene sus or鱈genes en la m炭sica africana y se hizo famosa durante el carnaval de R鱈o de Janeiro. La rumba es un baile lento y er坦tico de origen afrocubano. El pasodoble era originalmente una marcha militar espa単ola que se convirti坦 en un baile
Comparing tv characters and tv programmesTeresaFDV
The document provides guidance on writing sentences comparing TV characters and programs by listing adjectives that can be used for comparison, such as old/young, good-looking/ugly for characters and interesting/boring, exciting/terrible for programs. It also gives examples of TV characters to compare like Peppa, Michelle, Pacino, Fran and programs to compare like Criminal Minds, The Weather Forecast, Doraemon, The News. The purpose is to help write sentences making comparisons between different TV characters and programs using descriptive adjectives and examples provided.
Petaluma Community Guild Guild Groundwater Forum Jay Jasperse & SGMA UpdatePetaluma Grange
際際滷 presentation from Jay Jasperse Chief Engineer and Director of Groundwater Management, Sonoma County Water Agency. Delivered at the Petaluma Community Guild's public forum "Our Water, Our Future: A North Bay Groundwater Management Forum" July 25 at Hessel Grange hall in Sebastopol, CA
Jukka Kumpuvuori, YK:n vammaissopimus - mit辰 siin辰 on sinulle? Autismin talvi...Autismiliitto
Vammaisten henkil旦iden oikeusturva ja niiden ajaminen. YK:n vammaissopimus ja yhdenvertaisuuslaki. Rikosoikeudellinen prosessi ja autismikirjon erityispiirteet.
際際滷 baseado na aula de literatura do Aulade
Fases e caracter鱈sticas
#Educa巽達o #Literatura #Renascimento #Classicismo #Artes
#Dante alighieri #Francesco petrarca #Giovanni boccaccio
#Nicolau Maquiavel #Thomas Morus #Lu鱈s de Cam探es #Michel de Montaigne #Fran巽ois Rabelais
#Miguel de Cervantes #Michelangelo #Donatello
#Leonardo da Vinci #Sandro Botticelli
A Revolu巽達o Russa de 1917 foi um per鱈odo de conflitos, iniciado em 1917, que derrubou a autocracia russa e levou ao poder o Partido Bolchevique, de Vladimir L棚nin. Rec辿m-industrializada e sofrendo com a Primeira Guerra Mundial, a R炭ssia tinha uma grande massa de oper叩rios e camponeses trabalhando muito e ganhando pouco. Al辿m disso, o governo absolutista do czar Nicolau II desagradava o povo, que queria uma lideran巽a menos opressiva e mais democr叩tica. A soma dos fatores levou a manifesta巽探es populares que fizeram o monarca renunciar e, no fim do processo, deram origem Uni達o Sovi辿tica, o primeiro pa鱈s socialista do mundo, que durou at辿 1991.
The document is a mapping and topography report for Siroun Agroplantation in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. It details the development of the plantation across 4 phases totaling 1400 hectares of land. Each phase is divided into stages of varying hectare sizes. The report also includes information on farm facilities and supporting units such as the farm office, mosque, boarding school, and demonstration plot area.
This presentation provides a pattern for scaling scrum teams to programs as well as provides some guidance for kicking off larger programs, dealing with program stakeholders as well explores scaling alternatives.
Presentaci坦 de suport per a taller de fam鱈lies per tal d'explicar com gestionar l'economia a la familia, elaboraci坦 de pressupostos familiars, gesti坦 de la despesa, etc.
Entrevista Catalan Un bon venedor genera confian巽a en 5 segonsMonica Mendoza
Psic嘆loga experta en mrqueting i autora del llibre Lo que no te cuentan en los libros de ventas
Un bon venedor genera confian巽a en 5 segons
Conoce mas de Monica Mendoza en sus canales :
Youtube :
L'Ajuntament dels Hostalets de Pierola des de la Regidoria de Promoci坦 econ嘆mica posa en marxa cursos per a persones emprenedores.
En aquest cas un curs per potenciar la comunicaci坦 i vendre m辿s al seu negoci.
1. Quines 10 coses no em de fer per evitar la crisi. Cludia Fernandez.
2. Errors imperdonables no! -No han de cometre "errors imperdonables" en moments de dificultats econ嘆miques com el qual vam viure. - Hem de tornar-nos m辿s exigents i no caure en el desnim. - S辿 m辿s estricte que mai amb els comptes.
3. 1. Amargar-se : Cal ser conscients de les dificultats econ嘆miques que travessem, per嘆 no ha de condir el pnic. Gastar menys no significa viure pitjor.油 油 油 油 油 2. Despistar-se en el treball : D坦na't a con竪ixer m辿s que mai, implica't, millora la teva formaci坦 en la mesura que sigui possible i esfor巽a't m辿s que mai.
4. 3. Usar Internet nom辿s per al correu : En la Xarxa tens un enorme ventall de possibilitats amb un preu assequible: tens a m el teu banc i pots veure v鱈deos, escoltar m炭sica, desenvolupar projectes, buscar treball... a m辿s, moltes vegades l'oferta m辿s competitiva per a viatjar est en Internet.油 油 油 油 油 4. Deixar-se dur pels impulsos : Cal comprar amb cap, d'acord a una llista pr竪via. fer la compra sense saber el que es precisa implica un 30% m辿s de despesa. Opta per productes de temporada i marques blanques.
5. 5. Comprar en el primer lloc que trobem : Compara preus i busca la botiga m辿s competitiva. No et deixis dur per la primera impressi坦, perqu竪 pot ser que no sigui tan barat com penses.油 油 油 油 6. Llen巽ar els extractes bancaris sense llegir-los : No est de m辿s que spigues en quines coses pots estalviar. Usa transport p炭blic, utilitza la rentadora i el rentavaixella nom辿s quan estiguin plens, evita apuntar-te a llocs als quals no penses acudir i si sopars amb els amics, millor en la seva casa que en un restaurant.
6. 油 7. Parlar amb el nostre banc d'any en any : Vigila les comissions que et cobren, perqu竪 les entitats poden aprofitar la conjuntura per a pujar-les. Vigila les factures i no deixis que vencin.油 油 油 8. No estalviar : Si tens diners estalviats, no ho posis a terminis massa llargs. s millor poder retirar-lo aviat sense cost, encara que la rendibilitat sigui menor. Si pot ser, mantingues un nivell d'estalvi que et permeti pagar les despeses fixes durant almenys sis mesos. No t'endeutis m辿s del que ests i evita els cr竪dits al consum o de diners rpids.
7. 9. Deixar-se dur per "el que fa la gent" : En moments de dificultats econ嘆miques, la remor pot ser l'avantsala d'una decisi坦 err嘆nia. No oblidis que el que per a uns altres pot ser convenient a tu et pot perjudicar.油 油 油 10. Realitzar o contreure pr辿stecs arriscats : La Borsa 辿s una muntanya russa, per tant 辿s preferible que inverteixis en productes de rendibilitat fixa com bons o lletres. Cura amb els pr辿stecs en monedes distintes a l'euro. Sentir-se atret per l'oferta d'interessos molt m辿s baixos als quals tenim en la eurozona implica un gran risc. Articles relacionats